Script Speaking

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1. Have you visited a farm?

Yeah sure. Once in a while I would go on a picnic trip and farms are my all-time
favorite weekend retreats. Last year, I went to a farm near Ba Vi National Park and
had the best time there with my buddies.

 Once in a while: thỉnh thoảng

 Retreat /rɪˈtriːt/: nơi nghỉ ngơi yên tĩnh. Retreat có thể đi kèm với những từ
khác để tạo nên những từ thú vị như a weekend retreat, a summer retreat,
a country retreat, …

2. What can you do on a farm?

Well I can do pretty much everything. My number one rule is staying unplugged so
that I’m not distracted by all the madness of work messages and unnecessary stuff.
Then I usually enjoy the scenery and have a barbecue.

 To stay unplugged /ʌnˈplʌɡd/: không sử dụng các thiết bị điện tử.

Unplugged bắt nguồn từ cụm plug something into something nghĩa là cắm
dây vào ổ cắm để cung cấp điện cho thiết bị điện.
 Work messages: các tin nhắn công việc
 To enjoy the scenery: ngắm cảnh
 To have a barbecue: chuẩn bị tiệc nướng

3. Do you think farming is important?

That’s a no-brainer, of course yes. It is the backbone of any economy and Vietnam
is no exception. Thanks to farming and agriculture, Vietnamese farmers can make a
decent living and get out of poverty. Also, farming provides a lot of employment
opportunities for local people.

 A no-brainer: quá hiển nhiên, không phải suy nghĩ nhiều
 The backbone of something: đóng vai trò quan trọng trong cái gì đó
(backbone chính là xương sống đó 😊)
 To make a (decent) living: kiếm sống
 To get out of poverty /ˈpɑːvərti/: thoát khỏi cái nghèo
 Employment opportunities: cơ hội nghề nghiệp

4. Are there any farms in your hometown?

Yeah. I was born and raised in Vinh Phuc, a province to the northwest of Hanoi and
there are lots of farms. I’ve moved to Hanoi a long time ago but whenever I visit my
hometown, I would buy heaps of fresh vegetables, fruits and eggs.

Mmm no. I’m from Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam and farms have all been destroyed
to make room for urban amenities such as parks, schools and hospitals. If you want
to visit some farms, there’re some left on the outskirts I guess.

 Heaps of something: rất nhiều

 To make room for something: để lấy chỗ cho cái gì
 Amenity /əˈmenəti/: nơi chốn, tiện ích cơ sở vật chất
 On the outskirts: ở ngoại ô thành phố


1. Where can you bargain? Why?

Mostly when I do grocery shopping at local markets. The prices are not fixed and
you have to haggle to get the best deal. Otherwise, you would be overcharged,
especially in parts of the city much frequented by tourists.

 To do grocery shopping: đi chợ, mua nhu yếu phẩm cho gia đình
 To haggle = to bargain: mặc cả
 To overcharge somebody: chặt chém ai đó, hét giá quá cao
 To frequent somewhere: hay đi đến đâu đó. Chú ý frequent (v) cách đọc
hơi khác: /friˈkwent/

2. How do you bargain?

Well I learn this from my mom and it works like a charm. First, you cannot show any
interest in the things you intend to buy because if the seller knows you’re dying to
have those things, they will never lower the price. Second, always start low and
then pretend to walk away. The vendor will call you back and offer the final price.

 To work like a charm: rất hiệu nghiệm

 To be dying for something / to do something: cực kỳ muốn cái gì đó
 To lower the price: hạ giá
 Vendor: người bán hàng

3. Do Vietnamese people bargain?

Yeah. I guess it’s a very unique part of our culture. However, bargaining is less
common now because young people tend to prefer shopping at large shopping malls
where items have fixed price tags.

 Fixed /fɪkst/ (adj): cố định, không thay đổi

 Price tag: nhãn giá

4. What do you think of bargaining?

I love it 100%. I mean you can buy things at a much lower price, which is awesome
for a person living on a tight budget like me. Also, when haggling, you get to talk to
the seller and it’s kind of fun.

 To live on a tight budget: sống với ngân sách eo hẹp

 To get to do something: có cơ hội làm gì đó


1. What’s the decoration like in your home?

I’m a minimalist so my home is quite simple and I’d like to keep all the decoration
bits low-key and subtle. I also gravitate towards the Scandinavian interior design so
everything in my house kind of reflects that.

