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Topic 3: Talk about popular sporting events.

•A: Good morning, B. How are you feeling?

•B: hello A, not too bad
A: I'm pretty good. Oh, what is the most popular
sports event you know?
•B: I think football is the most popular sport in
•A: I think so, too. The majority of Vietnamese men,
my dad included, love to watch football in their free
time and some people even practice playing
•B: Do you know where football is held?
•A: Yes, Usually big football matches are held at My
Dinh National Stadium, which is the largest stadium
in the capital of Vietnam.
•A: So when will Vietnam held the football match? 
•B:Football matches will take place often in the year.
How often does it takes place? 
•A: The football matches are very well organized,at
the stadium it was very noisy, the cheers of the fans
in the stands. 
•B:The players have to practice hard and plan to play
•A: people at home can also watch football on TV
with family and friends very happy 
•A: And that's also why football is so popular in
•B: yes, Everyone will have a good time with their
loved ones
•B: will find the winning team and talent in the field
of football
•A: benefit the donor country and business
•A: yeahhh football is interesting
•A: Well, it's been nice meeting you 
•B: catch you later
Topic 1 Sở Thích

•A: Hi there! What do you like to do in your free time?

•B: Oh, have a lot of hobbies. I love reading books,
watching movies and playing video games.
 •A: That sounds cool! What kind of books do you
•B:  I love reading all kinds of books. From fiction to
non-fiction, and especially mystery novels.
•A: I like reading too. Do you have any favorite
•B: Yes, my favorite author is Dan Brown. Have you
read any of his books? 
•A: Yes, have read "The Da Vinci Code". It was really
•B: I agree! I also enjoyed "Angels and Demons". It was
a page-turner.
•A: What about movies? What kind of movies do you
•B: I love watching action movies and sci-fi films.
Superhero movies are also my favorite.
•A: I also like action movies. What's your favorite
action movie?
•B: My favorite action movie is "The Dark Knight".
Christopher Nolan did an excellent job directing that
•A: I haven't seen that movie yet, but I've heard great
things about it. What about video games? What kind of
games do you play?
•B: I play a variety of video games, but my favorite
genre is RPGs (Role-playing games).
•A: I'm not really into video games, but I've heard that
RPGs are really fun.
•B: Yes, they are! love the feeling of being immersed in
a different world and playing as a character with my
own unique story.
•A: That sounds really interesting. Thanks for sharing
your hobbies with me. It was nice chatting with you.
•B: You're welcome! It was nice talking to you too.

Topic 2 Sport
•A: Good morning, B. How are you feeling?
•B: hello A, not too bad
•A: I'm not good now because the environment is very
•B: What are the problems?
•A: You know, nowadays we're facing a lot of
environmental issues, but the one that concerns me
most is pollution.
•B: i think that People are living in air pollution, water
pollution, land pollution
•A:What are the causes? In my opinion, Everything is
man- made Air pollution by industrial plants, smog
from cars
•B: i think Water pollution because of agricultural
production and waste
 •B: Because of the heavy pollution, everyone needs to
join hands to improve
•A: For me, I can use public transport, sort waste, and
educate people to protect the environment.
•B: and me,using less petrol and electricity, or saving
on water, recycling our rubbish
•A:The environment is seriously polluted, so the
government has taken measures to fix it
•B: industrial improve waste treatment systems
•A: yes it very well
•A: Well, it's been nice meeting you
•B: catch you later

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