068 Sept25 Bulletin

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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
for Evangelization & Reconciliation

2408 SE 16th Ave., Portland, OR 97214-5334

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Committed to the mission of Jesus and dedicated to be welcoming to all, we the community of St. Philip Neri strive to reach out, to reconcile and to promote unity for all of Gods creation through worship, education, and service toward the common good.

26th Sunday of Ordinary Time September 25, 2011

Website: www.stphilipneripdx.org Fax 503-736-1383

PARISH OFFICE & STAFF: Phone 503-231-4955

Work being done on Window at Church

Folks enjoying the French Toast Breakfast on Sept. 18th in Carvlin Hall. Various parish committees also met during the breakfast.

This Weeks Calendar & Mass Intentions

Next Sundays Scripture Readings: 27 Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 2) Isaiah 5:17 Philippians 4:69 Matthew 21:3343

MASS INTENTIONS____________ Monday September 26 8:00 AM Mass ( Margaret & Raymond Capri <A>) Chapel Tuesday September 27 8:00 AM Mass ( August Augie Amato <A>) Chapel Wednesday September 28 8:00 AM Mass ( Anna Nhu) Chapel Thursday September 29 8:00 AM Mass (Fiorella Featherston <B>) Chapel Friday September 30 12:10 PM Mass (Dolly Lomax) Chapel Saturday October 1 8:00 AM Mass (Therese Donna Oh) Chapel 4:00 PM Mass ( Dave Nathman) Church Sunday October 2 8:30 AM Mass (People of the Parish) Church 9:3010:25am Homeless Outreach Class Paulist Center 10:30 AM Mass ( Dave Nathman) Church 10:30 AM Mass Deaf Community Chapel Church cleaning, Sept. 26Oct. 2: Eleanore Baccellieri & Dorene Dehen

This Weeks Announcements

Spaghetti Dinner: WE'VE MOVED THE DATE!!! and it is coming

soon! our annual Spaghetti Dinner has been moved a month early to October 9 (2nd Sunday of Oct.) to take advantage of daylight savings time and (slightly) warmer weather. This will be an advantage for volunteers and patrons alike. As the major fundraiser for our parish we need many hands to help. Sign up sheets for various jobs are on the counters by the church's front door. Please sign up for rolling meatballs, waiting tables, etc. We will be selling tickets after Masses this week. Invite family and friends and have a fun get together at this great event.

Sunday Pre-school (dismissed at Mass/return at end of Mass) and

Childrens Liturgy of the Word (dismissed at Mass/return after Creed) begins TODAY, Sunday, Sept. 25th at the 10:30 Liturgy. The pre-school will be following the Seeds program, which introduces the 4 & 5 year olds to the stories of the Bible. The CLWord is designed for grades 1-5 and is based on the Scriptures for that Sunday.

Singers: The Contemporary Music group continues to welcome

people who would like to share their singing voices a t the 10:30 Liturgy on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. For more info, contact the parish office or BarbaraH@stphilipneripdx.org. The parish is also looking for regular cantors for the 4pmVigil, 8:30am and 10:30 Liturgies.

Sixweek Bible study returns Thursday, Oct. 6 in the Paulist Center

Chapel from 10:30 to 12noon. Women in the Bible: Why Do They Matter? Please bring your Bibles.

Announcements continued

Vatican II Series: Prior to Vatican II, those of us who are older lived
with many donts. When Vatican II came (1963-65), we felt the Holy Spirit breath life into the people of God. Why was change important? Are we continuing the mission of the Holy Spirit? Should we be concerned? Vatican II: Before and After a 4-part series: Oct. 16, Sunday, 12:101:30pm, Professor James Harrison (MA/History, MA/Pastoral Ministry) will begin the series with the history of why the council was necessary. (Parish Breakfast in Carvlin Hall prior to the presentation in the Church) Oct. 23, Sunday, 12:10-1:30pm, Steve Martino (Masters of Divinity) will discuss the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. The way it was and what it was suppose to become. (Soup will be served prior to the presentation in Carvlin Hall) Nov. 6, Sunday, 12:10-1:30pm, Claire Woodruff (MA/Rel. Ed) will discuss the mission of the Laity (we, the people of God). What could we do before the council and what we are commissioned to do now. (Soup will be served prior to the presentation in Carvlin Hall) Nov. 13, Sunday, 12:10-1:30pm, Dr. Tom Welch (MA/Pastoral Ministry) will discuss the Church in the Modern World what the council envisionedIs it happening? (Soup will be served prior to the presentation in Carvlin Hall).

Religious Ed. Family Gatherings will begin Sunday, Oct. 2,

9:30am in Carvlin Hall. All families are welcome to this multi-generational faithsharing monthly event. Rob Nosse will be our breakfast cook for the 3rd year! Questions? Please call Barbara in the parish office.

"Where the Hell is God?" by Fr. Richard Leonard, SJ, will be the first
book of the Book Group this Fall. Topics: God is not out to get us...pain is not sent to make us grow...God the weatherman...when your time is up, your time is up... Sunday, Oct. 2 in Carvlin Hall and Sunday, Oct. 16 in the Paulist Center, 11:45-12:45noon. You are welcome to bring your snack/coffee. This book is available at Barnes and Noble for $12.00.

