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Introduction to Testing of Materials

Experimentation and testing plays an important role in developing new

materials and devices and in controlling the quality of materials for use in design
and construction. In the educational process, they also serve through direct
involvement of the students, to give substance to theoretical concept and to
provide a means of augmenting insights gained from analytical studies. For
these reasons, students of engineering, architecture and other fields associated
with design activities or resource utilization can benefit experiences in obtaining
first-hand information about materials and processes.

This laboratory manual is intended for this course, construction materials

and testing. It is a major course that includes the following objectives:

1. Familiarity with the mechanical properties of engineering materials.

2. Skill in methods of observation.
3. Knowledge of accepted method of testing.
4. Appreciation of the significance of data.
5. Strengthened grasp of the principles of mechanics of materials.
6. Acquaintance with standards and the technical literature.
7. Ability to report the results of investigation.

The prerequisite of this course is generally include the courses pertaining

to strength of materials or mechanics of materials. This manual serves as an
introduction to the nature of the construction materials for those students who
have not had previous introduction concerning testing materials or as a
convenient review for who have has such instrument. In any case, each
laboratory work is provided with a backgrounder or theory of testing which will
serve as a reference material to support laboratory studies and as an aid in
interpreting the results of laboratory experiments.

The real significance of any test lies in the extent to which it enables us to
predict the performance of a material in service. A test may have significance
in two ways such as:
1. It measures adequately the property that is sufficiently basic and
representative that the test results can be used directly in design.
2. The test, even though highly arbitrary serves to identify materials that have
been proved by experience to give satisfactory performance.

Therefore, in testing of materials, we obtain only measures, indication or

manifestations of properties found from samples of materials tested under
certain sets of circumstances.

General Laboratory Instruction

The Construction Materials and Testing Subject is a course in Civil

Engineering, which provides credit for two hours lecture and three hours of
laboratory work per week. This laboratory work can be performed and
completed with the three-hour period.

Generally, each laboratory period will consist of three parts, these are:

1. A short briefing or discussion on the test, which is to perform. This is to be

given by the instructor.
2. The actual laboratory testing, this will be done by students in groups. The
instructor will assign groupings and this depends upon the number of
students in the class. In the same cases, the instructor may demonstrate a
laboratory work.
3. The reduction of rough/raw data. Once the testing has been completed
and each group has secured its own data, the data will be reduced and
all necessary computations will be made.

A final report will be submitted usually one week after each laboratory
work; the date of testing and date of submission should be properly indicated.
All other contents of the final report should be completed.

Laboratory instructions are essential/element of good laboratory practice.

To facilitate the performance of the testing and for better results. In order to
achieve these, the following provisions should be observed:
1. A borrower’s slip should be properly and completely filled-up; this will be
submitted to the custodian in-charge together with students’ ID card
ahead of the scheduled laboratory work.
2. All equipments should be received at the counter.
3. All essential equipments are to be checked by the group before sign
them. Any defects, malfunctions or damaged should be reported
immediately to the custodian.
4. Proper care and use of the instruments should be strictly observed.
5. Observe cleanliness and orderliness during the execution of each
laboratory work. It will be the responsibility of each group to clean its own
instrument and area where their laboratory work is performed.
6. All borrowed equipments should be properly cleaned before returning
them. Any lost/damages equipments will be charges to the group.
7. No students are allowed to enter the equipment stock room without
8. Observe silence during the performance of laboratory work.

This laboratory manual in Construction Materials and Testing has been

written for Civil Engineering Students who have completed the course in
Strength of Materials or Mechanics of Materials. It is therefore important for the
students who will be using this laboratory manual to have acquired better
analytical and fundamental concepts of Mechanics of Materials in order to
tackle the problems with confidence and interest.

The content of this laboratory manual is intended for a one (1) unit
laboratory course designed especially for students who will soon become Civil
Engineers. The laboratory exercise found in this manual is geared towards testing
of construction materials used in many construction industries such as sand,
gravel, concrete, cement and wood. Laboratory procedures and basic
knowledge in testing were presented.

The author hopes that this laboratory manual in Construction Materials &
Testing will able to help not only the Civil Engineering Students but also Civil
Engineers, Materials Engineers who are engaged in horizontal and vertical



1 Reducing Field Samples of Aggregates to Testing Size 6-10

2 Properties in Aggregates by Volumetric Method 11-19

3 Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate

by Pycnometer Method 20-27

4 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate 28-32

5 Standard Test Method for Grain Size Analysis 33-39

6 Determination of Fineness Modulus 40-46

7 Making and Curing of Concrete Test Specimens 47-54

8 Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic

Cement Concrete 55-60

9 Normal Consistency of Hydraulic Cement 61-64

10 Setting Time of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle 65-71

Name: _________________________________________ GRADE

Date Performed: _______________________________

Group No.: ____________________________________

Laboratory Work No. 01

Reducing Field Samples of Aggregates To Testing Size

Reference Standard: ASTM 702


1. To know the correct method of obtaining sample of aggregate for

mechanical analysis.
2. To be able to obtain a representative sample for testing.

This laboratory work introduces the method of extracting samples for
laboratory testing. It is very significant whenever a sample is required for
experiment inside the laboratory section.


