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Ricky Young

Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination in Gender Roles

Psychology of Gender

Southern New Hampshire University

The terms stereotype, prejudice, discrimination, and racism are often used

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interchangeably in typical conversations. First, it is important to distinguish that. stereotypes are

generalizations of groups of people. They can be based on race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual

orientation or many other characteristics. They may be positive, usually about one’s own group,

such, but are often negative, usually toward other groups. An example of the later is when

members of a ‘dominant’ racial group suggest that a ‘subordinate’ racial group is stupid or lazy

(Landor et al. 2013). In either case, the stereotype is a generalization that doesn’t take individual

differences into account.

In today’s society, and societies throughout history, social roles have always been evident

and present. They also relate to these issues of discrimination, prejudice, etc. One of the most

pronounced roles in society is that of gender roles. Gender roles are defined as social roles

assigned to each sex, whether those roles be portrayed as masculine or feminine (Herring, Keith,

and Horton 2004; Klonoff and Landrine 2000).. The gender roles are acquired early in a person’s

childhood through a process called gender socialization. The gender roles of a person are

normally taught by friends, family, and the media. Overtime, women have been assigned the

feminine roles, which in turn have given women less opportunity in society (Herring, Keith, and

Horton 2004; Klonoff and Landrine 2000). As early, as when a baby is born, gender socialization

takes place. Parents dress a male baby in blue and a female baby in pink. When the girls are

young they are given Barbies, and taught to play House. On the other hand, boys are given a toy

truck, and are taught to play a sport of some kind. Giddens states, “By age two, children have a

partial understanding of what gender is” (93). Children’s books and movies portray the women to

be cooking or caring for their children (Herring, Keith, and Horton 2004; Klonoff and Landrine

2000). New stereotypes are rarely created and are recycled from subordinate groups that have

assimilated into society. One example is when many stereotypes are currently used to

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characterize black people, that were used earlier in American history. t

Things such as prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination emerge due to fear of strangers

or feelings of superiority over others (Landor et al. 2013). They also translate into the larger

discussion of gender roles. In today’s society, and societies throughout history, social roles have

always been evident and present.. Gender roles are defined as social roles assigned to each sex,

whether those roles be portrayed as masculine or feminine. The gender roles are acquired early in

a person’s childhood through a process called gender socialization. The gender roles of a person

are normally taught by friends, family, and the media. Overtime, women have been assigned the

feminine roles, which in turn have given women less opportunity in society.As early, as when a

baby is born, gender socialization takes place. Parents dress a male baby in blue and a female

baby in pink. When the girls are young they are given Barbies, and taught to play House. On the

other hand, boys are given a toy truck, and are taught to play a sport of some kind. Giddens

states, “By age two, children have a partial understanding of what gender is” (93). Children’s

books and movies portray the women to be cooking or caring for their children.

As societies became more complex, due to an increase in population and in the ways to

group people, such as through social classes and multiple ethnic groups, prejudices also became

more complex. Because prejudice frequently involves multiple factors both at the individual and

group levels, determining the cause of prejudice in any single person is difficult (Landor et al.

2013). Most people do not willingly reveal their prejudices or the reasons for them, if they are

even aware of their prejudices at all. Some people may have become prejudiced through some

traumatic event they experienced in their lives. Others are simply conforming to the society in

which they live, expressing the same prejudices as parents, popular political leaders, or

employers. Regardless of the cause of a person's prejudice, stereotypes, are oversimplified

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opinions of others (Landor et al. 2013).

Furthermore, there are the three ABC's of prejudice. They are (A)ffective, the prejudice

refers to the general attitude structure but more specifically the emotional component.

(B)ehavioral discrimination is the differential treatment due to group membership. (C)ognitive,

stereotype is a generalization about a group that is seen as descriptive of all members of that

group. The relationship between these three subtypes is that they are not competing accounts, but

complementary elements of a more complete analysis, and all three elements influence one

another (Landor et al. 2013). These distinctions are useful for the purpose of organizing and

thinking clearly about the varied causes of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination.

Next I will analyze the role my example plays in these situations, and what they can do

differently to help decrease prejudice toward this subgroup? Imagine twenty-two fifth-grade boys

being taken to Robbers Cave State Park. They are signing up for a summer camp experience.

These boys would be average in nearly every respect, with none of which knowing each other. I

would divide them into two groups of 11 and take them to separate areas of the park. I would

prove that neither differences in background, differences in appearance, nor prior histories of

conflict are necessary for intergroup hostility. This is because the groups would be invested into

the competition for goals. Also, competition against outsiders often increases group comradery.

Intergroup conflict can be diminished with superordinate goals that keeps prevents subgroup

distinction. This is my example

In conclusion, stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination often go together but do not

have to. Subtyping or applying a subtype to a group explains exceptions to a given stereotype by

creating a subcategory of the stereotyped group that can be expected to differ from the group as a

whole. These issue have significant relation to gender roles in our society today.

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Landor, A. M., Simons, L. G., Simons, R. L., Brody, G. H., Bryant, C. M., Gibbons, F. X., …

Melby, J. N. (2013). Exploring the Impact of Skin Tone on Family Dynamics and Race-Related

Outcomes. Journal of Family Psychology : JFP : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology

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of the American Psychological Association (Division 43), 27(5), 817–826.

Yerevanci. 2013. “Public Opinion of Interracial Marriage in the United States.” Wikimedia

Commons. Retrieved December 23, 2014



Uzogara, E. E., Lee, H., Abdou, C. M., & Jackson, J. S. (2014). A comparison of skin tone

discrimination among African American men: 1995 and 2003. Psychology of Men & Masculinity,

15(2), 201–212.

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