Summative Test For Fourth Quarter

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Fourth Quarter Examination

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Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer

1.To locate exact places on the Earth, one must look at

a. the lines of latitude only
b. the lines of longitude only
c. a neighboring area to describe the location
d. the intersecting lines of latitude and longitude

2.When measuring the lines and latitude, always begin with the _____, which represent 0 degrees.
a. prime meridian b. equator c. longitude d. north pole

3. 2.When measuring the lines and longitude, always begin with the _____, which represent 0 degrees.
a. prime meridian b. equator c. longitude d. north pole

For the number 4-6, refer to the map below

Province A

Province B

4. Which of the following is the correct location of Province A

a. 160 N and 1220 E b. 160 N and 1240 E c. 180 N and 1220 E d 180 N and 1240 E
5. Province B would be located at_______.
a. 80 N and 1220 E b. 80 N and 1260 E c. 100 N and 1240 E d 100 N and 1260 E
6. Which would be the Manila located.
a. 140 N and 1210 E b. 140 N and 1240 E c. 100 N and 1260 E d 100 N and 1280 E

For item 7 to 9, use the map below

7. Using the map, in which longitude can you

locate the Philipines?
a. 600 E b. 600 W c.1200 W d.1200 E

8. In which latitude could you find the Philippines?

a. between 00 and 300N
b. between 00 and 300S
c. between1200 E and 1800 E
d. between1200 W and 1800 W