1. Representative sample of aggregates

2. Spade
3. Container
4. Standard Sieve, 25 mm opening
5. Sample Splitter


1. Take a representative sample of sand and gravel. Place it in a

2. Wash thoroughly the sample with water so that it will be free from silt
sand clay.
3. Dry the sample.
4. Pass it to the 1” sieve and disregard the sample, which is more than 1”
in diameter.
5. Make a mound and divide it into four parts. Take the opposite division
for mechanical analysis of aggregates.
6. In case a sample splitter is available, pour the sample into the splitter
and retain the sample poured on one side of the divider.

Data & Results:

1. Original Mass of Sample : _______________________kg.

2. Mass of Sample for Testing : _______________________kg.

Experimental Set-up:
Theory of Discussion:

1. Define the following:

a. Sample Splitter
b. Aggregate
c. Sieve

2. Give some of the characteristics of good sand, gravel and aggregates

as a whole.

3. Enumerate the common uses of sand and gravel in building

Name: _________________________________________ GRADE

Date Performed: _______________________________

Group No.: ____________________________________

Laboratory Work No. 02

Properties in Aggregate by Volumetric Method

Reference Standard: ASTM C29 / C29M – 91a


1. To determine the unit weight of fine coarse aggregate.

2. To know the important use of unit weight of the aggregate most
specially in proportioning concrete mixture.
3. To learn the different method of determining the unit weight and
void in an aggregate in a loose and compacted conditions.


This test method covers the determination of unit weight in a compacted

or loose condition and calculated voids in fine, coarse, or mixed aggregate
based on the same determination. This test method is applicable to aggregates
not exceeding 6 inches in nominal maximum size.
The unit weight of an aggregate is usually express in either English units
such as pcf or in metric units such as kg/cu.m, N/cu.m or KN/cu.m and other
prepared units. Unit weight of aggregate is significant in the sense that it gives
measure of the voids in a unit volume of aggregate. The voids of aggregate
depends upon many factors, among them are size, shape and surface texture
of aggregate, gradation, moisture content, and compaction. For general
information and for comparison of different aggregate, the standard conditions
used in determining the unit weight are dry and compact.
Unit weight is the traditional terminology used to describe the property
determined by this method. Some believe the term is unit mass or density, but
consensus in this alternative terminology has not been obtained.
The unit weight may also be used for determining mass/volume
relationship for conversation in purchase agreements. However, this relationship
between degree of compaction of aggregates in a hauling unit or stockpile
and that achieved in this test method is unknown. Further, aggregates in hauling
stockpiles usually contain absorbed and surface moisture while this method
determines the unit weight on a dry basis.


1. Balance
2. Tamping Rod
3. Volume Measure
4. Shovel
5. Scoop
6. Aggregates (fine and coarse)


A. Calibration of Volume Measures:

1. Fill the measure with water at room temperature.

2. Determine the mass or weight of the volume measures using the
3. Measure the temperature of the water and determine its density
using the table shown below.
4. Calculate the volume of the measure.

Reference Table:

Temperature ◦C Density of Water


15.60 999.01
18.30 999.54
21.10 997.97
23.0 997.54
23.90 997.32
26.70 996.59
29.40 995.83
B. Shoveling Procedure

1. Select approximately 5 -10 kg of aggregate sample.

2. Fill the measure to overflowing by means of shovel or scoop,
discharging the aggregates from a height not to exceed 2 inches
above the top of the volume measure. Exercise care to prevent, so
far as possible, segregation of the particles of which the sample is
composed. Level the surface of the aggregate with the fingers or a
straightedge in such a way that any slight projections of the larger
voids in surface below the top of the volume measures.
3. Determine the mass or weight of the measure plus its contents and
the mass or weight of the measure alone, and record the values to
the nearest 1 gm or 0.10 grams.
4. Complete the table as provided for in this handout.
5. Answer the additional questions found at the end of this handout.

C. Rodding Procedure:

1. Select approximately 5 – 10 kg of aggregates sample.

2. Fill the measure one – third full, and level the surface.
3. Tamp the aggregates with 25 strokes evenly distributed over the
4. Fill the measure two – thirds full and level.
5. Tamp again the 25 times over the surface of the aggregate. Be sure
that only enough force should be used to cause the tamping rod
just enough to penetrate the last layer of aggregates placed in the
6. Fill the measure to overflowing, tamp as before and strike of the
surplus by rolling the tamping rod over the surface. Do not compress
the aggregate.
7. Determine the net weight of the aggregates in the volume measure
and compute the unit weight of the aggregates.
8. Complete the tabulation as provided in this handout.

