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aati, Wb \ one! we ated veg ff “ablock which hore cert enetructfons +0 perform a fas k. Varicble Cond?tons & Looping otaltment. klhy we ed e + For code mew abfily Tt reduce Compleatiy of -the preqrara. U Syntars Public ee - Groketed Nome ts wind net, ptt Signg. vot te ie Coo Speettion — Acoess mmactifien velivntyp | methodmane 1 Method signature . inetuclos Sh Cethod implementation Cos) cethod bacid. eq: claire t et pulolte etatic votd emi 0) * ¢.o.pln cetutto"); 0: pln cir’): public ctatic void main CHring CI ange) . Ry ani). ¢ — method coll t mein spa ce 7M, > LOXI ¢.o-pln (“Yelle”), / / [|* so.plo (Ht); Hep aren, GY wor So create 4 matted per walt calling clow £ pu! ¢ sone tt teers | kieran" Ds ublfe << tatfe void Kot) v @0. pl Cy biviidoy 5 dbs slab word 30) ay copin have comput toy Bich"): blic clotic voPd ki) en 12-04 B00! ". public glatPe votd tC? . Sopln (" End") public Aatic void in s Oa Tras Ethieg CP amy la), lerc)} bs (>; yey oe yy 9 ae + There ane a gpa ‘e| methods | 1. Qlatic method . 2.Non~ Statfe amethod - 1, State Cethod ¢ - —S These crie the emethode yy hich gontaine Stade keyword Qn Pls method s&natwre Suntan’. Access specifies Static vetumlype method name a t 5 FD tle can cereale m~no. of lat otal eaerdel cle A Statfe methods can be ule directly rl ustog “method rame C ) oo ctan name. mesa mame ¢ 5 a Static pool Areq | P.g.V. m0) z copln (ed; Method trea a 4 claw Tel puble ctat’e wid mm) S.o.plnl" Kiran"): publ?c statlfe votd ml) £0-Plm (’colanke"): Public static void main (stingl'T a1q4) 4 me)! Mae): mil) 90K — mre) DOK DL € “ wlAP for below oequlrement + creak 4 senerhods 4 Perform emethad feline from arain ™matbocf Claw Eq publ® stale vold key" copia CK!) ubite Merce vord) 2 0de 4 soph Ci) ae publfe ctertic vofd k3Cd e.o.pln Cn’); f \ public state vord kat) . £0. pln ('u'); a i t a publfe .ctaitfe ‘voPd a Cohing C7 avs) f wo: vy) Ye: qe aga koa; a x ca | Ka dgois i | i 4 , | Ree eo " 4 Ka 038 ' a. 3 oo Satie pool -fres rein specs | Bonn KgC)>on3a3 ) kel) 90 UY pre Song Methrd awca Ok lI reo. plnCe): oxey so pm ys Oxcs x33 Sopla('n’), - ». Non - State lethod $s JS Thue aye the amelhods whieh doec nol corlarr startle keeoord fn: Ps method $fqnatur syntax: - Accere spectfien aretuynlype methodname () t f 4 tle can crate n-no. >of mom ~etatPe ae Pree e ole Oe \ “Fle camrot dixectly Galt Jacceu the non ~clate melhod Te cau faccen. : i syntax: élanname refernaVarableams = oat TV.mMethodname C) 5 new claxzsname. 0) = Claw Demo pubic void m0) ¥ ' G.o-pln (He); 3 ; public stetfe toid main (sting C) Ain) s ®Bemo a = neo Demo'l); ayers % Aatic pool brea Method! Ayes Ox) JeophCe) * Tor Static ano object eredtion Fe required hey stor mon —eqatte rmutrod. we required creation q ~ Alon- etatfe methods ae not choral in elalic poo isle “seahrewnant ~“@. war for below require 4 creak a clas 4 create’ a s (alte riothodd “) cratd a non-stedlfe ~mnthods 4 Creakt a rman mélhod “= perform method 7 fox all netted, clos task i ‘ t pub lfc stalfe void ke) : é .0.pln (RY: | 5 pubife ctatic votd” tet) $ so-pln (7; 2b: publ soad bs) : A) 9-0-plm (a); rs 4 public void ty ¢) £ s-o- pln Cu’): 3 pubtic etat?c vord ™main (sting Et. arg) $ OY a / dex Bee 0 Rete task AR = nevo Epo ; ‘ Ay, Ks Oy t , tye P39 O)5 ; tka. tal); . 3 : ae stad pony malhectaves “aap pote te | jee mew fost 0)! Aer On oa | eye kal rysoxuy a tal Nea age ee cee Li aos Wy > Catling a method imttde’ aindther wathod) clan task Ss v pub Se. Static void be) e S-epln (" Hey"); G0. pln (44); public static void tit) f s.o-pln (" ok aye): : “Key: public talfc void amar ns J aq) $ 7 9 koe; State pool trea } 4 “|hitoen Fi Gsomr Le Ok Cie mainspace Meth Hey ao: | oot ee es Mite , ox [copes $0. deen, OxKIL <0: PimCok ay” 3 Macys — = ee lacs dask > Sortie methed can call t = . Wae -for+-belor equrromen bs 4+ Creak a clay + Creat ap clatfe methods >imethod wll cau a” method ; . At metnod coPl call atdl metnod , ; al method wf cath 274 method, > Create a main method # Ca all the methods Gmother state method publfe ctatfe wid ki) divecrly. so.pln C* Kiram’)s 3 ky C5 publte stalfé votd Ke 0 : s-o. pln (" Rahat”): » publfe static vofd ka O> , $-0-plm C* Vipul") + Kacy: . 