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Leprosy now: epidemiology, progress, challenges, and

research gaps
Laura C Rodrigues, Diana N J Lockwood

Lancet Infect Dis 2011; Leprosy continues to be a challenge to health worldwide, with about 250 000 new cases being detected every year.
11: 464–70 Despite widespread implementation of effective multidrug therapy, leprosy has not been eliminated. A third of newly
Department of Infectious diagnosed patients have nerve damage and might develop disabilities, although the proportion varies according to
Disease Epidemiology, Faculty
several factors, including level of self-care. Women who develop leprosy continue to be especially disadvantaged, with
of Epidemiology and
Population Health rates of late diagnosis and disability remaining high in this subgroup. Leprosy was not a specified disease in the
(Prof L C Rodrigues PhD), and Millennium Development Goals, but improvements in the other areas they cover, such as education and levels of
Department of Clinical poverty, will help leprosy patients and services. We review data and make recommendations for research on diagnosis,
Research, Faculty of Infectious
treatment, and prevention, such as further use of molecular analysis of the Mycobacterium leprae genome,
and Tropical Diseases
(Prof D N J Lockwood MD), implementation of BCG vaccination, and administration of chemoprophylaxis to household contacts. We also suggest
London School of Hygiene and development of tools for early diagnosis and detection of infection and nerve damage, and formulation of strategies
Tropical Medicine, London, UK to manage the chronic complications of leprosy, such as immune-mediated reactions and neuropathy.
Correspondence to:
Prof Laura C Rodrigues, Faculty
of Epidemiology and Population
Introduction and the cost-effectiveness of offering chemoprophylaxis
Health, London School of Leprosy is the leading infectious cause of disability.1 are not simple. Research is needed, therefore, to inform
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Prevalence has fallen substantially in the past 50 years,2 but future policies. New avenues for basic science and
Keppel St, London WC1E 7HT, UK transmission continues and leprosy remains a public health clinical research have been opened by sequencing the
problem.3 Various hindrances remain to reducing this genome of Mycobacterium leprae and genome-wide
prevalence further. The mode of transmission of leprosy is analysis of leprosy cases.9–11 Genomic data might be
not well understood, although it is probably person to useful in the development of drugs and vaccines against
person via nasal droplets.4 How many infected people leprosy. Health-care features that require research are
develop clinical disease and whether reactivation of past how to ensure equality in access to facilities for early
infections is important are unknown. Although making a diagnosis and to rehabilitation services, and ways to
clinical diagnosis is frequently straightforward, no good reduce stigma.
point-of-care test is available for confirming it. Delay in In this Review we discuss the epidemiology of leprosy
diagnosis can have important negative outcomes, such as and the progress in and challenges to control, and make
increased risk of nerve damage. Various factors contribute recommendations for research. The article is based on
to delay, but stigma is an important feature in many the review undertaken for the Disease-Specific Reference
cultures.5 Additionally, the immune responses and the Group on tuberculosis, leprosy and buruli ulcer (one of
mechanisms involved in nerve damage are not clearly the ten expert reference groups sponsored by the Special
understood; there is no predictive test for the extent of nerve Programme for Research and Training in Tropical
damage and no good evidence on the best treatment. Type 1 Diseases to assess the global research evidence on
and type 2 immune-mediated reactions continue to be infectious diseases of poverty). We also take into account
major complications, and affect around 30% of patients. the WHO worldwide strategy for reducing the burden of
WHO has set a target for reducing the number of cases disease related to leprosy,3 the decisions of its Technical
with grade 2 disability at diagnosis, but the feasibility of Advisory Group on Leprosy Control,6 and the research
reporting disability accurately needs to be assessed. The findings in leprosy from 2002–09 drawn together by the
integration of leprosy services into general health services International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Organisations
has led to a loss of skills in the diagnosis and management Technical Commission.5
of leprosy. WHO recommends multidrug therapy for
6 months in patients with paucibacillary disease (up to History of leprosy and leprosy control
five skin lesions) and for 12 months in patients with DNA analysis of M leprae strains suggests that this
multibacillary disease (more than five skin lesions).3 These bacterium originated in Africa and spread to Asia and
regimens might, however, be insufficient for patients with South America.9 Dapsone monotherapy was effective
lepromatous disease and high bacterial indices, and no and was started in the 1940s. Lifelong administration
alternative drug regimens are currently recommended.6 was required, however, and in the 1960s widespread
Drug resistance has not so far been an issue with resistance was reported.12 In 1981, WHO recommended
multidrug therapy,7 but monitoring is essential. that all patients should receive multidrug therapy
Various areas of research are a priority in the worldwide comprising rifampicin and dapsone, or rifampicin,
management of leprosy. Contacts of leprosy patients are dapsone, and clofazimine for patients with multibacillary
at increased risk of infection;8 chemoprophylaxis and disease. In 1995, a resolution was passed to provide free
BCG vaccination reduce this risk but the logistics, ethics, multidrug treatment to all leprosy patients worldwide.13

