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History: Chapters – 7, 8, 9 & 10


Q1. William Jones was a linguist because:

Ans1. He knew Greek, Latin, French, English and Persian

Q2. Who set up Asiatic Society of Bengal?

Ans2. William Jones, Henry Thomas Colebrook and Nathaniel Halhed

Q3. Madrasa was set up in, Calcutta in the year

Ans3. 1781

Q4. According to whom, “English education had enslaved Indians”?

Ans4. Mahatma Gandhi

Q5. The Education Act was introduced in the year.

Ans5. 1835

Q6. Asiatick Research General was NOT introduced by

Ans6. William Carey

Q7. Study of which one of the following was NOT the purpose of setting up Madrasa in Calcutta in 1781
Ans7. Sanskrit

Q8. Who was Charles Wood?

Ans8. The President of Board of Control of the Company

Q9. English Education Act was passed

Ans9. To make the English the medium of the instruction of higher education

Q10. What type of school did Tagore want to set up?

Ans10. Where the child was happy, free and creative and able to explore her own thoughts and desire

Q11. Who said this “Education means all round drawing out the best in child and man-body, mind and
Ans11. Mahatma Gandhi

Q12. A person who knows and studies several languages is known as

 Ans12. Linguist

Q13. Q2- ______ was one of the first Company officials to study Sanskrit.
Ans13. William Jones

Q14. William Jones had started a journal which was called

Ans14. Asiatick Research

Q15. _______ was an English official who had deep respect for the Indian culture.
Ans15. Henry Colebrook

Q16. To promote Islamic law, a madarasa was set up at ______ in 1861.

Ans16. Calcutta

Q17. Those who have scholarly knowledge of Asiatic language and culture are called _____
Ans17. Orientalists

Q18. Wood’s Dispatch for ‘Education for Commerce’ in India was introduced by ____.
Ans18. Charles Wood

Q19. A person who can read, write and teach Persian is known as _______
Ans19. Munshi

Q20. Wood’s Dispatch also aimed at clearing _______ of Indian people.

Ans20. Moral Character

Q21. _______ saw India as an uncivilised society that needed to be civilised.

Ans21. Thomas Macaulay

Q22. Until 1813, East India Company was opposed to the _______ in India.
Ans22. Missionary Activities

Q23. ________ College was established in Calcutta on the banks of river Hooghly.
Ans23. Madrasa

Q24. _______ was one of the first British officials to attack the views of Orientalists.
Ans24. James Mill

Q25. According to Adam’s report, there were over ____ schools in rural Bihar and Bengal in the 1830s.
Ans25. I lakh

Q26. _____ toured Bihar and Bengal in the 1830s to prepare a report on Education in vernacular schools.
Ans26. William Adams
Q27. In the 1830s, no classes were held for rural students once ______ started.
Ans27. Harvest season

Q28. To promote study of English texts, the company set up a Hindu College in _____.
Ans28. Benaras

Q29.  ___ was a Scottish Missionary who helped to establish Serampore Mission.
Ans29. William Carey

Q30. Wood’s Dispatch was introduced in _____.

Ans30. 1935

Q31. ______ had argued that English education had enslaved Indians.
Ans31. Mahatma Gandhi

Q32. According to Aurbindo Ghosh, education should awaken the spirit of ___ among students of India.
Ans32. Nationality

Q33. _____ city is situated on the banks of river Hooghly.

Ans33. Calcutta

Q34. _______ started Shantiniketan in 1901.

Ans34. Rabindranath Tagore

Q35. The _______ established the University of Bombay.

Ans35. British

Q36. Hindu College came up in _____ to promote study of Hindu religious texts.
Ans36. 1791

Q37. Rural _____ which accepted new rules were supported through government grants by the Company.
Ans37. Pathshalas

Q38. _______ first started setting up schools exclusively for girls’ education.
Ans38. Christian Missionaries

Q39. Tagore wanted to combine the elements of _____ with traditional Indian Education.
Ans39. Western Education

Q40. In 1854, the Company appointed several _______ to look after four to five local schools.
Ans40. Government Pandits

Q41. Some comments about the Orientalist Vision of Learning by the British are given below. Select the one that is not applicable to this particular style of learning.
Ans41. British observed that Western literature was non-serious and light hearted.