3 public ctatfce votd bey 0D : go pln Cutzoy ") 3 # 3003 eg t fs pubif. statfe vofd main (otring(l args) Kod 1) of kien; Kran al Ka C96 _ Mipy 0 k - Vipul, op 43 Rahul 4 Rahul hetiste Vipul ., Rahul Nitjoy Vipul Reuhut we Ly Wlon-steatfe method can atl ne Arey A claw task $ “yale method public vord kn) f -0.p)m (“mon -stalléc kr metre"); 4 public void mts ‘ $.0. pln (mon ~ stalfe b2 method"); kicp; 7 « public tale vod main (Shing OF args) if ‘ é Toak. Ans pmo, tenho; tebe: t T ; ! af non-state Cp omerhod .coticd mon- salve (Cr mathod, Recagqrment- ms . : (D wae for below requinemert ' Creat cx clo. >, 4 Cra 4 mon - sath aviathacls + Method t cai method 3 4 method 4 cath, method & aie Feat main method. PN wen ky “+ Creake a obpeclr, cal at th Prrathed ture a Obj coli - a Tout public vord kc) 2 sopin(*krran" 2 ka 05 z public void k2C) - s.0-plnC" Rahul"! 5 public uoid tg 6) ‘sep cs Vipul” 4 publ?c vod byt) c-o-pln C° Vijay), Kao punlfc static void araln f Tosk 4) = new Task 0) ; Tou bh t2 = mew Toutes: 4. k0); ty. k20)5 he Os ttyl); 405 tr. cas 2-09; Fo -buc; (Shing MI aig’) fe. Kerem Vipol Rohe Vipol Vijo4 fhe ot ao Pahl Vipul 20 af mam space _ Fask 4) =new teak): took 42 = new fonte) [fo. plnCkivan %); ] 0x22 8x23 Oxuy Ree capt wyey) | tye) Print Livan K3C) Pont Vipul \ \o?’. We Non slate ai cating Statfe method :- 13 3 Non elatfe anethod cam cam cau etalig method dreerty, because of one statte pool ayea- tor ome clan. _y Statfe methods cam be called direcHy Pron anywhere fra tne clan: Example $- claw +tack op: N abit clatte void kil) a . sopin OK: _ a public vofd k2C) In (NS 3 ee publ?c etal void main Cohing TI avg) t g \ t toak ty] new taskod;) tak Lo = new tok(d; ey). Ko C9 $ t Static pool Area _ method Aie< Abed ox Speed : f Ox22 rain space (eepmewN) staak 4 = neo dakoe | 4 = Aask 49 - ee y Ko 0X22 | da= new tartec): hy 30x22 Ko 0X22 tt. ka); ‘Dtatfe method caitfng men — & tale rmethod re > static method connot- cau non - Stetfe method cltrec ee \ ly A Mihenevey we or calla @ mon - state rmetnod ine StaHe method we need to crea am object Frample. Clace task | 2 publ slatt we kc) : ap Soph Ck); Pe su task = mao task ey; N, te kacns % \ publ vod kec) é S+0- ply C'N')5 P a ie , | . il Public elatie vot main (hing [] age) eae Wy , 495 i oe j Static pool Area ‘ en Wethod #5 Vpo ext soplnCk) Ox22 yin [e-0.phn Cu! Ky 90x22 8. WAP for below requirement 2 > Creal actos Creal’ a on-static meted 7 (all non -ctatit method from rain metrod * Crealé a static method , ctalic method will catl 1-8 ‘method 7 Gal cfatic method from main method. ae. ew . fared class tak Oo ole: 6 wate word Kr publ KPra £ copln ("tram") Poof sip EEO 5 1 Poop - tak tn yt bye Os 3 5 Gk main , | ypapite vot) Ks 0) Eo Jn (“Pooja”) 5 4, ; put eu Veta math Cohing FI nq) cm 2 ea’ 6 j.094)"| : : ‘ VT RE Ois, fast ta = new) EEO ov "i : ky. ks 05 \ : a... iid ay Sdasfe Pe «method ( diveety) Non- clatic. me — 3 — Mon =ttatie Eeretnod (direetty) Non-lalie method = —+ Matte method C directiy) Satie method —— > Non- cHatis method C creation of object: [reference Vortfable) yer QP Method with Hh Assumes 3 The procus oft erating method swith, rg vorfable to Perform a iy “Arqurments: Vettabln which carta datés to volo @ desl sy ota: t t ee ) eel Arcos, specifier Accommodt rhs retumype nats Me ( Peahipe Apna 4 Bi eq: ] wee the 3 tena : ae oe ait 7 raping trom “Fecal ‘aq thients: 1 Jos } | The arqumenk which aye eveated fn mothe stenalio|¢ | Gre known ai Formal avqumerts > The arqument whitch aye | ereated aa mete” cil Oe kno a Actual’ enquments ae Example: ae ‘ Clam took : 6 Public vofd mi Cinta, mn by § eb 8-0-plm (a); Formal arqumente. $-0: pln (b); 5 K publfe statfe void main Cetin 1 argc) £ tak by = new tuk 