464 Vol 11 June 2011


The World Health Assembly passed a resolution

in 1991 to “eliminate leprosy as a public health problem” A
45 Prevalence
by 2000; it defined elimination as reducing prevalence Incidence
to less than one case per 10 000 population.14 The effort

Number of cases per 10 000 population

accompanying this resolution included the following 35
features: the use of multidrug therapy and reclassification 30
of all cases with removal after treatment completion,
which is in contrast to cases being until death when
treatment was lifelong. These actions on the registers, 20
together with the widespread use of BCG vaccination, 15
which was done to protect against tuberculosis but
which also protects against leprosy, led to a marked
reduction in prevalence.2 Nevertheless, leprosy was not 5
eliminated and transmission continued, as use of the 0
word elimination in the resolution had led to a 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008
perception that leprosy was about to disappear, and Year
resulted in resources for leprosy research and control 25
being reduced.3,8,12,15 When the WHO Strategic Plan for
Leprosy Elimination was renewed, the word elimination
was replaced by the phrase “reducing leprosy burden”; 20
Number of cases per 10 000 population

this term encompasses the direct burden of disease and

the related burden of disability.1
The Millennium Development Goals were agreed at 15
the Millennium Assembly of the UN in 2000, and
committed the states of the world to a global development
project that was summarised in eight goals: eradicate 10
extreme poverty and hunger; achieve universal primary
education; promote equality for both sexes and empower
women; reduce child mortality; improve maternal health; 5

combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases; ensure

environmental sustainability; and build a global
partnership for development.16 Leprosy is not explicitly 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007
listed in any of the goals, but those relating to poverty, Year
primary education, and building a global partnership are
relevant to leprosy control. Disability is also not explicitly Figure: Incidence (new-case detection rate) and prevalence of leprosy in (A) India22 and (B) Brazil23
included in the goals, but various ways of integrating it
have been suggested.1 In 2008, the UN Enable Convention from 620 638 cases in 2002, to 213 036 in 2009,20,21 this
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities17 was enacted, decrease is due partly to the prevalence vlaues being
and the UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution halved by the duration of treatment being reduced from
on the elimination of discrimination against people 24 months to 12 months. Prevalence is also affected by
affected by leprosy and their family members.18 There operational factors, such as level of case finding activity
has been concern that Millennium Development Goals and integration of leprosy services into primary-health-
might have caused an imbalance in the development care services in some countries so that the leprosy
agenda, and especially that the focus on HIV/AIDS and elimination targets would be reached. Data for prevalence
malaria might perpetuate the neglect of other diseases, and incidence for India and Brazil are shown in the
including leprosy.19 Leprosy is a disease of poverty. The figure. These data clarify the importance of using the
ensuring of equal access to diagnostic and rehabilitation new case detection rate as a marker of transmission of
facilities and to treatment, as well as the prevention of leprosy. High numbers of new cases continue to be
disability, is, therefore, important. detected—249  000 were reported in 2008, of which 94%
were in the 17 countries that had reported detecting more
Epidemiology than 1000 new cases in that year.20,24 As shown in the
The new case detection rate for leprosy remains high, figure, the new case detection rates in Brazil continue to
with about 250 000 new cases being registered each year. be high. These data indicate ongoing transmission of
Around 15 million people have been treated with leprosy. A survey done in Maharashtra, India, showed
multidrug therapy, and an estimated 2 million people rates of three to nine cases per 10 000 population, and
have been prevented from developing disabilities.12 that 30% of these newly diagnosed cases were
Although the leprosy prevalence values fell strikingly in children. Vol 11 June 2011 465


