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n psittacines, the fecal
Gram’s stain is a significant TECHNIQUE FOR
part of a complete patient PERFORMING A FECAL GRAM’S STAIN
evaluation. Although not defini- 1. With the wooden end of a cotton-tipped applica- • Rinse immediately, as above.
tive in making a diagnosis, it tor, pick up a small amount of feces and apply it • Add 5 drops saffron to stain gram-negative
to a pre-cleaned glass slide. Use the applicator bacteria red.
provides a visual screen of the
stick to spread the sample into a uniform, thin, • Rinse immediately, as above.
percentages of bacteria present even film, using a single swath. • Blot dry with lens paper or tissue.
in the gastrointestinal tract at
2. Heat-fix the sample for 5-6 seconds by applying 4. Scan the slide under low microscopic power
the time the sample was the flame from a cigarette lighter to the for an ideal evaluation site and apply 1 drop
collected and smeared. With underside of the slide. immersion oil to the site.
the help of this information, • Using the oil immersion lens, scan several
3. Prepare to stain by placing the slide on a fields for a further idea of uniformity.
the veterinarian can determine staining tray. • Choose a uniform field and begin to estimate
the next diagnostic step — • Apply 3 drops gentian violet to the sample the total number of bacteria. One way to do
whether to proceed to a culture and allow to stand for 30 seconds. This stains that is to count 10 bacteria, assess the propor-
all bacteria blue.
and aggressive therapy, or to tion of the entire field occupied by those 10
• Rinse with water (elevate one end of the bacteria, and then estimate the total bacterial
treat conservatively with slide to drain excess water). population per 1000x field.
husbandry changes. • Apply 3 drops Gram’s iodine and allow to
stand for 30 seconds. 5. Record the results (see Table 1).
Normal intestinal flora of
• Rinse as above.
parrots, seen as gram-positive • Apply 5 drops 95% ethyl alcohol to decolorize The entire process takes an experienced person less
(blue) bacteria on a fecal blue stain from gram-negative bacteria. than 2-3 minutes to complete.
Gram’s stain, represents both
aerobic and anaerobic bacteria
aceae on culture; therefore, NORMAL GRAM’S STAIN
such as Bacillus, Corynebacterium,
cultures are not warranted in
Streptomyces, Lactobacillus, Strepto-
evaluating asymptomatic birds.
coccus and Enterococcus spp.1 The
anaerobic portion is difficult to
grow using standard laboratory OBTAINING
techniques, so the Gram’s stain A FECAL SAMPLE
is the only practical means to The most reliable results from
assess the entire group. fecal Gram’s stains in the clini-
Enterobacteriaceae are gram- cal setting are obtained with a
negative (red) bacteria that consistent technique performed
include pathogenic (e.g., Salmo- on fresh feces by a single
nella, E. coli, Acinetobacter) and person. Fecal samples obtained
FIG 1 Budgerigar, 4-year-old male: Hx = Apparently healthy bird, fed
nonpathogenic species/strains. in the examination room are Harrison’s Bird Foods.™ CS = none. GS = Normal distribution of organ-
Enterobacteriaceae are not nor- not optimal because of the ner- isms: 157 total bacteria per field, 70% gram-positive rods, 30% gram-pos-
vousness of the patient. Ideally, itive cocci, 0 gram-negative bacteria, 0 yeast. Digestion of food is complete.
mal components of unstressed
parrots’ microflora.1 the owner should be instructed
A Gram’s stain is not intended to collect a sample at home and COMMON CLINICAL
to replace a culture for the eval- keep it cool until arrival at the GRAM’S STAIN RESULTS
uation of pathogenic bacteria in office. This prevents prolifera- The following images represent psittacine fecal Gram’s stains com-
a sick bird. On the other hand, tion of saprophytic gram-nega- monly seen in clinical practice (1000x oil field). Most birds were fed
many healthy birds may show tive bacteria that may be primarily a seed-based diet plus some supplements. Distribution of
some transient Enterobacteri- interpreted as pathologic. fecal components and possible causes are described.
FIG 2 Cockatiel, 14-year-old male: Hx = Bird presented for boarding, FIG 3 African grey parrot, 4 years old, sex unknown: Hx = Intermittent
seed diet. CS = Dull feather color, retained pin feathers. GS = 55 bacteria vomiting or loose stool, not as playful. GS = 400 bacteria per oil field, 95%
per field; 90% gram-positive rods, 10% gram-positive cocci. Hyperkeratotic gram-positive short rods, 5% gram-positive rods, 0 yeast. Overgrowth of
cell with characteristic straight sides suggests intestinal microflora imbal- intestinal bacteria, enterotoxemia, malnutrition. Rx = Aggressive.
ance, probably due to malnutrition, early liver disease. Rx = Conservative.

FIG 4 Psittacine: Iatrogenic gram-negative rods due to staining error. An FIG 5 Amazon parrot, 8-year-old, female: Hx = Finicky eater, occasion-
error is suspected when the demarcation of gram-positive and -negative is ally grumpy. CS = Failure to molt correctly, balding of feet, obvious layer-
linear and the groups are similar in shape and size, differing only in color. ing of beak, overgrowth of nails, minor feather-picking. GS = 40 bacteria
Note the presence of a normal intestinal epithelial cell, which is rounded per field, 90% gram-positive rods, 0% gram-positive cocci, 10% gram-neg-
and takes on a blue color. Compare this to the straight, pointed edges of ative rods. (The normal binding of urates by protein is occasionally seen in
the hyperkeratotic cell in Figure 2. Rx = None. fecal Gram’s stains.) Rx = Conservative.

