ICT 1105 Assignment 2

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ICT 1105 Assignment 2

Name Student ID Contribution

Rachel Ng Ker Xin P22013872 Question 1

Teoh Jun Jie P22014061 Question 1

Kong Jia Cheng P21013630 Question 2, introduction

Dhevagar S. Arumugam P22014630 Question 1, conclusion

Kelvin Chan Jia Hao P21013720 Question 2


This report is based on the various topics related to the course subject Fundamentals of
Networking(ICT 1105) we are studying, which is taught by Dr.Vaithegy. All of the group
members are studying under the Diploma in Information Technology, DITN course here at INTI
International College Penang. With a total of five group members, that being Rachel Ng Ker Xin,
Teoh Jun Jie, Kong Jia Cheng, Kelvin Chan Jia Hao, Dhevagar S.Arumugam, we have been
given a time period of almost two weeks to work on this group assignment report, the deadline
being set on the 28th of June 2022.

The purpose of this group assignment is to have us gain more knowledge and comprehension in
regards to the topics related to the course we are studying. In this report, there will be discussions
on cloud computing and the LAN network that consists of 3 routers, 3 switches, 5 wireless
devices and 3 servers.


(Future Skills Prime, 2022)

Concept and Implementation of cloud computing

- When computing resources including servers, storages, databases, software, and

networking are delivered through the internet, it is referred to as cloud computing. The lack
of physical infrastructure makes it possible for users to access and utilize these resources
whenever they need to. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and
SaaS (Software as a Service) are the three primary service models that make up cloud

(Wesley Chai, 2021)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

As is common knowledge, cloud computing is a popular technology. To boost business
development, almost every corporation moved its services to the cloud.

Here are some important advantages of Cloud Computing :

● Back-up and restore data

- The cloud makes it simpler to backup and restore data after it has been saved there.

● Improved collaboration

- By allowing teams to swiftly and easily exchange information on the cloud via shared
storage, cloud apps promote collaboration.

● Excellent accessibility
- Using the cloud and an internet connection, we may quickly and conveniently access
information stored anywhere, at any time. By guaranteeing that our data is constantly
available, an internet cloud architecture boosts organizational productivity and efficiency.

● Low maintenance cost

- Organizations which use cloud computing spend less on maintaining their infrastructure
and software.

● Mobility
- All cloud data may be conveniently accessed through mobile thanks to cloud computing.

● IServices in the pay-per-use model

- Users of cloud computing are provided with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
to access cloud services, and they are charged based on how often they utilise those

● Unlimited storage capacity

- The cloud provides us with a significant amount of storage space for centrally storing all
of our vital data, including documents, photographs, audio, and video.

● Data security
- One of cloud computing's main benefits is data security. The cloud guarantees that data is
handled and stored securely and includes various cutting-edge security features.

(javatpoint, 2021)

The following is a list of the disadvantages of cloud computing:

(Data Flair, 2023)

● Internet Connectivity
- Using an internet connection, we may access any data (including images, audio files, and
videos) that are stored in the cloud according to cloud computing. You cannot access this
data without strong internet connectivity. However, there is no alternative means for us to
access cloud data.

● Vendor lock-in

- The main drawback of cloud computing is vendor lock-in. When switching service
providers, organizations may run into issues. Moving from one cloud to another might be
challenging since various vendors offer different platforms.

● Limited Control
- The operation and execution of services inside a cloud infrastructure are less within the
control of cloud users as, as far as we are aware, the cloud infrastructure is entirely
owned, maintained, and watched over by the service provider.

● Security
- Although the best security measures are used by cloud service providers to store sensitive
data. But before implementing cloud technology, you should be aware that you will be
giving a cloud computing service provider access to all of your company's critical data.
There's a danger that hackers will steal the data from your company while it's being sent
via the cloud.

(javatpoint, 2021)

How pandemic/epidemic help with the cloud computing and Cloud computing during

(Utsav patel, 2020)

The Covid-19 epidemic has propelled the development of cloud computing across several
industries, including investments in healthcare, remote working, and online education, among

(Gaurav Aggarwal, 2021)

Cloud computing has shown its relevance for company resilience and the development of
corporate operations by demonstrating its value and flexibility. Organizations may shift risk and
share responsibility with the help of cloud services, which increases the dependability of their IT
systems in emergency situations.