Q42. Which year was the English education Act introduced in India?
Ans42. 1835

Q43. In countries like India, British used this term to mark the difference between the local languages and everyday use and English. This term is generally used to refer to a local
language or dialect as distinct from what is seen as the standard language.
Ans43. Vernacular

Q44. Three Englishmen were busy discovering the ancient Indian heritage and mastering Indian languages. One was Willam Jones and another Henry Thomas Colebrooke. Name
the third person.
Ans44. Nathaniel Halhed

Q45. Name the person who was a part of the Scottish missionary who helped to establish the Serampore Mission.
Ans45. William Carey

Q46. A person who can read, write and teach Persian is called a _________.
Ans46. Munshi

Q47. Where in India a Madrasa was set up in 1781 to promote the study of Arabic, Persian and Islamic Law ?
Ans47. Calcutta

Q48. Warren Hastings took the initiative to set up a Madras at one of the important cities of India and believed that the ancient customs of the country and Oriental learning
ought to be the basis of British rule in India. Which city is being referred to here?
Ans48. Calcutta

Q49. How did the European learning improve the moral character of Indians?
Ans49. It would make them change their tastes and desires and create a demand for British goods

Q50. Lord Macaulay emphasized the need to teach this language. Which language did he insist to teach?
Ans50. English

Q51. The temples of darkness that were falling of themselves into decay. Who said these words about the Calcutta Madrasa and Benares Sanskrit College?
Ans51. Lord Macaulay

Q52. What does the Arabic word Madrasa refer to?

Ans52. A place of learning, a school or college
Q53. Who started the journal Asiatick Researches?
Ans53. William Jones

Q54. Name the important scholar who studied Sanskrit and found it to be the most scientific language of the world. He also translated the important works Shakuntala and
Manusmriti into English
Ans54. William Jones

Q55. Complete by choosing the most appropriate word from the following list of options. The introduction of _____________ brought with it ideas of democracy, liberty,
fraternity among the minds of Indians
Ans55. Western education

Q56. Which year did the Court of Directors of the East India Company in London sent an educational dispatch to the Governor General in India?
Ans56. 1854

Q57. What would you call a person who knows several languages?
Ans57. Linguist
Q58. Name the President of the Board of Control in England who sent a dispatch.
Ans58. Charles Wood

Q59. Those with a scholarly knowledge of the language and culture of Asia were known as:
Ans59. Orientalists

Q60. Hindu College was established in the year

Ans60. 1891

Q61. In 1830s, a Scottish missionary who toured the districts of Bihar and Bengal
Ans61. William Adams

Q62. The introduction of __________ brought with its idea of democracy, modernity, liberty, fraternity among the minds of Indians
Ans62. Western Education

Q63. Who started the Journal Asiatick Reaserchers?

Ans63. William Jones

Q64. The _______ established the University of Bombay

Ans64. British

Q65. ______ had argued that English education had enslaved Indians
Ans65. Mahatma Gandhi

Q66. The English Education Act was passed to

Ans66. Materialize Macaulay’s thinking, to make the English the medium of education and to stop the promotion of oriental institutions

Q67. _____ were often treated as untouchables.

Ans67. Shudras

Q68. Brahmo Samaj was founded by _______.

Ans68. Raja Rammohum Roy

Q69. The practise of Sati was banned in ____.

Ans69. 1829

Q70.  ________ encouraged widow remarriages in 19th century India.

Ans70. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

Q71.  ______ was the founder of Arya Samaj in India.

Ans71. Swami Dayananda Saraswati

Q72. _____ aimed at reforming controversial customs of Hinduism.

Ans72. Arya Samaj

Q73. _______ is one of the upper castes that still exists today.
Ans73. Kshatriyas

Q74. Widows’ Home in Poona was established by ______.

Ans74. Pandita Ramabai

Q75. ______ was one of the Muslim women reformers of 19th century.
Ans75. Mumtaz Ali

Q76. Child Marriage Restraint Act was passed by the British in _____.
Ans76. 1929

Q77. Stripurushtulana was written by _____.

Ans77. Tarabai Shinde

Q78.  _____ was founded in 1849 in Bombay.

Ans78. Paramhans MANDALI

Q79. _____ established the school for girls in Maharastra.

Ans79. Jyotiba Phule
Q80. Raja Rammohan Roy focused on spreading ____ all over the country.
Ans80. Western Education

Q81. _____ were the castes that made shoes in Andhra Pradesh.
Ans81. Mudiga

Q82. ___ started schools for Muslim girls in Patna.

Ans82. Begum Rokya Shakhawat Hussain

Q83. Indian labourers were sent to work in the plantations of ____ by the British.
Ans83. Mauritius

Q84.  ______ were first to set up schools for lower caste and tribal children.
Ans84. Christian Missionaries

Q85. Arya Samaj came into existence in ______.