A consensus has been reached by WHO that close either single-nucleotide polymorphisms or short or
disease surveillance for leprosy is necessary, and four variable number tandem repeat genotyping. Early work
indicators have been suggested: the number of new with single-nucleotide polymorphisms revealed four
cases, the new case detection rate, the treatment subtypes of M leprae and postulated a route of spread
completion rate (or, when feasible, cure rate), and the around the world.9 This work has been extended after
rate of new cases with grade 2 disabilities.3 A new target four whole-genome sequences from Brazil, India,
was introduced that the number of new cases with Thailand, and the USA were analysed, in which
grade 2 disability in 2015 should be 35% lower than 201 single-nucleotide polymorphisms and 14 single-
in 2010. Monitoring of the rate of new cases with disability base insertions or deletions were identified.9 This
will pose challenges, in view of the uncertainties about analysis identified 16 single-nucleotide polymorphism
the reliability of the data. Thus, tools for accurate, subtypes across 400 isolates.9 The low degree of
comparable grading practices are needed. Various polymorphism arising from the four strains, for which
instruments for measuring disabilities are available,25 but the genomes are 99·995% identical, suggests that there
their applicability to leprosy needs to be tested. The is little variation in M leprae.
2009 WHO Technical Advisory Group report Short or variable number tandem repeat genotyping
recommended convening a working group to review has classified M leprae strains in several countries.11 A
current practice for data collection, reporting, and potential limitation of this method is that many loci have
analysis to ensure that the target is valid.6 to be analysed to classify strains. One analysis used
genotypes from 475 M leprae strains and six different
Transmission countries, and the findings suggested that most M leprae
Leprosy is caused by M leprae. Most people infected with strains cluster together within specific countries, and
this organism are thought not to develop clinical disease, that the presence of isolates assigned to different clusters
although there are no tools to diagnose subclinical is a consequence of migration.11 Some findings were,
infection. M leprae is slow growing and the incubation however, surprising, including that the Indian strain
period of leprosy is long at 2–12 years. The mode of seems to have derived from a Philippine strain.
transmission is still not conclusively proven, although The short or variable number tandem repeat and single-
person-to-person spread via nasal droplets is believed to nucleotide polymorphism genotyping methods are best
be the main route.4 seen as being complementary. Single-nucleotide
Human beings are the principal reservoir of infection, polymorphism analysis can be slow and the tandem
except in the Americas, where armadillos also provide a repeat method identifies many differences and is difficult
reservoir;26 the proportion of cases attributable to to use for epidemiological analysis apart from showing
armadillos is unknown, but progress is being made in the the existence of short transmission chains in families.
estimation and two-thirds of acquired cases in southern Relapse is rare in leprosy, occurring in less than 1% of
USA have armadillo-derived strains of M leprae in the patients and frequently 10 or more years after treatment.
lesions.27 Most people with leprosy are non-infectious as These molecular tools are not, therefore, practical to
the mycobacterium remains intracellular. Patients with assess whether infection reactivation or new infection is
lepromatous leprosy, however, excrete M leprae from their occurring. They could, however, be used to investigate
nasal mucosa and skin28 and are infectious before starting whether clinical outcomes, such as erythema nodosum
treatment with multidrug therapy. Contacts of these leprosum, are associated with different strains and
patients are, therefore, at increased risk of developing whether the M leprae strain infecting armadillos is the
leprosy.7 The magnitude of this risk depends on the same as any infecting human beings.26,27 Molecular
closeness of contact,7 with close household contacts being techniques might also clarify the mechanisms behind the
at the highest risk. The risk of disease in contacts is also survival, persistence, and pathogenicity of M leprae.9,30–32
related to the bacterial load of the primary case, with the
risk being twice as high in contacts of multibacillary cases Clinical disease
as in those of paucibacillary cases. Infection with M leprae leads to chronic granulomatous
Whether genetic predisposition has a role in the inflammation in skin and peripheral nerves. The type of
development of leprosy is unclear.7 Gene candidates for leprosy that patients develop is determined by their cell-
susceptibility to leprosy infection have been reported, but mediated immune response to infection. Types may be
replication of these findings has been difficult. A genome- categorised according to the Ridley-Jopling classification,33
wide association study of leprosy patients and healthy which is based on skin lesion type and bacterial load.
controls identified new associations between variants of Patients with tuberculoid disease have good cell-mediated
genes in the NOD2-mediated signalling pathway, which immune response and few lesions with no detectable
regulates the innate immune response, and determines mycobacteria. Patients with lepromatous leprosy are
the risk and form of disease.7 anergic towards M leprae and have multiple lesions with
The genome sequence of M leprae has been available mycobacteria present. Between these two classifications
since 2001.29 Work on strain typing of M leprae has used are the borderline leprosy types, in which patients have

