Data Transmission (Whole Chapter)

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Data Transmission Types and methods of data transmission how datas broken up into data packets before transmission the structure of data packets (Reader, payload and traler) Zoacketswtehing (indusing he rol of he rout inte process) metiods of data transmission (ser, paral, simplex, hall-duplex and fulleduplex) ~~ the Universal Serial Bus (USB) ~~ Methods of error detection why error checking methods are needed a error checking methods following data transmission. ~ parity checks checksum ~7/ FY echo check Nise of check digits to detect data entry erors. “” —“_/ use of aulomatic repeat requests (ARs) to detect errors Encryption _~ — the need for and the purpose of encryption — symmetric and asymmetric encryption — use of public and private keys. Packet structure Atypical packet is split up in > a packet header » the payload » a trailer. “oN SN c c y 6 1 Some farm of atteeet |e erecting endothe | eeu ea ‘eran Packet Switching coro ‘Stertroonperenet Each stage in the route contains a router. A router receives a data packet and, / based on the information in the header, decides where to send it next Packet switching is a method of data transmission in which a message is broken up into a number of packets Each packet can then be sent independently from start point to end point. At the destination, the packets will need to be reassembled into their correct order (using the information sent in the header). At each stage in the transmission, there are nodes that contain a router. Each router will determine which route the packet needs to take, in order to reach its destination (the destination IP address is used in this part of the process). 1, Each packet will follow its own path (route) 2.routers will determine the route of each packet 3. routing selection depends on the number of packets waiting to be processed at each node —-network traffic 4. the shortest possible path available is always selected - this may not always be the shortest path that could be taken, since certain parts of the route may be too busy or not suitable 5. packets can reach the destination in a different order to that in which they were sent The benefits of packet switching are there is no need to tie up a single communication line it is possible to overcome failed, busy or faulty lines by simply re-routing packets it is relatively easy to expand package usage a high data transmission rate is possible. The drawbacks of packet switching include packets can be lost and need to be re-sent the method is more prone to errors with real-time streaming (for example, a live sporting event being transmitted over the internet) there is a delay at the destination while the packets are being re-ordered they keep ‘bouncing’ around from router to router and never actually reach their destination. Eventually the network would just grind to a halt as the number of lost packets mount up, clogging up the system. To overcome this, a method called hopping is used. A hop number is added to the header of each packet, and this number is reduced by 1 every time it leaves a router Each packet has a maximum hop number to start with. Once a hop number reaches zero, and the packet hasnt reached its destination, then the packets {elated when t reaches the next router. The missing packeis wil then be flagged by the receiving computer and a request to re-send these packets will be made. Data transmission Factors of data transmission 1. the direction of data transmission (for example, can data transmit in one direction only, or in both directions) 2. the method of transmission (for example, how many bits can be sent at the same time) 3. how will data be synchronised (that is, how to make sure the received data is in the correct order). These factors are usually considered by a communication protocol. The Direction Of Data Transmission Transmission mode ~——_|——_, Simplex mode Haliduplex mode Full-duples mode Simplex data transmission Simplex mode occurs when data can be sent in ONE DIRECTION ONLY (for example, from sender to receiver). An example of this would be sending data from a computer to a printer. Heledupix mode acces when dala ent o BOTH OIRECTIONS but NOT AT ‘THE SANE TIME (lr exampio, te canbe Sort For’. and fem B10 'A lg the sare Vanemision ne, bu they ea bath be done a he sme ne) [netampe ofthe woud be awalkeae where ameceape can bo setin one ‘ection ony alte; but nesses an be bth reoeNved ad sen Full-duplex data transmission Fullsduplex mode occurs when data can be sentin BOTH DIRECTIONS AT THE ‘SAME TIME ((or example, data can be sent from ‘A’ to 'B! and from 'B' t0'A’ along the same transmission line simultaneously). An example ofthis would be a broadband intemet connection, Types Of Data Transmission Teeaiae Serial data transmission occurs when data | is sent ONE BIT AT A TIME over a Sera) data Paralel data SINGLE WIRE/CHANNEL. Bits are sent one_taumsion Soren after the other as a single stream. : a Serial data transmission can be simplex, Si half-duplex or full-duplex ‘Serial data transmission works well aver long distances. However, tie data is transmitted at slower rate than paale data transmission, Because only one channelwea is used, data wil rive atts dastinaton fuly synchronised (Le inthe corec orden). An example of suse is when connecting a computer toa Pantor va a USB connection Parallel data transmission