Data and Results:

A. Volume Measure:

Number of Trials 1 2 Average

Mass of Volume Measure, gms
Mass of Water + Measure, gms
Mass of Water, gms
Temperature of Water, ◦C
Density of Water,
Volume of Measure,cc
Average Volume of Measure, cc

B. Fine Aggregate:

b.1 Shovelling Method

Ave. Mass of Measure, gms

Ave. Vol. of Measure, gms
Mass of Measure + Wet Aggregates, gms
Mass of Wet Aggregates, gms
Mass of Oven-Dried Aggregates, gms
Average Mass of Water, gms
Water Content, %
Loose Density of Aggregates, g/cc
Average Density of Water, g/cc
Unit Weight, g/cc

b.2 Rodding Method

Ave. Mass of Measure, gms

Ave. Vol. of Measure, gms
Mass of Measure + Wet Aggregates, gms
Mass of Wet Aggregates, gms
Mass of Oven-Dried Aggregates, gms
Average Mass of Water, gms
Water Content, %
Loose Density of Aggregates, g/cc
Average Density of Water, g/cc
Unit Weight, g/cc

C. Coarse Aggregate:

c.1 Shovelling Method

Ave. Mass of Measure, gms

Ave. Vol. of Measure, gms
Mass of Measure + Wet Aggregates, gms
Mass of Wet Aggregates, gms
Mass of Oven-Dried Aggregates, gms
Average Mass of Water, gms
Water Content, %
Loose Density of Aggregates, g/cc
Average Density of Water, g/cc
Unit Weight, g/cc
c.2 Rodding Method

Ave. Mass of Measure, gms

Ave. Vol. of Measure, gms
Mass of Measure + Wet Aggregates, gms
Mass of Wet Aggregates, gms
Mass of Oven-Dried Aggregates, gms
Average Mass of Water, gms
Water Content, %
Loose Density of Aggregates, g/cc
Average Density of Water, g/cc
Unit Weight, g/cc

D. Other Properties of Aggregates

d.1 Gravel Materials

Assumed Specific Gravity

Average Volume of Measure, cc
Average Mass of Measure, gms
Average Mass of Rodded Gravel, gms
Water Content, (%)
Rodded Density of Gravel, g,cc
Rodded Unit Weight of Gravel, g/cc
Porosity of Gravel
Void Ratio of Gravel
Degree of Saturation

d.2 Sand Materials

Assumed Specific Gravity

Average Volume of Measure, cc
Average Mass of Measure, gms
Average Mass of Rodded Sand, gms
Water Content, (%)
Rodded Density of Sand, g,cc
Rodded Unit Weight of Sand, g/cc
Porosity of Sand
Void Ratio of Sand
Degree of Saturation

Experimental Set-up:
Theory of Discussion:

1. Define the following words or group of words:

a. Mass
b. Weight
c. Voids
d. Tamping Rod
e. Volume Measure
f. Balance
g. Void Ratio
h. Specific Gravity
i. Porosity
j. Degree of Saturation

2. The total mass of a sample is 51.50 gms, the total volume is 28.30 cc, the
water content is 16.50 %, and the specific gravity is 2.70. Find the following:
a. Wet density
b. Dry density
c. Percent of voids

3. Given that void ratio e = 1.24, specific gravity = 2.71, and water content =
42%, find:
a. Wet density
b. Dry density

4. Given wet density = 1900 kg/cu.m, dry density = 1650 kg/cu.m, and
specific gravity = 2.72, find:
a. Water content
b. Percent of voids

5. Given:
Percent of voids = 25.45 %
Specific gravity of aggregate = 2.68
Water content = 25 %
a. Wet density
b. Dry density
c. Porosity
d. Degree of saturation
Name: _________________________________________ GRADE

Date Performed: _______________________________

Group No.: ____________________________________

Laboratory Work No. 03

Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate (Sand)
by the Pycnometer Method

Reference Standard: ASTM C128

To be able to determine the specific gravity of fine aggregate (sand)
using the Pycnometer Method.


This test method covers the determination of the specific gravity of fine
aggregates (sand). Its particular usefulness is in connection with the design and
control of concrete mixtures.


1. Pycnometer Bottle
2. Tap Water
3. Weighing Balance .10 gram accuracy
4. Water Thermometer
5. Fine Aggregate (Sand)
6. Tissue Papers
7. Drying Can
8. Oven


Calibration of Pycnometer:

1. Weigh the Pycnometer with the stopper or without the stopper.

2. Fill the Pycnometer using tap water up to the desired mark and get the
total mass of Pycnometer plus water.
3. Measure the temperature of the water and determine its density using
the table as shown below.
4. Compute the volume of the occupied by the water in the
Pycnometer. Use the relation:

Density = mass/volume

Reference Table

Temperature ◦C Density of Water, Kg/cu.m

15.60 999.01
18.30 999.54
21.10 997.97
23.0 997.54
23.90 997.32
26.70 996.59
29.40 995.83

Specific Gravity Determination:

1. Fill the Pycnometer with tap water to about one-third of the total
2. Dry the inside of the Pycnometer above the level of the liquid after
3. Introduce a quantity of oven-dried sand sample in small increments
into the Pycnometer. Amount of sand will be about 200 – 300 gms.
Record the mass of the oven-dried sample.
4. After a desired amount of sand has been introduced, place the
stopper in the flask and roll the Pycnometer in an inclined position or
gently whirl it in a horizontal circle, so as to free the sand from air until
no further air bubbles rise to the surface of the liquid.
5. Weigh the Pycnometer with water and fine aggregate. Note that level
of water shall be up to the reference mark on the Pycnometer.
6. Remove the fine aggregate inside the Pycnometer. Wipe the sample
to remove the water at the surface of the materials. Weigh the wiped
sample. Record this as mass of sample at saturated surface dry.
7. Compute the different specific gravity or specific gravities of the
8. Compute the amount absorbed by the sample or the percent of
absorption of the fine aggregate.
9. Complete the table as provided in this laboratory work text.
Basic Formulas:

Calculate the cement density, ρ as follows:

ρ = M/V

Where: ρ = density of the sand in g/cc

M = mass of sand inside the flask

V = displaced volume. This displaced volume is numerically

equal to the difference between the first and final readings of
volume displaced by the mass of sand used in the test. Note
that if density of water at 4◦C is 1 g/cc, the density of the fine
aggregate may be treated as its specific gravity.