466 Vol 11 June 2011


some cell-mediated immune response, multiple lesions, Erythema nodosum leprosum reactions occur in about
and unstable immunity. 50% of patients with lepromatous leprosy.46 These episodes
WHO has introduced a simplified classification that of systemic inflammation affect skin, nerves, eyes, and
uses the number of skin lesions to classify disease as testes and are difficult to manage.47 Reactions may remit
paucibacillary (up to five lesions) or multibacillary (more and relapse over several years. Few studies have been done
than five skin lesions). This classification is widely used to investigate the pathogenesis and treatment of erythema
to guide treatment decisions. Comparison of the two nodosum leprosum. One review identified only three
classification systems showed that in India up to 60% of studies published in the past 20 years.47 Current treatments
the patients with borderline tuberculoid (in the include steroids and thalidomide, but studies done with
Ridley-Jopling classification) assigned to the WHO internationally validated severity scales are needed to
multibacillary group had negative slit skin smear. These identify the best treatment regimens.48 In many countries
patients were, therefore, being overtreated.34 The thalidomide is not available because of fears relating to its
importance of using the more rigorous classification teratogenic potential. An international research network
in referral centres and for research studies has to facilitate studies on pathogenesis and improved
been highlighted.35 treatments in linked centres would be beneficial.
Damage to nerves can occur before, during, and after Identification of effective treatment for post-partum
treatment and can result in disability and long-term women is especially important, as they are at particularly
disfigurement, which is associated with stigma.36 A high risk of reactions, but are frequently under-represented
cohort study in Ethiopia showed that 47% of 594 new in trials.48
cases already had established nerve function impairment Owing to the similarities between tuberculosis and
at diagnosis and that a further 8% had recent nerve leprosy, early in the HIV-1 epidemic it was feared that
damage. Additionally, 12% developed nerve damage after HIV-1 infection would increase the risk of developing
the start of treatment, and only 33% had no clinical leprosy, especially lepromatous leprosy, or that dually
evidence of nerve involvement at any time.37 The degree infected people would have leprosy that was particularly
of nerve damage at diagnosis reflects the delay between severe or with a poor prognosis. Although data on patients
the onset of symptoms and diagnosis. The delay is infected with HIV and leprosy are sparse, none of these
frequently years, and during this time neuropathy can fears has been confirmed.49 Two Brazilian studies have
develop almost unnoticed. Many nerves at diagnosis are shown that patients receiving highly active antiretroviral
non-conducting and remain so.34,38,39 therapy are more likely to develop borderline tuberculoid
The inflammation present in nerves is driven by leprosy than other types of leprosy.50,51 In HIV-1-infected
mycobacterial antigens that activate a destructive patients starting antiretroviral treatment, leprosy has
inflammatory immune response mediated by CD4+ presented as immune reconstitution inflammatory
cells and macrophages, and with involvement of syndrome.52,53 In a review of published cases of leprosy
multiple proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumour manifesting as this syndrome, presentations were
necrosis factor α. Markers of progression to neurological classified according to timing as either unmasking or as a
damage have not been identified.40 A better paradoxical clinical worsening of pre-existing leprosy:
understanding of the immune responses behind the 12 (58%) were unmasking, two (9%) were paradoxical,
nerve damage would identify high-risk patients for two (9%) were undiagnosed, and five (24%) were
closer monitoring and early intervention with existing unmasking followed by immune restoration.54
therapies, and guide the development of preventive and
modulating interventions.38 Treatment
Type 1 and type 2 immune-mediated reactions occur in WHO recommends multidrug therapy with rifampicin
about 30% of patients with multibacillary disease during and dapsone for paucibacillary disease, or with
and after multidrug therapy.41 Steroids are the main rifampicin, dapsone, and clofazimine for patients with
treatment, but a systematic review found only three trials multibacillary disease. The recommended duration of
of adequate quality that supported this strategy.42 An therapy is 6 months for patients with paucibacillary
evidence-based review done by the International disease and 12 months for those with multibacillary
Federation of Anti-Leprosy Organisations found that the disease, and these regimens will effectively eradicate
optimum duration of steroid treatment is unknown, M leprae in most patients. The 2009 report of the WHO
although some data suggest that longer courses are better, Technical Advisory Group on Leprosy Control stated
as 20 weeks of treatment yielded better results than clearly that “in public health terms, it is reasonable to
12 weeks of treatment in one study.43 No studies have used conclude that infectiousness becomes unlikely after
a dose-per-weight regimen. The relapse rate after steroid starting multidrug therapy”.6 Longer treatment might,
therapy is 20–50%.44 Standardised tools are needed to however, be required in some patients with a high
measure outcomes and enable comparison of study bacterial index at diagnosis to prevent relapse.6 At least
findings. Second-line drugs for the treatment of patients one current trial is comparing different durations of
who do not respond to prednisolone are also needed.45 treatment for multibacillary leprosy.6 Vol 11 June 2011 467


