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Developer Oversight Notice

Termination of Commander_AngelX
June 21, 2023

The Ridgeway Developer Oversight has published a notice to the members of Ridgeway.

Hello members of Ridgeway, our team writes to you today to inform you of the
termination of former Community Manager and Colonel of RSP, Commander_AngelX. This
termination was reviewed thoroughly by our Central Authority and deemed necessary as a
final verdict.

Angel served Ridgeway from the start. Angel assisted with the creation of this
Ridgeway remade and strived to initiate change to the community, unfortunately Angel
disembarked because of the following:

1. Angel failed to show respect towards members of CA and other members of the
community. This affected our community with us losing members, This is when members
of Developer Oversight noticed the strange behavior.
2. Angel failed to construct a valid RSP application or entry process after repeated
3. Angel showed an indirect/direct threat towards FrenxLaws, (Governor & DO). This was
the final action from him that took the Central Authority to continue to investigate Angel.

As Developer Oversight our main goal is for the safety of our players. With that in
mind, we found it also reasonable to ban Angel from the State of Ridgeway. Angel has
shown continuous patterns of AA, Disrespect, and Disregard to other members. Examples
are as follows.

1. Angel has on multiple occasions created/edited roles in the Discord server after
repeated attempts and demands for him to stop.
2. Angel has used extreme vulgar language, which is against our server guidelines, to
members above and below him.

After investigation, we discovered that Angel has continued this behavior in other
servers which followed similar circumstances, this discovery also assisted in the ban of
Developer Oversight Notice
Termination of Commander_AngelX
June 21, 2023

Our Developer Oversight team would like to sincerely apologize to all of our
members for inconveniences or disruptions caused by Angel or the Termination of Angel.
We assure you that we are still aiming for the best of our members.

This termination includes a Staff Blacklist to ensure the safety and security of our
members. Angel will not be permitted back on the Moderation Team unless an extremely
thorough appeal process is taken place.

Questions regarding the termination, blacklist, or ban can be directed to any

member of the Moderation Team.



Developer Oversight Developer Oversight

County of Ridgeway County of Ridgeway

Developer Oversight
County of Ridgeway

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