Specific Gravity Formulas:

● Bulk Specific Gravity

SGbulk = Mdry / (Mssd – Msub)

● Specific Gravity at Saturated Surface Dry

SGssd = Mssd / (Mssd – Msub)

● Apparent Specific Gravity

SGaap = Mdry / (Mdry – Msub)

Percentage of Aborption, %

● % Absorption = (mass of water/mass of dried sample) x 100%

Data and Results

A. Volume of Pycnometer

No. of Trials 1 2
Mass of Pycnometer, MP
Mass of Water + Pycnometer
Mass of water, MW
Temperature of Water, TW
Density of Water , ρW
Volume of pycnometer

B. Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate

a. Source of Fine Aggregate: ___________________________

b. Color of the Fine Aggregate: _________________________

No. of Trials 1 2
A. Mass of oven-dry fine aggregate (sand), MS gm gm
B. Mass of Pycnometer plus water gm gm
C. Mass of sand plus water plus Pycnometer gm gm
D. Mass of sand at SSD gm gm
Bulk Specific Gravity of Sand; A/(B+D+C)
Bulk Specific Gravity of Sand at SSD; D/(B+A-C)
Apparent Specific Gravity of Sand; A/(B+A-C)
Percentage of Absorption, %; ((D-A)/A)x100% % %
Average Bulk Specific Gravity of Sand
Average Bulk Specific Gravity of Sand at SSD
Average Apparent Specific Gravity of Sand
Percentage of Absorption, % %

Experimental Set-up:
Theory of Discussion:

1. Define the following terms or group of terms:

a. Pycnometer Bottle
b. Oven
c. Fine Aggregate
d. Apparent Specific Gravity
e. Bulk Specific Gravity
f. Bulk Specific Gravity at Saturated Surface Dry (SSD)
g. Saturated Surface Dry
h. Absorption
i. Adsorption

2. Complete the table as shown below.

No. of Trials 1 2
A. Mass of oven-dry fine aggregate (sand), MS 287 gm 434 gm
B. Mass of Pycnometer plus water 674 gm 677 gm
C. Mass of sand plus water plus Pycnometer 859 gm 957 gm
D. Mass of sand at SSD 301 gm 453 gm
Bulk Specific Gravity of Sand; A/(B+D+C)
Bulk Specific Gravity of Sand at SSD; D/(B+D-C)
Apparent Specific Gravity of Sand; A/(A-C)
Percentage of Absorption, %; ((D-A)/A)x100% % %
Average Bulk Specific Gravity of Sand
Average Bulk Specific Gravity of Sand at SSD
Average Apparent Specific Gravity of Sand
Percentage of Absorption, % %

Note: Use separate sheet/s for the computation if space is not sufficient.
Name: _________________________________________ GRADE

Date Performed: _______________________________

Group No.: ____________________________________

Laboratory Work No. 04

Specific Gravity & Absorption
of Coarse Aggregate (Gravel)

Reference Standard: ASTM C127

To determine the specific gravity and absorption of coarse aggregate.


This test method covers the determination of the specific gravity and
absorption of coarse aggregates (gravel). The specific gravity may expressed as
bulk specific gravity, bulk specific gravity at SSD (saturated surface dry), or
apparent specific gravity. The bulk specific gravity at SSD and absorption are
based on aggregate after 24 hour soaking in water. Its particular usefulness is in
connection with the design and control of concrete mixtures.


1. Container
2. Tap Water
3. Weighing Balance, .10 gm accuracy
4. Smooth Gravel
5. Crushed Gravel
6. Tissue Papers
7. Drying Can
8. Oven


Specific Gravity and Absorption Determination:

1. Take a sample of gravel approximately 3 kg to 4 kg from the soaked
gravel materials.
2. Place the soaked materials in an absorbent material and roll it until all
visible films of water are removed. For larger gravels wipe them
3. Weight the sample in the saturated surface dry condition. Record this
as mass at SSD.
4. After weighing the saturated surface dry sample, get the weight of the
sample when it is immerse in water. Use wire basket to get the weight
of the gravel in water.
5. Dry the sample in an oven at constant temperature until weight of the
material is constant. Record this mass or weight of gravel at dry

Basic Formulas:

Calculate the cement density, ρ as follows:

ρ = M/V

Where: ρ = density of the sand in g/cc

M = mass of sand inside the flask

V = displaced volume. This displaced volume is numerically

equal to the difference between the first and final readings of
volume displaced by the mass of sand used in the test. Note
that if density of water at 4◦C is 1 g/cc, the density of the fine
aggregate may be treated as its specific gravity.

