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Skeletal Radiology


Update of pediatric soft tissue tumors with review of conventional

MRI appearance—part 2: vascular lesions, fibrohistiocytic tumors,
muscle tumors, peripheral nerve sheath tumors, tumors of uncertain
differentiation, and undifferentiated small round cell sarcomas
Ezekiel Maloney1 · Khalid Al‑Dasuqi2 · Lina Irshaid3 · Annie Wang2 · Kimia Kani4 · Andrew Haims2 · Jack Porrino2

Received: 17 December 2020 / Revised: 22 May 2021 / Accepted: 2 June 2021

© ISS 2021

There are numerous soft tissue tumors and tumor-like conditions in the pediatric population. Magnetic resonance imaging is
the most useful modality for imaging these lesions. Although certain soft tissue lesions exhibit magnetic resonance features
characteristic of a specific diagnosis, most lesions are indeterminate, and a biopsy is necessary for diagnosis. We provide
a detailed update of soft tissue tumors and tumor-like conditions that occur in the pediatric population, emphasizing each
lesion’s conventional magnetic resonance imaging appearance, using the recently released ­5th edition of the World Health
Organization Classification of Soft Tissue and Bone Tumors as a guide. In part one of this review, pediatric tumor-like lesions,
adipocytic tumors, fibroblastic and myofibroblastic tumors, and perivascular tumors are discussed. In part two, vascular
lesions, fibrohistiocytic tumors, muscle tumors, peripheral nerve sheath tumors, tumors of uncertain differentiation, and
undifferentiated small round cell sarcomas are reviewed. Per the convention of the WHO, these lesions involve the connective,
subcutaneous, and other non-parenchymatous organ soft tissues, as well as the peripheral and autonomic nervous system.

Keywords  Pediatric · Soft tissue mass · Tumor · Sarcoma · Vascular malformation

Introduction adjacent anatomic structures such as nerves, arteries, fascia,

and periosteum [1, 2].
There are numerous soft tissue tumors and tumor-like condi- We provide an update of the soft tissue tumors and tumor-
tions that may present in the pediatric population. Magnetic like conditions that occur in the pediatric population, with a
resonance imaging (MRI) is the most useful modality for review of each lesion’s conventional MRI appearance, utiliz-
imaging these soft tissue lesions as a result of its detailed ing the newly released World Health Organization (WHO)
anatomic portrayal of the mass, including its relation to nomenclature and classification, summarized in Table 1. We
have elected to address vascular lesions with deference to

* Jack Porrino Andrew Haims
Ezekiel Maloney 1
Department of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle
Children’s Hospital, 4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle,
Khalid Al‑Dasuqi WA 98105, USA 2
Yale Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, 330 Cedar Street,
Lina Irshaid New Haven, CT 06520, USA 3
Department of Pathology, Yale School of Medicine, 333
Annie Wang Cedar Street, New Haven, CT 06520, USA 4
Department of Radiology, University of Maryland Medical
Kimia Kani Center, 22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA

Skeletal Radiology

Table 1  Overview of WHO classes of pediatric soft tissue tumors, excluding vascular lesions subsection
Adipocytic tumors Fibroblastic and myofibroblastic Muscle tumors Tumors of uncertain differentiation

Lipoma (Part 1, Fig. 2) Nodular fasciitis (Part 1, Fig. 6 EBV-associated smooth muscle NTRK-rearranged spindle cell
and 7) tumor neoplasm
Lipomatosis (Part 1, Fig. 3) Proliferative fasciitis and myositis Fetal rhabdomyoma Synovial sarcoma (Part 2, Fig. 9)
Lipoblastoma and lipoblastomato- Myositis ossificans (Part 1, Fig. 8) Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma Epithelioid sarcoma (Part 2,
sis (Part 1, Fig. 4) Fig. 10)
Myxoid and myxoid-pleomorphic Fibrous hamartoma of infancy Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (Part Alveolar soft part sarcoma (Part 2,
liposarcoma (Part 1, Fig. 5) (Part 1, Fig. 9) 2, Fig. 5) Fig. 11)
Fibromatosis colli Spindle cell/ sclerosing rhabdo- Desmoplastic small round cell
myosarcoma tumor
Fibrohistiocytic tumors Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis Ectomesenchymoma Extrarenal rhabdoid tumor
Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumor Inclusion body fibromatosis
Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma Peripheral nerve sheath tumors Undifferentiated small round cell
(Part 1, Fig. 10) sarcomas
Perivascular tumors Gardner fibroma Schwannoma Round cell sarcoma with EWSR1-
non-ETS fusions
Myopericytoma, including infan- Desmoid fibromatosis (Part 1, Neurofibroma (Part 2, Fig. 6 and CIC-rearranged sarcoma
tile myofibroma (Part 1, Fig. 17) Fig. 11) 7)
Lipofibromatosis (Part 1, Fig. 12) Benign triton tumor/neuromuscu- Extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma
lar choristoma
Giant cell fibroblastoma (Part 1, Malignant peripheral nerve sheath Sarcoma with BCOR alterations
Fig. 13) tumor (Part 2, Fig. 8) (Part 2, Fig. 12)
Dermatofibrosarcoma protruber-
ans (Part 1, Fig. 13)
Inflammatory myofibroblastic
tumor (Part 1, Fig. 14)
Infantile fibrosarcoma (Part 1,
Fig. 15)
Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma
(Part 1, Fig. 16)

the International Society for the Study of Vascular Anoma- lesion location or the vessel type that comprises the majority
lies (ISSVA) classification system, most recently updated in of the lesion [4–6].
2018, and summarized in Table 2 [3]. Vascular tumors are considered neoplastic, characterized
In part one of this two-part review, we discussed pediat- by increased proliferation of endothelial and other vascular
ric tumor-like lesions, adipocytic tumors, fibroblastic and cells, while vascular malformations are congenital vascular
myofibroblastic tumors, and perivascular tumors. In part lesions, grow commensurately with the child, cannot invo-
two, we focus on vascular lesions, fibrohistiocytic tumors, lute, and have the ability to expand hemodynamically [5].
muscle tumors, peripheral nerve sheath tumors, tumors of The ISSVA includes numerous tumors in their classifi-
uncertain differentiation, and undifferentiated small round cation (Table 2). We discuss selected subtypes of heman-
cell sarcomas. giomas, tufted angioma and kaposiform hemangioendothe-
lioma, as well as retiform hemangioendothelioma.

Vascular lesions Tumors

Vascular lesions can be separated into vascular tumors and Hemangiomas

vascular malformations, as divided in the classification
system of the International Society for the Study of Vas- Hemangiomas are a benign proliferation of blood vessels,
cular Anomalies (ISSVA), most recently updated in 2018, often characterized by a rapid early proliferative stage and
and presented below [3]. Alternatively, the World Health a later involuting stage. In contrast, vascular malformations
Organization classification does not differentiate between arise from dysplastic vascular channels and exhibit normal
vascular tumors and vascular malformations, and relies on endothelial turnover, growing commensurate with the child

