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Importance of cost accounting in companies


Cost accounting


Moreno Sandoval, Maria Del Carmen


Minga Sarmiento, Rolando Nolverthy

Headquarters - Peru


I. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................1
II. DEVELOPMENT ....................................................................................................................2
A. Previous investigations .....................................................................................................2
III. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ..............................................................................4
Cost accounting helps a lot in decision-making in companies, which is why it
establishes management levels to support planning and control . Registering,
analyzing and describing the activities, that is, Cost Accounting, it is important to
know them and use them correctly in your organization. An effective and adequate
management is also required in order to have an allocation and financing of costs
for carrying out business activities.

The purpose of the implementation of the project is to develop information that

provides and is a support element for the company and allows to review, correct
and improve the process with continuous improvements and thus guarantee the
ability to meet the needs. The costs are based on the measurement and
recognition of the expenses of the businesses or companies, and expenses are
understood as the consumption of goods or services, the devaluation of assets,
etc., and not simply the outflow of funds.

A. Previous investigations
Jugacho and Martinez (2018) . This article is based on accounting
controls in the activities of small businesses. One of the main advantages of using
accounting is that it allows merchants and company managers to keep proper
control over all transactions made, such as financial, production, marketing, and
inventory changes. An organization without adequate internal controls will sooner
or later fall into inefficiency, which will lead to slump or stagnation.

Calcina (2018), I work with a group of 38 urban and rural bakeries in the
district of Azángaro. With each owner, it was possible to find a total of 228
workers, including men and women, 143 were the samples, the techniques and
instruments used in this study to have a better knowledge, they were
questionnaires, surveys, observations and observation guides. The research team
concluded that the fabrics studied had poor input control and that the process was
not optimized, since it affected performance and needed better control in
accounting to allow processes to be optimized without affecting the profitability of
the company. company.

G arcía and Montafur (2017) in their thesis " Determination of the costs
of possession, operation and the level of profitability of the García EIRL
Service Company period 2015 " ; The sample is made up of 10 employees of the
company. In EIRL 2015, the methods used in this study are questionnaires and
interviews, while the instruments are questionnaires and interview guides. The
organizations surveyed concluded: Costs are not recorded manage properly. Their
accounting, done by accountants, is empirical and they do not believe that total
costs affect the calculations and profitability of the company.

Alvarez (2022). Indicates that: The use of cost accounting is essential for
the proper management of realized gains or losses, for the proper management of
a business, which is essential for decision-making and the application of growth
strategies, and for small and medium-sized companies. businesses, which are
necessary for success.

Maintaining a business account, even if it means adding resources to organize it
properly, is critical to the success or failure of a business, as many decisions can
be made based on it that affect the fate of the organization.

Romero, López, Delgado & Carchi (2022) concluded that combining basic
accounting science and cost with an accounting system adapted to the needs of
small companies allows them to reduce risk, make decisions based on real data
and apply corrective actions to the business management. Small business owners
need to analyze the costs and expenses incurred. Produce on a large scale at the
lowest possible cost and manage other investment alternatives in other sectors.
So that the surplus funds generate benefits in the medium and long term.

Calcina, S. (2018). Process cost accounting system and its influence on the
profitability of bakery companies in the district of Azángaro, year 2016. [Thesis.
Andean University Néstor Cáceres Vélasquez . Juliaca]. Virtual repository.

García Holgado, LM, & Montufar Fernández, HE (2017). Determination of

the costs of possession, operation and level of profitability of the service company
Garcia EIRL period 2015.

Jugacho , M and Martínez, G. (2018). Accounting control in the activities of

microenterprises and its impact on profitability. [Undergraduate thesis, Laica
Vicente Rocafuerte University of Ecuador ]. Virtual repository.

Alvarez Santa Cruz, P.D. (2022). Cost accounting and profitability of micro
and small clothing businesses in the Lambayeque model market.

Lalangui, MAR, Gomez, GAL, Olaya, RMD, & Arias, KLC (2022). Cost
accounting as a management tool for the development of microenterprises, shrimp
sector. Scientific Journal Culture, Communication and Development , 7 (2), 165-

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