9. Using the map, in which longitude can you

locate the China?
a. 1400 E b. 1400 W c.1100 W d.1100 E
10. We depend on energy of our daily lives activity. Which of the folloewing statements shows conversation
of the energy?
I. Switch off lights when notin use.
II. Recycle the materials like a paper and glass container
III.Turn off the electrical appliance when they are not use
IV. at low tide, water is allowed to run through the dam to turn electrical generators
a. I only b. I, II c. I, II, III d.I, II, III,IV
11. Which of the following DOES NOT describe wise converstion of energy?
a. constructing dams near waterfalls
b. using solar energy to run electricity
c. making windmills in areas with strong seasonal winds
d. dumping bagase and agricultural waste into rivers
12.Which is the best example of physical weathering?
a. the rusting of an iron nail
b. the chemical reaction of the limestone with acid rain
c. the formation of the sandbar along the side of a stream
d. the cracking of the rock caused by the freezing and thawing of water.
13.You see pieces of card board, empty soft drinks can, and a broken wooden chair dumped in a vacant lot.
What materials are being wasted in the dumpsites?
a. paper b. metals wood d. all of these
14.What do you call an energy came from the sun?
a. geothermal energy b. solar energyc. hydroelectric energy d. battery energy
15. A copper is use wiring. Which metalic it belong ?
a. Forrous metallic b. non-forrous metallic c. minerals d. materials
16. What do you call the horizontal lines found in the globe?
A. Equator B. Latitude C. Longitude D. Prime Meridian
17. What do you call to the great circle that is halfway between the Northern and
Southern Hemisphere?
A. Equator B. Latitude C. Longitude D. Prime Meridian
18. Which of the following is the latitude of the equator?
A. 00 B. 900 N C. 900 S D. 900 E
19. Which of the following is considered as the greatest possible latitude found in the
A. 900 N and 900 S C. 1800 N and 1800 S
B. 900 E and 900 W D. 1800 E and 1800 W
20. What is the climate experienced by countries that are located within or near the
Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn?
A. Desert B. Polar C. Temperate D. Tropical
21. What do you call the latitude between Tropic of Cancer and Arctic Circle?
A. Eastern temperate zone C. Northern temperate zone
B. Western temperate zone D. Southern temperate zone
22. The Maria Cristina Falls in Iligan City generates energy from the flow of water. What
do you call this energy resource?
A. Biomass B. Geothermal C. Hydropower D. Solar
23. All of the following are considered as land resources, EXCEPT
A. corals B. crops C. metals D. trees
24. Our environment has many bodies of water and landforms. The things that we take
and use from the environment to survive are called _______.
A. raw materials C. natural resources
B. chemical energy D. rocks and minerals
25. Resources that can be replaced after using them again and again are called _______.
A. Nonrenewable C. Renewable
B. Recyclable D. Reusable
26. The following natural resources can be replaced easily, EXCEPT
A. animals B. coal C. plants D. water
27. Which of the following resources takes a very long time to replace?
A. Crops B. Oil C. Trees D. Water
28. What do you call the resources that require long years before they can be
A. Nonrenewable C. Renewable
B. Recyclable D. Reusable
29. Which of the following is correctly matched?
A. Coal: Renewable C. Aluminum: Renewable
B. Cotton: Nonrenewable D. Minerals: Nonrenewable
30. In which layer of the atmosphere where nearly all weather phenomena occur?
A. Mesosphere C. Thermosphere
B. Stratosphere D. Troposphere
31. Which layer protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays?
A. Mesosphere C. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere D. Ozone layer
32. What are the most abundant gases in Earth’s atmosphere?
A. Nitrogen and Oxygen C. Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen
B. Nitrogen and Hydrogen D. Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen
33. In which layer of the atmosphere do planes fly to get out from the weather
A. Exosphere C. Stratosphere
B. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere
34. What happens to the temperature as you go higher in the troposphere?
A. It increases. C. It stays the same.
B. It decreases. D. It increases then decreases.
35 In which layer of the earth’s atmosphere does meteoroids burn up?
A. Mesosphere B. Stratosphere C. Thermosphere D. Troposphere
36. Why is the presence of ozone important for the survival of living things on Earth?
A. It warms Earth’s surface.
B. It helps in cloud formation.
C. It makes jets flying more comfortable.
D. It offers protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.
37Why does warm air rise in the atmosphere?
A. It is denser than cold air C. It weighs more than cold air
B. It is less dense than cold air D. It has higher pressure than cold air
38. Which of the following will cause wind or movement of air in our atmosphere?
A. Differences in altitude C. Differences in temperature and altitude
B. Differences in pressure D. Differences in temperature and pressure
39 When does air rise in the atmosphere?
A. If air particles are cold C. When air is denser than other air particles
B. When air is warm and less dense D. If the air pressure around the place is higher
40 What causes the differences of air pressure in the atmosphere?
A. Waves of ocean’s water C. Rising and falling of water tides
B. Rotation of earth on its axis D. Unequal heating of earth’s atmosphere
41. What will happen if there is a difference between air pressure and temperature in the
A. Formation of wind C. Increase in force of gravity
B. Creation of tides in ocean D. Continuation of earth’s rotation
42. The following materials are found in our surroundings. Which one of these is the best
absorber of heat?
A. Oil B. Juice C. Rock D. Water
43. What are horizontal lines, or lines running across the Earth from East to West,
A. Equator C. Longitude lines
B. Latitude lines D. Prime meridians
44. Which affect the amount of solar energy the earth’s received?
A. Equator C. Longitude lines
B. Latitude lines D. Prime meridians
45. Which of the following imaginary line that is halfway between the North Pole and
South Pole?
A. Equator C. Longitude lines
B. Latitude lines D. Prime meridians
46. Which region receives less solar energy per unit of surface area?