Specific Gravity Formulas:

● Bulk Specific Gravity

SGbulk = Mdry / (Mssd – Msub)

● Specific Gravity at Saturated Surface Dry

SGssd = Mssd / (Mssd – Msub)

● Apparent Specific Gravity

SGaap = Mdry / (Mdry – Msub)

Percentage of Aborption, %

● % Absorption = (mass of water/mass of dried sample) x 100%

Data and Results:

a. Source of Coarse Aggregate: ___________________________
b. Color of the Coarse Aggregate: _________________________

Tabular Data:

No. of Trials 1 2
A. Mass of oven-dry dry aggregate (gravel), MS gm gm
B. Mass of sample in air at SSD gm gm
C. Mass of saturated sample in water gm gm
Bulk Specific Gravity of Gravel; (A/B-C)
Bulk Specific Gravity of Gravel at SSD; B/(B-C)
Apparent Specific Gravity of Gravel; A/(A-C)
Percentage of Absorption, %; ((C-A)/A)x100% % %
Average Bulk Specific Gravity of Gravel
Average Bulk Specific Gravity of Gravel at SSD
Average Apparent Specific Gravity of Gravel
Percentage of Absorption, % %

Experimental Set-up:
Theory of Discussion:

Name: _________________________________________ GRADE

Date Performed: _______________________________

Group No.: ____________________________________

Laboratory Work No. 05

Standard Test Method for Grain Size Analysis

Reference Standard:


1. To determine the particle size distribution of fine and coarse

aggregates by sieving
2. To be able to draw thee gradation curve for coarse and fine


This test method covers the determination of the particle size distribution
of fine and coarse aggregates by sieving. Some specifications for aggregates
contain grading requirements including both coarse and fine fractions. This test
method is used primarily to determine the grading of materials proposed for use
as aggregates for being used as aggregates. The results are used to determine
compliance of the particle size distribution with applicable specification
requirements and to provide necessary data containing aggregates. The data
may be useful in developing relationships concerning porosity and packing.


1. Balance
2. Set of sieves
3. Mechanical sieve shaker
4. Fine and coarse aggregates
5. Volume measure


A. Fine Aggregates (Sand Materials)

1. Select 500 gms of dry fine aggregates

2. Pass them through ½ inch, #4, #8, #16, #30, #50, #100 and #200 sieves.
3. Agitate the sieves by hand or by mechanical sieve shaker foe a
sufficient period, established by trail or checked by measurement on
the actual test sample to meet criterion for adequacy.
4. Limit the quantity of material on a given sieve so that all particles have
opportunity to reach sieve openings a number of times during the
sieving operation.
5. Weigh the portion of sample aggregates retained on each sieve and
on the pan if any.
6. Complete the tabulation provided and generates the gradation curve
using the semi-logarithmic graph.

B. Coarse Aggregates (Gravel sizes)

1. Select 2000 gms of dry coarse aggregates.

2. Pass them through 1 inch, ¾”. ½”, 3/8”, and # 4 sieve.
3. Agitate the sieves by hand or by mechanical sieve shaker foe a
sufficient period, established by trail or checked by measurement on
the actual test sample to meet criterion for adequacy.
4. Limit the quantity of material on a given sieve so that all particles have
opportunity to reach sieve openings a number of times during the
sieving operation.
5. Weigh the portion of sample aggregates retained on each sieve and
on the pan if any.
6. Complete the tabulation provided and generates the gradation curve
using the semi-logarithmic graph.

C. Mix Aggregates (Sand and Gravel Materials)

1. Select 600 gms of dry coarse aggregates.
2. Mix them together and pass them through 1 inch, ¾”. ½”, 3/8”, # 4, # 8,
# 16, # 30, # 50, # 100 and # 200 sieve.
3. Agitate the sieves by hand or by mechanical sieve shaker foe a
sufficient period, established by trail or checked by measurement on
the actual test sample to meet criterion for adequacy.
4. Limit the quantity of material on a given sieve so that all particles have
opportunity to reach sieve openings a number of times during the
sieving operation.
5. Weigh the portion of sample aggregates retained on each sieve and
on the pan if any.
6. Complete the tabulation provided and generates the gradation curve
using the semi-logarithmic graph.
7. Compute the uniformity coefficient.

Basic Formulas:

Loss of wt = total mass before sieving – total mass after sieving

% loss = (loss wt/orig wt) x 100%

Cu = D30/D60

Data and Results:

A. Materials of Data

Mass of Sand gm
Mass of Gravel gm
Total Mass of Mixed materials gm
Loss of Weight gm
% Loss of materials %
Uniformity Coefficient

B. Grading Data:
Sieve No. Aperture Mass % Cum % %
Retained Retained Retained Passing
mm inch gms % % %


Experimental Set-up:
Theory of Discussion:

Define the following terms or group of terms:

a. Sieve analysis
b. Gradation chart
c. Maximum size of aggregates
d. Minimal size of aggregates
e. Effective size of aggregates
f. Uniformity coefficient
g. Well-graded
h. Uniformly graded
i. Gap graded
Name: _________________________________________ GRADE

Date Performed: _______________________________

Group No.: ____________________________________

Laboratory Work No. 06

Determination Of Fineness Modulus

Reference Standard:


1. To be able to determine the fineness modulus of a sample of

2. To know the use of fineness modulus of construction materials
particularly the aggregates.


Fineness modulus is a convenient method of expressing the overall

grading of the aggregates. It is a single figure derived by adding together the
cumulative percentage retained on a specified set of sieves and dividing the
total by 100. The set of sieves used in this laboratory work are arranged in the
following order as 3, 4, 8, 16, 30, 50, and 100.

