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Time for some work based around resilience, empathy and global citizenship. There’s no
writing involved just thinking, watching video clips and learning about other people’s lives. It
would be really beneficial if you could do this with someone else to share your thoughts and
Today’s focus is to understand the meaning of the word ‘perseverance’ and why it is
important and how to develop our own personal strategies for perseverance.
Here’s what you need to do:
1. Go to and login. This may not work on a phone but will work on a laptop.
Use Chrome rather than Internet Explorer if you can. Choose English, unless you can
speak Finnish!
2. Click on ‘student’ then you need to enter the passphrase Emotional332
3. Click on enter experience.
4. When the plate comes up on the screen, hover over each dish until you find Anni’s
home. Click on it.
5. Feel free to explore Anni’s home.
Think and discuss together:
What do you notice?
What is the same or different to your home compared to Anni’s?
Who is there?
What are they doing?
What questions would you ask this family if you met them?
6. As you explore, try and find Anni and click on her.
7. Watch the film clip about Anni. Then watch again but have a go at answering the
following questions:
Why did Anni try weightlifting?
Who is Laura?
Where was Anni’s first major competition?
How do Anni’s parents support her?
Do you think she gives up easily? Why?
When did Anni break her personal record and for what?
Being successful in training gives Anni what?
8. After you have watched Anni and explored her home, reflect on your own
perseverance using these questions to support:
 When was the last time you succeeded in achieving something you really
wanted to achieve?
 How did you do it?
 Think about a goal you would like to achieve in the near future especially in
the current situation of lockdown and how you are going to go about
achieving it.
 Is there someone in your family who you could support in achieving their own
personal goal? How could you help them to persevere?

I hope you find this interesting. The passphrase will only last until Wednesday but I can
refresh it after that.

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