 A Minimalist: Một người sống theo phong cách tối giản

 Low-key (adj): không quá nổi bật, gây ít sự chú ý
 Gravitate towards sth/sb : Bị thu hút bởi 1 vật/ người nào đó

2. What kind of decoration do you want to have?

Recently, I’ve been really into ceramics. Ceramic items bring a really nice, rustic and
old-fashioned vibe so they would perfectly complement the decoration bits and
pieces that I have now. However, high-quality ceramic products are quite pricey.

 Ceramics /səˈræmɪk/: Đồ gốm

 Rustic: Mộc mạc
 Complement: tôn lên (nét đẹp)
 Bits and pieces: Những thứ lặt vặt, nhỏ

3. Do Vietnamese people like to redecorating their home?

Yeah I think they do, but only on important occasions. For instance, a few weeks
before Tet holiday, we will rush to buy tons of decorative items, flowers and indoor
plants to turn our houses into splendid and colorful places. For a complete
makeover, Vietnamese people don’t usually do that.

 To rush: vội vã, làm nhanh chóng

 Splendid (adj) /ˈsplendɪd/: đẹp đẽ, lộng lẫy
 Complete makeover: Thay đổi hoàn toàn

4. What’s your favorite color when decorating your home?

I prefer light colors because they look very calm, and also make the rooms feel more
spacious. That’s why the main colors in my living room are white, beige and wood

 Calm (adj): Yên tĩnh

 Beige /beɪʒ/: Màu be


1. Do you often watch programs on the TV or on your cellphone?

I lean towards the TV you know, because I don’t think cellphones are intentionally
built for watching shows. The screen is quite limited and therefore your experiences
could be pretty poor.

 To lean towards sth: nghiêng về phía, thích cái này hơn

 Intentionally (adv): Có định ý

2. What kind of TV programs do you like?

I mostly watch news with my family during mealtimes. I guess they give us
something to talk about. Also, when I’m alone, I would turn on some TV series or
reality shows on Netflix. These actually make nice diversions.

 Reality shows: Chương trình thực tế

 Diversion /daɪˈvɜːrʒn/ = entertainment: Cách tiêu khiển, giải trí

3. Do you like watching the same kind of program all the time?

I guess no, because that’s quite tedious. I tend to binge watch something for a
couple of days, and then I would opt for something completely different for a

 Tedious (adj) /ˈtiːdiəs/ = boring: Nhàm chán

 To binge watch: Cày phim
 To opt for sth >< To opt against sth: Chọn làm gì đó/không làm gì đó

4. Do you talk with your friends about the programs you watched?

Yes, absolutely. We’re all obsessed with movies and TV series, and every single time
we get together, one of our go-to topics would be the shows we’re watching. We’d
love to discuss the characters, the plot holes, binge-worthy TV show
recommendations and so on.

 Be obsessed with sth: Phát cuồng một thứ

 Go-to (topic): (chủ đề) được ưa thích
 Plot holes: Lỗi phim/truyện
 So on: vân vân


1. Do you normally make a list when you go shopping?

Yes, I create my own checklist most of the time I do grocery shopping because it
helps me to not miss things. Of course, if I forget to buy some stuff then I would
have to return to the supermarket, which can be really inconvenient. Also, having a
shopping list keeps me focused. Otherwise, I would wander the aisles aimlessly and
waste lots of time there.

 A checklist: Danh sách các thứ cần mua/cần làm

 Grocery shopping: Mua thực phẩm
 An aisle: Gian hàng
 To wander: đi lang thang

2. Do you find lists useful when you’re working or studying?

Yes, certainly. Before I sit down and get things done, I always create a to-do list on
paper so that I can choose which task I should tackle first. When I finish it, I will cross
it off the list and that gives me a great sense of accomplishment. Then I tend to feel
eager to proceed to other tasks.

 A to-do list: Danh sách những điều cần làm

 Cross sth off (the list): Gạch bỏ khỏi (danh sách)

3. Do you prefer to use a piece of paper or your phone when making lists?

Well I tend to lean towards making to-do lists on my phone. Basically my phone and
I are inseparable so I can be on top of my responsibilities at all times. On the other
hand, writing down everything on a piece of paper sounds nice and I do that once in
a while, but I’m afraid I may leave it somewhere and can never find it.

 Inseparable (adj): Không thể tách rời
 Be on top of sth: quản lý, kiểm soát
 Diligence: Tỉ mỉ
 To overcook: Nấu quá chín


1. When do you need to concentrate the most?

Well I guess pretty much every daily task requires great concentration so I can
achieve the best outcomes possible. For instance, when I work, I have to stay
focused to finish everything and meet the deadline. Some simple chores such as
cooking also need diligence and attention because I may risk overcooking the meat
and ruin the whole meal.