Skeletal Radiology

Table 2  The International Society for the Study of Vascular Anoma- On MRI, proliferating infantile hemangiomas are lobu-
lies classification of vascular tumors [3] lated and mass-like, isointense to muscle on T1-weighted
imaging, hyperintense on T2-weighted imaging, and with
Benign vascular tumors
central and peripheral flow vessels/voids. Diffuse enhance-
Infantile hemangioma
ment is present during this phase. Despite the high-flow
Congenital hemangioma
- Rapidly involuting nature of the lesion, there is no arteriovenous shunting. Dur-
- Non-involuting ing the involuting phase, infantile hemangiomas appear as
- Partially involuting a heterogeneous mass with less contrast enhancement and
Tufted angioma with areas of increased signal on T1 corresponding to fibro-
Spindle cell hemangioma fatty deposition [10] (Fig. 1).
Epitheloid hemangioma Conversely, the more rare congenital hemangioma is
Pyogenic granuloma noted at birth as a true mass (rather than just precursor
Others skin discoloration, which can be seen at birth in up to 30%
Locally aggressive or borderline vascular tumors of infantile hemangiomas) or on pre-natal ultrasound and
Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma can be divided into rapidly involuting (typically involutes
Retiform hemangioendothelioma by 8–14 months), partially involuting, and non-involuting
Papillary intralymphatic angioendothelioma (PILA), Dabska tumor based on biologic behavior over time [11]. Infantile and
Composite hemangioendothellioma congenital hemangiomas share similar imaging character-
Pseudomyogenic hemangioendothelioma istics, with failure of regression noted of the non-involuting
Polymorphous hemangioendothelioma congenital hemangioma [10]. When compared to infantile
Hemangioendothelioma not otherwise specified hemangiomas, congenital hemangiomas are more likely to
Kaposi sarcoma have calcifications, adjacent fat stranding, and less well-
Others defined borders [12].
Malignant vascular tumors The diagnosis of infantile and congenital hemangioma
Angiosarcoma is clinical—established by the appearance of raspberry-red
Epitheloid hemangioendothelioma cutaneous stains with a sharp margin, typically not requiring
Others imaging or biopsy [13]. If biopsied, GLUT1 immunohis-
tochemical marker positivity is a distinguishing feature of
infantile hemangiomas [11]. For patients with unclear clini-
and without regression, and represent an error of vascular cal history and exam, greater than 5 cutaneous lesions, or
morphogenesis. suspected associated anatomic abnormalities, imaging can
Infantile hemangiomas are the most common benign be helpful. Ultrasound with Doppler interrogation is gener-
tumor of childhood, occurring in up to 5% of infants [7–9]. ally preferred for imaging evaluation and MRI may also be
This is a benign neoplasm of the endothelial cells [10]. They helpful in select cases [7].
grow rapidly during the first months of life, and regress Although most commonly seen in isolation within the
thereafter, typically achieving relative stability and some subcutaneous tissues, infantile hemangiomas can occur
degree of remnant scarring by 3–4 years of age [7]. At birth, in the context of PHACE (Posterior fossa and supratento-
they are usually small and inconspicuous. They appear as a rial brain malformations, Hemangioma of face and neck,
subcutaneous bluish red mass resembling the surface of a Arterial abnormalities, Cardiovascular defects, Eye abnor-
strawberry when involving the skin. A proliferative phase malities, supraumbilical raphe, and sternal clefts/defects) or
occurs during the first year of life, where the tumor grows LUMBAR (Lower body infantile hemangiomas and other
rapidly, and represents a high-flow vascular tumor, as evi- cutaneous defects, Urogenital anomalies and ulceration,
denced by a bruit, pulsatility, and warmth, and with a firm, Myelopathy, Bony deformities, Anorectal malformations,
raised, and noncompressible lesion on examination. During Arterial anomalies, Renal anomalies) syndromes [7]. These
the involuting phase, which occurs over the next 1–5 years, associations should be more strongly considered if multiple
there is slow regression of what becomes a softer and more are present, and with large (often greater than 5 cm)/seg-
pale tumor, and with complete regression often occurring mental lesions at facial (PHACE) or lumbosacral/perineal
by 5–7 years [10]. locations (LUMBAR) [7]. For suspected syndromic cases,
Histologically, in the early proliferative phase, the infan- MRI is the optimal imaging modality to define underlying
tile hemangioma is made of hyperplastic endothelial cells structural abnormalities and vascular components [7, 14]
with increased numbers of mast cells, while during the invo- (Fig. 2). When at least 5 cutaneous infantile hemangiomas
lution phase, there is progressive perivascular deposition of are present, screening ultrasound exam is recommended
fibrofatty tissue and thinning of the endothelial lining [10]. by the American Academy of Pediatrics to evaluate for the

Skeletal Radiology

Fig. 1  Intramuscular heman-
gioma. 12-year-old female (A) (B)
with 2-day history of left knee
pain with concern for soft
tissue mass. Axial T1 (A),
T2-fat-suppressed (B), and
coronal T2-fat-suppressed
(C) MR images of the thigh
demonstrate a lobulated and
mass-like intramuscular lesion
isointense to muscle on T1
and hyperintense in signal on
T2 with linear and lacelike
areas of low or intermediate
interspersed signal intensity. (C)
There is subtle fat signal within
the periphery of the lesion on
the T1 sequence (arrow). The
mass was resected, and the
patient remained asymptomatic
for 5 years, at which time she (D)
experienced recurrent, mild,
localized pain at the site of the
lesion. Repeat MRI (D and E)
demonstrated recurrent heman-
gioma, as evidenced by a small
enhancing mass in the resection
bed (axial T1-fat-suppressed
images following intravenous
contrast administration with
arrow denoting enhancing
mass). Grossly (F), the mass
is ill defined and exhibits
spongy, yellow to red-brown
cut surfaces with variably sized
blood-filled cavities (arrows). (E) (F)
Microscopic examination (G)
demonstrates variably sized,
thin-walled, ectatic (*), and slit-
like (arrow) vessels infiltrating
between skeletal muscle fibers


Skeletal Radiology

presence of hepatic infantile hemangiomas [7]. On ultra- on T2-weighted imaging, and demonstrate enhancement fol-
sound, congenital and infantile hemangiomas classically lowing intravenous contrast administration [24].
show heterogenous echogenicity, hypervascularity, occa- Untreated lesions can partially regress but will recur, and
sional calcifications (more common in congenital heman- large lesions can be life threatening due to associated throm-
giomas), and high-flow waveforms on Doppler interrogation bocytopenia complications such as disseminated intravascu-
[12, 15]. In later phase involuting lesions, tortuous, com- lar coagulation or visceral involvement. Medical treatment,
pressible channels with venous waveform on Doppler inter- such as vincristine, steroids, or mTOR inhibitors (e.g., siroli-
rogation become a dominant feature [16]. mus), is typically initiated first line for Kasaback-Merritt
Rarely, congenital and infantile hemangiomas may be phenomenon. Wide local excision, when possible, can be
complicated by potentially life-threatening airway obstruc- curative [25, 26]. Of note, differential considerations for the
tion, bleeding, and ulceration, as well as cardiac failure and tufted angioma/kaposiform hemangioendothelioma spec-
severe hypothyroidism (classically with liver lesions) [7]. trum of disease include infantile fibrosarcoma and infantile
The presence of prominent venous ectasia and venous lakes myofibromatosis (both discussed in Part 1)—large tumors
on ultrasound was associated with these complications in seen in infants that can both cause consumptive coagulopa-
one small series [17]. thy, mimicking the Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon. Imaging
and clinical presentation cannot always reliably distinguish
Tufted angioma and kaposiform hemangioendothelioma these entities, and biopsy is often necessary if there is diag-
nostic dilemma, as there are therapeutic implications. Infan-
Tufted angioma and kaposiform hemangioendothelioma are tile fibrosarcoma often harbors an NTRK gene fusion that
considered a spectrum of the same disease. Tufted angiomas is targetable with selective inhibitors, as discussed in Part
are characterized by superficial, dermal/subdermal, discrete 1 of the manuscript and the “NTRK-rearranged spindle cell
lobules of capillaries within dermal collagen. The involved neoplasm” section below.
skin typically demonstrates violaceous patches and plaques
on physical exam. Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma tends Retiform hemangioendothelioma
to involve deeper soft tissues, with ill-defined, coalescent
nodules of spindled endothelial cells and dilated lymphatic Retiform hemangioendothelioma is an uncommon, locally
channels with surrounding fibrotic stroma. Both entities aggressive, rarely metastasizing vascular lesion most com-
have a wide anatomic distribution. In combination, they are monly involving the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the dis-
responsible for most cases of the platelet-trapping syndrome tal lower extremities of children and young adults [4, 27]. It
referred to as Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon, although this presents as a red/blue slow-growing nodule or plaque, and
is more frequently seen with kaposiform hemangioendothe- on histopathology demonstrates arborizing branching vas-
lioma [5, 18–21]. cular channels with bland endothelial cells with prominent
Most cases present in children younger than 5 years, and nuclei. First-line treatment, when feasible, is wide local exci-
kaposiform hemangioendothelioma occurs most commonly sion [27]. MRI features of this tumor in children have rarely
within the first weeks of life. On MRI, both tufted angiomas been reported. Typical lesions are centered at the level of
and kaposiform hemangioendotheliomas have ill-defined/ the superficial dermis/subcutaneous fat, and are described as
irregular margins. Although it is not always present, a char- similar to other subtypes of hemangioendotheliomas—with
acteristic “reticular” pattern of T1 iso-to-hypointense and low to isointense signal on T1-weighted sequences, iso to
T2-hyperintense signal, reminiscent of the inflammatory hyperintensity on T2-weighted sequences, and hypervascu-
changes seen in the context of cellulitis, can help to distin- larity on post-gadolinium sequences [28].
guish kaposiform hemangioendothelioma from tufted angi-
oma on MRI [22, 23]. In addition, tufted angiomas are typi- Vascular malformations
cally localized to less than 1 cm in maximum depth from the
skin surface, whereas kaposiform hemangioendothelioma Vascular malformations represent congenital anomalies or
extends to more than 1 cm maximum depth from the skin errors of development of the vascular system and are not
surface, often diffusely permeating the soft tissues without neoplasms. They are composed of dysplastic vessels with-
respecting tissue planes [23]. Osseous involvement may be out cellular proliferation. They are thought to be a result of
present in cases of kaposiform hemangioendothelioma, and errant vascular morphogenesis in utero with arrest of normal
vascular flow voids may be visualized on T2-weighted imag- vascular development and failed or incomplete resorption
ing, with arterial feeding vessels and dilated draining veins of primitive vascular elements. There is a resultant imma-
often apparent on MRA [5, 10, 23]. Both tufted angiomas ture non-involuted vascular structure, or vascular malfor-
and kaposiform hemangioendotheliomas tend to be isoin- mation. They can be divided into high-flow and low-flow
tense to slightly hyperintense to muscle on T1, hyperintense lesions based on hemodynamic characteristics at dynamic