The fineness modulus is used in the determination of dry-rodded volume

for mix design. For example, the sand materials, the ratio of sand to coarse
aggregates in the mix is lower when the sand is finer than when it is coarse. A
grading of sand in which one or two particles predominate should be avoided.
This condition would result in a large void of cement and would therefore
require amount of cement, water paste to produce a workable mixture.

Fineness modulus is an index for soil and aggregates, which determines if

the material s desirable for construction or not. The fineness modulus of a
material is one way of classification, in line with the other methods such as
compressibility and strength.
As to the final evaluation of the material, it should be noted that the
material is good for construction if its fineness modulus is less than or equal to 3.0.


1. Set of sieves
2. Balance
3. Container
4. Combined aggregates
5. Mixing pans


1. Prepare a washed, dried, and combined-aggregated for testing.

2. Obtain a sample of about 5 to 10 kg. From the prepared combined-
3. Prepare and arranged the set of sieves in the order as #3, #4, #8, #16,
#30, #50, #100, and pan at the bottom.
4. Carefully place the sample for testing into the set of sieves.
5. Shake manually the aggregates to separate the particles into the
different openings of the sieves. The shaking should be continuously
done for about 5 to10 minutes. Be sure that no materials to be spilled
out during the manual shaking.
6. Obtain and record the mass or weight retained on each sieve.
7. Tabulate the recorded data and results using the format presented in
these handouts.

Data & Results:

a. Original Weight of Sample : ___________________ gms

b. Weight of Sample after Sieving : ___________________ gms

c. Loss of Weight of Soil : ___________________ gms



(gm) (gm)


Experimental Set-up:
Theory of Discussion:

1. Define the following:

a. % Passing
b. % Retained
c. Soundness Test
d. Los Angeles Abrasion Test
e. Sand Equivalent Test

2. Below is a data taken from sieve analysis of combined aggregates for

the determination of fineness modulus of the aggregates. What is the
fineness modulus for this sample?


3/8” 9.50 100

4 4.75 98

8 2.36 91

16 1.18 63

30 0.60 38

50 0.30 15

100 0.15 4

Is the value of the fineness modulus within the acceptable limit?

3. Following are the results of a sieve analysis on a fine aggregate.
Determine the fineness modulus for this aggregate.


3/8” 100

4 97.30

8 82.80

16 65.10

30 48.60

50 30.20

100 12.90

200 3.50
Name: _________________________________________ GRADE

Date Performed: _______________________________

Group No.: ____________________________________

Laboratory Work No. 07

Compressive Strength of Concrete Cylinders

Reference Standard: ASTM C188-95


1. To measure the compressive strength of Portland cement concrete.

2. To know the uses of the compressive strength of in the design of structural
concrete members.
3. To be able to manipulate the compression testing machine properly.


A compressive strength test requires the casting, curing, and testing of two
standard cylinders. The test result is obtained by averaging the two strengths. Air-
content and slump test are taken as the cylinders are made.

After casting, the cylinders must not be disturbed and must be protected
from temperature changes or drying environment. After 24 hours, the cylinders
can be transferred to the laboratory, removed from mold, stored at the required
temperature and humidity. The strengths are acceptable if the average of any
three consecutive strengths tests is equal to or greater than that specified and
no individual test is more than 3.50 Mpa or 500 psi below the specified strength.

The design strength of concrete is usually that reached by concrete

cylinders at a certain age. To ensure that the true strength of the concrete in the
cylinder is measured, it must be capped with a hard material to provide a flat,
level loading surface with a plane perpendicular to the axis of cylinder.

A sulphur and fine-sand mixture is usually used for this purpose. It is a liquid
at 13°c to 145°c and hardens rapidly as it cools. To fail the cylinder, itmust be
loaded at a constant rate of between 150 to 350 Kpa (20 to 50 psi) per second.

Specification requires one strength test for each 150 cu.yd. of concrete
(ASTM Specification) or one for each 100 cu.m.

1. Compression Testing Machine

2. Capping Apparatus
3. Aggregates
4. Portland Cement
5. Mixing Concrete Apparatus
6. Concrete Cylinder Mold
7. Slump Cone
8. Tamping Rod


1. Prepare the aggregates by measuring per cu. Ft. or kg using the

specified mixture and properties of concrete sample.
2. Mix the component of concrete thoroughly by the addition of water.
3. Determine the slump of the concrete for sampling and testing. Record
the slump in the nearest mm.
4. Prepare the concrete test specimen using the standard cylinder mold
following the proper procedure in the preparation of concrete mold.
5. Allow the concrete to harden for 24 hours.
6. Cap both ends of the cylinder in the capping mold with the sulphur
7. Allow the cap to harden for at least 2 to 24 hours.
8. Place the cylinder in the compression machine and load it until failure

Data & Results:

A. Specimen Data
a. Mixture Proportion

Cement = ____________ kgs

Sand = ____________ kgs
Gravel = ____________ kgs
Water = ____________ kgs
Water-Cement Ratio = ____________
b. Diameter Mold : __________________ mm

c. Height of Concrete Mold : _______________ mm

d. Average Slump of Mixture : ______________ mm

e. Date of Mixing : __________________________

f. Method of Mixing : _______________________

B. Ultimate Compressive Strength of Concrete and Other Properties

Test No. 1 2 3 4
Wt. of Mold
Vol. of Mold
Unit wt. of Mold
Area of Sample
Age of Sample
Load Failure
Compressive Strength of
Concrete Sample
Experimental Set-up:
Theory of Discussion:

Q.1. Define the following terms or group of terms

1. Water-Cement Ratio
2. Hydration
3. Ultimate Compressive of Concrete
4. Unit Weight of Concrete
5. Yield of Concrete

Q.2. A concrete cylinder 150 mm in diameter falls under a load of 285 KN. Find
the compressive strength of the concrete in MPa and psi.