Ans85. 1875

Q86. In most of the regions, Brahmins and Kshatriyas consider themselves as ______.
Ans86. Upper Caste

Q87. B R Ambedkar belonged to ______ caste.

Ans87. Mahar

Q88. Dubla caste people are primarily from the state of _____.
Ans88. Gujarat

Q89. The Satnami movement was led by ________.

Ans89. Ghasidas

Q90. ___ questioned religious texts that supported the caste system.
Ans90. Haridas Thakur

Q91. Self Respect movement was led by ______.

Ans91. Periyar

Q92. _______ was founded by Jyotiba Phule.

Ans92.. Satyashodhak Samaj

Q93.  ______ belonged to the Ezhava caste.

Ans93. Sri Narayana Guru

Q94. Jyotiba Phule studied in school set up by _____.

Ans94. Christian Misiionaries

Q95. Haridas Thakur belonged to ____ sect.

Ans95. Matua

Q96. The slaves of Africa were made to work in _____ plantations of America.
Ans96. Cotton

Q97. Ramkrishna Mission was founded by ______.

Ans97. Swami Vivekananda

Q98. ______ in Amritsar was established by the Singh Sabha Movement.

Ans98. Khalsa College

Q99.  _______ was established in Bombay in 1867.

Ans99. Prarthana Samaj

Q100. _____ was founded by Henry Derozio.

Ans100. Young Bengal Movement

Q101. Aligarh Muslim University was founded in _____.

Ans101. 1875

Q102. Paramhansa Mandali was founded in ___.

Ans102. 1840

Q103. ______ was a book written by Jyotiba Phule.

Ans103. Ghulamgiri

Q104.  ______ came up in Madras in 1867.

Ans104. Ved Samaj

Q105. Aligarh Movement was led by _______.

Ans105. Akbar Ali Khan

Q106. Women who died by burning themselves on the funeral pyre of their husbands were called ____
 Ans106. Devi
Q107. The idea of widow remarriage was advocated by
Ans107. Dayanand Saraswati

Q108. Widow Remarriage Act was passed in the year

Ans108. 1856

Q109. What is coolie ship?

Ans109. A ship that carried many Indians to Mauritius

Q110. E.V. Ramaswamy was known by the name

Ans110. Periyar

Q111. During which period did Ambedkar lead three temple entry movement?
Ans111. Between 1927 to 1935

Q112. Prarathana Samaj was founded by

Ans112. Raja Rammohun Roy

Q113. The first Urdu novels began to be written from

Ans113. the late nineteeth century

Q114. Who translated an old Buddhist text that was critical of caste.
Ans114. Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Q115. Followers of Brahmo Samaj started another one in Bombay in 1867. Name this Samaj that fought against social customs like child marriage and remarriage for widows.
Ans115. Prarthana Samaj

Q116. Name the important women personality who wrote and published a book Stripurushtulna, criticising the social differences between men and women
Ans116. Tarabai Shinde

Q117. Name the person who founded the Theosophical Society in India.
Ans117. Madame Blavatsky and Col

Q118. Montheism means

Ans118. Belief in one god

Q119. In which language women of the aristocratic Muslim households of North India learnt to read and write the Koran?
Ans119. Arabic

Q120. Under which Governor General did Raja Ram Mohan Roy initiative to ban Sati?
Ans120. William Bentick

Q121. The Mohammedan Anglo Oriental College was founded by

Ans121. Sayyid Ahmed Khan

Q122. Where did the first primary school for girls start at?
Ans122. Maharashtra

Q123. Name the social reformer who worked for the upliftment of women in Maharashtra
Ans123. Jyotirao Phule

Q124. Name the personality, from the list given below, who secretly learned to read and write in the flickering light of candles at night.
Ans124. Rashsundari Debi

Q125. His support for women upliftment made him pass the Widow Remarriage Act of 1856. Who is being referred to here?
Ans125. Ishwara Chandra Vidyasagar

Q126. Who was the important reformer who reinterpreted verses from the Koran to argue for women’s education
Ans126. Mumtaz Ali

Q127. Who formed the basis for the division of Indian society?
Ans127. Caste

Q128. What was the occupation of Madigas?

Ans128. Sewing Sandals

Q129. The Satnami Movement in central India was founded by:

Ans129. Ghasidas

Q130.Paramhans Mandali was founded in year

Ans130. 1940

Q131. Women who died by burning themselves on the funeral pyre of their husbands were called
Ans131. Sati
Q132. Widows’ Home in Poona was established by
Ans132. Pandita Ramabai

Q133. Marathi newspaper ‘Kesari’ was edited by

Ans133. Bal Gangadgar Tilak

Q134. Lala Lajpat Rai was a nationalist from

Ans134. Punjab

Q135. Which movement is associated with Chitta Ranjan Das?