Skeletal Radiology


(C) (D)


Skeletal Radiology

◂ Fig. 2  LUMBAR syndrome with infantile hemangioma. 1-month-old as a result of hemorrhage and thrombosis. There is early
female, without any skin abnormalities at birth, developed redness enhancement with early venous shunting, in contrast to
and ulceration in sacral area. Initially evaluated in the emergency
department, where an ultrasound (A) revealed a broad, heterogenous,
venous malformations, which demonstrate delayed enhance-
hypervascular mass along the gluteal cleft with high-flow spectral ment and no venous shunting [9, 10, 30].
waveforms on Doppler interrogation, suggestive of infantile heman-
gioma. Dermatology was consulted, and recommended an MRI of Arteriovenous fistula  Arteriovenous fistulas reflect a single
the spine, abdomen, and pelvis with suspicion for associated struc-
tural abnormalities given the location of the lesion. MRI at 3 months
large vascular channel between artery and vein, either con-
of age demonstrates a multilobulated lesion with interweaving low genital, typically at the head and neck, or acquired, such as
signal and fatty septae, predominantly isointense on axial T1-fat- with penetrating injury. On MRI, the arterial and venous
suppressed images (B), hyperintense on axial T2-fat-suppressed elements of the mass may be apparent as large signal voids,
images (C), and avidly, homogeneously enhancing on axial T1-fat-
suppressed images following intravenous administration of gadolin-
without a well-defined mass [9].
ium contrast (D). The lesion spanned up to 4.5 cm within the super-
ficial subcutaneous fat and extended to the skin surface. In addition,
on sagittal T1-weighted images (E), a low lying spinal cord conus is Low‑flow vascular malformations
present, terminating at the L3 vertebral body level, with an associ-
ated intraspinal lipoma extending from the conus medullaris to the
thecal sac terminus. The right kidney (not pictured) was also noted Venous  Venous malformations are the most common vas-
to be 1 cm asymmetrically smaller than the left, with abnormal pos- cular malformation, found at the head and neck, extremities,
teromedial rotation of its lower pole. The patient received propranolol and trunk [9, 30]. They are formed of dilated venous chan-
treatment for her presumed ulcerated infantile hemangioma, which
responded clinically with significant decrease in size. The patient
nels of varying sizes with a paucity of smooth muscle and
had normal neurologic exam on neurosurgery evaluation, and parents may show adventitial fibrosis, thrombi, and phleboli. They
deferred prophylactic de-tethering procedure, with plan to follow up may be small and localized or diffuse and infiltrating. They
with repeat MRI in 2 years. The patient had no clinical manifestation may be isolated or multiple [10].
of the noted renal anomaly on nephrology consultation, with plan for
follow-up renal ultrasound to monitor kidney growth
Venous malformations are soft, compressible, and non-
pulsatile. There is usually a bluish discoloration when they
involve the skin or subcutaneous tissues, but there is no
time-resolved contrast-enhanced MR angiography. These bruit or thrill. They expand with Valsalva and decompress
lesions are present at birth and grow commensurate with the with elevation of the extremity or compression. While often
child. They do not spontaneously involute or regress [9, 29]. asymptomatic, there may be stiffness and discomfort from
Distinguishing high from low flow has important clini- hemorrhage with ecchymosis, thrombophlebitis, or hemar-
cal implications, in that low-flow vascular malformations throsis. Peripheral lesions may lead to bone thinning, dem-
are often treated with percutaneous sclerotherapy; however, ineralization with possible pathologic fracture, and limb
this approach is ineffective with high-flow lesions, where the underdevelopment. They may also cause skeletal hypertro-
agents are rapidly washed away from the endothelial lining. phy or muscle contracture from infiltration of the malforma-
High-flow lesions are treated with transarterial embolization, tion or secondary to sclerotherapy. Additionally, they may
with possible surgical resection [10]. cause muscle atrophy and subcutaneous fat prominence [10].
MRI demonstrates a lobulated septated lesion with low to
High‑flow vascular malformations intermediate T1 and increased T2 signal, which correlates to
single or multiple venous lakes containing stagnant blood.
Arteriovenous malformation  The arteriovenous malforma- There is frequently interspersed fat within the lesion. Clas-
tion contains a nidus comprised of an abnormal network of sically, they are infiltrating, nonmass-like lesions that do
tortuous and dysplastic vascular channels residing between not push borders and do not respect tissue planes. Venous
feeding arteries and draining veins, and without a normal malformations often extend from the skin through the subcu-
capillary bed [8, 9, 30, 31]. Shunting at the nidus results in taneous tissue and infiltrate muscle, bone, and joint compart-
high blood flow across the lesion, and accounts for asym- ments. Their infiltrative and nonmass-like appearance helps
metric overgrowth, trophic changes due to ischemia from to distinguish from aggressive soft tissue tumors. Signal
arterial steal, hemorrhage, and high output cardiac failure. voids are usually absent secondary to a lack of hypertro-
On MRI, they demonstrate high flow, enlarged feeding phied feeding arteries and enlarged draining veins. Those
arteries and draining veins, which appear as tortuous signal voids that are occasionally present are related to thrombosed
void patterns. There may be perilesional edema and adja- vessels, phleboliths, or fibrous striations in cross section.
cent tiny vessels creating the appearance of an ill-defined Hemorrhagic or proteinaceous content may cause fluid/
mass, although the lesion is often nonmass like with tissue fluid levels within the mass. Dynamic contrast-enhanced
infiltration that does not respect tissue planes. Numerous MR shows gradual delayed contrast filling without enlarged
interspersed punctate areas of high signal may be present arteries or arteriovenous shunting [10] (Fig. 3).