0)> 4-1 (10,20) ; aa 5 Netial argument: (data) 3 re fl — SE—————_ =s(i«(«(“ai ae hod prsae even odd i mat \ ) clan task : va) 1 t publ’e wofd tresiOr odd Cint num) Bic} ane ofp: e ; CE) BO deem ro . PL Cnumf. a= -0) . eotaddle 14 4 s.0-pln Creven’ 4° “A mum): (at 4 qa mea) eue ‘ So. pln Codd'+” “+ euro); ofl deipt Yra aye 1 ee be \ . eas) public state vofd main (Sting T] ara i tosh bps mew tH Gin fo acts a) on i BD 41-ctendroald C125 ti even Orodd. (13); ii Bae IAP Creat’ o mon-stalic method ushich rtaker. in num ‘Cheeks whithey the num prime or not deiA- > Crat a maim mthod amd call mon- ctntic method for time by Pauing diff data Class prime num i* ‘ » Public votd prime (ime ain ay Binns } ih o>) Prime num tor (int? -@ , Pes num 344) Prime num 3 f : ‘ | x tC numn)s a Nka Prime num 4 :, Not @ prime tum we! ot Pome | num 14. qe ' Cid tay a 4 (ene) | oa | 8:0. pln Cptime num’4" + + Num) else . So.pln pubie Stab’e voPd main! (thing TI ava" a Primes risers." Piles mena prime. num Pr. prime (2); vgrRapmine (3); Pte ptime (4) ; ‘ Pls prime (15) ; ‘ aa Pls prime (14); 5 i pried to prime me fr t to (oo 7 mie calling .: public. stalfc: daw _toak \ x pubife voPd primeOrNotC fnt eum yo! a : fmt c= 03 j h for (fat 7-0; Pe=num ; P44) t 2 Pe Cnurn7R= So) oy bes , ¢ Biv ar reg Eauie Ws Fan | ined a as | usd n % : is \ M (en =2) i so.pln (Numaitate primes ig I 3 7 ‘ % . , a Public static, votdy: main (sting 03 ang) % b te anew taskeys ain set i 5 Pe=too; P44) f, 4 ai tuprimeOr Not Ci) ; q es BoA Oe ee uke, vl eles te Vi | cag toe ) | ¢ public vord that int a . e Le Tepe tock Aiy statements which fe pruent belo of the return 0 tlie Kegee rd then » that Hameo; oll bf, Ubreachable, ttafemenle “WRI ek error €q. Clan relyn_1 f Yond en Cotsing 7 axqs) re iat ‘ Vo : SV. TH : cy Error: Unreactabk Hlalemenl So.pln (Hello "): tq FPrplr Gtgen) Tetbury ; a p S.0:pin (Hd; ")! or Pwr (thing ty arid i Lee ma 3 ‘ 4 2 : ‘ 1% A vot ily veturn tupe 4 - 1 turn tup oe 2 The ype of data whtch fe returned by, the method = we can return a data only by wing reluin bag word J % = =<. rely Pet) . vord —+ mo return value fr > Prt value double —> docble wvatlue Chay J chaz value Sting > Sting value boolean + boolean value oy) Type 3- Cyntan te creat methods woth rete THe nan cea poet Iecew spectfien | Need modttier rete nype rnethocd Mam Cap) g — ova \ return relura value 4 , Note ra a) tly @ Y 7 J retum value Tape # return lype should Be, te ret value wofll be otuen +o method call b4 Wing that we com perform -further fark Ex elad eqs wl me cg 4 pl eae k ' b-8-Weisum (arb), ; (iol 4 { 1 Linh c - ath; Teturn c; \ ps. vem Cetring 83 arqe) f mayy © Fok ves = uml (10,2095 6 ii So-pin Cres): | + { ? ( i 3 k ee) rauiean Yr'- 80. 7 = Fraram for even using boolean returm lap: Clas eq ¢ Publ?c tate boplean f PE (num a = =0) ' I ¢ ( 3 Tetum rue te Wel owe os aoktyee ‘Brom vl 3 Tetura peter Pee \ co veh 405) pupiies. vim (ching 1 ange), Even 6 é é Eun 2 s Cimt P= 1; 10 5 Pra) Even 10, PEC Pe Evenci)) ‘ t $0. pln (“ven 4 #) a RE 2 ‘ ‘ a a ee ' a ; ‘ { Yeo) ey ee a4 ee per = CON Renn) fs¥ (10) « fsEvenC1) aes efaem W\ Whaa=o Visas Fete salel?) reterin set BD Ore ttth iet wefiherts MAUL a TE CenS es ee 4 C fake) Print tee Bo pie ies febren (0) han Peo fe Even 0) PY.a=70 i fsEven haa ee Be 7 fale ft (true) t Tetum crue WP Ctalee> i fe w) Funk : print lime) Fe 6 FR Cony) lg A ts Even (a) fs Even(a) = 3 6%a=-0 Thass0 foEven (3) Tenn trie Tetum fale Bha==0 iHCtrue) feu" S aebnfalse Prnk tFCtalse)- foEven Cintenum), hea hE ow, ree” Moo for @ vetrrnlypds ot © ‘as 100? toa eclo metho Seen Sem a clan + C7el clacs ej t pucife eqarte wold om Cink ae “ih $ s.o.pln Cw method") nun = 105 Ca return P 3 ts public static ft rige-Cink a, Bat bp i ee iinh Be ake: ae vetuin cs Li (double a) Public statf double % (doutle ‘ doubly (baie /250 aes | bey Tenn b; 3 Publfe. Matte char Tal joe a) f ft (a Yo 2 = =0) 3 Chay ch= ‘E's 4 elte é 4 % Teun ch chapj ch = i a Stalfe etring 15 CEbting a) . tring