Mother & Child Baby Bottle Campaign: As many of you may recall,
St. Philip Neri has been helping to support Mother & Child Education Centers annual baby bottle campaign for many years. The kick-off for this years Campaign is Oct. 2, Respect for Life Sunday. Jeanne McPherson, Business Mgr., volunteered for the organization on the second Saturdays for over a year and saw first hand the wonderful work they do for pregnant moms and families. They visit the center and chose clothing such as nursing bras and baby items such as quilts, soft blankets and diapers. The Exec. Dir. is a very dedicated mom and grandmother herself whose passion has been to make it easier for those needing additional support and assistance with their pregnancybefore, during and after. Thank you, everyone, for your previous support of the Mother & Child Education Center (formerly Birthright). We hope that you will consider supporting this important campaign again this year.

Announcements continued

November Previews!
(October calendar on reverse)

6-Sun. 6-Sun.

RE Family Gathering Vatican II: Before and Nowe Laity (What We Couldnt Do and What We Can Do) Pre-Baptism class for parents (for Nov/Dec/Jan) Harvest Dinner/Dance $10 per person/families $30 Vatican II: Before and Now the Modern Church

9:3010:20am 12:151:30 11:4512:45pm 6-10pm 12:151:30pm 12:452:45pm 10:30am 7pm

Claire Woodruff from the Chancery Carvlin Hall (soup provided) Please call office to register Jim Rovello providing the music! Carvlin Hall Tom Welch in Carvlin Hall (soup provided) Carvlin Hall

6-Sun. 12-Sat. 13-Sun. 20-Sun.

Panel: Priest/Rabbi/Muslim Are rules important? 12-Sun. French Toast Breakfast 24-Thurs. Thanksgiving Liturgy 28-Mon. Michael Allen Harrison Concert

Church Church

Pastor Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP, x117 ........................ frcharlie@stphilipneripdx.org Associate Pastor Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP, x111 ...................................... mecsp@mac.com Associate Pastor Fr. Jim McCauley, CSP, x109 ............................................ jrpaulist@aol.com Director of Adult Faith Formation Barbara Harrison, x107 ................................ barbarah@stphilipneripdx.org Business Manager Jeanne McPherson, x103 .............................. jeannem@stphilipneripdx.org Parish Office, Parish Secretary Mercy Rossi, x101 ... ........................................mercyb@stphilipneripdx.org Bulletin Editor (Bulletin deadline is Tuesday Noon before target weekend) Mercy Rossi, x101 ........................................ secretary@stphilipneripdx.org Building & Grounds, Maintenance Edward Danila ............................................... edwardd@stphilipneripdx.org Music Director Michael Tomsovic ...................................................... MPST63@yahoo.com Children & Youth Faith Formation ...................... frcharlie@stphilipneripdx.org

Director of the NW Paulist Center for Evangelization & Reconciliation Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP, x117 ........................ frcharlie@stphilipneripdx.org
SATURDAY VIGIL: 4:00pm SUNDAY: 8:30am and 10:30am


8:00am FRIDAY: 12:10pm Reconciliation: Saturdays at 5:00pm



Pastoral Corner

September 25, 2011

Save these dates for the month of October! Date Event Time Place
2Sun. Rel. Ed. Family Gathering 9:3010:20am Grades p8 Book Discussion Where the Hell is God? Homeless Outreach Class B Catholics Group 11:4512:45pm 9:3010:25am 7:15pm Carvlin Hall All are Welcome to come and share Carvlin Hall Paulist Center Paulist Center (no topic is out of bounds) Paulist Center Paulist Center Bring your Bible Carvlin Hall Wonderful food! Great bargain! Paulist Center Paulist Center Paulist Center Chapel Carvlin Hall Paulist Center Paulist Center Paulist Center Carlin Hall Great breakfast! Presenter: Prof. James Harrison (in Church) Paulist Center Paulist Center Steve Martino in Carvlin Hall (soup provided) Paulist Center Paulist Center Paulist Center Carvlin Hall

2Sun. 2Sun. 5Wed.

5Wed. 6Thur. 9Sun.

RCIA Women in the Bible: Do They Matter? Spaghetti Dinner

78:15pm 10:3011:30am Noon to 5:30pm

9Sun. 9-Sun. 11Tues. 11Tues. 12Wed 12Wed. 13Thurs. 16Sun. 16Sun.

Parish Life Committee Homeless Outreach Class Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Altar Society Mtg. Pastoral Council RCIA Women in the Bible: do they matter? French Toast Breakfast Vatican II: Before and Nowthe History of Why RCIA Women in the Bible: Do they matter? Vatican II: Before and Nowthe Liturgy Homeless Outreach Class RCIA Women in the Bible Halloween Party for the parish (food, games, karaoke by Vincent) Homeless Outreach Class

11:4512:30pm 9:30-10:25am 8:454pm 13pm 78:30pm 78:15pm 10:3011:30am After both Sunday Liturgies 12:151:30pm

19Wed. 20Thurs. 23Sun.

78:15pm 10:3011:30am 12:151:30pm

23Sun. 26Wed. 27Thurs. 30Sun.

9:3010:25am 78:15pm 10:3011:30am 11:451:30pm



Paulist Center

Also see a sneak peak of November on reverse side

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