Skeletal Radiology

Fig. 3  Venous malformation.
9-year-old female with history (A) (B)
of developmental dysplasia of
the hip and with right knee pain.
Axial T1 (A), T2-fat-suppressed
(B), T1-fat-suppressed (C),
T1-fat-suppressed post intra-
venous gadolinium (D), and
sagittal T2-fat-suppressed (E)
MR images of the knee dem-
onstrate a large late-enhancing
intramuscular lesion with high
signal on T2 consistent with a
low-flow venous malformation.
This lesion is lobulated and sep-
tated, corresponding to venous
lakes containing stagnant (C) (D)
blood. It appears infiltrating and
nonmass-like, with distribu-
tion that does not respect tissue
planes, in contrast to hemangi-
oma. Microscopic examination
(F) demonstrates an aggregate
of abnormally dilated vascular
spaces with thin walls (arrow)



Skeletal Radiology

Lymphatic  Although often referred to as a cystic hygroma or in the limbs of children and young adults and rarely metasta-
lymphangioma, these are slow-flow vascular malformations, sizes [36, 37]. It typically presents as a slow-growing, poorly
and the suffix “-oma” should be reserved for lesions exhibit- defined plaque or nodule measuring up to 3 cm [37]. On his-
ing cellular proliferation [9]. Nevertheless, these terms are topathology, plexiform architecture, nodules of histiocytoid
seen ubiquitously throughout the literature and in clinical epithelioid cells and osteoclast-like giant cells, and fasci-
practice, and have been used in sub-classifying descrip- cles of myofibroblastic spindle cells are seen [4]. On MRI,
tion of this malformation. For instance, lymphangioma has tumors are plaque like or infiltrative in morphology, isoin-
been described as a benign, localized collection of dilated tense on T1-weighted imaging, hyperintense on T2-weighted
lymphatic channels, commonly seen in children, and often imaging, and enhance on T1-weighted fat-suppressed images
in the context of somatic PIK3CA mutations [32]. When following administration of intravenous gadolinium [38].
multicentric or diffusely infiltrating across multiple tissue Treatment is surgical resection.
planes or involving more than one organ, the same process
has been referred to as lymphangiomatosis. When located
superficially, these lesions have been labeled lymphangi- Muscle tumors
oma circumscritum, and when involving deep tissues have
been referred to as cavernous lymphangioma [4]. “Cystic EBV‑associated smooth muscle tumor
hygroma” is a term that has been used to describe a large,
cystic lymphangioma in the neck, axilla, or groin of infants, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)–associated smooth muscle tumors
and can be seen in patients with Turner syndrome as well as are a new classification within the WHO’s 5­ th edition [4].
lethal karyotypes [33–35]. Although they are seen across a wide age range, they merit
Lymphatic malformations are the result of sequestered discussion in the pediatric population, where they can be
lymphatic sacs, and may be comprised of multiple small seen in patients with primary immunodeficiency, post-
cystic spaces or of larger cystic spaces, giving them their transplant, or HIV/AIDS who have EBV infection [39,
MRI appearance, as a multiseptated cystic mass, hypoin- 40]. These tumors demonstrate smooth muscle differentia-
tense on T1 and hyperintense on T2-weighted imaging. The tion on pathology, distinguishing them from EBV-positive
lesion may be more heterogenous depending on protein or lymphoproliferative disorders, as well as EBV-encoded
hemorrhage content. There may be enhancement of the septa small RNA (EBER) positivity, and both can occur months
following contrast. Notably, in the microcystic form, the to years after the onset of immunodeficiency or transplant.
individual cysts may not be perceptible. These lesions are EBV-associated smooth muscle tumors can occur anywhere
often seen in combination with other vascular malformations in the body including the skin and subcutaneous soft tis-
[9, 30] (Fig. 4). sues, although are most commonly seen in the liver in post-
Although they most frequently occur in the head and transplant patients. The tumors are often multicentric, and
neck, they are also present elsewhere throughout the body range in size from below 1 cm to over 20 cm. Prognosis
anywhere lymphatic vessels are present, including the lower depends on the condition of the patient’s immune system.
extremities [9, 30]. Imaging description of these rare tumors in the pediatric
population is limited. On MRI, one review of 29 pediat-
Capillary  Also referred to as port-wine stains, capillary ric cases identified EBV-associated smooth muscle tumors
malformations are characterized by a collection of vascular in the liver of a post-kidney transplant 11-year-old-boy as
channels in the dermis, and diagnosis traditionally does not circumscribed, hypointense on T1-weighted images, hyper-
require imaging. On MRI, the lesion is typically not per- intense on T2-weighted images, and with peripheral “rim”
ceptible [9]. enhancement on T1-weighted fat-suppressed images post
intravenous gadolinium administration in portal venous
Combined  When vascular malformations are comprised phase [41]. This appearance is non-specific, and notably
of more than one type of vessel wall, they are considered similar to described MRI characteristics of EBV-associated
combined type. lymphoproliferative disease and other malignancies [42].

Fetal rhabdomyoma
Fibrohistiocytic tumors
Fetal rhabdomyoma is a rare, benign neoplasm comprised
Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumor of immature skeletal muscle fibers that occurs in associa-
tion with basal cell nevus syndrome due to loss-of-function
Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumor is a rare neoplasm centered mutations in the tumor suppressor gene PTCH1 [43]. Car-
at the dermal-subcutaneous junction that typically presents diac rhabdomyomas, as are classically seen in the context

Skeletal Radiology

Fig. 4  Lymphatic malforma-
tion with hematoma. 9-year-old (A)
female with expanding soft
tissue mass at the left clavicle
after being hit by a ball to
the region. Ultrasound (A)
demonstrates a heterogenous
multiseptated mass with internal
echogenic material. Frontal
radiograph (B) demonstrates
a soft tissue density overlying
the mid clavicle (arrow). Axial
T1-fat-suppressed (C), T2-fat-
suppressed (D), and T1-fat-
suppressed post intravenous
gadolinium (E) MR images (B)
of the clavicle demonstrate a
non-enhancing multiloculated
mass with heterogenous signal
and fluid–fluid levels related to
internal hemorrhage. Grossly
(F), the specimen is red-brown
and focally surrounded by
muscle (*). Sectioning reveals
a multiloculated cystic cavity
(arrow) containing a small
amount of blood and sur-
rounded by muscle and fibrous
tissue. Microscopic examina-
tion (G) demonstrates vascular
channels lined by a monolayer (C) (D)
of bland endothelial cells that
display oval, hyperchromatic
nuclei (arrow) and overlie a
fibrous wall with focal hemor-
rhage (*)


(F) (G)