k Ck. equate (ay) f vetum kj ‘ 7.2 ‘ 3 é Public ctatfe booleam ag Cine a) e “Kiran”; (aes) ‘ 3 Tetum bu; q__ Veturn fates, _ . Pub © vm CObinglT y p reg? aie methods velirn YPE Fomos o> " usin Prt a = ta (10,2) 5 aa: -Mamstrong nur 1 Sso-pln (ay 3 va i ' ‘ee dalbte b ~ 5 Cima); Ce tank num) S-o.pln (b)3 t04 t § pubife claife tt factostal Cn Chay ch ~ %y (10) s S-o.pln (ch); met fack=1} on i . | f far nam et)" Bak 4 mq P15 C8 Kan") | 7 — tor Cimt Pel, S-0-pIm Cp); Be ? bpolean ie ¥6 (10) ‘ mt ‘ es far 9 Ssopln (ky; wt return fack; , , z. 4 i as. \> 4 2. \ hy | — publfo clatte votd shong Cint pum) tL preram for prim wing booker «elitr lYRO | ie. ene) ine) 4 clan eq wes int N= num < ; : Ho Unk Pex a Parl stato boolean Ft-prime iC tnt num) ° ' whPle (mum | = 0) ¢ F, imt ney \ 1 f imt de mum% los ct PeV3 Tes mum Para) ink fact = tactorfal Cd); 1 ttn Pages oe SUM ~ cum 4 fact ; § acres mum Clam! wystver Uoateah arn becolt , ercale m-%0 ap re emethods cobteh weal wot & + —> For an clan we Con 4 J Clau come? 4 uastabls and + Tt aul cm wth. bri "deo 4 thar tea when pub Prtio actron , usp nt, duim. ‘ : & “9: + Glhen +the blueprint fe implemented : & Ag, “ You enate a neal prodyet TE becomha om bihen we eprak pm Youa. this blueprint am ecter crear by “Sh claw. ot ' class co claw Mobfle clon Lapto|? § i ; 7 ys ‘i | 4 3 : t You mention what You mention what Vea wm seit mentito w ~ COX needs to have mokile meals to hae th then form °l\ fr the fxm of Laptop eek 45 have fake ard Vantablea and el hols ™Methody a OR eget 5 - ad " ss ée +: ' ie f , EE it offi) LE Object Pe tnctana. of clay = 4 en it = Obj © otatte Sti Kevan So 2 AG te Ps weal contd enti tafe a tarnied by ti, pubite Ne rain (stoned aq) | i4hey > Evey . ‘ amin ofp: Keran Solank? ‘oF Ls VOR Ker uti have 3 property ye Ae, ad: ier SA ee fd Botewtequsld . hs $2" Kinna"; oe ; S.0-plnts); | stata |/ data hvartetles 3 CP Mctonatiiy / method i behaviour. it a } \ i : a cla an rarae | ae / 2 dudent b> Chapt vata we ; - Slaves wnt | otatfe shing, name 5 “Lan Solanbt’, dats /elata / ng Soba) ost pubite, etalic void! “main [Csting fT ane) Voxrasoles” Objet vars / ¢ { | non !cidF¥e’ variatole shidimt ss mew éhuclent 095 Pods seit saad sludkne | pm student On: i es wl” $-o:pln (er. mame); p4. Belincnrctd ef W0 q pl functionall 4/ Fe state methods 8-04 pls (226 name): Fis ay rpethods / ettweine * eee! ‘fp: behav four [: ny i IDeA cele oye reethods / bio | j Solbha Chama rite dor Kuen Solanke lanes aed p00 - estate wneshott 8.0:pln Co. nome); _ Kivam Stank? J ae Naa) Kindotn, 7 . a kimne Class ventables / clatfe varfables $- i Bret gun | : re | Kinra. Cys a thae aye the vorfables poohfeh ove prownt on creat / * icc: yr \ Sta , tot ' frifde a clad by using atte keyoord i t Hie oe “vaitid in SP etna’ 7: vone he is : ‘i r a ie Pint oils * 7 these. tcrefebsleeffl” be common cst Shree © Fobjcet create Pint nen ae . clan rome Sa. object crcatert ae hi ie salfe variable value efther C1 z 7 Tf we ¢ an 4 a Print sirname 7 Fan Solomk; or by amy object ie tll effect. Covoclfrcaton)” Pink s-nam Fon Solon, ¢ fyrame = Kina’ « Charged in stati daw i ene aut the objects oF | fo at objet ¥ clan a eee IE Claw Stuckeot § tal if te Strimcy -narie\ =" Bron Solnt" pose, eine tt fe Stauic vata rain (chang args) f safe si eluclent 0; gee ee mews, Chu dent () + ‘ ae eal’ i ad \ = new SO-pin Grams" +3 * “Ly: wage: So-pin Cornamest ry ¢ My 4 2S ee 3 . -Kivan Solant? a1 Kiran Solent? al Object vaxtavle / Non!” Statre Variable : — Thae —> Then vowpfasles ou! mot contafn slatfe pet Be object ae vartiable, which belongs bow objer > Value a Vavifautgle: ‘att fere from > thee cam be accessed by wing Bbose var fab! C Object) . ~ > TH we chamge the vol of tr variably, wir bo one object Ft wll mo effect ee ol ber cl pon — ———_———— ties BB sian student . Stine $ sided 2" Matla Reddy” , int! age's ub Proven (hing tI args) { \ { student sty mew ata dent 0); Student % = new student Aion! s-o-pln (siomame) ; ( Mallee