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Practical meric. es TION a IDENTIFICATION OF GASES Chapter’s Essence € Thy Identification of gases: Hydrogen, Orygen, Carbon dioade, Chierine, chloride, Sulphur dioxide, Preparation, Hydrogen tobi Ammonia, (a) erg Feaction of active metals with dilute sulphuric acid or hydrochloric Mg + dil. H,SO, + Mgso, +H, 1 ae 42HCl > ZnCl,+H,t (b) By the reaction of hot and concentrated NaOH or KOH with Zn, Al, © Action of heat on: Copper carbonate, Zinc carbonate, Zinc . Pb+2NaOH -> Na,PbO, +H, nitrate, Copper nitrate, Lead nitrate Identification 1, The evolved gas is colourless and odourless, Its neutral to litmus. ‘burning splinter is extinguished in hydrogen but hydrogen burns with pale-blue flame producing ‘pop’ sound. 2. Oxygen (0,) Preparation (@) By heating potassium chlorate, potassium dichromate, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or lead dioxide. \ARCIO, + 2kcI+ 30, t 2H,0, —+2H,0+0,1 (b) By heating alkali metal nitrates. 2NaNO, —*-+ 2NaNO, +0, + Identification 1. The evolved gas is colourless and odourless. 2. Ibis neutral to litmus. \3e* Itreignites a glowing splinter. 1 When passed into a colourless alkaline solution of py solution turns brown, (H,0) Identification 1 Uisacolourtess gas witha suffocating smell ofburing su > CuSO, + 511.0 te, Sad It turns blue litmus solution or moist blue litmus paper ae) “toms orange-coloured acidified solution of Potassium dichromate green. 0: TSO, 80, —> 80, desopiend ~\ ‘turns white anhydrous copper sulphate au Scala pink- caicaibie potassium ss permanganate solution. YeMino,+2h,04550\—+ 0, +42MnS0,+ 21$0, 3. Hydrogen Chloride Gas (HCI) Preparation By the action of concentrated sulphuric acid on metal chlorides. OCI+HSO, | NaHSO,+HEIT ith “ae ai KCl+HSO, —+ KHSO, +HCIt = €a80, +10 +0, Identification +H,0+00,7 is a colourless and pungent smelling gas. ra turns moist blue litmus paper red. 3, It fumes in moist air. AecWhen a glass rod dipped in ammonia solution is brought in contact with hydrogen chloride gas, white dense fumes of ammonium chloride are formed. Frelg) + Nuaq) = NiKCI) \_ the gas is passed into silver nitrate solution, white curdy precipitate of AgCl is formed. ed Ag} + HNG,_ recipitate of AgCl is soluble in NH,OH. | AaGL + 2NHOH —NagiNH)sicl + 24,0 Sulphide (H,S) > Na,CO, + 10H,0 Hodourless. It forms clear liquid on pink. By the action of dilute H.SO, or HCl on me sulphides. ——-*FeS+H,SO, (dil) —~ FeSO,+ HST , (dil) —+ CusO,+H.S7 {gas with the smell of rotten eggs. lead acetate paper black. +HS — 2CH,COOH + Pbs Pate frange-coloured acidified solution of Identification assim | 7 j Ut is reddish-brown coloured gas with an jpg ng . sinell. SFTHOT moist blue litmus paper to red. ss. “It liberates violet vapour of iodine from ss ‘iodide solution. Posesan +2N0, So KNOL Liberated iodine turns moist starch paper brown, 10.1.3 Basic Gas A Keamonia (H) By treating ammonium salts with an alkali “Ammonium salt+ Alkali —> Salt + Water + Ammonia [,Cl+ Ca(OH), —> CaCl, +2H,0+2NH t (NH))$0,+2N2OH —> NaSO, +2H,0s2Ni17 Preparation ‘a colourless gas with a characteristic pungent red litmus solution o moist red litmus paper n a glass rod dipped in hydrochloric acid is ‘in contact with ammonia, white dense fumes d copper sulphate solution, a pale-biue ite is obtained. 0,+2NH,OH —> Cu(OH),t + (NH))SO, ting more NH,OH, the pale-blue precipitate to give a deep-blue or inky-blue solution. ), + (NH,),80, + 2NH,OH —> [Cu(NH,),]$0,+4H1,0 colour with Nessler’s reagent. {a) Give w chemical test to idemity the fo (Chlorine ' PWN ses (i) Hydrogen (ii) Oxygen {iv) Sulphur dioxide (#) Hydrogen chloride (ei) Ammonia () State the gas responsible for the Bleaching action (©) Which gas turns blue cobalt chlorid, : ide paper light pink? 2 Giveschemical testo distinguish between the following nn (a) H,and CO, Pie (b) CO, and SO, (c) Hand 0, (4) HCl and H1,s (e) HCland Cl, (@) NH, and HCL (f) NH, and SO, 3. Name the gas that (a) turns moist red litmus blue. he. Gp No- 2 10.2 ACTION OF HEAT ON A GIVEN q (UNKNOWN) SUBSTANCE On heating, salts undergo characteristic observable