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Chapter "1"

Linear Equations and Graphs

1) Solve the following equations and inequalities:

 3y – 4 = 6y – 19
-3y = -15

 -4x – 7 > 5
-4x > 12
x < -3

 2x + 3 < -4
2x < -7
x < -3.5

 -4 ≤ 2x – 3 ≤ 9
-1 ≤ 2x ≤ 12
-1/2 ≤ x ≤ 6

 -x/4 < 5/6

x > -10/3

 -3 ≤ 4 – 7u < 18
-7 ≤ -7u < 14
1 ≥ u > -2

2) Ticket Sales. A rock concert brought in $432,500 on the sale of 9,500 tickets. If the
tickets sold for $35 and $55 each, how many of each type of ticket were sold?
Let: x represent the number of tickets of $ 35 each.
y represent the number of tickets of $ 55 each.

x + y = 9500 (number)
35x + 55y = 432,500 (price)
x = 4,500 y= 5,000

3) Sales commissions. One employee of the computer store is paid a base salary of
$3,000 a month plus a 5% commission on all sales during the month.
a) How much must this employee sell in one month to earn a total of $4,000 for
the month?
b) A second employee is paid a base salary of $ 2,000 plus 8% commission on all
sales over $ 7,000 during the month. Determine the sales level at which both
employees receive the same monthly income.
c) If employees can select either of these payment methods, how would you
advise an employee to make this selection?
Let: x represent the amount of employee's sales in one month.
a) 3,000 + 0.05x = 4,000
0.05x = 1,000
x = $ 20,000
b) 2,000 + 0.08(x – 7,000) = 3,000 + 0.05x
2,000 + 0.08x – 560 = 3,000 + 0.05x
0.03x = 1,560
x = $ 52,000
c) x = $20,000
First salary = 3,000 + (0.05×20,000) = 4,000
Second salary = 2,000 + (0.08× (20,000 – 7,000)) = 3,040
x = $60,000
First salary = 3,000 + (0.05 × 60,000) = 6,000
Second salary = 2,000 + (0.08×(60,000 – 7,000)) = 6,240
The first employee will earn more until $52,000 in sales is achieved, after that the
second employee would earn more.

4) Break-even analysis. A publisher for a promising new novel figures fixed costs
(overhead, advances, promotion, copy editing, typesetting) at $55,000, and variable
costs (printing, paper, binding, and shipping) at $1.60 for each book produced. If the
book is sold to distributors for $11 each, how many must be produced and sold for the
publisher to break even?
Let: x represent the number of novels produced.
Cost: C(x) = 55,000 + 1.60x
Revenue: R(x) = 11x
To find the break-even point “ R = C ”
11x = 55,000 + 1.60x
9.4x = 55,000
x = 5,851
The company must sell 5,851 Novels to break even.
The company must sell more than 5,851 to make profit.
Note: If the company wants to start making a profit at the same production level, then
the price should increase over $11.

5) Break-even analysis. The publisher of a new book figures fixed costs at $92,000 and
variable costs at $2.10 for each book produced. If the book is sold to distributors for
$15 each, how many must be sold for the publisher to break even?
Let: x represent the number of books produced.
Cost: C(x) = 92,000 + 2.10x
Revenue: R(x) = 15x
To find the break-even point “ R = C ”
15x = 92,000 + 2.10x
12.9x = 92,000
x = 7,132
The company must sell 7,132 books to break even.
The company must sell more than 7,132 to make profit.

6) Find the slope of the equation: 8x + 5y = 20

(0 , 4)  y – intercept 8x + 5y = 20
(5/2 , 0)  x – intercept Or 5y = -8x + 20
m = (0 – 4) / (5/2 – 0) y = -8/5x + 4
m = -8/5 m = -8/5

7) a) Find an equation for the line that has slope 2/3 & passes through (6 , -2).
b) Find an equation for the line that passes through (2 , -3) & (4 , 3).
c) Find an equation for the vertical line passes through the point (3 , 2).
a) y = y1 + m(x – x1)
= -2 + 2/3(x – 6)
= 2/3x – 6
b) m = (y2 – y1) / (x2 – x1) = 3 – (-3) / (4 – 2)
y = y1 + m(x – x1)
= -3 + 3(x – 2)
= 3x – 9
c) Vertical line  whatever the value of y  x = 3
the equation is x = 3

