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3D FEM Quasimodal Analysis of

the Haroche QED Cavity

Benjamin Vial, Guillaume Demésy, Frédéric Zolla, André Nicolet
Institut Fresnel (UMR CNRS 7249), Université d’Aix-Marseille
52, Avenue Escadrille Normandie-Niemen, F13013 Marseille, France

Abstract—This paper presents the numerical computation of the discrete spectrum with trapped modes exponentially de-
quasimodes (complex frequencies) of 3D open structures using creasing at infinity, and the continuous spectrum with radiation
the Finite Element Method (FEM) combined with Perfectly modes oscillating at infinity. In addition, another type of
Matched Layers (PMLs) in order to truncate the infinite domain.
The PMLs provide a suitable non-Hermitian extension of the solution is present and very useful to characterize the spectral
scattering operator associated to the problem and unveil some properties of unbounded structures: the so-called leaky modes
quasimodes (leaky modes) by rotating the continuous spectrum (also termed quasimodes). These eigenmodes with complex
in the complex plane. The unveiling of the modes depends associated frequency are an intrinsic feature of open structures.
on the parameters of the PML but the modes themselves PMLs have proven to be a very convenient tool to compute
are independent of these PML parameters and inhere in the
structure. The FEM formulation leads to non-Hermitian matrices leaky modes in different configurations ([4], [5]). Indeed they
with complex eigenvalues that can be numerically computed. The mimic efficiently the infinite space provided a suitable choice
PMLs are presented in the framework of transformation optics of their parameters. The introduction of infinite PMLs rotates
as a complex-valued change of coordinates. This model is applied the continuous spectrum in the complex plane (since the
to the Haroche QED cavity (used for the researches that have operator involved in the problem is now a non self-adjoint
led to the recent 2012 Nobel Prize of Physics).
extension of the original self-adjoint operator). The effect is
Index Terms—Finite element methods, Eigenvalues and eigen- not only to turn the continuous spectrum into complex values
functions, Cavity resonators.
but it also unveils the leaky modes is the region swept by
the rotation of this essential spectrum ([6]). It is important
I. R ESONANCES OF OPEN RESONATORS USING PERFECTLY to note that leaky modes do not depend on the choice of a
MATCHED LAYERS particular complex stretching : adding the PMLs is only a
way to discover them. Finally, in order to apply the FEM,
The major difficulty in the treatment of open problems in a
the PMLs have to be truncated at finite distance which results
numerical scheme based on a finite computational window
in an operator having only point spectrum with approximate
is to deal with infinity issues. Since their introduction by
radiation modes (also termed as PML modes or Bérenger
Bérenger in [1] for the time dependent Maxwell’s equations,
modes) due to the discretization of the continuous spectrum
Perfectly Matched Layers (PMLs) have become a widely used
by finite PMLs ([7]). In the sequel, eigenvalues are denoted
technique in computational physics. The idea is to enclose
ωn = ωn0 +iωn00 . The real part is the resonant angular frequency
the area of interest by surrounding layers which are absorb-
ωn0 = 2πfn and the imaginary part is the damping coefficient,
ing and perfectly reflectionless. These absorbing boundary
which is related to the lifetime τn of the photon in the cavity
conditions can be understood in the global framework of
by ωn00 = 2π/τn . The quality factor associated to a resonance
transformation optics ([2]). The principle of the technique is to
is defined by Qn = ωn0 /(2ωn00 ).
perform a geometrical transformation (here a complex stretch
of coordinates), leading to equivalent material properties ([3]).
The spectral problem we are dealing with consists in finding II. N UMERICAL RESULTS
the solutions of source free Maxwell’s equations, i.e. finding
In this section we study the open QED cavity described in [8]
complex eigenvalues Λn = (ωn /c)2 and non zero eigenvectors
~ n such that : by searching for its eigenmodes and complex eigenfrequency,
using a Finite Element Method (FEM). This classical elec-
  trodynamic approach allow us to derive a number of features
~ n ) := ∇
M(E ~ × µ−1 · ∇
~ ×E
~ n = Λn ε · E
~ n. (1) observed experimentally by Haroche and coworkers ([9]). A
detailed description of the cavity can be found in [8]. It is
where ε and µ are the relative dielectric permittivity and
composed of two mirrors of diameter D = 50 mm facing each
magnetic permeability tensors describing the electromagnetic
other. The distance between their apexes is L = 27.57 mm,
properties of the system (cavity+external world).
and their surface is toroidal with radii of curvature r =
For Hermitian open problems, the generalized spectrum of 39.4 mm in the Oxz plane and R = 40.6 mm in the
Maxwell’s operator M is real and composed of two parts: Oyz plane. The mirrors are coated with a thick layer of



frequency f (GHz)


51.0992 mode 1, SIBC

mode 2, SIBC




10 15 20 25 30 35 40
mesh parameter Nm

Figure 2. Resonance frequencies of the two longest life modes vs. mesh

SIBC 120

Figure 1. Field maps of a quasimode.
mode 1, SIBC
mode 2, SIBC

lifetime τ (ms)

superconducting niobium. We take advantage of the symmet-
ries of the problem and thus model only one eighth of the 95

cavity to save memory and computation time. By setting a 90

well chosen combination of Neumann and Dirichlet boundary 85

conditions on the cutting planes, we can select the modes with

10 15 20 25 30 35 40
desired symmetries. The eigenproblem defined by Eq.(1) is mesh parameter Nm
then solved by the FEM, using cartesian PMLs terminated
by homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions to truncate Figure 3. Lifetimes of the two longest life modes vs. mesh parameter.
the infinite space. The computational cell is meshed using 2nd
order edge elements, with a maximum size of an element set
to |Reλε|N , where λr = 3.68 cm is the approximate resonant and 130 ± 4 ms (HF mode) for M2 . This value of Xs should
wavelength of the cavity, and N is an integer (N = 7 for the be seen as an upper bound of the resistive phenomenon. It
domain inside of the cavity, N = 7 for the domain outside includes all other loss processes than radiation loss: roughness
the cavity, N = 5 for the PMLs and N = Nm for the mirror of the mirrors, superconductor imperfections. . . but the fact that
surfaces). The final algebraic system is solved using a direct the discrepancy between lifetimes corresponding to the two
solver (PARDISO). In order to account for losses, absorption is cavity modes is greater experimentally than numerically tends
considered through a Surface Impedance Boundary Condition to indicate a residual tilt between the two mirrors.
(SIBC) with Zs = Xs + iYs on the boundaries of both mirrors.
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