Ans. _______________ MPa = _______________ psi

Q.3. a batch of concrete consists of 40 kgs of cement, 120 kgs of sand, 310 kgs
of gravel and 25 liters of water. If the specific gravity of sand and gravel is 2.68
and that of cement is 3.10, determine the following:

a. Unit weight of the mixture in KN/cu.m.

Ans. _____________________ KN/cu.m

b. Yield of mixture

Ans. _____________________ cu.m

c. Number of bags of cement for 1 cu.m. concrete

Ans. _____________________ bags

Q.4. given the following data below, find the mass of cement required for this
mixture proportion if sand is 600 kgs, gravel is 1300 kgs, and water cement ratio is

Unit weight of concrete = 2400 k g/cu.m.

Yield of concrete = 1.25 cu.m

Ans. ___________________ kg

Q.5. given the following data below, find the following:

a. No. of bags of cement per cu.m. : Ans. __________________ bags

b. Vol. of sand per cu.m. : Ans. __________________ cu.m.

c. Vol. of gravel per cu.m. : Ans. __________________ cu.m.

Materials Weight Relative Density

Cement 40 kgs/bag 3.10
Sand 120 kgs 2.68
Gravel 275 kgs 2.70
Water 24 kgs 1.00
Name: _________________________________________ GRADE

Date Performed: _______________________________

Group No.: ____________________________________

Laboratory Work No. 08

Standard Test Method for Slump
of Hydraulic Cement Concrete

Reference Standard: ASTM C 143-90a


1. To know the proper procedure of determining slumps of a freshly mixed

2. To be able to determine the consistency of freshly mixed concrete.


This test method covers determination of slump of concrete both in the

laboratory and in the field. This test method was originally developed to provide
a technique to monitor the consistency of unhardened concrete. Under
laboratory conditions, with strict control of all concrete materials, the slump is
generally found to increase proportionally with the water content of a given
concrete mixture, and thus to be inversely related to concrete strength. Under
field conditions, however, such a strength relationship is not clearly and
consistently shown. Care should therefore be taken in relating slump results
obtained under field conditions to strength.

Concrete’s having slumps less than 13mm may not be adequately plastic
and concrete’s having slumps greater than 230 mm may not be adequately
cohesive for this test to have significance. Caution should be exercised in
interpreting such results.

If two cohesive tests on a sample of concrete show a falling away or

shearing off of a portion of the concrete from one side or portion of the
concrete from the mass of the specimen, the concrete probably lacks
necessary plasticity and cohesiveness for the slump to be applicable.

1. Mold or Slump Cone Device

2. Tamping Rod
3. Portland cement
4. Aggregates (Sand and Gravel)
5. Clean Water
6. Mixing Board if available
7. Spade Shovel
8. Measuring Containers


1. Damp the Mold and place it on a flat, moist, non-absorbent (rigid)

surface. It shall be held firmly in place during filling by the operator
standing on two-foot pieces.
2. From the sample of concrete mixture of known class, immediately fill the
mold in three layers, each will be approximately one third the volume of
the mold.
3. Rod each layer with 25 strokes of the tamping rod. Uniformly distribute the
strokes over the cross-section of each layer. For the bottom layer this will
necessitate inclining the rod slightly and making approximately half of the
strokes near the perimeter, then progressing with vertical strokes spirally
toward the center. Rod the bottom layers throughout its depth, so that the
strokes just penetrate into the underlying layer.
4. In filling and rodding the top layer, heap the concrete above the mold
before rodding is started If the rodding operations results in subsidence of
the concrete below the top edge of the mold, add additional concrete
to keep an excess of concrete above the top of the mold at all times.
After the top layer has been rodded, strike off surface of the concrete by
means of screeding and rolling motion of the tamping rod. Remove the
mold from the concrete by raising it carefully in a vertical direction. Raise
the mold at a distance of 12” by a steady upward lift with no lateral or
torsional motion. Complete the entire test from the start of the filling
through removal of the mold without interruption and complete it within
an elapsed time of 2.50 minutes.
5. Immediately measure the slump by determining the vertical difference
between the top of the mold and the displaced original center of the top
surface of the specimen , if a decided falling away or shearing off of
concrete from the side portion of the mass occurs, disregard the test and
make a new test on another portion of the sample.
Data & Results:

a. Top Diameter of the Cone :________________mm

b. Bottom Diameter of the Cone :________________mm

c. Height of the Slump Cone :________________mm

d. Class of Mixture :________________

e. Mixture Proportion :________________

f. Slump of Fresh Concrete :________________

Test No. 1 2 3

Slump ______________mm ____________mm ___________mm

Therefore the average slump is ______________mm.

