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Oleh :
1. Egha Saputra
2. Linda Puspitaloka
3. M. Ivan A
4. M. Femas Al-Karim
5. Syafira M. P


Praise be given to the presence of Allah SWT for all his blessings so that
this paper can be finished. We do not forget to thanks Mrs. Suparmi as the
supervising teacher for contrinuting both thoughts and materials.

We realize that the paper we make is still far from prfect in terms of
preparation, language, and writing. Therefore, we really hope for constructive
criticism and syggestions from all readers to become a reference so that writers
can be even better in the future.

I hope this paper can add insight to readers and be useful for the development
and improvement of science.
Film as part of the mass media in the study of mass communication Modern is considered to
have an influence on the audience. The influence appears actually a possibility that really
depends on the process negotiation of meaning by the audience towards the message of the
film, and referring to it on the success of the audience in the process of negotiating the
meaning of the message be delivered. If the negotiation of meaning by the audience is weak,
the greater the influence of the broadcast.
Negotiation of meaning is a transactional process of communication, where communication
receives and interprets the meaning of the message accepted according to their socio-cultural
background. Film as a form of mass media has an important role in the socio-cultural, artistic,
political and scientific worlds. Use of film in This community learning is partly based on the
consideration that film has the ability to attract people's attention and partly in based on the
reason that the film has the ability to deliver messages uniquely. In addition, film is one of
the media cheap and simple entertainment.
Based on this, researchers are interested in conducting research on interest in watching with

Formulation of the problem

Based on the explanation of the background of the problem, the formulation of the problem in
this study is: What are the intrinsic elements in the Conjurung 2 film?

Research Based on the formulation of the problem above, the goal to be achieved by
researchers is to find out how the intrinsic elements in the film the conjuring 2.

Research benefits
The benefits that can be drawn from this research for various parties are as follows:
1. Academic Benefits The results of this research can be used to add insight and
knowledge for researchers as students of television broadcasting concentration who
wish to analyze a reception analysis using qualitative methods. In addition, it aims to
add insight into the analysis of reception generated by the audience when watching
horror films, especially the Conjuring 2 film.

1. Lorraine Warren : her characters is the protagonist

2. Ed Warren : his characters is the protagonist
3. Janet Hodgson : her character is the protagonist
4. Margaret Hodgson : her characters is the protagonist
5. Peggy Hodgson : her characters is the protagonist
6. Valak : his characters is the antagonist
7. Judy Warren : her characters is the protagonist
8. Johnny Hodgson : his characters is the protagonist
9. Billy Hodgson : his characters is the protagonist
10. Bill Wilkins : his characters is the antagonist


This story uses a back and forth storyline. The Conjuring 2 tells how Ed
& Lorraine have to face a demonic activity that befell a family named Hodgson.
One of the daughters of the family was possessed and asked everyone to leave
the house before something more sinister happened to the Hodgson family.

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