occurs data can become skewed (that is, the data can when SEVERAL BITS OF DATA arrive unsynchronised) and bits can arrive out of order. The (usually one longer the wire, the byte) are sent down SEVERAL worse this can become. Itis, however, a faster method of data CHANNELS/WIRES all at the same __“ansmission than time. Each serial channel/wire transmits one bit: Serial Parallel less risk of external interference than with parallel [due to fewer wires) faster rate of data transmission than serial more reliable transmission over longer distances works well over shorter distances (for example, used in internal pathways an computer circuit boards) transmitted bits won't have the risk of being skewed (that is, out of synchronisation) since several channels/wires used ta transmit data, the bits can arrive out of synchronisation (skewed) used if the amount of data being sentis relatively small since transmission rate is slower than parallel {for example, USB uses this method of data transmission) preferred method when speed is impertant used to send data over long distances [for example, telephone lines} if data is time-sensitive, parallel is the most appropriate transmission method less expensive than parallel due to fewer hardware requirements parallel ports require more hardware, making them more expensive to implement than serial ports easier to program input/output operations when parallel used Universal serial bus (USB) ‘Asthe name suggests, he universal serial bus (USB) form of seal data {ransmisson. USS is na fe most comin ¥ype.of npueutput part ound on computers andhas led a standadisabon math forthe ante of data betveon devices anda computor. his important rte that USB allows Both hale doplx ad ful-dplex data Wansmission, Red (+ 5¥) — white @ata +) , SS ice (ata -) Black (Ground) Shield ~ no connection at USB device the USB cable consists of a four-wired shielded cable, with two wires for power (red and black), The other two wires (white and green) are for data Benefits Drawbacks frvers are automatically naded op levies pluggedinto the computer sre automstcally detected ard device ‘standard USB only supports maximum table length of Sm beyond thet, USB hubs connections can only it ene way preventing incorrect connections being made {ara eeded to extend the cabe enath thas become an industry standard, which means considerable suppert is sails can support ferent data Wrancmissionraos [rom 1 5 Mbps t 5Gapel ‘even thovat USB is backward compatible, very early USB standards V1] may hot alway be suppartedby the atest computers ro neo for external power source since cable supplies 15Y power USB protocol notifies the transmitter tore: tranemit data if any errors are feteced; ths leads to err-iren daa transmission ively easy dd rare USE ports if necessary, by vaing USB hubs USB iehaciavard compatible that older versione are el unsorted) leven the Latest version 313) and version {(VMUSB-Ceystoms have a data transior Fate which isslow eomparad te, for trample, Ethernet camnectiens (Note: USB sao nts) ‘any anus TOgoant person (0 Sop te mare Ne now si USB-C is backward compatible (to USB 2.0 and 3.0) provided a suitable adaptor is used, and is expected to become the new industry standard (universal) format. Type-A Statement True | False Packets have a header which contains the IP address of the sender and // the receiver Packets don't require any form of error checking USBs use a protocol that allows for error-free data transmission between | // device and computer Serial data transmission suffers from data skewing xs The longest cable length supported by USB is 5metres or less Simplex data transmission occurs when data is transmitted one bit at a time Full-duplex data transmission involves sending 8 bits of data at a time USB uses serial data transfer Packet switching prevents loss of any data packets USB connections can transfer data using half-duplex or full-duplex Methods of error detection Errors can occur during data transmission due to: Interference (ll ypes of cabo can sue trom electrical interference, wich an cause data tobe comupted or even inst) ® problems during packet switching (t's can lead to data loss ~orit is evan possibie fo gain Gaal) » skewing of dat this occurs during parallel data ansmission and can cause ata corption f te bis ave ox of synervoss aon). There are a number of ways data can be checked for errors following transmission: » parity checks. » checksum » echo check. The purpose of encryption When data is transmitted over any public network (wired or wireless), there is always a risk of t being intercepted by, for example, a hacker. Under these circumstances, a hacker is often referred to as an eavesdropper. Using encryption helps to minimise this risk oa Key © = na = 7s The original data being sent is known as plaintext. Once it has gone through an encryption algorithm, it produces ciphertext: “. me ome so one 2 oe Symmetric encryption uses an encryption key; the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the encoded message. First of all, consider a simple system that uses a 10-digit denary encryption _Asymmetic encryption was developed to overcome the security problems ‘associated with symmetric encryption. It makes use of two keys called the public key and the private key: » public key (made available to everybody) —- » private key (only known to the computer user),

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