Skeletal Radiology

of tuberous sclerosis, are classified separately by the WHO well as neuroblastic tumors. Of the approximately 50 cases
[4]. Fetal rhabdomyomas are typically slow-growing, pain- reported, most affected patients are infants and children
less masses, affect children with mean age of 2.1 years, and [4, 52]. This tumor has been reclassified from a periph-
have a postauricular predilection [4]. On MRI, they gen- eral nerve sheath tumor to a skeletal muscle tumor in the
erally demonstrate isointense signal to muscle on T1- and 2020 WHO classification as trisomies of chromosomes 2,
T2-weighted imaging and enhance on T1-weighted fat- 8, and 11, and frequent HRAS mutations suggest that the
suppressed images following administration of intravenous tumor is more closely related to rhabdomyosarcoma than
contrast [44]. to a neural crest neoplasm [53]. Most commonly involved
sites include the pelvis, intra-abdominal, and retroperito-
Rhabdomyosarcoma neal soft tissues, although reported anatomic distribution
is widespread. On MRI, these masses are reported to be
Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common soft tissue sarcoma hypointense on T1-weighted images, heterogeneous on
in children, arising from primitive, undifferentiated mesen- T2-weighted images, and show patchy contrast enhance-
chymal cells committed to develop into striated muscle. ment [54]. Patients are treated with multimodality strate-
Almost all pediatric cases are of the alveolar or embryonal gies, including rhabdomyosarcoma protocols, with com-
subtypes, and a minority of cases involve the spindle cell/ parable outcomes [52, 55].
sclerosing subtype, which was added to the WHO’s ­5th edi-
tion classification. Spindle cell/sclerosing rhabdomyosar-
coma also has three new subtypes, on the basis of genetic
abnormalities: (1) congenital spindle cell with VGLL2/ Peripheral nerve sheath tumors
NCOA2/CITED2 rearrangements (favorable prognosis),
(2) MYOD1-mutant spindle cell/sclerosing, (3) intraosse- Schwannoma
ous spindle cell RMS with TFCP2/NCOA2 rearrangements
[4, 45]. The pleomorphic variant occurs almost exclusively Schwannoma, also known as neurilemoma, is a benign,
in adults. The two most common subtypes of rhabdomyo- encapsulated nerve sheath tumor comprised of neoplastic
sarcoma in pediatric patients have distinct anatomic predi- Schwann cells [4, 46]. Most cases are diagnosed in the third
lections, syndromic associations, and genetic alterations. to fifth decades [56]. Schwannomas tend to be solitary and
While the embryonal type most commonly occurs in the present as a slow-growing, solitary, sporadic, painless mass
head and neck, retroperitoneum, and genitourinary tract, in 90% of cases. Patients with neurofibromatosis type 2
the alveolar type has a predilection for the extremities and (NF2) or schwannomatosis often develop multiple schwan-
trunk [1, 46–49]. Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma is associ- nomas related to underlying somatic NF2 mutation or often
ated with several syndromes that involve the RAS signaling other germline chromosome 22 mutations [57]. In addition
pathway, including neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), Noo- to occurring along the flexor aspects of the upper and lower
nan syndrome, and Costello syndrome, and has also been extremities, schwannomas commonly occur along the spinal
reported in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (dysregulation and sympathetic nerve roots of the head and neck, classically
of the 11p15.5 region), DICER1 syndrome (specifically from the vestibular division of the bilateral ­8th cranial nerves
uterine embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma), and Li-Fraumeni in NF2, and can also affect the posterior mediastinum and
syndrome (TP53 mutations) [50]. On molecular analysis of retroperitoneum [29, 46].
rhabdomyosarcomas, FOX01 gene fusion is typically seen Schwannomas are histologically eccentric and separate
in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, and helps to distinguish this from the nerve, which is why they are surgically excisa-
subtype from the embryonal subtype [4]. ble from the nerve [29, 46]. They are often nonspecific on
MRI features are nonspecific, with low or intermediate MRI, hypointense on T1, and hyperintense on T2-weighted
signal on T1, intermediate to high signal on T2-weighted imaging, with variable contrast enhancement [29]. Large
imaging, and with variable enhancement following intrave- “ancient” schwannomas may undergo cystic degeneration
nous contrast. There are often areas of necrosis which appear and show areas of hemorrhage, necrosis, and calcification
hyperintense on fluid-sensitive sequences. Prominent high- [58]. Plexiform schwannomas are comprised of more infil-
flow vessels may be present in the alveolar subtype [46–48, trative or thinly separated nodules that appear more conflu-
51] (Fig. 5). ent on MRI, and are seen most commonly sporadically but
have also been reported in patients with NF2 and schwanno-
Ectomesenchymoma matosis, and tend to come to clinical attention in childhood
or at birth [59, 60]. Schwannomas rarely undergo malignant
Ectomesenchymoma is an exceedingly rare composite transformation [46]. See further description of overlapping
tumor with elements resembling rhabdomyosarcoma as MR imaging features in the “Neurofibroma” section below.

Skeletal Radiology

Fig. 5  Alveolar rhabdomyosar-
(A) (B)
coma. 3-year-old female with a
palpable lump in her right lower
leg. Axial T1 (A), T2-fat-sup-
pressed (B), T1-fat-suppressed
(C), T1-fat-suppressed post
intravenous gadolinium (D),
and coronal T2-fat-suppressed
(E) MR images through the leg
demonstrate a large intramus-
cular T1 hypointense and T2
hyperintense lesion (arrows)
with avid enhancement on
post-contrast imaging within the (C) (D)
posterolateral lower leg. Grossly
(F), the tumor is well circum-
scribed and displays a tan-
white, firm, and nodular cut sur-
face. The tumor is surrounded
by tan-brown skeletal muscle
(arrow). Microscopic examina-
tion (G) reveals monotonous,
rounded tumor cells arranged
in solid and alveolar nests, with
evidence of skeletal muscle
infiltration (arrow). Molecular
evaluation by FISH showed (E) (F)
evidence of FOXO1 rearrange-
ment supporting the diagnosis
of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma
(not shown)


Skeletal Radiology

Neurofibroma Patients often have progressive pain or peripheral neuropa-

thy, including atrophy of the limb involved, and superim-
The neurofibroma is also a benign peripheral nerve sheath posed desmoid fibromatosis is seen in up to 80% of cases
tumor consisting mainly of Schwann cells [4, 46]. Neurofi- [65, 66]. Most reported cases of neuromuscular choristoma
bromas are most commonly sporadic and solitary (cutaneous have been described in the presence of CTNNB1-mutated
or deeper nerves affected), but can also be diffuse (subcu- fibroblasts/myofibroblasts, similar to sporadic desmoids
taneous nerves of the head and neck affected), or plexiform [65].
(diffuse tumor extending along branches of a nerve) [29, 30, On MRI, neuromuscular choristoma manifests as fusiform
46]. In 10% of cases, neurofibromas are seen in the context enlargement of the associated nerve, T1- and T2-weighted
of NF1. Most patients with NF1 exhibit neurofibromas in sequence signal isointense to muscle, typically with less
childhood, before the age of 20 years, while sporadic neu- than 50% intralesional fat (helping to distinguish from lipo-
rofibromas tend to affect young adults [56]. Multiple neurofi- matosis of the nerve), and with minimal enhancement on
bromas and plexiform neurofibromas almost always occur in post-gadolinium T1-weighted fat-suppressed sequences.
the context of NF1 [56]. More hypointense T1- and T2-weighted signal, as well as
NF1 patients have also been found to develop a newly more avid contrast enhancement, is seen as superimposed
WHO-classified subtype of neurofibroma termed atypical fibromatosis component increases [67, 68].
neurofibroma/atypical neurofibromatous neoplasm of uncer-
tain biological potential. This subtype is associated with Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor
specific genetic deletions and at least two of the following:
cytological atypia, hypercellularity, and/or loss of neurofi- Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors are of neuroec-
broma architecture, < 1.5 mitoses/mm^2. They are consid- todermal origin, often arising in benign plexiform neurofi-
ered premalignant or early malignant stage falling short of bromas, but can occur in preexisting isolated neurofibromas.
diagnostic criteria for malignant peripheral nerve sheath While the lifetime risk of developing a malignant periph-
tumor, but at risk for progression to this tumor [53, 61–64]. eral nerve sheath tumor is 0.001% in the general population,
The neurofibroma is intermixed with and inseparable those with NF1 have an 8–26% risk [46, 47].
from the nerve; therefore, surgical excision must include the The question of whether malignant degeneration of a
parent nerve [29, 46]. Similar to the schwannoma, neurofi- peripheral nerve sheath tumor has occurred is answered
bromas exhibit often nonspecific imaging features on MRI, correctly clinically approximately 72% of the time. Factors
hypointense on T1, hyperintense on T2-weighted imaging, that are associated with malignant transformation include
and with variable intravenous contrast enhancement [29]. increasing size, large size, persistent pain, neurologic defi-
Plexiform neurofibromas are usually large at presentation cits, location deep to the fascia, or within an extremity [46,
with a multilobulated appearance and with diffuse thicken- 47].
ing of the involved nerve and its branches [56] (Fig. 6). On MRI, factors that suggest malignant peripheral nerve
Although often nonspecific on MRI, both schwannomas sheath tumor include tumor growth, central cystic changes
and neurofibromas may exhibit several characteristic signs. often caused by necrosis or hemorrhage, peripheral contrast
These include the “fascicular sign” (multiple small ring-like enhancement, and a feathery perilesional edema. Although
structures with peripheral higher signal intensity represent- potentially only meaningful in those with NF1, intralesional
ing fascicular bundles on T2-weighted imaging), “split fat heterogeneity on T1-weighted imaging may correlate with
sign” (the lesion is surrounded by a rim of fat), “string sign” malignancy [46, 47, 69]. These tumors are often nonspecific
(entering and exiting nerve roots are apparent at both ends in appearance otherwise iso to slightly hyperintense to mus-
of the lesion), and “target sign” (high signal peripheral rim cle on T1, and heterogeneously hyperintense on T2-weighted
related to myxomatous tissue and lower signal central zone imaging. In a study by Wasa et al., the authors found four
on T2 related to fibrocollagenous signal; notably, the fibro- statistically significant MRI features that helped to dis-
collagenous tissue will enhance following contrast admin- tinguish a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor from
istration) ([29, 46] (Fig. 7). a neurofibroma: increased largest dimension of the mass,
presence of peripheral enhanced pattern, presence of per-
Benign triton tumor/neuromuscular choristoma ilesional edema-like zone, and presence of an intra-tumoral
cystic lesion [70] (Fig. 8).
Benign triton tumor/neuromuscular choristoma is an However, both benign and malignant lesions have over-
extremely rare intraneural proliferation of mature skeletal lapping clinical manifestations, and morphologic imaging
muscle interposed with nerve fibers of the endoneurium cannot reliably differentiate benign from malignant trans-
that presents mostly in infancy or childhood, and classi- formed lesions, in particular in tumors with heterogeneity.
cally involves the sciatic nerve or brachial plexus [65–67]. Conversely, PET can be used as an imaging discriminator