changes. Some salts give off the water of crystallization, while some decompose to give off gas/vapour. Some (a) Light green amorphous powder turns to black, ‘on strong heating. (b) Gives off a colourless, odourless gas that extinguishes a burning wooden splinter. lime water milky. V (€)_Are gs has no efit on aciifedK,C,0, oF acidified KMnO,, Lt Af NES (0) urns mois starch iodide paper bive black (9) does not affect acidified K,Cr,0, paper but turns lime water milky. ‘What do you observe when (9) HCLis passed through silver nitrate solution (8) Cl, is passed through potassium iodide (KI) solution. (©) Cobalt chloride paper is introduced in water vapour (2) CO, is passed through lime water frst and then a litle (¢)_ H,Sis passed through lead nitrate solution, 5. Name (a) A greenish-yellow gas (b) A gas with a rotten egg smell, (6) Abrown gas. (€) Two carbonates that do not produce carbon dioxide on heating. (©) Two nitrates that do not produce nitrogen dioxide on heating salts change their colour on heating, while some others sublimate, Careful observation of these changes and identification of gases evolved helps to identify the given salt ( Ycuco, + cud +c0, *) a ‘The residue is copper oxide, > ‘The gas evolved is carbon dioxide. > Deduction: Light green powder is copper carbonate Practical Work 7 Za(NO,), 6H,0 —*- ZNO), + 6,0 =2Zn(NO,), — 2Zn0 + 4NO, 1 +0, 1 is zinc oxide. a ‘The evolved gases are water vapour, nitrogen dioxide ang | Observations gome Gene salt on heati | Ammon ng with alkali (exce jum hydroxide) produces ammonia E as On heating, Ammonium nitrate (expl Sepeesin:chlorideleaves no residue *4 ‘Ammonium dichromate when heated leaves greenish _— (NH),Cr,0, > Cr,0, + N, + 4H. new) greenish grey 5 Carbonates and bicarbonates when heated ‘carbon dioxide (except K,CO, and Na,CO,). oe 5. Hydrated salts when heated produce water vapour. |. Sulphites and some sulphates when heated form sulphur dioxide gas. F Pb,O,, HgO, KNO,, NaNO, when heated - oxygen gas. ‘Lead compounds decompose to produce lead monoxide PbO (litharge). ~ PbO is brown when hot, yellow when cold and it sticks tothe glass test tube. -compounds decompose to give black coloured oxide. —*+ CuO + C0, CS IDENTIFICATION OF IONS Zinc compounds decompose when heated to give zine oxide ZnCO, > ZnO + CO, Zinc oxide is yellow when hot, and white when cold. 290 ==> 200 white yellow Dry test involves colour, density, physical state, dry heating and flame test. Wet test involves adding reagents to identify the substance by observation such as colour change Identification of ions is usually done in a solution state. Prepare an aqueous solution of salt by dissolving it in water. Add nitric acid if the salt does not dissolve in water. A nnitrate of the salt is formed, which is soluble in water. Cations are tested by the action of alkalis. They give characteristic coloured precipitates of metallic hydroxide ‘Take care while adding the alkali to the salt solution, add it slowly-at first (one drop at a time). Ifitis added too quickly, it is possible to miss a precipitate because it redissolves in excess of alkali No ppt. White chalky ppt Insoluble in excess White gelatinous ppt. Soluble in excess Soluble in excess 2 Copper Pale blue ppt. Pale blue ppt. Insoluble in excess Soluble in excess - deep blue solution Tron (I) | Pale green ppt. turning brown. Pale green ppt. turning brown Insoluble in excess Insoluble in excess Tron (Ill) | Reddish-brown ppt. Reddish-brown ppt Insoluble in excess Insoluble in excess ie est for NH; salt When caustic alkali (NaH or KOH) is add IfNessler’s reagent is added to an am led to an ammonium salt, ammonia gas is evolved. monium salt solution, it turns brown. racic ven QS 12 Mestfication of Anions Anions are tested by their reactions with acids or with specific reagents. -adlding ditute sulphuric acid mall quan of ext in a| Brisk effervescence i here and | The evolved gasis carbon dion ‘test tube. Add dilute H,SO, Warm |a_gotouress and odourless gas 1s 4, ifno action in cold. Golved. | support combustion i twill not \s extinguished. | | burning splinter get | Jt turns moist