Experimental Set-up:
Theory of Discussion:

Q.1. Define the following:

a. Slump Cone
b. Slump of Fresh Concrete
c. Mold
d. Tampering Rod
e. Concrete Mixture
f. Class Mixture
g. Hydraulic Cement

Q.2. Explain the importance of this test method in building construction.

Q.3. Enumerate some factors that controls the consistency of fresh


Name: _________________________________________ GRADE

Date Performed: _______________________________

Group No.: ____________________________________

Laboratory Work No. 09

Normal Consistency of Hydraulic Cement

Reference Standard: ASTM C187 – 86

To be able to determine the normal consistency of the hydraulic cement.

ASTM C187 is a standard desk that covers the determination of the normal
consistency of hydraulic cement. This test method is intended to determine the
amount of water required to prepare hydraulic cement pastes for the testing of
setting time.

1. Hydraulic Cement
2. Balance
3. Graduated Cylinder
4. Vicat Apparatus
5. Mixing Pan/Dish
6. Sharped-edged Trowel


1. Mix about 650 g of cement with a measured quantity of clean water.

Record the mass of water that is added to the cement.
2. Form the cement paste into the approximate shape of a ball, then toss
six times through a free path of about 150 mm from one hand to
another so as to produce a nearly spherical mass that may be easily
inserted into the Vicat ring.
3. Press the ball into the larger end of the conical ring that will completely
fill the ring with paste. Then remove the excess at the larger end by the
movement of the palm of the hand.
4. Place the ring on its larger end on the base plate of the Vicat and slice
of the excess paste at the smaller end at the top of the ring by a single
stroke of a sharp-edged trowel to smoothen the top surface of cement
5. Do not compress the cement paste.
6. Center the paste confined in the ring and then bring the plunger in
contact with the surface of the cement paste.
7. Set the initial reading to zero mark on the scale and release the rod
immediately. This must not exceed 30 seconds after completion of
8. Read the final reading on the scale. The cement paste shall be of
normal consistency when the rod settles to a point 9 mm to 11 mm or
10 mm ± 1 mm below the original surface in 30 seconds after the
plunger has been released.
9. Make trial pastes with varying percentages of water until normal
consistency is obtained. Make each trial with fresh cement paste.
10. The cement prepared at the desired normal consistency shall be used
in the determination of the setting time of the cement.

Data & Results:

Type of Hydraulic Cement/Cementitious Material: _____________________________

No. of Trials 1 2
Mass of graduated cylinder, MC gm gm
Mass of cylinder plus water, MCW gm gm
Mass of water, MW gm gm
Mass of Portland Cement, MPC gm gm
Depth of Plunger Penetration mm mm

Experimental Set-up:
Theory of Discussion:

Name: _________________________________________ GRADE

Date Performed: _______________________________

Group No.: ____________________________________

Laboratory Work No. 10

Setting Time of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle

Reference Standard: ASTM C191 – 92

To be able to determine the initial and final setting time of hydraulic
cement paste.


ASTM C191 is a standard test that covers the determination of the setting
time of hydraulic cement by means of Vicat needle.


1. Hydraulic Cement
2. Graduated Cylinder
3. Vicat Apparatus
4. Mixing Pan/Dish
5. Sharp-edged Trowel
6. Balance


1. Mix about 650 g of cement paste using the amount of water required
at normal consistency following the procedure described in laboratory
experiment no. 2.
2. The test specimen shall be prepared following the procedures
described in ASTM C187. This means that the sample to be used in the
setting time determination is the same as the paste prepared at
normal consistency.
3. The prepared cement paste is allowed to set in the moist cabinet for 30
minutes after molding without being disturbed.
4. Determine the penetration of the 1 mm middle at this time and every
15 minutes thereafter until a penetration of 25 mm or less is obtained.
5. For the penetration test, lower the needle at the rod until it rests on the
surface of the cement paste.
6. Set the scale to zero mark and record as the initial reading.
7. Release the rod and allow the needle to settle for 30 seconds then
take the reading to determine the penetration.
8. Record the results of all penetration tests and by interpolation,
determine the time when a penetration of 25 mm is obtained. This is
the initial time of the cement paste.
9. Continue the reading on the scale every after 15 minutes and the final
setting time of the cement paste is reached. The final setting of the
cement paste is when the needle does sink visibly into the cement
10. Tabulate results using a convenient format.

Data and Results:

Type of Cement/Cementitious Material: ___________________________________

A. Data & Results of Cement Paste at Normal Consistency:

Mass of graduated cylinder, MC gm

Mass of cylinder plus water, MCW gm
Mass of water, MW at Normal Consistency gm
Mass of Portland Cement, MPC gm
Depth of Plunger Penetration mm
Depth of Needle Penetration mm
B. Setting Time Data and Results:

Clock/Watch Time Time Depth of Penetration of

Interval the 1mm Needle
(min) Remarks
1 2 3 Sample 1 2 3


Initial Setting Time: _____________________________

Final Setting Time: _____________________________


Note: Other computations may be presented on a separate sheet/s.

Experimental Set-up:
Theory of Discussion:

Define the following terms or group of terms:

a. Setting Time of Cement Paste

b. Initial Setting Time
c. Final Setting Time
d. Gilmore Apparatus
e. Vicat Apparatus
f. Blaine Apparatus


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