People with lepromatous multibacillary disease are the challenge. Richardus and Habbema59 have argued that to
main source of M leprae, and if relapse occurs in these eradicate an infectious disease one needs an intervention
patients transmission resumes. This form of the disease that can interrupt transmission, practical diagnostic
is, therefore, particularly important from a public health tools with sufficient sensitivity and specificity to detect
perspective. The rate of relapse after multidrug therapy all levels of infection that can lead to transmission, and
varies, mainly owing to different follow-up methods and the absence of a reservoir. On the basis of these
definitions, but is at least below three cases per 100 person- principles, they suggest that extensive epidemiological
years, and seems to be mostly lower than two cases per and microbiological research be done to identify good
100 person-years. Factors associated with relapse include tools to detect infection, and that new interventions,
use of monotherapy, inadequate or irregular therapy, lack such as chemoprophylaxis and vaccination, should be
of response, presence of multiple skin lesions or thickened developed and implemented.59
nerves, and no reaction to the lepromin skin test.55 Serological tests for detection of infection and to monitor
Accurate diagnosis of relapse requires clinical, progress under treatment have been of interest for some
bacteriological, and therapeutic evidence; histopathology time. Such tests might also be useful to identify contacts,
can be helpful but frequently is not routinely available.55 to monitor transmission in the community, and to guide
The current WHO recommendation is that multidrug treatment. A range of tests are available, although none is
therapy is restarted in cases of proven relapse.3 Relapse sufficiently specific and sensitive for leprosy. Sekar60 noted
and type 1 immune reaction can both lead to new skin that improvements have been made in several
lesions and loss of nerve function. immunological diagnostic tests. Developments include
Drug resistance is not yet a major issue. Patients assays for antibodies to PGL-1 (eg, dipstick, ELISA, ML
suspected of having resistant strains of M leprae have Flow test); new skin test antigens, such as M leprae soluble
responded to re-treatment with rifampicin, dapsone, and antigens and lipoarabinomannan, wall-associated proteins
clofazimine.3 Testing for resistance involves inoculating of M leprae, and their fractionates; translation of tools from
mouse footpads with a patient’s tissue obtained at biopsy research on immunological diagnosis of tuberculosis, such
and observing M leprae growth. This method is now as CFP-10 and ESAT-6 proteins; and novel M leprae-specific
complemented by DNA sequencing to identify gene antigens identified after the genome sequencing of the
mutations associated with drug resistance. Genes coding organism, including overlapping short peptides of different
for resistance to rifampicin, ofloxacin, and dapsone have recombinant proteins to identify specific B-cell and T-cell
been identified.6 However, the clinical importance of epitopes.60 A more detailed review of these methods is
bacteria having a particular resistance gene remains outside the scope of this paper.
unknown. A worldwide surveillance initiative to assess
drug resistance in leprosy has been set up.6 The WHO Prevention
Technical Advisory Group has encouraged expanding the Chemoprophylaxis effectively lowers the incidence of
work in selected countries.6 This and similar research leprosy in household contacts.61 Whether to use this
needs to be well supported, as no new antibiotic drugs approach more widely is under discussion. Single-dose
are in development for treating leprosy but alternative rifampicin can prevent progression of disease in people
treatment regimens are needed. Increased capacity for infected with leprosy but only in non-close contacts
drug screening, experimental chemotherapy, and clinical with low bacterial loads.61 Fears of resistance with use of
trials is also required to regain treatment knowledge lost monotherapy, however, have led to the suggestion that
with the success of multidrug therapy. one or two doses of 600 mg rifampicin, 400 mg
ofloxacin, and 100 mg minocycline should be used.5
Diagnosis This regimen would, however, be far more expensive.
Late diagnosis leads to continued transmission and to The extension of chemoprophylaxis to close non-
increased risk of disability.15 Factors associated with late household contacts is supported by a good
diagnosis include delay by patients in presenting and delay epidemiological argument, but various practical issues
by health services in making a diagnosis. Reasons behind could hinder implementation of this policy. For
patients delaying presentation vary from setting to setting,56 example, disclosure of leprosy in the index case required
but stigma is likely to play a part in many cases.5 In some for identification of contacts, especially outside the
countries stigma is promoted by legislation against leprosy home, might be undesirable or unethical.61 The current
patients.5 Other inequalities also affect people with this recommendation in WHO’s Enhanced Global Strategy
disease. Reports from Ethiopia and Bangladesh57,58 have for Further Reducing the Disease Burden due to
shown that women experience longer delays than men in Leprosy10 is to examine household contacts of patients
diagnosis and, therefore, frequently have a higher degree for evidence of leprosy, if none is found to educate the
of nerve damage and disability at diagnosis. contacts on early signs of disease, and to return if these
With decentralisation of treatment and monitoring develop. The latest report from WHO’s Technical
and decreasing numbers of cases, the maintenance of Advisory Group on Leprosy Control6 recommends that
expertise in leprosy at the peripheral level is a major a working group be formed to review the present data