Ha Simname =" Busy Kanna” : _ Mane Reddy Bujjfkanna . S10: pl (2 name); $0: pln (6). mame) ; 3 096 = pag \ae oA MOTE 3~ —» Tnttialfcation fe mot smardaton Por tae? or lon Uctole i var fables S DnPttAleation mandatory tor local’ vasjfaloles ( Var fable prewnt Lemeatia Petal method aafe local | * way{ fables), > Vedben . og bpei Ee Clan Tat f Statte tk a: Statfe double b: Stalte chasse. State ¢. c Statte s bovteam by: P Sum Ching PF rq) Pe ear bil 8.0. pln a); S:0. plo Cb); S-0-pln Ce); $0. pln (gy, 3 $0: plncb,), 3 hoeal var{ fables t - bf Thue ajé the vavifabla which MIF oneatid = toral vonfable cannot be accasd aubfde ee 1 clase student) > t Fdc(dL. meted of the method + far local vaxifables MPtfabfeation fe rranclatony Q: war, for belowo ona > Creal a claw, Crate 3 mon-stalfe, vortabla 16 7am ; vosfoble valu “Change amyor stalfe 7 \Ghreale a main method 7 encode three object wrt Fave MS ow nam , age ¥ qt - a4 + Prrok variable Cuate 3 ctatPe vor(Rabl: 9), ai pet ih Mi poem ( ching qt args) f Ap jiv-d UpARE” 5 T scyaetll ching Hn i hh coyinter nth etre = FOF statle Shing bY = “ECE String mange j fmt age} choy genders EG) 5 95 atudint sy nen clade Nig Student 2 5 mew Braden O95 Gtucent $3 = neeg petulant 095" tg ¥ wim r oO Bye mem = 4% 5 fa. name = Ntketh"s Sage = 2a; Soe gency «i; =" Rerha’ 5 “eg skye Wai | $8 ene: So: pln: (alnames 5 8.0. pln (c).aqe); $-0: pln (6) « gency): 8:0. pln. (62, name); $:0: pln (1. aqey; so plh Ce) 3 S-0- pl C66: genétey) ; £0: pI™\C mem); S-o:plan(bi) 5! Pri Ya hy an — nome Qe Create 4 non-chtfevariabl, s.o-pin Gere eng a @ Carate a employe claw , Sep cea eee 9. eHale, | O° ane Creat a main muthod , Crab’ 2,ehject » i f a g.0. pln C63: e- ey State wrintiy w.2-t0 oby-ely prin! aul the Variable» 0). 1. oy G0. pln (eg.€-td); Clan employee grid 5 4 ' ud f : | . . ‘ : 5 Sine e-name ¢ wd | S89 + ame \ Pmt b_ , ; String see 4 ‘a hae int e — fadls yi publ .¢.um Code. (Faw ‘ i a 8 \ gC Noobs e ermploqer! a= ep eemphorger ( Syps employee) > mes, emplogee (1, employees 63 = maw emmplorpeet 1 e-rome =" Kiran". * enue ~ aera - "at a “Abe's Astor 2 ay, f Shing mame; C2 NG Matrmes Be Font" 7 Strymg_ color; i Sa ile #28 doube prices a aes String | meus ey \ : €3-e-name =" Poa Stoing sprod } Ke: Peblfc vord déeplay. 6) : ne £.0.pln (mama) : CNS ae - ats €3-€- prt es “gmy, €22€-fd 2 yas 8-0. pln ( en, e-nany); So-plm Ce. ¢-age);, GS-0: plm Cees apy); S-0-plo (4+ eta) ; S.o-plm (e2+enome); So. plm (ere-aqe): inetd ew pigne 7 4 S.0- pln (€2- e-pr}); s.o-ply (es.e-fd); S.o\pin Colon : 2 Yin £-0. pla Cprteed BY 5-2: pln cram; SO: pln Cpreey s Name =a; Color sb Pra =e; Ram ovals 7 PxS-vom (sting CJ args) f ? haptop l= neo laptop % tne Fntt CHP," block”, 500d.» 868" * i"); ty Aeptany (ys : \ Pe Gane lptoper.| vote intt (hs $0000.07 “nea"s ta") ; IL, displag ( y t r= 5 / Sg eobreneeh si / louble pote o-st F000 A [Shing Riehl wed; 4ove / Shiney procomeats i's coe! dispaqisr + ce on void nik Cer -- 7 $ ; Pubite vole frPt | thingy Shin b, clea c, evi, ¢ > Print au non- static > Crratrn's \o by aH" & 1 war 4 Creat a clo + Creal a oteilfe, vosiarle 4 for below requiterner rain ' ‘ * stabe vauiablay ss ! - ‘Cota @ mon -static variabks - _ @lass train g lepine @\- "THaltan Static ‘Shirl + Rarlwarfe Sting ‘Train —rorne + 2. Fite Train -nums String color 5 Sting types fe String maz. epeed + et publi vord dds 9 hs so ee ee 8.0: pln (OE nur; Moe Lo-pln (color); S-0-pln CAypeys S.0pln (mor cpecdt)s 2 y gi ar hon oh (Fiajrn—rome, 03° ° Train - nur =! bs Color = 6" tap = a? tar- speed =e 5 ; i . Public stalfe votd mG) F ¢.0.01™ Ccompartments) + 2 S:o-bln(Rattways) 5 Cree)! disp yosiaisiae ie” atte tment = 185 ore “gi od \ Rot ldor/s e public void eft ( Shing a tric’ » Shing ey S4ing + Sheng) ia anathod fo. 44 Petum (Otring £1 arg J —_—_—__...,, c t l iu i} od ' SET Cole ei enn 5 Creal display meth 7 cal 3 Stal ¢ \ Bites: trig nten) detura ed s . SY te wee | - ' : 4 . states Yoriable. atria displey metho 1+ inte