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Natalie C.


Grade 12- Saint Padre Pio

1. From what the word ‘Handicap’ suggests, what do you think is the role of the Handicapper

When I heard the word handicap the first thing that I think is bestuffy, you cannot so what you want
because there is something that stopping you from pursuing your goals. Handicaps and hoe they
literally limit society. The weight drags them down and their constantly interrupted thoughts allow
no room for deep thoughts. The Handicapper General is the one who requires above-average people
to be handicapped, but average is really, really low. The role of Handicapper represents the law and
what is average.

2. What are the masks, earphones, body weight and head gear for?

They believe that wearing masks, earphones, Body weight and head gear will help them to have an
equality in the society. Those who are stronger wore weights on their body to handicap them, and
beautiful were forced to wear ugly masks. Everyone who is above average brought down to the
lowest common denominator. They have this principle that everyone should be equal physically and
mentally. For me that is not right because they’re not heaping the society nor individual to succeed
because they’re controlling everyone and keep them to cells. The society gone badly, there’s no
freedom at all.

3. What does George refers to as “darkages”?

George bears multiple governments impose handicap which repress his “way above normal”
intelligence. He refuses to remove any of them, however, for he believes that any attempt to change
the present situation will inevitable cause civilization to regress into the ‘darkages’ when there was
competition. The darkeges simply means that when the time that the law is not implemented, the
law is not within the society. It is the time that there’s no rules about equality that keeping them
hided to their true selves.

4. Why does the ballerina have to apologize for her voice? Why does she have to change it and
make it less pleasing?

The ballerina needs to apologize because her voice is beautiful and pleasing. The government thinks
it is bias and may lead to equality because she has that strength that others don’t have. So she
needs to change it so no one would be attracted to her and make it less pleasing. They want that
everything should be equal even a single thing, everything should be balance in every single way
because they look at is a threat.
5. Why do you think being a genius and athletic extremely dangerous?

To be honest to be genius and athletic is a gift that should be cherish because it is a good thing. Through
this you can express yourself, characteristics, abilities and strength. But in the story it is extremely
dangerous because it is against from presenting equality because the government believes that they are
threat to the society. They are much stronger mentally that not everyone have this abilities so for them
it is dangerous.

6. Harrison’s handicaps are heavier and more severe than everyone else’s. What that suggest
about Harrison?

He experience to have a heavier and more severe than everyone because he has high average on
intellect, abilities, characteristics and much stronger. That’s why they need to control Harrison’s
strength by putting him in a lot difficult situation so they so they can say that they are equal. Harrison is
gifted that there are things that cannot do by average people so they need to limit him be so can fit to
the society.

7. What kind of equality is being strived for in the story?

The equality being strived in the story is being balance in everything which is called force equality
because they are controlling the abilities and strength of everyone. The government implements rules
and regulation to be follow by the society that limits physically and mentally capacity of individual. It is
literally force equality because they are trying hard to balance all, and that keep the society from being
free and true to their selves because they locking the people. The government believes that it is a threat
to have a strength in something that not everyone have, and the principle is quite dumb because its like
punish someone from being excellent in something his/her good in. They are living in the world of lies
which is hideous because they don’t shoe their true selves.

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