8) Find the intercept of the equation: 2x + 3y = 6

x=0  y=2 (0 , 2)  y – intercept
y=0  x=3 (3 , 0)  x – intercept

9) Find the slope and y – intercept of the following equation: y = -5/2x – 9

Slope (m) = -5/2 , y – intercept = -9

10) Write the equation of the line with the indicated slope & y – intercept. Slope = 2 &
y – intercept = 1
y = mx + b
y = 2x + 1 Or y – 2x = 2

11) Smoking Cigarette. The percentage of male cigarette smokers in the United States
declined from 25.2% in 2001 to 23.9% in 2006. Find the year in which the percentage
of male smokers falls below 20%.
m = (y2 – y1) / (x2 – x1) = -0.0026
(2001, 25.2%)
y = y1 + m(x – x1)
y = 25.2% - 0.0026(x – 2001) (2006, 23.9%)
= 0.252 – 0.0026x + 5.2
= -0.0026x + 5.45
 y = 20% x = 2019 (2019 , 20%)

12) Cost analysis. A small company manufactures picnic tables. The weekly fixed cost is
$1,200 and the variable cost is $45 per table. Find the total weekly cost of producing x
picnic tables. How many picnic tables can be produced for a total weekly cost of
Let: C represent the total weekly cost.
x represent the number of tables.
 Total weekly cost of producing x tables:
C = 1,200 + 45x

For: C = $ 4,800
4,800 = 1,200 +45x
45x = 3,600
x = 80 tables

13) Cost analysis. A plant can manufacture 80 golf clubs per day for a total daily cost of
$7,647 and 100 golf clubs per day for a total daily cost of $9,147. Assuming that daily
cost and production are linearly related, find the total daily cost of producing x golf
Let: x represent the number of golf clubs.
y represent the daily cost.
We have two points (x , y), (80, 7647) & (100, 9147)
m = (y2 – y1) / (x2 – x1) = (9147 – 7647) / (100 – 80) = 75
y = y1 + m(x – x1)
= 7,647 + 75(x – 80)
= 75x + 1,647

14) Cost analysis. A donut shop has a fixed cost of $124 per day and a variable cost of
$0.12 per donut. How many donuts can be produced for a total daily cost of $250?
(Total cost) C = 124 + 0.12x [ C = 250]
250 = 124 + 0.12x
(# of donuts) x = 1,050

15) Supply and demand. At a price of $1.94 per bushel, the supply of corn is 9,800
million bushels and the demand is 9,300 million bushels. At a price of $1.82 per
bushel, the supply is 9,400 million bushels and the demand is 9,500 million bushels.
a) Find a price – supply equation.
b) Find a price – demand equation.
c) Find the equilibrium point.
Let: p represent the price.
x represent the number of units.
a) Price – Supply equation: (9800 , 1.94) & (9400 , 1.82)
m = (p2 – p1) / (x2 – x1) = 0.0003
p = p1 + m(x – x1)
= 1.94 + 0.0003(x – 9,800)
= 0.0003x – 1
b) Price – Demand equation: (9300 , 1.94) & (9500 , 1.82)
m = (p2 – p1) / (x2 – x1) = -0.0006
p = p1 + m(x – x1)
= 1.94 - 0.0006(x – 9,300)
= -0.0006x + 7.52
c) To find the equilibrium point: (is the Market Price where Supply equal Demand):
0.0003x – 1 = -0.0006x + 7.52
x = 9,467 units
When, x = 9,467,
Market price p = 1.84  (9467 , 1.84) equilibrium point

16) Supply and demand. At a price of $2.28 per bushel, the supply of barley is 7,500
million bushels and the demand is 7,900 million bushels. At a price of $2.37 per
bushel, the supply is 7,900 million bushels and the demand is 7,800 million bushels.
a) Find a price – supply equation.
b) Find a price – demand equation.
c) Find the equilibrium point.
Let: p represent the price.
x represent the number of units.

a) Price – Supply equation: (7500 , 2.28) & (7900 , 2.37)
m = (p2 – p1) / (x2 – x1) = 0.000225
p = p1 + m(x – x1)
= 2.28 + 0.000225(x – 7,500)
= 0.000225x + 0.5925
b) Price – Demand equation: (7900 ,2.28) & (7800 ,2.37)
m = (p2 – p1) / (x2 – x1) = -0.0009
p = p1 + m(x – x1)
= 2.28- 0.0009(x – 7,900)
= -0.0009x + 9.39
c) To find the equilibrium point: (is the Market Price where Supply equal Demand):
0.000225x + 0.5925= -0.0009x + 9.39
x = 8,873 units
When, x = 8,873,
Market price p = 2.59  (8873 , 2.59) equilibrium point

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