Ans135. Non-Cooperation Movement

Q136. The founder of Khudai Khidmatgars was

Ans136. Badshah Khan

Q137. Who established Natal Congress?

Ans137. Mahatma Gandhi

Q138. Bengal was divided by British in year?

Ans138. 1905

Q139. Hindustan Socialist Association was related with the nationalists

Ans139. Bhagat Singh

Q140. The Vernacular Press Act was enacted in

Ans140. 1878

Q141. Ilbert Bill was introduced in

Ans141. 1878

Q142. Naoroji was ………… settled in London.

Ans142. A businessman and publicist

Q143. Second World War ended in

Ans143. 1945

Q144. The fight for Purn Swaraj was fought under the presidentship of
Ans144. Jawaharlal Nehru

Q145. Who was the first Governor-General of free India?

Ans145. C. Rajagopalchari

Q146. ______ was a Indian businessman and publicist based in London.

Ans146. Dadabhai Naoraji

Q147. _____ was the English founder of Congress. 

Ans147. A.O. Hume

Q148. _____ was first Muslim President of Indian National Congress.

Ans148. Badruddin Tayabji

Q149. ________ allowed for trial of Europeans by Indians.

Ans149. Ilbert Bill

Q150. The struggle for Partition of Bengal came to be known as

Ans150. Swadeshi Movement

Q151. Vandemataram Movement took place in _____.

Ans151. Deltaic Andhra

Q152. ______ was a Marathi newspaper edited by Bal Gangadhar Tilak.

Ans152. Kesari

Q153.  ______ was a book written by Dadabhai Naroji.

Ans153. Poverty and Un-British Rule in India

Q154. Lala Lajpat Rai was an active member of _______.

Ans154. Arya Samaj

Q155. ________ came out in 1878.

Ans155. Vernacular Press Act

Q156. Gandhiji arrived in India from _____ in 1915.

Ans156. South Africa

Q157. The Partition of Bengal was supported by ______.

Ans157. Muslim League

Q158. _______ was the first movement successfully led by Gandhiji in India.
Ans158. Champaran Movement

Q159. ______ was one of the Congress leaders from Bengal with radical objectives.
Ans159. Bepin Chandra Pal

Q160. _____ was passed in 1919.

Ans160. Rowlatt Act

Q161. ______ was Viceroy of India when partition of Bengal was announced.
Ans161. Lord Curzon

Q162.  ______ returned his knighthood after learning about Jallianwala mascare.
Ans162. Ravindranath Tagore

Q163. Freedom is our Birthright slogan was given by ________.

Ans163. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Q164.  _____ was one of the leaders of the Khilafat movement.

Ans164. Mohammad Ali

Q165. _______ and Muslim League signed a Historic Pact of Lucknow in 1916
Ans165. Congress

Q166. ____ gave up his law practise when Gandhiji started Non-Cooperation Movement
Ans166. Shaukat Ali

Q167. All India Muslim League was formed in _____ in 1906.

Ans167. Decca

Q168. Jallianwala Masscare took place in _____.

Ans168. 1919

Q169. Defence Expenditure of British government increased in 1919 after the ______.
Ans169. 1st World War

Q170. Gandhiji led Millworkers’ strike in Ahmedabad in _____.

Ans170. 1918

Q171. ____ is an honour that British Crown grants for one’s exceptional public service.
Ans171. Knighthood

Q172. Gandhiji had established ______ in South Africa.

Ans172. Natal Congress

Q173. Forest Satyagrah was staged by peasants and tribals of Andhra’s _____ district.
Ans173. Guntur

Q174. Simon Commission was headed by _____.

Ans174. Lord Simon

Q175. ______ was launched in 1930.

Ans175. Civil Disobedience Movement

Q176. ____ was a lawyer and freedom fighter from East Bengal.
Ans176. Chitta Ranjan Das

Q177. Gandhiji called of Non-Cooperation movement because of violence in ____

Ans177. Chauri Chaura

Q178. Congress supported British in 1st World War as they were critical of _____
Ans178. Hitler

Q179. Dandi March was led by ______ in 1930.

Ans179. Mahatma Gandhi

Q180.  _____ persuaded Mahatma Gandhi to allow women to participate in freedom 

Ans180. Sarojini Naidu

Q181. The religious functionaries of Sikh Gurdwaras are _____.

Ans181. Mahants

Q182. Sarojini Naidu became Congress President in _____

Ans182. 1925

Q183. Quit India Movement took place in _____.