Cape’, "123, "Blu, Soda’, 1206%/5"); J Creat + non-ttabic vasiable , Ge 5 fed; . ' s Creat 4 objec tram ta. new beings Pinch soe tae mee a “ ne ve " Ktm", 2" Yellow y pasungers “son tm /b”) 5 -— ' ‘ ckatte pak hours = 35 | “Tretkrane's avd 2 ' visit statfe Shing divcioy ae t3 = new tained; ‘ State ‘ filrm—inchatry e "TeR yeep sq tactott ("pap apd Ve ae » String Sgt +} R's. #89." Gneep"s " pauuagen, »,"35pbm/h)s string ‘hevoiney \ tad ods ; Re Shing. hero ; mOs oo \ i sting villain 5 vil 3 ie ’ int n0-of- soneyss : z. Lovin! Shing. populat-fone & +4 pons aa ‘i . ba share [n String, covthedien ; pd Ve sen Bring Train. rovme = nat ABC rl ibis toiling ype! rie coe IC Gh Train numer id bi) S purite» ledabrel| Foi ; Lat €. ia String Railay’ >"Irdicn String colov ~ nut Blur stot tap Peay s.oiphn Rouwe; oo s-o-pin Ct freetor); Faitooy') mo | Shine erat spel =D gD bmp" ‘s-0- pln Coompariments): poet Jue -F A opin (Hilo aiid , S-o-pln Crastiooys) a A | veo rain” Ce A lla iia pusttc Mord duploy ¢)- a oe somo oe aR f e ql ‘ : Fee (eA th fat Cinema’ 4 t Waa de; € oo af aot Se Booed sen tah 8. " spel : : Sang Trainor: “att'Pae" opin CMowie mame fe! 4 mame); © S\0-plm ! ; qi Trains a Gt Trad num viege Ink Frcxin:.ruern> uh 4690 ; m heroine); «) Sr aad Shing cob pac Bpeco? | eoetn oe Shirg pe ie sbing TDs nut esr £0: pln et My. ” ies % May, String, marsped= utente /y (hig ants pec sf "srk, $0: pln (> COSY Glgate iA AC) ¥ i No of ee Wid dC) OMG in moves + 4 gon of : Sa 4 bangs ane $0. pim "hs + n0-of cong); fa Putay song ef moyie, © Sid init © ay ett @.0-pln O" Comec 4 of ovies “4 poputay—song) - i ea Wes" F amatian)is 2 public wotd trith Shing Qa, Seta, sb, Stingee ; 1 tag 4 & int @ , nF ee String aA “ name =@ ; hewoine = hevop, See . x G > nod Villain = 4; : no- of-congs = ei; i m4 pea \ pi! Comedian =e 5 Peskin Ostong 1 1 ogi). f - movies M) = new mMouia eye ’ a me an “ittora’ > Mla Prepniia “Soneesood " OMadha', * Brahmanan dain") go.2 ™ Apel “(or saath) eel) Be? mouret ma = new mola CI; rl Re ? : macintt (“Aharntel doa”, Pep } Nepeg tele | o ee, ” : . Rete ovfiia" & , “Aitou ehudegan*, “ Brabmarandam'), ma dtpiog eas... Le Ee igh Mouies m3 = mew moules C)3 myo -* am mastntt ("otha da" s “Teche”, ~ mana bh" “Worutiood’, 6, “pelichtna” m3 -Atepiault a eects” uw ey ——~—TO su a 7 2 Consuela * es } | Te fe a ‘spetal "pe of - me shouts be any ote legpee.! | To perforan) a, Tost | afte] ob 1 ch ¢ rate Prinhiaq , initiatizalvoo cal at BP Oder touk. diss : yeas: Hole > Comshucloir will be catted og ctunng obit ereatioo- Clau exampl, = a 3 P. ; ofp’ String mare 5 Conshuetor ic exdeusbing « publfe example ¢ d ra \ Conchucton 7. sreeuting e i : a $0: pln (* conctuctor fe executing "5 ye me 3 : me! pesvim (tinge a args) 7 example e1 = New ¢2ample c); s example @2 > mew ekampledys : cycle A ie String Tame¢ publfe cycle ( etna a) | re ey mame =a; 3 So Pl Comehuc lot exeouting 500 Pub iter vod’ dicplae dy tr a P-s-v-m (Ching ty aras)! iS Sol ° &.0.pln (name); pelo ies i) mew, cycle ( Hero"); Cre dteptanyey; i“ 7 Hele con's mew cycle CY Ldreulus "5 Ca. te plate; votst Shing samteaech exer Cotingay Mer? nam-=a; qe told dicplay cy Ya ie eonetuctor executing kro conshuetor execaling Hercutus. pee - aaa \ 4a qa: cine fo below reqpuiremer = > Create a claw ¢o- hi 4 Take imon—ctathe variable ae a +2 elatfe voyfables : 8 cteucter + Tnitialize non - static vniable | by | ps io ‘ non + Crate g display methods for en vente elt + GCreak 2 object. ray ae clase coo SHtodiie—' statfe oe ee ls, _ etatfe mt break = 13 _ Sato gmt speedometer = 15 sting eames uae ston Speed ; Int wheels 5 / Ua fot ndofdoors $i i) eo) 1 , % String Fuetepe 5 cd apa Pot capactty 5 ee punts a2} (chring'a y/Ching by Pike pinta y stings) int #) g . 