Tugas Bahasa Inggris

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Name : Indriani Angrafa Putri

Israni Atiqa
Jefri Afriansyah Maulana
Jeri Vadeno

Bab Personal Letther

By Jefri Afriansyah Maulana
The situation when the school bell rings
The sound of the bell can be heard loud and clear throughout the school. Students rush out of their classrooms towards the
parking lot or school gates. A long line of vehicles forms outside the school as parents or guardians pick up their children.
Students who live nearby walk or ride their bikes home. Students gather around the school area to talk or wait for their
friends. One of the students approached the students who were at the school fence and asked about the assignment given
by the teacher last week.
Jeri :Hi, how are you?
Indri :Hi too; I'm fine. How about you?
Jeri :I'm well. Do you know about the group assignment to make an English learning video that was given by the
teacher last week?
Indri :Oh yeah?, I forgot. We'll just continue this conversation on Grub later, okay, because I've already been picked up
Jeri : Oke
They also returned to their homes.

Situation when they got home.

Jeri created a whatsapp group
Chatting :
Jefri : Hello everyone.
Jeri : Yes
Indri : What's wrong?
Tika : Yes?
Jefri : Do you all remember about the English learning group assignment?
Jeri : Weve there?
Indri : Oh yes, yes
Tika : What is the task given by Mr. John?
Jeri : OMG!" I forgot
Tika : Tsk tsk tsk tsk!"
Jefri : You guys are terrible at remembering assignments.
Indri : Yes, what can I do? His name is also human; he is not free from mistakes.
Jeri : Reply Indri (agree)
Jefri : Send stickers.
Tika : OK, when are we going to make the video?
Indri: Anytime you can
Jeri : I'm following
Jefri : How about tomorrow after school?
Indri : I just follow
Tika : Send great stickers!
Jefri : Okay, I agree, everyone will make a video tomorrow."
Jeri : Agreed
Indra : Agreed
Tika : Agreed
The following day, after school, and each (Chatting)
Jefri :Hi
Jeri : Yes?
Jefri : Shall we do the work now?
Indri : Yes, it is.
Jeri : Okay, but pick me up okay.
Tika : Okay, where do we do the work?
Indri : How about my house?
Jefri : OK, we'll be right there.

They were getting ready to go to Indri's house.

Jefri : Okay, since it's all up, let's start.
All : OK

Storyline :
Jeri wrote a letter to be sent to Jefri, his pen friend in Java. Jeri wrote a letter to be sent to Jefri, his pen friend in Java.
Jeri sends his letters through the mailboxes around the area where he lives. After a few days, the letter was received by
Jefri. Jefri opened the letter and read it.
Explanation :
 What is a Personal Letther ?
A personal letter is a letter written personally by someone to another person or a certain group. These letters are
usually used to express feelings, opinions, or personal information and are usually delivered by post or email.
 What is the purpose of personal letters ?
Personal letters can be used for various purposes, such as to wish someone a happy birthday, tell friends or family
about good or bad news, or just to maintain good relations with the people we care about. In the business world,
personal letters can also be used as an effective communication tool between companies and customers or clients
to provide information about new products or services or to express gratitude for the support that has been
 What is structure a Personal Letther
1. Sender's address
The sender's address is usually located in the top-left corner of the letter. This section includes the full
name, address, city, zip code, and country of the letter writer.
2. Date
The date is written under the sender's address and is usually located on the right side. The date indicates
when the letter was written or sent.
3. Receiver's address
The receiver's address is located below the date and is usually on the left side. This section includes the
full name, address, city, zip code, and country of the letter recipient.
4. Salutation
The salutation is usually located at the beginning of the letter and is used to address the recipient. The
salutation can be "Dear", "Hi", "Hello", or "My Dearest", followed by the recipient's name or title.
5. Opening
In the opening section, the writer usually states the purpose of the letter and provides an introduction to
the content. This can include expressions of missing the recipient, congratulations, or apologies,
depending on the purpose of the letter.

6. Body
The body is the most important part of the personal letter. In this section, the writer writes the main
message they want to convey to the recipient. The message can be a story, an event, an experience, or an
expression of gratitude or hope. The writer can also add details and additional information to clarify the
7. Closing
In the closing section, the writer concludes the letter by providing a closing salutation and a final message
to the recipient. The closing salutation can be "Sincerely", "Best regards", or "Love", followed by the
writer's name or signature. In the closing section, the writer can also add some closing sentences, such as
expressions of gratitude, apologies, or good wishes for the recipient.
8. Sender's name 
The sender's name is written below the closing salutation or signature and serves to indicate who the letter
writer is.

 Tips for making personal letters

1. Determine your purpose: Before you start writing your personal letter, determine your purpose for writing
it. Are you writing to share a personal story, express your feelings, or offer congratulations or
condolences? Knowing your purpose will help you focus your message and create a more effective letter.
2. Use a friendly tone: Personal letters are usually written in a friendly, conversational tone. Avoid using
formal language and instead use language that is easy to understand and feels personal. Use contractions,
if appropriate, to make your writing sound more natural and friendly.
3. Be authentic: When writing a personal letter, be authentic and write from the heart. Use your own words
and express yourself in a way that feels natural and true to you. Avoid using clichés or overly formal
language that may make your writing sound insincere.
4. Keep it concise: While you want to express yourself fully in your personal letter, it is important to keep it
concise and to the point. Focus on the main message you want to convey and avoid rambling or going off
on tangents. Consider your reader's attention span and try to make your message clear and easy to
5. Use descriptive language: Personal letters are a great opportunity to use descriptive language to help your
reader visualize your experiences or emotions. Use descriptive words and phrases to paint a picture of
what you are writing about and help your reader understand your perspective.
6. Edit and revise: After you have finished writing your personal letter, take some time to edit and revise it.
Read it aloud to check for errors or awkward phrasing, and make sure that your message is clear and easy
to understand. Consider asking a friend or family member to read your letter and offer feedback before
sending it.