Ans183. 1942

Q184. The Government of India Act was passed in _____.

Ans184. 1935

Q185. ______ was reorganised by Jinnah after 1934.

Ans185. Muslim League

Q186. Khudai Khidmatgars was founded by _______.

Ans186. Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan

Q187. ______ was the first woman president of Congress.

Ans187. Sarojini Naidu

Q188. _____ was a symbol of Hindu – Muslim Unity till 1920.

Ans188. M A Jinnah

Q189. ______ was formed by Subhash Chandra Bose.

Ans189. Indian National Army

Q190. Provincial autonomy was prescribed under _______ of 1935.

Ans190. Government of India Act

Q191. Ahmedabad is located on the banks of _____

Ans191. Sabarmati

Q192. The capacity to act independently without outside interference is termed as

Ans192. Sovereign

Q193. Where the Hindustan Socialist Association did was formed?

Ans193. Delhi

Q194. In which year Meerut Conspearcy took place?

Ans194. 1929

Q195. In which year was Mahatma Gandhi was born?

Ans195. 1869

Q196. In which year all India Farmers Union was formed?

Ans196. 1936

Q197. In which year ‘Workers Day’ was celebrated for the first time in India?
Ans197. 1927

Q198. Who gave the slogan ‘Jai Hind’?

Ans198. Subhash Chandra Bose

Q199. “Every blow on my body will prove to be a nail in the British coffin.” Who gave this statement.
Ans199. Lala Lajpat Rai

Q200. For which proposal Gandhi used the words a postdated cheque of a drowing bank?
Ans200. Wavel Proposal

Q201. Congress Socialist Party was formed in year?

Ann201. 1934

Q202. Who among the following were arrested firstly during Non-Cooperation movement?
Ans202. Ali Brothers

Q203. The leader who went on hunger strike for the Andhra Pradesh to protect the interest of Telugu speakers is
Ans203. Potti Sriramulu

Q204. ____ is known as the Father of Indian Constitution.

Ans204. B.R. Ambedkar

Q205.Subjects such as taxes and defence were covered under _____.

Ans205. Union list

Q206. _____ was the first Indian Governor General.

Ans206. C. Rajagopalchari

Q207.  Indian Constitution came into effect in _____.

Ans207. 1950

Q208. The Planning Commission was set up in ______.

Ans208. In

Q209. What was formulated in 1956?

Ans209.  Second Five Year Plan

Q210. Who was the first Prime Minister of India?

Ans210. Rajendra Prasad

Q211. Who was the first woman Chief Minister of independent India?
Ans211. Sucheta Kripalani

Q212. Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee?

Ans212. B R Ambedkar

Q213. Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by

Ans213. Nathuram Godse

Q214. In 1930, the state of Bombay was divided into _____ and Gujarat.
Ans214.  Maharashtra

Q215. ______is the older name of Karnataka.

Ans215. Mysore

Q216. In 1966, the state of Punjab was divided into Punjab and ______
Ans216. Haryana

Q217. Who was the first Prime Minister of independent India who hoisted the Indian flag on 15 August 1947?
Ans217. Jawaharlal Nehru

Q218. Pick out the date on which the new Indian Constitution came into force.
Ans218. On 26 January 1950

Q219. Who was the Deputy Prime Minister in the cabinet of the Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru?
Ans219. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Q220. the year in which the bilingual state of Bombay was divided into separate states for Marathi and Gujarati
Ans220. 1960

Q221. On which country’s model did Jawahar Lal Nehru develop the Five Year Plans?
Ans221. Soviet Union

Q222. Name the place in India where the Hindu ruler Maharaja Hari Singh ruled a majority of Muslim people
Ans222. Kashmir

Q223. Name the Hindu fanatic, who shot and killed Mahatma Gandhiji.
Ans223. Nathuram Godse

Q224. Which day is observed as the Sarvodaya Day every year?

Ans224. On 30th January

Q225.  Apart from building dams, name the important sector that was focused strongly on the Second Five Year Plan?

Ans225.  Heavy industries like steel

Q226. Based on which of the following did India, after the independence, reorganize the states ?

Ans226. On the basis of the language spoken

Q227. The Planning Commission designed and executed suitable policies for economic development based on a ________________ model

Ans227.  Mixed Economy

Q228. In which year was the State Reorganisation Committee set up to recommend the redrawing of district and provincial boundaries of many provinces ?

Ans228. 1956

Q229. What was the first dam built on the Chambal river in Madhya Pradesh ?

Ans229. Gandhi sagar dam

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