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The Gross Domestic Product




Moreno Sandoval, Maria Del Carmen


Paredes Torres, Emilio

Headquarters - Peru


INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................1
I. DEVELOPMENT ....................................................................................................................2
A. Previous investigations .....................................................................................................2
II. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ................................................................................................4
From the beginning, gross domestic product (GDP) was designed as a definitive
measure of gross domestic product (GDP). Since production is limited to market
activity, it is not only inadequate to measure, it is necessary to consider not only
welfare, but also the economic activity of the country. next to Examples of
activities omitted by GDP B. Domestic and care work carried out outside the home
There are other activities in the market that are accounted for, but are not properly
valued. Cost and access to health and education, environmental impact, free
goods and services, priorities for the well-being of people and the exercise of
human rights; However, given the aggregate measurement basis of GDP, these
are only recorded incompletely. Despite these limitations, GDP has become a
variable as it has become more prevalent. The evaluation of economic
performance and political decision-making will gain more public weight. These
decisions are taken by: The gap that exists between the values of GDP and the
values of society. It is necessary to measure in addition to take into account the
economic nature, the importance of dimensions such as special attention, use of
time and happiness. ( Cow & Baron , 2022)

A. Previous investigations
Fernandez, & Dominguez (2019). Human development is the process by
which societies seek to improve the living conditions of their inhabitants. Some
countries have a low Human Development Index (HDI) despite a high real Gross
Domestic Product (GDP). This article analyzes the HDI and real GDP4 for two
groups of countries. The 20 most developed countries and the 20 least developed
countries in 2018 have different GDPs for both groups. Pearson's correlation
coefficient and simple linear regression are calculated for the HDI and real GDP
variables for each of the two groups. After the statistical analysis was completed,
no correlation was found between these two variables. However, the equations
derived from the regression show negative β1 coefficients for developed countries
and positive coefficients for less developed countries, suggesting that changes in
the impact on GDP have different impacts between developed and less developed
countries, he concludes.

Pacompia , (2021). Overseas gross domestic product gains have had a

significant positive impact on gold export growth. It has been shown that the
income elasticity of exports is elastic. Except Canada. Ciel 's gross domestic
product is expected to increase by 1%, while exports of caribou mushrooms and
gold to Switzerland, Canada and the US are expected to increase by 5.04%,
0.82% and 6 .99%, respectively. International gold prices have had a significant
positive impact on the growth of gold exports. The price elasticity of exports shows
that a 1% increase in the price of caribou mushrooms increases exports to
Switzerland, Canada, and the US by 0.92%, 0.79%, and 2.37%, respectively. .

Manzano, FA (2016). Economic growth found a broad convergence Survey

of various business schools and highlights the lack of consensus among the
schools on the causes and factors that determine this phenomenon. There is
agreement among business schools that demographic variables are less important
and, in general, less tolerant of interdisciplinarity. We believe that economic
growth is a research topic that transcends economic theory, and that its analysis
requires an interdisciplinary analytical field. Long-term visualization of large
differences in GDP and world population distribution between selected countries

and regions. We mainly cover the following situations: GDP per capita exceeded in
Western Europe This is because the average growth rate of the world population
is low.

Iparraguirre, & Borja, (2020) Taking into account that the small and open
economy of Peru is vulnerable to external shocks that cause GDP volatility and its
high dependence on basic products, which could be exacerbated, then it is
vulnerable to shocks external. The analysis revealed that Peru is sensitive to
external shocks. Both real and monetary factors have a significant impact on
Peru's GDP, and it can be argued that these factors drive fluctuations in Peru's
business cycle during the period under review. As shown above, positive impacts
on China's manufacturing industry tend to have an expansionary impact on our
economy. Peru needs to maintain stable macroeconomic fundamentals, both fiscal
and monetary, to strengthen its external position.

Pacompia , E. (2021). Analysis of the main macroeconomic variables that
influence the export of gold in Peru, period 2000-2015. Manage: business and
government magazine, 1(1), 64-77.

Vaca Trigo, I., & Baron , C. (2022). Decentralize the gross domestic product
(GDP): well-being, care and time.

Fernández, JR, & Domínguez, LAV (2019). The Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) and its relationship with tax revenues in Peru 2007-2018. Quipukamayoc ,
27(55), 17-23.

Manzano, FA (2016). Summary of demography and the economy: The

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita. bulletin Goiano de Geografia , 36(1),
102-124. file:///C:/Users/USUARIO/Downloads/Dialnet-

Iparraguirre, JF, & Borja, FC (2020). Impact of external factors on the

Peruvian Gross Domestic Product during 1994-2018. Journal of Economic and
Financial Analysis, 3(1), 64-75.

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