By Indriani Angrafa Putri

A situation where someone is burning trash

One day there was someone who was burning trash in his yard, but he always burned the trash almost every day.

Current situation at the neighbor's house

Indri :Hey, did you know that our friend often burns garbage in his backyard?
Tika :Really?  But is it that bad?
Indri :Yes, it is very bad. When garbage is burned, smoke comes out and spreads toxic substances into the air. This can
cause serious air pollution and damage to the environment.
Tika :Oh, I didn't know it was that bad. What are the consequences for our environment and health?
Indri :Pollution from burning garbage can cause health problems such as respiratory problems, eye and nose irritation,
and other health problems. In addition, pollution can also damage the environment by damaging plants and
Tika :Wow, I need to talk to our friend about this. What should I say to him?
Indri :You can inform him about the harmful effects of burning garbage and invite him to find alternative ways to
dispose of it. For example, by using waste management services provided by the government or bringing garbage
to the nearest collection point,
Tika :Ok, thanks for the information. I will talk to our friend about it.
Explanation :
 What is a Cause And Effect ?
Cause and effect is a concept that explains the relationship between an event (the cause) and the resulting
outcome (the effect). In this case, the event that occurs becomes the cause of a specific outcome.

 What is the porpose of Cause and Effect

The purpose of the cause-and-effect concept is to help us understand the relationship between an event and the
resulting outcome of that event. By understanding this relationship, we can:

1. Identify the causes of a problem or an undesirable situation so that we can find the right solutions to
overcome them.
2. Predict the possible outcomes if an event or action is taken, so that we can make better-informed
3. Improve our analytical and problem-solving skills, as we can understand the relationship between events
and outcomes in more detail.
4. Improve communication effectiveness, as we can explain the relationship between events and outcomes
more clearly and in a structured way.

 What is structure of Cause and Effect

1. Cause: This is the event or factor that triggers or causes a particular outcome.
2. Cause-and-effect relationship: This is the relationship between the cause and the resulting outcome of the
event or factor.
3. Effect: This is the result or consequence that occurs as a result of the event or factor that caused it.
 Tips on how to express cause and effect correctly
1. Clearly explain the cause: When explaining the cause of an event, make sure to explain in
detail what caused the event to occur.

2. Identify the correct cause-and-effect relationship: Make sure to identify the correct
relationship between the cause and the effect, and ensure that the relationship is accurate and
3. Provide concrete examples: Providing concrete or real-life examples can help explain and
understand the cause-and-effect concept better.
4. Use appropriate language: Make sure to use clear and easily understood language and avoid
using ambiguous or hard-to-understand language.
5. Do not make unclear assumptions: Make sure that the causes described are based on clear
facts or evidence, and avoid making unclear or speculative assumptions.
6. Use visual aids: Using visual aids such as cause-and-effect diagrams or graphs can help
express the cause-and-effect concept more clearly and structurally.
BAB Motivasion Through Songs
By Israni Atiqa

The situation when Tika watches the music video

Tika was listening to a song on her laptop, and Indri came to her house to ask her what she was doing .

Indri :Hi, how are you? Are you alright?
Tika :Yes, fine. How are you?
Indri :I'm fine. What's up here?
Tika :I passed in front of your house and heard music playing from inside your house. What song is that?
Indri :Oh, that's Calum Scott's "You Are The Reason." Ever heard of it before?
Tika :Ah, yes, I have. Turns out it was Calum Scott, huh? Very good song.
Indri :Yes, I like it too. Want to sit for a while and listen together?
Tika :Of course I would

So, after seeing the dialogue between Tika and Indri, we might ask what music is

 What is the music ?

Music is an art form that consists of a series of sounds arranged with rhythm, pitch, and harmony to create a
specific aesthetic beauty and emotion. Music can be produced using various instruments, both traditional and
modern musical instruments, or using human sounds such as vocals and beatboxing. Music can also be used as a
means to express ideas, messages, and emotions, or as entertainment and distraction.

So, we all know what music is. Music can also be a motivation for us for ourselves, how do you do it?
 What is self-motivation through music?
Motivation through music is the concept that music can be a source of motivation or drive for a person to achieve
a goal or perform a specific activity. Music can influence emotions and mood, thus increasing the spirit and
energy needed to perform a task or activity.
For example, an athlete can use music to motivate themselves during training or competition, or a student can use
music to enhance focus and concentration while studying. Music can also be used to motivate a person to achieve
personal goals, such as obtaining a dream job or improving interpersonal relationships.
Therefore, music can be an effective tool to motivate oneself and achieve desired goals.

 What is structure of Songs

1. Intro: The opening section is usually short and used to introduce the song.
2. Verse: the main section of the song that typically contains lyrics that tell a story or convey a message.
3. Chorus: The most easily remembered section of the song, usually containing repeated lyrics and a memorable
melody. The chorus is often the climax of the song and the part that is most recognized by listeners.
4. Bridge: A section of the song that is different from the verse and chorus and is usually used to provide
variation in the music.
5. Outro: the closing section of the song that is used to end the song slowly or abruptly.

 What is social functions of Songs

1. To inspire the listeners.

2. To express feeling of the songwriters.
3. To share feeling with others.
4. To teach a lesson to the listeners.
5. To criticize environment or a condition.


Explanation Text
By Jeri Vadeno

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