Skeletal Radiology

Fig. 6  Plexiform neurofi-
broma. 16-year-old female with (A) (B)
history of neurofibromatosis
type 1 and leg mass. Axial T1
(A), T2-fat-suppressed (B),
T1-fat-suppressed (C), T1-fat-
suppressed post intravenous
gadolinium (D), and sagittal
T1-fat-suppressed post-gado-
linium (E) MR images through
the foot demonstrate a large,
ill-defined, infiltrative het-
erogeneously enhancing lesion
with heterogenous signal on
T1 and T2 imaging, consistent
with plexiform neurofibroma,
involving the superficial and
deep soft tissues of the left
(C) (D)
lower extremity (*). On gross
examination (F), the mass is
rubbery with a fibrous, tan-
grey cut surface. Microscopic
examination (G) demonstrates a
diffuse and haphazard prolifera-
tion of loosely arranged spindle
cells with small, wavy nuclei
(arrows) in a myxo-collagenous
stroma. The lesional cells have
benign cytologic features and
lack significant mitotic activity

(E) (F)


Skeletal Radiology

[53, 73–76] (Table 3). These genetic variations differ from

the “classic” EVT6-NTRK fusion that is commonly seen
in infantile fibrosarcoma, which was discussed in Part 1,
but otherwise share many similar clinicopathologic features.
“Classic” and “variant” NTRK-rearranged tumors are most
commonly seen in children less than 2 years old but can
present through adolescence. Both tumor subtypes tend
to occur in the extremities and the trunk but can affect the
viscera. On pathology, both tumor subtypes have a similar
morphologic pattern of haphazardly arranged primitive cells
in variably myxoid stroma and/or spindled cells arranged in
fascicles [74].
Some of the cases described in series of NTRK variant
tumors including children have had clinicopathologic simi-
larities to lipofibromatosis, dermatofibrosarcoma protuber-
ans, and peripheral nerve sheath tumors. MRI features of
these tumors are only just emerging in the published litera-
ture. In one case described as lipofibromatosis-like neural
tumor, the tumor showed predominant T1 signal isointensity,
internal fat signal (unlike typical descriptions of dermatofi-
brosarcoma protuberans), and predominant T2 hyperinten-
sity [74–79].
Recognition of NTRK translocations has clinical impor-
tance, as aberrantly expressed oncogenic receptor tyrosine
Fig. 7  Plexiform neurofibroma with target sign. 17-year-old male
kinases in NTRK-rearranged neoplasms are medically tar-
with history of neurofibromatosis type 1 and painful mass at the
popliteal fossa. Axial T2-fat-suppressed MR image through the knee getable. Recent clinical trials have shown promising results
demonstrates a lobulated mass within the posterior soft tissues of the for larotrectinib therapy in pediatric patients with NTRK-
knee. Many of the rounded components of the mass that comprise the rearranged tumors [79].
tumor exhibit a hyperintense T2 halo, with central hypointense sig-
nal, compatible with the target sign described with peripheral nerve
sheath tumors Synovial sarcoma

Synovial sarcoma is the most common non-rhabdomyo-

for benign neurofibroma and malignant peripheral nerve sarcomatous soft tissue sarcoma in children, and the sec-
sheath tumor in those with NF1 utilizing a combination ond most common malignant soft tissue tumor in pediatric
of qualitative and quantitative assessment, with an under- patients [1, 46–48]. Despite the name, the tumor does not
standing that rare false positive and false negative results arise from synovium, but from primitive mesenchymal tissue
will occur (Fig. 8). Additionally, diffusion-weighted imag- and is named for its histologic resemblance to synovium.
ing-derived parameters for differentiation of benign from Synovial sarcoma is often characterized on molecular
malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors in the context of pathology by a specific SS18-SSX1/2/4 fusion gene [80].
NF1 have demonstrated improved sensitivity and specific- The lesion often occurs near joints, particularly the popliteal
ity compared with evaluation of morphologic MRI features fossa [29, 46, 81]. The tumor can occur at any age, but most
[71, 72]. commonly occurs in adolescence [81].
The MRI appearance is variable, with the most com-
mon appearance being a heterogeneous multilocular, well-
Tumors of uncertain differentiation defined, cystic-appearing lesion with internal septations.
Fluid–fluid levels as a result of layering blood products are
NTRK‑rearranged spindle cell neoplasm common. Margins are typically sharp, but larger lesions
may be ill defined and infiltrative. As with other sarcomas,
NTRK-rearranged spindle cell neoplasm (emerging) is a new the lesion is usually isointense to muscle on T1, heteroge-
entity described in the 2020 WHO classification within the neously isointense or hyperintense to subcutaneous fat on
category of tumors of uncertain differentiation. A growing T2-weighted imaging, and with heterogeneous intravenous
body of literature has recognized “variant” NTRK rear- contrast enhancement. Notably, the lesion may appear
rangements in a subset of pediatric mesenchymal tumors deceptively benign (small, homogeneous, well defined, and

Skeletal Radiology

(A) (B)

(C) (D)


Fig. 8  Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor arising from a plexi- within the urinary bladder. On gross examination (G), the soft tis-
form neurofibroma. 12-year-old female with neurofibromatosis type sue mass displays a multinodular cut surface that ranges from soft,
1 and increasingly painful left groin mass. Axial T1 (A), T2-fat-sup- white, and glistening (*) to firm, yellow-white, and gelatinous (**).
pressed (B), T1-fat-suppressed (C), T1-fat-suppressed post intrave- The mass abuts the peripheral inked margin (arrow). Low-power
nous gadolinium (D), and coronal T1-fat-suppressed post intravenous view (H) shows a plexiform neurofibroma with multiple nerve fas-
gadolinium (E) MR images through the pelvis and upper thighs dem- cicles expanded by the tumor, leading to a multinodular appearance
onstrate a large heterogenous T2 hyperintense and T1 isointense left (*). There is one dominant nodule (**). High-power view (I) of this
pelvic mass extending into the thigh through the femoral canal, asso- dominant nodule demonstrates increased cellularity and nuclear pleo-
ciated with the left femoral nerve. The mass was increasingly pain- morphism (arrow) suggesting transformation to malignant peripheral
ful and resides within deep soft tissues, including the pelvis. FDG/ nerve sheath tumor. The tumor cells were positive for S100 and dis-
PET image through the intrapelvic portion of the mass (F) demon- played increased Ki-67 index
strates an FDG avid mass along the left pelvis, with excreted tracer

with a growth pattern that displaces rather than infiltrates which appears bright on T1- and T2-weighted imaging
adjacent structures). Fifty percent are contiguous with bone (present in over 40%), triple-signal intensity (areas hyper-
and 21% exhibit cortical thinning or medullary invasion [29, intense, isointense, and hypointense relative to fat as a
46–48, 81] (Fig. 9). result of hemorrhage, fibrous tissue, and cystic and solid
Several features may aid in making a prospective imag- regions; present in 35%), a “bowl of grapes sign” which
ing diagnosis. These imaging features include the pres- describes large cystic areas with prominent hemorrhagic
ence of dystrophic calcification, fluid–fluid levels as a foci, and a relative lack of T2-weighted hyperintensity
result of intralesional hemorrhage (18%), hemorrhage [29, 46–48, 81].