 An outcome (V): Kết quả

 Meet the deadline: Làm kịp thời hạn
 Diligence: Tỉ mỉ
 To overcook: Nấu quá chín

2. When you were a child, did you find it easy to concentrate on your studies?

No and I guess that’s the problem any child has. Typically, children’s concentration
span is rather short and they tend to be distracted by even the smallest things such
as noise, and I was not an exception.

 Concentration span (V): Khoảng thời gian tập trung, chú ý

 An exception: Ngoại lệ

3. What may distract you when you are trying to concentrate on your

I detest being in noisy environments such as open-plan offices or cafés. Therefore,

every single time I work on something important, I prefer being alone in a quiet
room. What’s more, kids can be annoying. Some can never sit still, while some
others are too inquisitive and continuously interrupt me with a bunch of questions.

 Detest (V): Cực ghét
 Open-plan (adj): Rộng rãi, không khép kín
 Inquisitive (adj): Hay hỏi, hỏi nhiều

4. Is there anything you do to help you concentrate on your work/studies?

Yes, there are things that I do to facilitate concentration. First of all, I have to create
a perfectly quiet space where all sources of noise and distraction are removed.
Then, sometimes I would turn on some calm and soothing music, which, according
to what I have read, can put listeners in the mood for work. And another tip is to
drink enough water. Dehydration can really reduce your concentration span.

 Facilitate (V): Tạo điều kiện thuận lợi

 Soothing (adj): dễ chịu, du dương
 Dehydration: Mất nước


1. Is it necessary for everyone to learn mathematics?

(Simon) Yes, I think it is. We all need a basic grounding in math so that we can do
daily tasks, like managing our money, working out bills, and so on.

 A basic grounding: Kiến thức nền tảng

2. Are girls generally good at mathematics?

Well I don’t think gender has anything to do with this. When I was in high school,
some of the boys were really excellent at maths, so that statement is not entirely
true I suppose.

 To have something to do with it: Có liên quan, liên kết với nhau

3. When did you start learning math?

If my memory serves me right, I started learning how to count when I was in

preschool. In Vietnam, every child has to be able to count, read and write before
primary school, which may be pretty odd to some people from other countries.

 If my memory serves me right: Nếu tôi nhớ không nhầm thì…

 Odd (adj): Kỳ lạ

4. Do you like math?

It really depends on what kind of math we’re talking about. When it comes to
general math like the one I learned in primary school and high school, so yeah I kind

of like it. But when I entered university, advanced math was a nightmare. It was way
more complicated and I failed several times. What a shame!

 A nightmare: Một nỗi ác mộng

 What a shame!: Thật đáng tiếc!

5. Do you prefer to use a calculator when doing mathematics?

Yes, I think it’s pretty useful even though I don’t use the calculator very often. It
could help me to calculate and solve math problems with ease. Otherwise, I would
have to do it in my head, which is a real challenge.

 Do sth with ease: Làm gì đó một cách dễ dàng

6. Is math difficult for you to learn?

Actually it’s not really hard. In fact, math was my all-time favorite subject back in
high school. I think I was born for dealing with numbers. I did it pretty fast but a lot
of my friends considered math as a mentally strenuous subject.

 Be born for sth: Được sinh ra để làm việc này = có khiếu làm việc này
 Strenuous (adj): Tốn sức, tốn công

Describe a toy that you liked in your childhood.

You should say:

 What the toy was.
 Who gave it to you.
 How you used this.
 And explain how you felt when you got this toy

Bài dưới đây được sửa lại dựa trên bài mẫu của thầy Simon, bài gốc các bạn có thể
xem tại đây:
speaking-describe-a-toy.html. Các phần sửa có ghi chú [new] và được in nghiêng.

One special toy that I remember getting was a Lego car. It was a birthday present
from my parents. I can't remember exactly how old I was, but I was probably about
10 or 11.

[new] When my parents gave me this, I was over the moon. At school, everyone had
their own Lego toy, but we couldn’t afford one so I couldn’t help feeling jealous at
times. So needless to say, I was really excited and grateful.

The special thing about this car was that I had to build it myself out of hundreds of
pieces of Lego. The pieces came in a box with a picture of the finished car on the
front, and I had to follow step-by-step instructions to put all the pieces together in
the correct way. This wasn't an easy task because the car even had an engine,
movable seats and gears. It took me a day or two to make, and required a lot of

[new] I even asked my sister to join me, and we had a fight over what we should do
next. I think to an adult, that’s like a walk in the park, but to a child, building this toy
car is a tall order. Eventually, I had to turn to my parents for some help.

