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Redondo, Paul Audrey M.


BSN 2-2

Chapter 4 – Understanding and Accepting One’s Self

Part A

- People usually see me as a quiet and a serious guy. Back at high school, on
my first year, they called me Ferb from the Phineas and Ferb Kid show because I
always don’t want to talk. I don’t usually start a conversation especially if I just met a
person for the first time. But little do people know, I could be talkative when they get
to know me, and we share a bond for not that long period of time. I am also not a
serious guy; I just don’t want to talk too much.

Johari Window Model


- Quiet - Soft
- Can clearly understand - Wise
- Lazy in some times - Confident
- Focused - Serious
- Has goals in life - Hard to befriend
- Family oriented - Hard to reconcile
- Athletic - Boastful
- Calm
- I can say “no” when I don’t want to

- I am trying to be better - If I can communicate well

- I enjoy being alone or with just one - Introvert
person - Overthinker
- I don’t like too many people; It - Workaholic
makes me shy - Does not give a damn about
- Self-aware anything
- I observe too much; I do judge - If I am one of the good guys or not
people by their habit
- Smile is my way of communicating
- I care less or I do not care at all
- Happy go lucky
- Always been a risk taker
- I don’t deal with arguments I usually
shut up and listen.
“How Important is communication in relationship”

Communication, as everyone knows, is the cornerstone to a long-lasting

relationship. It's a way for people to express their ideas and intuitions. This has both
negative and positive aspects; one of the negative aspects is the possibility of
misconceptions, which may be resolved by conversation, which is also a positive
aspect. Broken relationships can be caused by a lack of communication, but
providing space and not communicating for a brief amount of time can also be
beneficial. What I really mean is communication is a key If we use it in a right door. If
we don't use communication wisely, it may be a source of harm. Communication, like
everything else isn't flawless. We should not take this off in a relationship, regardless
matter whether it builds or destroys. Not every conversation will go our way, but it
doesn't imply it won't go our way in the future.

Part B

To be honest, I don't normally have a study habit; I do study, but it's not
something I do on a regular basis. I'm good at focusing in class, but I'm not so good
at studying afterward. I only study when I need to or when I don't comprehend
anything. In class, I frequently sketch the talks rather than taking notes. Reading
words bores me, so I create my own visual aids, which I do in our Maternal,
Pediatric, and AnaPhysiology classes. It is somewhat beneficial since, as far as I am
aware, I comprehend the teachings in my own unique way. I also stick to one activity
at a time and concentrate on it. I only prepare for an hour before taking an exam, so I
depend on what I know. So basically, when it comes to the things I'm bored with, I
get lazy. These days, I don't spend all my time studying and instead enjoy my time.

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