4 1 cname =a35 ( ; wk i cpeed = b; Wheels = c 5 “noofdoors = ds Fucttype =e; Beliog APG ae a 4 i. 4 Ht Publfc state void dc) eS § dow Kos eh fi S-o.pln (staring) ; & S-0-pIm ( break); $0: pln ( epeedomekr?; 5 Puol& votd di 1 ; " a S.0. pln (cnameds, S.a.pln Ccpeed)} S05 pln Croheete) 3000: So pla. Croofctoors) ; So-pln (-Fustty pe); $0 Plm (capactty) ; a p-s-v-a Cehing fT arq ‘). ee t pe 66 fay eet ‘ oii at otal nal bE "eee 5, ‘pttel', +); ye di O) 5 ( Car Ca = new coo (" Kta”, “150 beo/b & died "» 4) 3 C2. dildos (Car, 63 Fi menn cary Cf Breea” 4 M4ORee/ hs: 1S dttet 5 4), Ca. di C35 : 2 aa; a. x Tht (keyword: pe & a kupword ohtchi fs deat to currenk Geyer object 4 the tak of Ante eepoord | to sa ‘curt ut referenee variab oe Note tm Wy tH pees : SS bthy we need t => alhen soval veanfable ob; aye same, ‘if qou goamb, 10! a ond object varfabl name, arn wet waite fe oa we need +to we thie aly eo0r “synay this. varfable-name.' " ' ee : ' ef Pf local variable g cla 7 Vadabe namu oe Lame tinct prefer 7 be Jive, to focal variables. (at wie ine) i variable oy Ey claw stad poly a Sting “rome 5 tnt ages public student Céhing name » ring ont age) r 4 ™ 1 "Tome = name Age = + a ee Public vod dlspoy o : BA da 4 8-0:pln (name); wy eg $-0: pln (age): 4 PS.vim (String (J args) {pos Ei lag, \ Student: sis new, Shudenk (* Kran! pat) : St. display cr; : a Wid hicphy (> * sopim’ ge Pimcagey : * ve aE meted © edn Claw ctecent 4o oreall & ae voto 4 » Gals wie. $ of a: WAP 2 si non - statte au o-s vast method nigrane sod? be loanig we Ce att asi PaRe | Srirg rare : Ktran : word ee sre int _age ; ai. ar Use ante Ped Greate a ean 098 5 ) \ + Cxeali & objec - % ghee | abit Student (stn name Int agp4j 00 0! | vs A : t ~ claw metro wet : ° : Lp re thicemame = name 5, ld 8B tiene Kido f { “ito | j tte. torah: Yok age =07 a1 NY SHying ticlek + - (gon ah? TUL 2 «Lan! } 3 oe odes 3, Babes etadent Cobia rom at ey) ching ues) et a : \s $ Y gape Public vod dt) tea Shing) Card 3 va ver a ; ‘a 1 ok Stret SHIEY iycn - ) cont 8-0:pim Caamey’s Ful atid 40 String ond joc bo 1 Sopa (agent Soph ~~ x 4) 3 eS he old 7 Pp: S. vem (hing ia] ara) t student s = 4 Sede); a ; be tng BQ can thadmt £ Stitt statre Sting mame 5 yp Publfc ctudent (¢tying name) ¢ S-0:pln. (ctudent. nome); : 5 presuem (String l) arqpS'\ i cae eed Btudent- sts ew" Htident’ (“ Kekan!) >) aa \¥ r 4 : mee student (" Ktvan" 31) 1 z Lf nau: . wah Be Por ‘ ripe Mee P giccusiosk m1 Lal Tek (sh Hebe, mg lite Ching ord, Gpirgactos wa Shing end , Shing ccat) ml t Shing tidak 7 neet7ean String Unt = neect7red hire * Shrine) cand = bat ere0 aaa ie aude histfeler Sere wa ; Yate. Line = Kita Shing cnt = pud®] "LOrage 4 Ate id= ae ae rrled = Baas Oidipan! Tastee &t : ‘ching echt tects fait” ee Se. publie mute, * (chirg eos! -- +) trfeveddk Scat; | ea adhe 3 sh 30 1 25 ! publte “vor Vd) f $ (Ye og thie tlcens (hing) NE ee rene Sop Cae, \ * MO-pIN (chewty ; 5 £-0-ple (end; % SO: plm (cart; ; es. ; y vem Cotmngrs erren) ; : ; meh my =new mebo (* cand 5 Sed ti ve actih md (); i orloslror 2. Metho thod Oeeelg o > o 2 NAME! h v0. thi with eame i Pp cul of creating a i od | ‘| Gr but fin different ao- of Agito of pe Of cxsqurnent — fe depende on “> methad name > Arqument = PE doumrt depends om, > Aceem Beuhyee noth mn vi > veto rion | ' Eq: clan demo ; | f me public vord ™m) ¢ ) e ( x1 O91) ty ye Helo dora 2 S-0.ply ("Yello"); fetta . 4 ok A A} publ vofd ™ Ciptay i | | aek domly SO-pln (PHetto Ds. Gorden 09009 es > psu (Shing td orgy) ws f 7 os demo dj'= New demo t)s demic); dim (10) 3 Wh, mi Cinta 7 Wes ay he my 3 C60 ff ett Yn x02) ay clau demo © ‘ publi. vod tm 6 ia Seo.pln (“Helto"); public void am (mb a) e j Pe ts ¢-o.pln (“helld"); pustic vofd m (Fab a» Prt b) fe Pr Sven ching 1 axgs), ’ | T> sa in WaamaprA aon 7 demo y= neo | Lae Oy dremitys diem, (103; Soptn (“hu Od: [+ 3 dium C10, ibys 4 lax operodjons \ 11M t public voed sum Cinta, Mtb) f i 4 S-o-pln ( Sum "44 bo)so00 | 4 publi. uotd cum (inka, intbitnt ¢) ¢ i * S-0-pln (“sen fe 2"4 Calab¥ cd)! Publfc void sum (double a ,double b) ° eal S.o- pln (“cum fer" Cosy; we 5. P-s.