When the car was finished it looked great, and I felt a sense of accomplishment.

[new] I still remember that I played with the toy every single day. I even took it to
school to brag to my friends. What a sweet memory!

 Be over the moon: Vui sướng lên tận cung trăng

 To follow step-by-step instructions: làm theo các bước hướng dẫn
 Movable (adj): có thể dịch chuyển
 To have a fight over sth: Cãi nhau vì vấn đề gì đó
 A walk in the park: điều gì đó dễ dàng
 A tall order: điều gì đó khó khăn
 Turn to somebody for help: nhờ ai đó giúp đỡ
 To brag: khoe khoang
 To feel a sense of accomplishment: Cảm thấy thành công, đạt được kết quả


1. What are the differences between toys children play nowadays and in the

Well, it seems to me that there is only one major difference between the kinds of
toys children love these days and in the past. When I was just knee-high to a
grasshopper, most kids were really into stuffed animals or fashion dolls, which were
pretty simple and relatively cheap. However, today’s youngsters are more into
electronics. For example, a lot of children now own an Xbox, Play Station game set
or an Ipad. These toys are apparently way more sophisticated and expensive.

 A stuffed animal: Thú nhồi bông

 A fashion doll: Búp bê thời trang
 Electronics: Đồ điện tử
 Sophisticated (adj) /səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd/ = complicated: Phức tạp, tinh vi

2. Do boys and girls play the same toys?

Generally, I believe that they prefer completely different toys. While boys love
playing with toy cars and robotic playmates, girls are more in favor of dolls.
However, there are still some toys that are popular among both sexes. For example,
Lego toys can be both appealing to males and females and they are still the top
choice of parents in this day and age.

 A robotic playmate: rô-bốt thông minh

 In this day and age: Vào thời buổi này

3. Do you think children like playing with ordinary house items?

Well I don’t really know the answer, I think I need a moment to collect my thoughts.
Off the top of my head I would say that’s a NO. Children tend to be attracted to
something colorful, lightweight and small. But household items are sophisticated,
and kids only play with these out of curiosity for a while and then they can be

 To collect sb’s thoughts: Suy nghĩ (nhưng nghe xịn hơn think)
 Off the top of my head: Ám chỉ việc nói luôn mà chưa suy nghĩ kĩ
 Lightweight (adj): nhẹ cân
 Out of curiousity: Nhằm thỏa tính tò mò

4. What should parents consider when buying toys for their children?

Well of course parents have to take a lot of factors into consideration before they
make a decision about what toys they should give to their kids. First, the materials
are one of the top concerns. Some fathers and mothers worry that some materials
such as plastic and toxic paint are harmful to their children’s health. Second, parents
should choose toys according to age. Some toys are too complicated for a young kid
so parents must be careful with this as well.

 To take sth into consideration: Cân nhắc về khía cạnh nào đó

 A top concern: Mối quan tâm hàng đầu
 Toxic (adj): Độc hại
 Complicated (adj) = sophisticated: Phức tạp, tinh vi

5. Do you think it's important for boys to play with "boys' toys" and for girls to
only play with "girls' toys"?

Dưới đây là câu trả lời của thầy Simon. Nguồn:

I think boys naturally seem to prefer playing with "boys' toys" and girls with "girls'
toys". When I was young I had toy cars, trucks, guns and things like that, whereas
my sister always wanted to play with dolls. I don't suppose it really matters if a boy
plays with a doll or a girl plays with a toy car, but children learn quickly what toys
are supposed to be for boys and for girls.

 To suppose: Nghĩ rằng, cho rằng

 Sth be supposed to V: Cái gì đó được tin là

6. Do you think it's good if parents only buy "educational" toys for their children?

Dưới đây là câu trả lời của thầy Simon. Nguồn:

No, I don't agree with only giving children educational toys. In my opinion, children
learn by playing with whatever interests them. Children invent their own games,
even if they don't have any toys at all. It's important for children just to have fun;
there will be plenty of time for parents to worry about education when their
children get older.

 Interest (V): gây hứng thú, thu hút

 It’s important for sth/sb to V: Việc ai đó làm gì rất quan trọng

Describe someone who is talkative.
You should say:
 Who this person is
 How you know this person
 What this person likes to talk about
 Explain whether you like him or her

Well now I’m going to tell you about my best friend, Minh, who talks quite a lot.