A. Asian region C. Pakistan region
B. African region D. Polar region
47. Which of the following astronomical phenomena shows shadow formation?
A. Eclipses
B. Birth of a star
C. Collision of asteroids
D. Rotation of Earth on its axis
49Which part of a shadow has all light been blocked?
A. Umbra
B. Penumbra
C. Black Shadow
D. Very Light Shadow
48.Why are the seasons different in the Northern and Southern hemispheres?
A. The earth’s distance to the sun is constant
B. The earth is continuously rotating around the sun.
C. The sun is moving around the earth so one half the earth is heated and the other half is frozen.
D. During summer or winter one part of the planet is closer or father to the sun.
49. Which of the following is TRUE about natural resources?
A. Natural resources are created by humans.
B. Natural resources are used by humans only.
C. Natural resources are produced through scientific experiments.
D. Natural resources exist in nature and sustain the needs of all living things.
50.Philippines is listed as the fifth mineral-rich country in the world, third in gold reserves, fourth in copper
and fifth in nickel. Why do you think our country is rich in mineral resources?
A. We have advanced equipment used in mining these minerals.
B. We have extensive mining activities all throughout the country.
C. We are situated in the Pacific Ring of Fire where many active volcanoes
are present.
D. We have a tropical climate characterized by abundant rainfall, high
temperature and high humidity.
51.When it is summer in southern hemisphere, which of the following BEST
describes the tilting of the earth in the northern hemisphere?
A. The earth is tilted towards the sun.
B. The earth is tilted away from the sun.
C. The distance between southern and northern hemisphere is constant.
D. The distance between both hemispheres are not constant and always
52. Earth’s seasons are caused by which of the following?
A. The varying amount of sunspot activity
B. The rotation of the Earth during a 24- hour day
C. The Earth’s orbit around the Sun as an ellipse rather than a circle.
D. The tilt of the Earth’s axis of rotation relative to the orbit of the Earth.
53. Which of the following statements correctly describes latitude?
A. Only lines of the latitude are equally spaced vertical lines.
B. There are 89 lines of latitude in the north and 89 to the south.
C. The 90th line of the latitude are the three points the East and North.
D. The 90th line of the latitude are the two points the North and South.
54. Evan was asked to locate the equator on the globe. He then pointed at the 0-degree
latitude. Is he correct?
A. Yes, it is halfway between the North Pole and South Pole.
B. No, it is not 0-degree latitude at the middle of the earth.
C. Yes, it is at 0-degree latitude around the North Pole and South Pole.
D. No, it is an imaginary line around the earth which represent 0 degree.
55. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are formed from the remains of dead
plants and animals that existed millions of years ago. Which of the following
statements is TRUE about fossil fuels?
A. Fossil fuels are renewable resources because it takes only a short time to
create them.
B. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources because it takes a very long time to
produce them.
C. Fossil fuels are renewable resources because we can replace them easily by
killing animals and plants.
D. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources because we can replace them through
scientific experiments in laboratories.
D. Yes, because the black circles is the moon that aligns with the sun creating a solar eclipse.
56. Jaypee performs an experiment about solar eclipse. He cut different sizes of
circles where the sun is biggest followed by the earth and the moon. He aligned
the three circles, with the earth in between the sun and the moon. Is his set-up
A. Yes, because there is the sun.
B. No, because the moon must be absent during solar eclipse.
C. No, because the moon should be is at the center.
D. Yes, because the three astronomical objects have different diameter and the alignment of the
three where the earth is at the center causes solar eclipse.
57.Philippines is home of different species of plants and animals. Do you agree that our
latitude position in the globe can influence the high diversity of life forms?
A. No, the diversity of life forms in the country does not depend on its position
in the globe.
B. No, the latitude position of our country does not affect the high diversity of
life forms at all.
C. Yes, the Philippines is one lucky country with thick forests, bodies of water,
fertile soil, and many landforms.
D. Yes, the Philippines receives year-round sunshine and abundant rainfall that
are needed by plants and animals to grow and reproduce.
58. Lance was tasked to discuss in their class the different geologic structures in the
country and the presence of minerals. He was asked by one of his classmates if there
is a relationship between the geologic structures and the presence of minerals. Lance
answered yes. Do you think his answer is correct?
A. No, the presence of mineral resources in the country does not depend on the
different geologic structures present.
B. Yes, the rich mineral resources can be attributed to the presence of many
active volcanoes and trenches in the country.
C. Yes, the presence of mineral resources tells us that our country experiences
frequent geologic events such as earthquakes.
D. No, there is no known scientific investigations showing the association of
geologic structures and the presence of minerals in the country.
________59. Which of the following describes the temperature in the troposphere and
A. The stratosphere is hotter than the troposphere.
B. The troposphere is hotter than the stratosphere.
C. Low temperature exists in the troposphere and stratosphere.
D.The temperature in the troposphere is equal to the stratosphere.
60. Layers of the atmosphere are classified according to changes in temperature. Is
the statement correct?
A. No, because it depends on the events that is happening on that layer.
B.Yes, because from troposphere to exosphere the temperature is gradually
C. No, because layers of the atmosphere were classified based on their altitude
D.Yes, because there is a significant change in temperature in each layers of the

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