¥-m (Shing C1 args) $ a op sum (10,10) 5 do ; 30 sum (10, 10/10); OER Sum (1g,0/100+1); : 5 4 Pj, |e Cellaading 20 jon meet ; Het A A - lau operations x ( \ i " \ ‘ec Le op mi ‘ polotte ‘kate veld grog" ss jay? meq PO eer ae $ 0. pin ce « OUerloaded re! , ' . ee \ eat igs bs anys y pap etattc voewmnarp Cet EGES + | Ine. ¢ r main (10) > lk 3 ae “yy 3 Ofp.- Overwaded “main emethod » \ 1 Woq a clan epesaliom ne yee t pub static vod mi ge a y eed \ 44 5 TAuUMeny 7 | é sonpin (othe fs amy method WHA roy O7F j ral | , oe publ fc votd ™m, Cfnt a) @ ‘ ; : ¥ + > wt , ‘¢ epi! ?y \ en ‘ “UL eb’ : : S.o.pln (“thie fe ant method wof4b een ears sae ting "); ; ok 4 yas how ‘ i pov mC String TI] args) Bie TL ‘ operations a, = mew opmatens 69!) > m0) 5 Lslooy acl ~ ' Oye C10); 4 4 op: anv Thte fem, method with no arguments. ) The f& am) emethed eotth Oiquinen® wth over loader. * Conehurctar Ouoploacling Ye daw camay Y String name: ing werito dlift- mo of argument py. a JO Por conehuctay Overancg. this () t- pang “dances ¢) > Meneed +0 40 fos con S-O-pkn (* when objec fe crear wan OPI C"damay te creatid"); "OP data 2, hd . Co ead.” ) ae FOr go, public ore ching ram), 1 $ HP. name = name: ’ B : Public danay ( String name, ont ) é ce C String has lh «name = name} thit-aqe = 3 3 Ts ann prseeem (sting CJ arqs) £ v4 dancer dp = new damay OMe Anus Aidt neariciid HO dana dr = new dana (Ye ran") + do.dco; ) dane dae mew dana}¢Skivon’, a) 5 d3..4 69; ¢ F ay Ney | 5 puslic veld dC) £ e-o-pln (mame); \ \ ; S-0- pla (age; \ + In one dau com ret Som times i mm one ms no. of camchuct ors. > Te whit used only yy A P arqaments ” utth 79.9] FTP murtfple conctructors ave a : oo) nh getecetaut ; - | IE we using 4nteO the mo.of Srqument posing: fo te the that eooctuctor cael woflh be Bebe > TH thoutd be Pr fist Lire of, constuctat . ath ow ii ’ : i Sy class customer C ing tg oe ; ; ' q\ | \ Le Vig? o publf customer Coting mamertt age , Chev| gender) é thee Cmame) \ Abit. age = age; , hte. gender = gender ; publfe curtomer (Shiva name, It age» chore gqendin » tk Sting addreu) this Came sage 5 qnde) ; this. aadhoiNo = dachayNo; 2 thit. adden = Address 5 , publte vofd dé) ‘ S-o.pln (heeliiante) 3 SroapPh (4hierageyy ay S-0-plm Chie. gendes) s 8-0" Pim (thfeadacthaxie) 5" 1 ae Pa CAN « adehen)s +S. VI CString F9 apy” yok \ nye customer c= io Pir: ¢ eye AEF Customer Cyj= meu), cuurtomes GHeena’y 21 923! Ca+de); : Oem o Ctastomes (Shiegy nye | na choy) -P OKIE customer (String fats custom} (Stig) inty hay) nk, tring) 904 13 Tigers ca ae singel CRIA SAT ogee a Wid dO 40x29 ud oO, : nee 4 . ujje os | oa Al FE ‘ \ 123456 \ Sanfochnagay aS" “Tne rience 5 RAAT — The proce of crepe] ? ey 2 anther £la” feqkroseas an, eta i: t py » a we! 8 ‘ J al ye aor » x) pes of detvirg amernbers known as inheritance ae : Sikes ane Ba Supe cian / Faggot las + subclad Pe op soy - aperbeed oP dyrricia , x al a to claw to abo & ebooles te | sank ae | —> The clas -from whfch ven Sh Ae Super claws 7 parent lan 7 Lub dau / Chiidiclam 7— | the m — The clax to whfen detived ™ b Subclau / child clas - ov the cout +0 whith members Gi \ > A ( supey tow ) Dipdriad? \ 7 Clim ; 2 (Shien) yeu Gabi? (el? ana Th mbejftena 3— i a eS hevel Tnherflance. 4 BOUL? Level To herPtance. ) 7 ‘6 8 deranitelttanertane, 4. Aibrid Tnherflance . F. Cluttiple ‘Trhertlamce. + PO fad wae t , ake qfven ft knoxon as | } oly di 5 unl ong. ve "Sica ~huel Lnboithane 25, 2 — mame which | Ly Fle name should be same 24 clart F Dennen 3 “ \ contahe Amatn method, The procon a amnot from < eh Gupor —~> Objeck mostly exated for cub cau: ni eh im a PM sub clay fe brown tt - level Fobetlay, =r ale cam creat n-n0- of aus fre: t class sarmple¥ kup cles a 2 toe ai cory, ag 2 Public vord omic) ro . i wis ae ¥ S-o-pln (thts ‘tam mélocd “op: cam ple) + % 4% mer Ab -sel al ws claw Demo extends sample | ¢ ™ subclass. sre 935 ga ail aly ee "| } mE & = 364 ty. | 3 7 Ses claw Caimclau wv awt i i (Cte ) p-s-uem ing TJ args Ca ? Demo dj = new Demo () 3 ' S.0.pln (dy.a); - S.0. pln Cai bd; 2 diem); ee

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