ESS Case Studies Master List

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Case Studies Master List

A key part of doing well in ESS is having relevant case studies and detailed examples related to all
topics of study that you can use as evidence in both short and long answers. The following table is a
comprehensive list of case studies and examples you should definitely know for exams. That being
said, there is absolutely more research you can conduct outside of this list that will augment your
overall ability to do well in this course.

When choosing case studies and examples to research - if not otherwise prescribed by your teacher -
keep the following in mind:
❏ Choose local examples related to your surrounding area whenever possible
❏ Choose places or incidents that are interesting to you - you’re more likely to remember them
❏ Choose case studies that overlap with multiple topics to minimise the work you have to do
❏ Example of an effective, efficient case study: The Great Barrier Reef. This case study
streamlines the studying process for exams, as it applies to…
❏ Area of biological significance (Topic 2)
❏ The importance of tropical biomes, endemic species/evolution(Topic 3)
❏ Aquatic food production & societies (Topic 4)
❏ Impacts of climate change (Topic 7)

Unit Required Case Studies/Detailed Examples

Topic 1 - 1.1 Environmental Value Systems

Foundations ❏ At least three detailed examples of how historical influences have
shaped the development of the modern environmental movement (eg.
Earth Day, Silent Spring, Chernobyl, Minamata disaster)

1.4 Sustainability
❏ Brief examples of the following types of natural capital: renewable,
replenishable and non-renewable)
❏ An understanding of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and its

1.5 Pollution
❏ An understanding of the origins, uses and consequences of DDT for
ecosystems and human systems

Topic 2 - 2.1 Species and Populations

Ecosystems & ❏ Example of fundamental niche vs. realised niche
ecology ❏ Examples with named species of each of the following population
interactions: predation, herbivory, parasitism, mutualism, disease,

2.2 Communities and Ecosystems

❏ Named examples of a food chain involving: producers, consumers and
❏ Named example(s) to explain bioaccumulation and biomagnification

2.3 Flows of Energy and Matter

❏ One detailed example of how human activities impact energy flows and
matter cycling (eg. deforestation, combustion of fossil fuels)

2.4 Biomes, Zonation, Succession

❏ One case study of zonation
❏ One case study with named pioneer, intermediate and climax species for
primary succession
❏ One case study with named pioneer, intermediate and climax species for
secondary succession
❏ Named species for compare and contrast between r- and k-strategists
❏ Explain the distributions, structure, biodiversity and relative productivity
of two pairs of contrasting biomes (eg. tropical vs. temperate forest,
desert vs. tundra)

2.5 Investigating Ecosystems

❏ Understanding of minimum five abiotic components of ecosystems and
their corresponding evaluating measures

Topic 3 - 3.2 Origins of Biodiversity

Biodiversity & ❏ Examples of the causes of the five major extinctions
3.3 Threats to Biodiversity
❏ Three detailed case studies of three different species: one that has
become extinct due to human activity, another that is critically
endangered, and a third species whose conservation status has been
improved by intervention
❏ Include information about the species ecological role, the
pressures on the species, consequences of extinction and species
restoration strategies
❏ Example of a conflict between exploitation, sustainable development
and conservation (eg. CAMPFIRE initiative in Zimbabwe)
❏ One detailed case study of the threats to biodiversity from human
activity in a given natural area of biological significance or conservation
area (can be a tropical ecosystem like the Great Barrier Reef to apply to
the following bullet point as well)
❏ One detailed case study of the impact of human activity on the
biodiversity of tropical biomes and the conflict between exploitation,
sustainable development and conservation in tropical biomes.

3.4 Conservation of Biodiversity

❏ One detailed case study evaluating the success of a protected area
❏ Examples of named keystone and charismatic species
Topic 4 - Water 4.1 Introduction to Water Systems
❏ One detailed example of human influence on the hydrological cycle with
regards to agriculture, deforestation and/or urbanisation (eg. the
Colorado River and agriculture)

4.2 Access to Freshwater

❏ One detailed case study of how shared freshwater resources have given
rise to international conflict (eg. the Nile Basin conflict)

4.3 Aquatic Food Production Systems

❏ One detailed case study of the controversial harvesting of a named
species (eg. whales and Inuit hunting)
❏ One detailed case study of unsustainable fishing and associated fishery
management strategies (eg. Bluefin Tuna)
❏ One detailed case study of the impacts of aquaculture (eg. shrimp
farming in Thailand)

4.4 Water Pollution

❏ Examples of both freshwater and marine pollution
❏ One example explaining the process and impacts eutrophication (eg. the
eutrophication of Lake Erie)

Topic 5 - Soils 5.2 Terrestrial Food Production Systems and Food Choices
❏ Two detailed case studies of contrasting food production systems
comparing the inputs, outputs, system characteristics, environmental
impacts, and socio-cultural systems (eg. industrial beef farming vs.
traditional Maasai livestock)

5.3 Soil Degradation and Conservation

❏ Examples of the differences between industrial and subsistence farming

Topic 6 - 6.2 Stratospheric Ozone

Atmosphere ❏ One detailed case study evaluating the role of national and international
organizations in reducing the emissions of ozone-depleting substances
(eg. the Montreal Protocol)

6.4 Acid Deposition

❏ Examples of the impacts of acid deposition on aquatic, terrestrial and
human systems

Topic 7 - 7.1 Energy Sources and Security

Climate change ❏ Detailed examples of the advantages and disadvantages of various
& energy energy sources, including: non-renewables (oil, coal, gas, nuclear) and
renewables (solar, wind, hydro, tidal, biomass, geothermal)
❏ One detailed case study of the energy security and strategies of a given
country (eg. Ethiopia, Denmark)
7.2 Climate Change Causes & Impacts
❏ Two detailed examples of the impacts of climate change (whether
beneficial/adverse) in different countries, including: changes in water
availability, distribution of biomes and crop growing areas, loss of
biodiversity and ecosystem services, coastal inundation, ocean
acidification, and damage to human health.
❏ Two detailed examples of contrasting viewpoints on climate change,
namely Al Gore, The Stern Report

7.3 Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

❏ Examples of carbon dioxide removal techniques (UN-REDD, biomass,
❏ Two detailed examples of mitigation AND adaptation strategies in a
named city/country (eg. the Thames Barrier in London)
❏ Detailed examples of international efforts to address climate change,
including: the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement, the IPCC

Topic 8 - Human 8.1 Human Population Dynamics

systems ❏ Brief examples of HICs/LICs and countries at each stage of the
demographic transition model (country names will suffice)
❏ 2 case studies on population policies (pro-natalist & anti-natalist) and
the impact they had on human population dynamics and growth (eg.
China, Singapore)

8.2 Resource Use in Society

❏ Brief examples of the four types of ecosystem services (supporting,
regulating, provisioning, cultural) with a basic understanding of their
❏ 1 case study each of a non-renewable and renewable resource & how it
is dynamic and has changed over time

8.3 Solid Domestic Waste

❏ Detailed examples of the pros & cons of the 4 main types of solid
domestic waste disposal options (landfills, incinerators, composting, the

8.4 Carrying Capacity & Ecological Footprints

❏ Examples of ecological footprints in one named HIC and one named LIC
and reasoning for why they differ

Please note a full ESS Guide is currently in the works, and this case study master list is just one part of
that! It should hopefully be finished prior to M20 exams. It will include:
❏ Complete summary notes for Topics 1-8
❏ Paper 1 & 2 guidance
❏ Essay writing strategies
❏ IA advice
❏ ...and more

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