(Ian Terry, 2022)

Cloud conferencing and collaboration services have become crucial to maintaining company
continuity as the number of people working from home has risen.

(Gartner, 2022)

Gaurav Aggarwal, 2021 and Gartner, 2022 answered that by stress-testing their infrastructure
and providing financial assistance to clients, especially small and medium-sized enterprises,
cloud providers can lessen the effects of the crisis.

According to Gaurav Aggarwal, 2021, International Journal of Intelligent Networks, 2021,

Santander, 2020, Gartner, 2022 and Dipti Parmar, 2022, being able to adapt to the epidemic has
been greatly helped by cloud computing. Following are some examples of how cloud computing
has changed throughout the pandemic:

● Accelerated adoption: Globally and in several industries, the pandemic has pushed the
deployment of cloud adoption.

● Remote work: The difficulties of working remotely, such as communicating, engaging,
and monitoring all work from home safely, have been lessened by cloud computing.

● Digitalization: The epidemic has sped up the banking industry's embrace of cloud
computing as part of its digitization strategy.

● Lifeline for companies: During the epidemic, the cloud became a lifeline for businesses,
exposing flaws in their business strategies.

● Opportunities and threats: The rapid and significant rise in the number of individuals
working from home offers cloud providers the chance to show off the strength and
adaptability of their services. The hazards, possibilities, and events that the pandemic will
bring forth must likewise be understood by them.

● Shift to hybrid work: The epidemic hastened the transition of many businesses to cloud
services and technology, and cloud expenditure has dramatically grown.

In general, cloud computing has been an essential tool for dealing with the epidemic, enabling
remote work, digitization, and giving businesses a lifeline.

Signaling Type

For signaling and communication between clients and cloud service providers, cloud computing
generally uses internet protocols.

(Springer Nature, 2023)

Transmission Media

Cloud computing makes use of the internet as a way of data transmission and communication
between clients and cloud servers. For improved security and performance, it can use dedicated
connections or private networks in addition to the already existing network infrastructure.

(Data Flair, 2021)

Network Protocols

For communication and data transfer between clients and cloud-based services, cloud computing
makes use of a variety of network protocols, including TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS and RESTful

(Kartik Kalpande Patil, 2016)

Network topologies/architecture

The types of simple topologies for cloud computing are ring topologies, mesh topologies, bus
topologies, star topologies and tree topologies.

(CS Odessa, 2023)

Access methods

Cloud computing can access our buckets and the objects which are IAM and Access Control
Lists. It must be in parallel in order to access the resources of cloud computing for the users.

(Google Cloud, 2023)


In cloud computing, hardware consists of switches, routers, firewalls, backup devices and the

(Red Hat, 2019)

Issues and challenges of networking trends

Network Reliability
- Organizations are particularly vulnerable to network outages when they rely upon the
internet to access cloud resources. In order to guarantee continuous access to crucial
services, adequate backup connectivity and redundancy measures are required.

Security and Privacy

- Security, privacy and compliance issues related to cloud computing are raised. To protect
sensitive data hosted in the cloud, businesses must put in place strong security measures
including encryption, access limits and frequent audits.

Vendor Lock-In
- Migration to a particular cloud provider may result in vendor lock-in, making it difficult
to transfer providers or employ a multi-cloud approach. Organizations must carefully
plan their long-term cloud strategy and guarantee portability and interoperability.

(Binod Anand, 2023)

Examples of current implementations

Saas: We can access through an online platform instead of downloading the software into the
laptop. Examples are square, google drive and slack.

Iaas: It contains servers, storage, networking, security and the clouds. Examples are dropbox,
microsoft and rackspace.

Paas: It contains operating systems, programming language execution environments, databases

and web servers. Examples are Google app engine and heroku.

Serverless Computing: A server that is used on the cloud is known as Serverless Computing. It
has much elasticity and their maintenance is simple and the price will provide more effectively
than hosting the servers face to face.