Skeletal Radiology

(G) (H)


Fig. 8  (continued)

Table 3  NTRK rearrangements in pediatric soft tissue tumors for a long period of time, simulating a benign, inflammatory
process [47].
Genetic rearrangement Tumor nomenclature
Pathologically, the tumor has been classified as either
“Classic” (ETV6-NTRK fusion) Infantile fibrosarcoma classic type (previously, distal type) or proximal type. The
“Variant” (Non-ETV6-NTRK fusion) Lipofibromatosis-like classic type often arises in extremities, such as the arm and
neural tumors hand, as subcutaneous or deep soft tissue nodules with pos-
Tumors resembling sible ulceration. The proximal type has been described to
peripheral nerve sheath
tumors occur more commonly in older adults. These tumors have
Spindle cell tumors a high recurrence rate and a poor prognosis in those with
distant metastases, with a median survival of 8 months [82].
Epithelioid sarcoma occurs most often during adoles-
Epithelioid sarcoma cence, has a male predominance, and is the most common
soft tissue sarcoma of the wrist and hand. The smaller
Epithelioid sarcoma was first recognized in 1970 as a dis- lesions may be well circumscribed or ill defined. Larger
tinct tumor with multidirectional differentiation, predomi- lesions are often multilobulated. Collectively, tumor mar-
nately epithelial, but of uncertain histogenesis. Since that gins are frequently lobulated and infiltrative, and the tumor
time, the histomorphopathology, immunophenotype, and is often partially or predominately necrotic in appearance.
ultrastructure suggest it is of mesenchymal origin. The Peritumoral edema/increased T2 signal is a common find-
tumor is rare, with variable biologic behavior, accounting ing on MRI, and reportedly correlates with the histologic
for less than 1% of all soft tissue tumors [82]. It consists of a finding of an intense inflammatory response and/or edema
multinodular proliferation of spindle-shaped and epithelioid about the tumor. Lesions can arise in superficial or deep
cells, typically characterized by a deletion on chromosome soft tissues, with a propensity to spread along fascial planes,
22 resulting in almost complete loss of SMARCB1 (INI1) aponeuroses, and tendon sheaths. Hemorrhagic necrosis may
nuclear protein expression [4]. Notably, the tumor manifests result in increased T1-weighted signal, and T2 signal is often
as a painless, slow-growing mass that may have been present heterogeneous. Contrast enhancement is also heterogenous,

Skeletal Radiology

Fig. 9  Synovial sarcoma.
16-year-old female with a (A) (B)
one-year history of an increas-
ingly painful left hip, and
recent palpable mass. Axial
T1 (A), T2-star-fat-suppressed
(B), T1-fat-suppressed (C),
and T1-fat-suppressed post
intravenous gadolinium (D)
MR images through the left
hip demonstrate a well-circum-
scribed mass within the superfi-
cial soft tissues adjacent to the
left femoral greater trochanter.
The periphery of the mass
exhibits increased T1 signal
compatible with blood products. (C) (D)
Centrally, there is a soft tissue
component that appears hypoin-
tense on T1, hyperintense on
T2, and with enhancement
following intravenous contrast
administration. The patient
had image-guided biopsy with
pathology consistent with
synovial sarcoma, which was
later resected

depending upon cellularity and degeneration. Overall, the which may mimic an arteriovenous malformation, rhabdo-
MRI appearance can be quite variable, and is nonspecific. myosarcoma, or fibrosarcoma [46, 47, 83, 84].
[46, 47, 82] (Fig. 10). Target lesions may be present within the tumor associ-
ated with nodular/lobular internal architecture, in which
Alveolar soft part sarcoma there are components of the tumor that appear peripherally
hyperintense surrounding a centrally hypointense focus on
The alveolar soft part sarcoma is rare and of uncertain cell T2-weighted imaging (Fig. 11). These target lesions tend to
origin, characterized by a specific chromosomal translo- be small, multiple, and similar in size. This helps to distin-
cation that results in ASPSCR1-TFE3 gene fusion [47]. guish them from the “target signs” described with peripheral
Although the exact histogenesis is unknown, the name is nerve sheath tumors which are larger and variable in size
derived from the presence of nests of eosinophilic cells [84].
that contain abundant precrystalline cytoplasmic granules
organized in a fashion-resembling respiratory alveoli, and Desmoplastic small round cell tumor
separated by a rich vascular blood supply [46]. The tumor
primarily affects adolescents and young adults, mainly in the Desmoplastic small round cell tumor is characterized by
trunk and lower extremities [46, 83, 84]. nests of small round cells on a desmoplastic stroma, spe-
It is well circumscribed on MRI, and, unlike many other cific immunocytochemical staining, and commonly EWSR1-
soft tissue sarcomas, exhibits moderate to high signal inten- WT1 gene fusion [85, 86]. It primarily arises in children
sity on T1-weighted imaging potentially related to an abun- and young adults with widespread abdominal and peritoneal
dance of slow capillary blood flow through tumor vessels. involvement. Location outside the abdominal cavity is rare,
The tumor is heterogenously hyperintense on T2-weighted but cases involving the thoracic cavity, paratesticular region,
imaging with moderate to intense contrast enhancement head and neck, limbs, kidney, and brain have been reported
(Fig. 11). Notably, dilated vessels in and around the lesion [87–89].
may be present with associated serpentine flow voids. A Although computed tomography is typically the pre-
prominent feeding artery and draining vein may be present, ferred imaging modality for both diagnosis and follow-up,

Skeletal Radiology

(A) (A) (B)


(C) (D)



Fig. 11  Alveolar soft part sarcoma. 12-year-old male with an enlarg-

ing right thigh mass over several months. On MRI, the mass is pre-
dominately, slightly hyperintense to muscle on axial T1-weighted
imaging (A), demonstrates a predominantly hyperintense, sharply
circumscribed appearance on T2-fat-suppressed images (B), with a
few, thin, low signal internal septations and punctate foci. The mass
(E) enhances avidly on axial T1-weighted fat-suppressed images follow-
ing administration of intravenous gadolinium contrast (C). On the
sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed image, there are multiple small,
relatively uniformly sized internal nodules/tumor lobules, and small
target lesions with bright periphery and dark centers (D). The patient
underwent excisional biopsy, and pathology was consistent with alve-
olar soft part sarcoma, with re-excision achieving negative margins.
The patient has since been observed for 5 years without evidence of