468 Vol 11 June 2011


on chemoprophylaxis and to advise on areas of research

with the aim of developing appropriate guidelines for Search strategy and selection criteria
implementation in future leprosy control strategies. We reviewed the recommendations for research from the Leprosy International committees,
Vaccination with BCG protects people from developing and selected a list of relevant topics. We used the term “leprosy” with each of “drug
leprosy, and neonatal BCG vaccination given to prevent resistance“, “nerve damage“, “detection and diagnosis of early infection“, “nerve damage“,
tuberculosis has probably contributed substantially to the “vaccines“, “chemoprophylaxis“, “diagnosis/grading disability“, “new treatment regimens for
decrease in prevalence of leprosy. BCG is a live vaccine leprosy and for reactions“, “the role of armadillo, transmission“, “reactivation“, “patient and
and, therefore, use should be avoided in people infected health services delays in diagnosis“, “stigma“, and “research priorities” to search for papers
with HIV. As with tuberculosis, the degree of protection published from 2006 in PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, and Cielo. We reviewed abstracts
against developing leprosy obtained from BCG varies and full-text articles published in English, French, Italian, and Portuguese languages, and
between populations, but the reasons for this variation followed up relevant citations in the reference lists of retrieved papers.
are not clearly understood.2 BCG vaccination of contacts
seems to be protective even in contacts who have already Contributors
received neonatal BCG.62,63 The timing of vaccination and Both authors worked equally on developing the structure for the paper,
chemoprophylaxis should be considered because chemo- identifying references, writing, and editing the paper.

prophylaxis can kill BCG. Conflicts of interest

The search for a modern, subunit protein vaccine has We declare that we have no conflicts of interest.

been facilitated by the sequencing of M leprae, although Acknowledgments

We thank the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical
it is much less advanced than for tuberculosis vaccines.
Diseases, and the Disease-Specific Reference Group on Tuberculosis,
The main reason for the slow progress is cost-efficiency, Leprosy and Buruli Ulcer for support and advice during the preparation
as leprosy is much rarer than tuberculosis and the of this Review.
incidence has been declining. Additionally, in contrast to References
tuberculosis, there is no suitable animal model; 1 United Nations Enable. The Millennium Development Goals
pathogenesis in mice is atypical and armadillos are not (MDGs) and Disability. 2009.
default.asp?id=1470 (accessed Jan 25, 2010).
practical for vaccine testing.64,65 If a more specific 2 Merle CS, Cunha SS, Rodrigues LC. BCG vaccination and leprosy
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antituberculosis vaccines might shed some light on the 5 Senior K. Stigma, chemoprophylaxis, and leprosy control.
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Conclusions South-East Asia, 2009.
7 Arungiri S, et al. Detection of mutations in folp1, rpoB and gyrA genes
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areas, from basic science to health services. Further drug resistance in leprosy. Lepr Rev (in press).
understanding is needed of the epidemiology, including 8 Moet FJ, Meima A, Oskam L, Richardus JH. Risk factors for the
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damage. Effective tools must be developed for detection
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reactions need to be developed and thoroughly tested. 12 Scollard DM, Adams LB, Gillis TP, Krahenbuhl JL, Truman RW,
Finally, effective methods for monitoring drug resistance Williams DL. The continuing challenges of leprosy.
have to be implemented. For prevention and health Clin Microbiol Rev 2006; 19: 338–81.
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15 Burki T. Old problems still mar fight against ancient disease. Lancet
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