blue litmus to faint red colour. \aaeSit “alt contains Carbonate jg (Then pss the gs though lines rs milky. are Ives to (©) | Tpthe above precipitate, pass CO,| The white precipitate dissol | Gas in excess or add dilute nitric form colourless solution, acid in excess. | “Take small quantity of salt ina test| A” gas sgith rotten egg smell is|The evolved gas is hydrogen tube. Add dil. H,SO, acid. ‘evolved. It turns moist blue litmus) sulphide, paper red. | ‘Moist lead acetate paper turns| The salt contains Sulphide jon Bring a moist lead acetate paper near the gas evolved. black. (S*). ‘Take a small quantity of salt in a| Gas evolved has a suffocating |The gas evolved is Sulphur dioxide test tube. Add dilute H,SO, acid | odour of burning sulphur. (warm if necessary). | Bring. filter paper moistened with | Golden yellow or orange colour) The salt contains Sulphite ion acidified K,Cr,0, near the gas. | paper turns to green. [609 ree ames Hess gas (HCI) evolves| Ghloride ion (Ci) may be present. ‘onc. H,$0,, Then warm it gently: pungent odour. Bring 2 glass rod having a drop of ammonia| Dense white fumes are formed. Chloride ion (Ci ‘solution near the gas evolved in (a). confirmed (©) | Add a pinch of ¢ dioxide to the salt.| Greenish-yellow gas evolves witha Chloride ion (Cl) ‘pungent odour, and it turns moist | confirmed. starch iodide paper blue black. hite precipitate of AgCl is| Chloride ion (Ci ed which dissolves in-/confirmed. HOH. eS ‘brown fumesareevolved. |The gas evolved is The fumes become thick on| Hittogen dioxide and st ladding copper turnings. | contains Nitrate (NO,) pwn ring appears at the) Nitrate ion (NO. tion of the two liquid layers. confirmed disappears on shaking ‘Then, add conc. H,SO, and heat. sulphate ion to the salt sohution, a {ity le nitric 2 | Add to the solution, acetic ac ana then add barium chloride solution po precip 1 ‘insoluble in mineral a ate is obtained, which is | Sulphate ion (SO,") ci, | jal id and then A white | ieciirmed eee tation ote Precipitate is obtained, which is| Sulphate ion (SO,") a Soluticn.” X88 Of ammonium. acetate | confirmed “On adding sodium carbonate. | ‘On adding ammonium carbonate Indicator tests ‘On adding moist litmus solution } Blue turns red On adding methyl orange | Orange turns pink pOnadding phenolphthalein | Colourtess re Chemical | | Noammonia gas evolved ire Chlorine gas is not evolved jon. | The filtrate is brownish in colour Red turns blue Orange turns yellow emains colourless | Colourless turns pink Carbon dioxide is evolved (test| Carbon dioxide is not evolved with lime water) | Ammonia gas evolved (test with red litmus and bring a glass rod dipped in | HCI in contact with the gas) apper oxide and Manganese dioxide Manganese dioxide Greenish-yellow gas chlorine is evolved, |The filtrate is. bluish in colour. The pale blue precipitate is formed, which is soluble in | No precipitate is formed. excess of ammonium hydroxide, giving an azure blue colour (deep blue) to the solution J. Adwhite erystaline salt was tested as given below: -(@) It dissolved in water and the resulting solution of the ‘salt turned blue litmus red. (b) Addition of barium chloride solution into this solution ave a white precipitate, (©) A flame test on the sat gave a persistent golden-yellow colourisation. ‘Write the conclusions drawn for each observation. 2, Name the enion present in each ofthe following compounds: (a) Compound A when warmed with concentrated ‘sulphuric acid gives a gas that fumes in moist air land which gives dense white fumes with ammonia, (b)_ When barium chloride solution is added to a sokution of compound B. white precipitate insoluble in dilute hydrochloric ac i formed. (©) ‘The action of the heat on the insoluble compound C produces a gas which turns limewater turbid. (@) Compound D when warmed with dilute sulphuric acid gives a gas which tums acidified dichromate solution green ‘When an ammonium saltis warmed with sodium hydroxide solution, ammonia gas is evolved, State three ways in which you could identify this gas. Practical Work: €

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