Fig. 10  Epithelioid sarcoma. 13-year-old male presented with left desmoplastic small round cell tumors are heterogeneous
foot and ankle swelling for 3  years with intermittent pain. Axial to isointense on T1-weighted images (patchy foci of inter-
T2-fat-suppressed (A) and sagittal T1-weighted (B) MR imaging nal T1 hyperintensity may reflect internal tumoral hemor-
demonstrate a rounded mass along the extensor tendons that appears
rhage or necrosis), typically heterogeneously hyperintense
hypointense on T1 and hyperintense on T2. There is surrounding
soft tissue increased T2 signal and regional marrow signal changes. on T2-weighted images (with low T2 areas corresponding
Complete resection was required for the diagnosis of epithelioid sar- to more cellularly dense desmoplastic response), and have
coma. 12-month follow-up MRI (C) demonstrates recurrence with heterogeneous enhancement following administration of
a peripherally enhancing mass present on the sagittal T1-weighted
intravenous gadolinium contrast [90, 94–97].
fat-suppressed sequence following intravenous gadolinium. Disease
recurrence was resected and radiated. Follow-up PET/CT at 6 months
demonstrates locally recurrent (D) and metastatic (E) disease that is Extrarenal rhabdoid tumor
FDG avid
Extrarenal rhabdoid tumor is an exceedingly rare, highly
malignant neoplasm that is predominantly seen in infants
MRI is also employed on occasion. In both instances, the and children. It is characterized by primitive undifferenti-
tumor typically manifests as multiple bulky masses scat- ated or rhabdoid cell morphology, and typically has loss of
tered throughout the abdominal cavity, without a clear expression of the SMARCB1 gene [98]. The tumor seems
parenchymal organ of origin, and with a dominant mass in to arise most commonly in deep midline locations—such as
the rectovesical or rectouterine pouch [90–93]. On MRI, the neck, paraspinal region, abdominal and retroperitoneal,

Skeletal Radiology

pelvic and perineal locations [99–102]; however, reported Sarcoma with BCOR alterations
anatomic distribution is widespread and includes extrarenal
viscera, most commonly the liver [103, 104]. Regardless of Relatively recently, several rare subsets of primitive
tumor location, patient outcomes are poor, with reported round cell sarcomas have been identified with BCOR
overall 5-year survival rate of < 15% [105, 106]. genetic alterations on immunohistochemical testing,
On MRI, extrarenal rhabdoid tumors demonstrate hypo- and are now given their own classification by the WHO
to isointense signal on T1-weighted images, heterogeneously [4]. These include BCOR gene fusions, most commonly
hyperintense signal on T2-weighted images, enhancement BCOR-CCNB3 which is typically seen in patients less
on T1-weighted fat-suppressed images following intravenous than 20 years old, as well as sarcomas with BCOR-internal
gadolinium contrast administration, and sometimes with low tandem duplication and primitive myxoid mesenchymal
signal central regions corresponding to areas of necrosis or tumors of infancy that occur within the first year of life
hemorrhage [51, 107, 108]. and may be present at birth [117–120]. BCOR-CCNB3
sarcomas are relatively evenly spread between bone and
soft tissue origin, most commonly seen in the pelvis, lower
Undifferentiated small round cell sarcomas extremity, and paraspinal regions, although reported ana-
tomic distribution is wide [121, 122]. BCOR-internal
Advances in knowledge of the genetic alterations of pre- tandem duplication sarcomas and primitive myxoid mes-
viously described “undifferentiated round cell sarcomas” enchymal tumors of infancy occur mainly in soft tissues
have led the WHO to create a new chapter in their 2020 at the trunk, head and neck, and retroperitoneum [120].
classification covering “undifferentiated small round cell Patients most commonly present with pain and swelling
sarcomas of bone and soft tissue tumors.” This new cat- [123].
egory includes Ewing sarcoma (previously classified as a The MRI features of BCOR-internal tandem duplication
miscellaneous tumor of bone) as well as the entities listed and primitive myxoid mesenchymal tumors of infancy have
in Table 1, and of these we discuss extraskeletal Ewing sar- not yet been well described in medical imaging literature.
coma and sarcoma with BCOR genetic alterations in greater Two case reports describe the tumors to be predominantly
detail below. Although seen at all ages, round cell sarcoma cystic lesions, with high signal intensity on T2-weighted
with EWSR1-non-ETS fusions is a rare tumor that even images, low signal intensity on T1-weighted images, and
more rarely manifests within the soft tissues, rather than minimal peripheral contrast enhancement [124, 125]. These
bone [109]. CIC-rearranged sarcomas similarly can present tumors are typically treated with complete resection to avoid
in all age groups, but have a predilection for young adults, recurrent growth [124].
with < 25% of cases seen in children [110]. CIC-rearranged On MRI, BCOR-CCNB3 sarcomas are aggressive-
sarcomas are highly aggressive and frequently metastasize to appearing tumors, similar in appearance to the above
the lungs, with significantly worse 5-year survival rate than description of extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma—they are
Ewing sarcoma [111]. reported to have internal necrosis, flow voids, perilesional
edema, and avid enhancement following administration of
Extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma intravenous gadolinium [126] (Fig. 12). BCOR-CCNB3 sar-
comas are treated similarly to Ewing sarcoma, with similar
Ewing’s sarcoma is a malignant small, round blue cell tumor 5-year survival rates (72–80%) [117, 122, 123]. Metastatic
associated with FET-ETS fusion genes that is most com- disease is identified on presentation in many cases—most
monly seen in patients less than 20 years of age [112]. In commonly to the lungs.
about 12% of cases, the tumor is extraosseous—arising in
soft tissue as opposed to bone, with a wide anatomic distri-
bution [113]. MRI demonstrates a well-circumscribed mass
iso or hypointense to muscle on T1-weighted images, hetero- Conclusion
geneously hyperintense on T2-weighted images, with vari-
able enhancement on T1-weighted fat-suppressed images There are numerous soft tissue tumors and tumor-like condi-
following intravenous administration of gadolinium contrast. tions in the pediatric population. The recently updated WHO
There may be regions of internal hemorrhage with intrinsic classification scheme for these tumors provides a useful
T1-weighted hyperintensity, as well as internal fluid lev- standardized nomenclature in the context of evolving under-
els. Focal areas of necrosis appear low on T1 and high on standing of underlying genetic aberrations and emerging
T2-weighted imaging. Serpentine high-flow vascular chan- targeted therapies. MRI is widely employed when imaging
nels, exhibiting low signal on conventional pulse sequences, these soft tissue lesions due to its superior soft tissue con-
are frequently present [46, 47, 114–116]. trast and characterization, ability to identify any underlying

Skeletal Radiology

(A) (B)

(C) (D)


Fig. 12  BCOR-CCNB3 sarcoma. 7-year-old female presented with the mass. Abnormal enhancement is also noted about the thickened
chest pain. Frontal chest radiograph (A) demonstrates a right chest ipsilateral parietal and visceral pleura, as well as within the marrow
wall mass. MRI was obtained. On coronal T2-weighted image with of the 3rd rib. Axial image from a subsequent whole body PET/CT
fat suppression (B), a hyperintense mass is seen in similar distribu- (E) demonstrates heterogeneous FDG uptake greater than the medi-
tion, centered within the soft tissues between the right 2nd and 3rd astinal blood pool within the mass, with non-FDG avid areas likely
ribs along the lateral chest wall, extending outward to the overlying corresponding to necrosis, as well as FDG avidity along the thickened
soft tissues, and inward to the pleural space, with a small hyperin- pleura and the pleural effusion, favoring malignant extension. Physio-
tense pleural effusion present. On axial fat-suppressed T1-weighted logic FDG uptake is noted along the anterior mediastinum within the
image (C), the mass demonstrates heterogenous signal intensity, thymus. Needle biopsy revealed largely necrotic tissue, interspersed
with low-intensity regions likely corresponding to areas of necrosis with viable areas of tumor showing primitive small, round to spindled
and a few focal hyperintense regions likely corresponding to areas cells on a myxoid background with patchy pseudocyst formation (not
of hemorrhage. On axial fat-suppressed T1-weighted image follow- shown). Immunohistochemistry demonstrated strong, diffuse positiv-
ing administration of intravenous contrast (D), there is heterogene- ity to CCNB3, supporting the diagnosis of BCOR-CCNB3 rearranged
ous enhancement—primarily at the peripheral and central portions of sarcoma

bone marrow signal abnormalities, and in select instances characteristic of a specific diagnosis without biopsy, most
provide quantitative or semi-quantitative data. While certain lesions are often indeterminate based on clinical examina-
soft tissue lesions may exhibit conventional MRI features tion and MRI, and biopsy is required.

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