We have been besties for a couple of years, since we first met back in my freshman
year in university. To be quite honest, he came across as an extremely talkative
person, which was completely irritating. Because I’m exactly the opposite, I always
tried to stay away from this person at all costs. But there was a marketing
assignment that we had to partner, and after this I did have a change of heart.

When you get to know him better, he’s not as annoying as he seems. He’s able to
talk about shallow topics like celebrities and music and even serious things like
politics and science. This proves that he’s quite knowledgeable and you will never
feel left out because he will talk about topics that interest you. That’s the first thing
I like about Minh.

One more thing … he’s hilarious too. He can easily crack people up with his own
jokes and that’s maybe the reason why he can break the ice with anyone. Every
single time he’s at a party, he’s like the life and soul of the party. You can never feel
bored when you’re with him. His great sense of humor can also cheer me up when I
have a bad day. So whenever I’m down in the dumps, I always text him to feel

 come across (phrasal verb): tạo ấn tượng

 irritating (adj): làm phát cáu

 to partner: làm việc với nhau
 have a change of heart: thay đổi quan điểm, ý kiến, suy nghĩ
 shallow topics: những chủ đề thông thường, nông cạn
 feel left out: cảm thấy bị bỏ ngoài cuộc
 crack someone up (idiom): làm ai đó phá lên cười
 break the ice (idiom): phá vỡ bầu không khí ngượng ngùng, căng thẳng
 the life and soul of the party: người rất hoạt bát, thú vị, giỏi kết nối mọi


1. Why are some children talkative while some are not?

I believe there are two main explanations for this. First and foremost, it has
something to do with their genes. A lot of kids were naturally talkative and able to
talk non-stop and express their feelings, while some are more observant and prefer
to keep their feelings to themselves. Second, when children come to a new place,
they tend to be shy and avoid talking with strangers. But if they’re familiar with the
surroundings, they may start to make conversation with others.

 observant (adj): hay quan sát, để ý

2. Should parents encourage their children to express opinions?

Yes, I agree with this view. Parents should encourage their sons and daughters to
raise their voice in some matters. This will certainly teach children to become an
independent and assertive person. When they grow up, it will come in handy. Some
parents don’t allow their kids to have a say at home, so these children may become
obedient and docile, but they may feel oppressed and stressed.

 raise (one’s) voice (idiom): nói to, nhất là vì giận dữ

 assertive (adj): quả quyết, quyết đoán
 handy (adj): hữu dụng
 have a say (idiom): được tham gia vào việc quyết định một việc gì đó
 obedient (adj): ngoan ngoãn
 docile (adj): dễ bảo
 oppressed (adj): bị đàn áp, áp bức

3. Where should not children talk? Why?

The very first place that pops into my head is public places like the theaters and
cinemas. Children tend to make a lot of noise when they are excited or sometimes

they turn to their parents to ask some questions aloud. This is really disturbing. Of
course, it doesn’t mean they have to be quiet the whole time, but they should be
taught to talk softly so that others can still enjoy the movie.

4. Which job requires people to talk much?

I think any job that involves working with other people may require a person to talk
a lot. A good example is teachers, who have to teach a group of students. They have
to be able to explain difficult concepts and sometimes, teachers need to talk a bit
more when they deal with slow students. Another job that I can think of is
salesmen. Their job is to convince people to make a purchase, so this requires a lot
of talking.

 slow students: những học sinh chậm hiểu

 salesmen (n): nhân viên bán hàng

5. Which are the qualities for a good presentation?

Well that’s a tough question since I haven’t thought about this. I think the key factor
must be the way it is delivered. I’ve joined numerous lectures and presentations,
some of which are very intriguing but still dead boring overall. It’s all due to the
presenter, who is always standing still and talking non-stop. Once in a while, he or
she should tell some jokes, or use visual aids to grab people’s attention. Another
thing that I can think of is the interaction between the presenter and the audience. I
believe a Q&A section may help.

 intriguing (adj): thú vị

 dead boring (adj): chán chết
 to stand still: đứng yên một chỗ

6. What are differences between formal and informal conversations?

Needless to say, these two are like chalk and cheese. The biggest difference lies in
the language you use. When the conversation is formal, people are supposed to use
formal words and phrases and have to avoid using slangs and bad language. This
means that you are respecting other people. But if people chat with their friends, it’s
okay to use relaxed and even offensive words from time to time.

 Like chalk and cheese (idiom): Khác nhau hoàn toàn

 A slang: từ lóng



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