Chinese Class Dialogue Test

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This is a story about a man who cheated.

The ex-wife and the girlfriend often clash whenever they meet. Drama scenarios are
based on fiction and mandarin conversational apply during the role play.
这是一个男人出轨的故事. 前妻和女友见面时经常发生冲突. 戏剧场景是基于小说和普通话会话应用在角色扮演

Husband: Yatang
Ex-Wife: Shan2
Girlfriend: Jing Jing

Scenario Fight at the Mall


ShanShan confronted her ex-husband and the girlfriend at the Mall


J: Yatang, the maid called me and told me that ShanShan went to the house looking for you
鸭塘 ,女仆打电话给我说珊珊去屋里找你了

Y: She seems not stopping harrashing me. ..hmmmmmmmm let’s go

她似乎不停地骚扰我. 我们走吧

J: Adam wait, why do you stilll want to go back. Shanshan might be waiting there. I don’t want to be stress later. Can
you please put some security guard at home. I am scare of ShanShan.
鸭塘等待, 为什么你还想回去? 杉杉可能在那里等着. 我不想在未来有压力. 你能在家里安排一些保安吗?我怕

Y: I cannot do anything now Jing Jing. Let’s go to the next floor, as long she is not here , we are ……
我现在什么都做不了,晶晶. 我们去下一层吧,只要她不在, 我们是

S: YATANGGGGG! You’re Shameless man!!!!!!

鸭塘!! 你是无耻的人!!

Y: (In Shock) Haaaaa………I cannot believe this…… what do you want Shan2
(震惊) haaaa…我不相信. 珊珊你要什么?

S: Adam!! How dare you , leaving me for this cheap thing!!

鸭塘! 你怎么敢, 离开我去买这个便宜的东西!

Y: ShanShan!! Stop making a scene here. You can just wait for my lawyer
杉杉! 别在这里乱来. 你可以等我的律师

S: So it’s true……you are leaving me! You divorcing me!!!!????????? You’re ANIMAL!!
You have the heart just throw the last 10 years of marriage because of this mistress
所以这是真的…你要离开我了! 你跟我离婚???? 你是动物!! 你忍心为这个情妇丢掉最后十年的婚姻

J: Ahhhhhhh,… excuses me!! I am not a mistress anymore, we are really in a real relationship
Ahhhhh.. 打扰一下!! 我不再是情妇了,我们真的是真正的关系

S: Oh really …You be Silent!! you demonic woman,

Yatang!, is this the kind of woman you like HAH! How stupid can you be???!!
真的吗…你保持沉默!! 你这个恶魔女人! 鸭塘, 你喜欢这样的女人吗?你能有多傻!

J: Wow wow wow…... I am the demonic hah. For your information ShanShan, by the end of this, between us,
Yatang pick me.
哇 哇哇…所以我是恶魔? 供您参考杉杉,我们之间,雅堂选我

S: SHAMELESS !!!! , this cheap woman, who sleep with many man, A Professional Home wrecker, mistress, demonic
Cross my dead body, you still be a mistress forever!!!!!
不要脸! 这个和很多男人睡过的婊子,专业的家庭破坏者,情妇,恶魔。你还是个情妇


J: What do you say…I am Yatang choice. I feel sorry for you, you are bitter because I am his love and not you.

Y: Jing, Jing…Enough let’s go

晶晶.. 够了,我们走吧

Scenario Shan Shan the Ex-wife exposed Jing Jing the girlfriend lies. At friend party. Sam is the Host of the party
Yatang and jing Jing who pretending to be blind sitting down when he saw his Shanshan at the party too

J: Yatang….why are you so quiet? Is Sam already here? Please answer me.
鸭塘.. 你为什么这么安静?山姆已经来了吗?请回答我

Y: ehemmmmmmmmmm

J: Yatang… why….. are you not answering me? ………..Who’s coming?

鸭塘.. 你为什么不回答我? 谁会来?

Y: Wait here a minute here Jing Jing. I need to do something


J: Where are you going?


Y: Just wait.

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