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Group 4- 12HE3 SET B

Mirabete, Kurt Marvin, B.

Mendoza, Philip, B
Subject teacher: Mrs. Jane Sandoval
Oral Communication
October, 14, 2022
Informative Speech About: Domestic Cats

Domestic cats are very charming and beautiful pets. If you own a cat, you will have a cuddle
buddy who will annoy you throughout the day. Their lively character makes them even more
wonderful than other pets. Having a cat has the ability to both calm your nervous system and
provide an immediate outlet for fun and play. Although cats are independent animals who like to
scavenge and explore on their own terms, they are also very affectionate with their owners and
people they trust. If you don't have a cat or if you are thinking of getting a cat, here is some
information about them to convince you to get a cat.

The domestic cat, or scientific name (Felis catus), is one of the most recently evolved species
within the Felidae family. The Felidae family has been split into three genera: first we have the
Panthera, which are the cats that roar, such as lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, and etc. The second
is Acinonyx, which is the cheetah, and lastly, the Felis (all other "small" cats), to which domestic
cats belong. and all in one, they are members of the cat family. In addition, they are members of
the cat family.

They have some interesting characteristics that domestic cats have: four thin legs; two ears;
excellent vision of two bright eyes; a short tail; and a round head. Its body is fully covered with
fur. Its teeth and nails are very sharp. Cats are usually white, black, or brown in color, though
some of them are mixed. They look very beautiful. It makes a 'mew' 'mew' sound. Cats have soft
pads under their feet, so they can walk without making any noise. Additionally,the domestic cat
is a carnivorous mammal. This shows that they eat both meat and vegetables. But also, they have
some interesting facts about domestic cats. They can also have excellent hearing and a powerful
sense of smell. They have powerful night vision, allowing them to see at light levels six times
lower than what a human needs in order to see. They have flexible bodies and teeth adapted for
hunting small animals such as mice and rats. They spend a large amount of time licking their
coats to keep them clean. They can jump up to 6 times their height, and on average, domestic
cats live for around 12 to 15 years.

So if you’re thinking of getting a new pet try acquiring these little fellas. because sometimes
they’re better companions than your human friends. And they are capable of cleaning
themselves and since they are capable of doing that there’s no need for a cat to take a bath. And
that’s it, that’s all we know about cats so if we did change your mind about cats try acquiring

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