(Network Coverage, 2021)

Question 2:

Justification for the Choice of Subnetworks:

I have divided the LAN network into three subnetworks based on the requirements and
functionalities of the devices:

Core Subnetwork:

This subnetwork forms the backbone of the LAN network and connects all other subnetworks.It
includes a core router that handles high-speed and efficient routing of data between
subnetworks.The core router provides connectivity to the external networks, such as the internet.

Distribution Subnetworks:

These subnetworks are responsible for connecting different departments or areas within an
organization.Each distribution subnetwork consists of a distribution switch, which acts as a
central point of connection for devices in that area.The distribution switches are connected to the
core router, allowing for intercommunication between different distribution subnetworks.

Access Subnetworks:

These subnetworks represent the individual departments or work areas within the
organization.Each access subnetwork includes an access switch, which connects devices within
that department.The access switches are connected to the corresponding distribution switch,
enabling communication within the department and with other departments through the
distribution layer.

Network Topology:

For this LAN network simulation, I have chosen a hierarchical topology. This is the easiest
topology to design and implement as equipment and cables generally follow the logical structure
of an organization.Besides, hierarchical topology can having traffic multiplexing which can
allows the hosts within the same organization to talk to each other faster by capitalizing on
inexpensive and fast commercially available network hardware.In addition, hierarchical topology
saves equipment cost as this topology no need so many equipment to set up a network.Lastly,
hierarchical topology allow for fined-tuned access control lists,traffic shaping and blocking
unwanted traffic.

Security Measures

Access Control:

Each subnetwork has its own access control policies to restrict unauthorized access.Only
authorized users are granted access to specific devices and resources.Access controls include
passwords, authentication mechanisms, and user permissions.


Firewalls are installed on the routers to monitor and filter incoming and outgoing network traffic.
They help prevent unauthorized access, protect against malware, and enforce network security


All wireless communications within the wireless subnetwork are encrypted using Wi-Fi
Protected Access (WPA) or higher encryption protocols.Encryption ensures that data transmitted
wirelessly cannot be intercepted and understood by unauthorized parties.

Network Segmentation:

The LAN network is divided into separate subnetworks to isolate and contain potential security
breaches. Each subnetwork has its own set of security measures, and traffic between subnetworks
is carefully controlled.

Regular Updates and Patches:

All devices within the LAN network, including switches, routers, servers, and wireless access
points, are kept up to date with the latest firmware updates and security patches. This helps
protect against known vulnerabilities and exploits.


After we completed our assignment 2 for ICT1105. We learned more detailed about Cloud
computing. We also learned how to simulate a Lan network consisting of wired and wireless


1.) (Wesley Chai, 2021)


2.) (Future Skills Prime, 2022)


3.) (Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing, javatpoint, 2021)


4.) (How The Pandemic Has Accelerated Cloud Adoption, Gaurav Aggarwal, 2021)

5.) (Pandemic Increases Urgency for Moving to the Cloud, Ian Terry, 2022)

6.) (When Cloud Meets COVID-19: Threats and Opportunities, Gartner, 2022)

7.) (The role of cloud computing technology: A savior to fight the lockdown in COVID 19
crisis, the benefits, characteristics and applications, International Journal of Intelligent
Networks, 2021)

8.) (The Cloud computing advantages during the lockdown, Santander, 2020)


9.) (The Cloud computing advantages during the lockdown, Santander, 2020)

10.) (The role of cloud for companies in a post-pandemic world, BBC,2023)


11.) ( Cloud infrastructure powering shift to hybrid work, Dipti Parmar, 2022)

12.) (Data Flair, 2023)


13.) (Utsav patel, 2020)


14.) (Springer Nature, 2023)


15.) (Data Flair, 2021)


16.) (Kartik Kalpande Patil, 2016)


17.) (Binod Anand, 2023)


18.) (CS Odessa, 2023)


19.) (Google Cloud, 2023)


20.) (Red Hat, 2019)


21.) (What are the benefits of hierarchical network design,Josh Wepman 2023)

22.) (Network Coverage, 2021)



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