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A Terrible Fright

A lot of people don’t even remember their most frightening day, it could
happen when they were too young, or they were so scared that they don’t
want to remember. To me, I have lots of frightening days, but the day I will
never forget is on 31 October 2018, right in the night of Halloween.
On Halloween night the environment was dark and dismal place like a ghost
town not a soul stirring in the dead of night. You look around and see a shadow
moving through the darkness of the streets. You turn but they're gone, an
eerie feeling washes over you like a cloak. You feel coldness seeping through
your bones chilling you to the core. Many peoples ' houses were terrified. They
decorate their house with orange pumpkins, dark skeleton, fake dead bodies
and blood on the stairs, legs that was cut, and many creepy witches.
That day I went visit my friend house at Los Angeles because I haven’t saw
him for a long time. I had decided that while we were there that I would like to
experience trick or treating myself. They were having a huge kind of festival
with hundreds of people out in the streets giving candy to little kids and letting
the kids go trick or treating in the stores and places alike. After about a half
hour of walking around I got this feeling, that I was being watched by
someone. I shrugged it off and took a few more steps and felt someone tug on
my coat. All of sudden my breath left me and a fear shivered its way all down
my spine. I turned around slowly to see who or what it was. It was my friend
who had always been pranking me all this time. A sigh of relief left me and I
went on about our way.
Then after about another hour or so the streets were mostly empty except
for a few people and us. I got the same feeling again. I tried to shrug it off but
you know how it is, its Halloween, supposedly the scariest night of the year,
and I just couldn’t escape the feeling that someone was watching me. I look
ahead and see that my friend and his sister were in front of me still about
another couple twenty feet or so. So I keep walking and I feel someone yank
on my coat again. I freeze. Staring at my friend in front of me, I start to turn
around very slowly to see who it was and as I turned around completely I see
no one is there, not a soul, no cars, nothing. Just street signs and street lights.
So I turn back around and start walking to my friend. As I was walking I notice
on the other side of the street a shadow sprints by I couldn’t make out who or
what is it but it was enough to make me walk faster until I reached my friend.
We were almost done with trick or treating, we went to almost every house
in the area. We were supposed to went home by now but her sister insisted
that she want to go to a last house. Her brother, my friend gave in and said this
is the last house and we went there together. I am not very keen of this house,
you see all the other houses on the street were very nice large brick house and
very well maintained but this house was old and falling apart, leaves were not
raked and all the plants were dead. I insisted we leave but her sister throw a
tantrum so I gave in. When we crossed the street and I see two headlights
coming toward us. He waved at us and so I waved back and he rolled down his
window and said “Happy Halloween. There are a lot of weird people running
around out here so be safe.” Just like that and he went back to driving his car.
As we walked up the steps I remember hearing the leaves rustle out of the
blue and the gate slamming shut. A little spooked we walk a little quicker up to
the door and rang the doorbell. Nothing, no one answer the door. So we ring it
again and at that very instant the lights on the streets went out, all across the
street were pitch black. No one came and I started to get this feeling again and
this time it was real hard to shrug it off. My friend was getting alittle spooked
and decide this was enough fun for today and it was time to go and this time
nobody complained. We got inside the car and left.
Before we got home we decide to stop at a restaurant and get something to
eat. As we were eating inside I once again get this feeling but this time it
wasn’t a feeling I could see someone out there about a couple hundred feet
ahead watching me very closely. I rub my eyes and look away and look back
and he’s still there but a little closer this time but not enough to see who it
was. I leaned over to tell my friend and told him to look outside and of course
he sees nothing. So I continue eating my burger and then I look up and there
he is again and this time like earlier at the festival I see him sprint away in the
shadows and this time he sees it too and agrees this time it really was time to
When we were on the way to his house I notice there is no other car were
around and I look out the mirrors and see another cars headlights in the
distance so no need to be alarm. Until I had noticed this car seemed like it was
following us, every lane change and every turn. By about twenty minutes later
he switches lanes drives right up next to us side by side and was keeping up
with us for a good ten minutes. Everybody started to get scared, and as we was
driving I look into the car and I see a man driving for sure and as he turned his
head sideways at us he was wearing a mask staring right at us intently not even
looking at the road. I look ahead but see out of the corner of my eye he was
still staring at us but I remembered I had seen that same car earlier but I
couldn’t quite remember where until I remembered that same car had drove
past us on the street that I waved to and he waving back and saying happy
Halloween when we was at that spooky house. This was same the car, so I look
back to see him staring eye to eye with me and me trying to remember what
he had looked like earlier when he waved to me and something I could
remember about him like what he was wearing or something but I couldn’t
remember seeing anything for it was too dark and I never got a good look at
him earlier and never even gave it a second thought at the time, he seemed
harmless. So again I looked ahead still seeing him out of the corner of my eye
still watching me and staring intently for another five minutes or so. Again I
look back at him and this time he looked ahead, took a highway exit and drove
off. Never saw him again. To break the silence I decided to switch on the radio
only to hear the last few words of a song which went “Hell is empty, the devils
are here.” I quickly shut off the radio and we drove in silence all the rest of the

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