FIG 6 Severe macaw, 7 years old, sex unknown: Hx = Depressed, not eat- FIG 7 Meyer’s parrot, 6 years old, sex unknown: Hx = Diet of seeds and
ing, weak. CS = Underweight, scant feces, dark yellow urine and urates, supplements, treated previously for bacteria. CS = Depressed, fluffed, poor
malcolored feathers. GS = 200 bacteria per field, 1% gram-positive rods, appetite. GS = Scant bacteria, two budding yeast organisms, suggesting
0% gram-positive cocci, 98% gram-negative rods. Rx = Aggressive. early malnutrition. Rx = Aggressive.
FIG 8 Ring-necked parakeet, 9-year-old male: GS = Scant gram-positive FIG 9 Cockatiel, 8-year-old female: GS = 80 bacteria per field, 80%
bacteria, occasional gram-negative, many apparent bacterial forms and gram-positive rods, 20% gram-positive cocci; 20 non-budding, yeast-like
colors; invasive filament of yeast budding bi-directionally. Rx = Aggressive. structures (possibly from bakery products in diet, not clinically significant).
Rx = None.

FIG 10 Umbrella cockatoo, 6-year-old female: Hx = Exposure to carniv- FIG 11 Budgerigar, 4-year-old male: CS = Digestive upset. GS = 200
orous pets, seed only diet. CS = Fetid stool, weight loss, passing undi- bacteria per field, 5% gram-positive cocci, 95% gram-positive rods, of
gested food. GS = 200 bacteria per field, 10% gram-positive rods, 90% which half are large filamentous rods. Rx = Aggressive.
gram-negative rods, of which 50% are Clostridium sp. Rx = Aggressive.

FIG 12 Moluccan cockatoo, 7-year-old male: CS = smelly stool. GS = 50 FIG 13 Budgerigar, 3-year-old male: Hx = Frequent masturbation. GS =
bacteria per field, 90% gram-positive rods, 10% gram-positive cocci, 30 Presence of sperm. Rx =None.
Clostridium sp. organisms. Rx = Aggressive.

KEY Hx = History CS = Clinical Signs GS = Gram’s stain results Rx = Therapy

FIG 14 Psittacine: Various forms of gastrointesti- FIG 15 Psittacine: GS = Large amounts undi- FIG 16 Psittacine: GS = 20 bacteria per field,
nal diseases can be suspected if digestion of fiber gested fiber (low microscopic power). 100% gram-positive rods, lots of undigested food
or dietary ingredients is improper. Top = Normal particles cluttering field, suggesting some form of
fiber content of feces. Bottom = Undigested fiber. gastrointestinal disturbance.


According to Cheville,2 “All combination with cholesterol, distribution of bacteria on the
body surfaces and orifices have produce more bacteria. This fecal Gram’s stain. In the early TABLE 1
Recording Results
characteristic normal resident bacterial proliferation and fer- stages, the change is reflected by: of Fecal Gram’s Stain
microflora, the secretions of mentation produces acids and • decrease in total bacteria
Date _______________________
which prevent overgrowth of other protective by-products. • decrease in percentage of
Species ____________________
pathogenic bacteria — for Such acids inhibit the presence gram-positive cocci.
Case ID ____________________
example, intestine. These of gram-negative rods and yeast. • increase in gram-positive
normal microbial populations An imbalance in the home- rods. Results:
_____ total bacteria/1000x field
reduce growth rates of some ostasis of the bird would result In the later stages of mal-
_____ % G+ rods/field
pathogenic bacteria through in upset of the normal func- nutrition and liver disease, the
_____ % G+ cocci/field
competition for nutrients and tions of the microflora, and Gram’s stain generally shows:
_____ % G- rods/field
adhesion sites.” thus the distribution of bacteria • increase in presence of
_____ number yeast/field
Normal intestinal secretions in the gastrointestinal tract. gram-negative rods (the
_____ % budding yeast
and the by-products from A healthy psittacine should more gram-negative rods,
_____ high fiber in feces
digestion are the most have predominately gram- the more pathologic the
_____ undigested food
significant factors maintaining positive rods and cocci and less situation)
_____ parasites
normal bacterial populations. than 1% gram-negative rods. • presence of yeast (the
_____ clostridia organisms
Microflora in parrots degrade Malnutrition and liver disease, more budding yeast per
_____ hyperkeratotic cells
various fibrous carbohydrates which are very common in pet field, the greater the like- _____ normal intestinal cells
(for energy), digest protein, birds, are characterized by lihood that the immune
assimilate nitrogen, and, in changes in the number and system is breaking down).

1. Ritchie BW, Harrison GJ, Harrison LR (eds): Avian Medicine: Principles and Application. Lake Worth, Wingers Publishing, 1994, pp 951, 968, 978.
2. Cheville NF: Introduction to Veterinary Pathology 2nd ed. Ames, Iowa State University Press, 1999, p 155.
3. Ritchie BW: Case report presentation. Proc No Am Vet Conf, 2000.

HBD International, Inc. 800-346-0269 Fax 800-279-5984

©2002 HBD International, Inc.

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