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Ringkasan Materi

Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2



CHAPTER 1 Personal letter

A. What Is Personal Letter?

Personal Letter is an informal letter written to an individual.

B. What are The Structures Of personal Letters ?

1 Date : Usually this date is written on the top left. This date
. indicates when the letter was written.
2 Address : This section is the place where you write the letter or the
. address where the sender lives. The address is written on the
top right.

3 Salutation & : This section writes the greeting and name of the recipient of the
. Name letter. For example "Dear...", "Dearest...", "Sweetheart",
"Darling", "My love" and others.

4 Introduction : The opening of a letter usually starts with an opening like a

. response from a previous letter or it could be the beginning of
self-introduction if you are just starting correspondence.

5 Body : This section is the content or essence of the letter. In this body
. part, you tell all the contents of the letter that we want to tell.
6 Closure : This section indicates that the letter will end soon.
7 Complimentar : This is a short closing phrase like, "With love". "Sincerely
. y close yours", "With love", and so on.

8 Signature : This section is under the complementary close, you can put a
. signature or it can only be your initials.
Example :

1. Language Features of Personal Letters

a) Expressions used in personal letters.

Starting Commenting Telling Your Purpose Ending

-How are you? - I'm sorry to - The reason I'm writing... - Well, that's all

hear that... for now.

- How are - It's great to - I'd like to tell you.... - Write back

things? hear.... soon.

- I hope you're well. - I'm glad to - I regret to inform you - Looking forward

hear.... to hearing from

you again.

Thanks for -I'm so - I wonder if you.... - See you soon.

your letter. pleased to


b) Use of first and second person pronouns, such as I, we, and you.
c) Use of declarative sentences.
d) Sometimes use informal language.
Example :

Formal Informal

- She is angry at me. - She's angry at me.

- The boy whom I met at the library called me. - The boy I met at the library called me.

- I have lots of things to tell you. - Lots to tell you.

- I want to meet you. - I wanna meet you.

e) Use simple present tense and past tense

1. Characteristics of Personal Letters

a. Most personal letters are handwritten, but today people often type their personal letters.
b. Personal letters are usually written using an upbeat, friendly tone.
c. Personal letters add to the feeling of intimacy.
d. When we write a personal letter, it will finish not with "Yours sincerely" but quite often will
finish with "Love" or "Regards", even "Cheers", depending on who we are writing to and
how we have written the letter.
e. Sometimes, a joke, poem, or sketch might be added.
Chapter ii ( cause and effect )

A. Defintion
First, cause means the cause or reason for something to happen.  The word effect can be
translated as a result or result of an action. Cause adalah motif, dorongan, atau tindakan
yang menghasilkan sebuah reaksi. Sederhananya, cause merupakan sebab yang akan
menimbulkan sebuah akibat. Sementara itu, effect adalah kondisi, kejadian, atau result dari
satu/beberapa penyebab. 
Contoh cause and effect (sebab akibat) sederhana, misalnya kamu berencana untuk
berangkat piknik di taman pada sore hari, tetapi tiba-tiba hujan turun dengan deras. Alhasil,
kamu harus membatalkan agenda tersebut. 

B. Social Function

Cause Effect

- Why something happened. - What happend

- The reason or motive for an action. - result or conclusion of an action

- Happen first. - happen due to a cause

There are three criteria of cause and effect that we should know.

a. The cause has to precede the effect in time. The cause has to occur before the effect.
b. There has to be an empirical relationship between the cause and effect. Whenever the cause
happens, the effect must also occur.
c. Cause and effect relationship cannot be explained by other factors.
C. Structure of Cause and Effect
Cause and effect is a common way to organize information in a text. A text structured as
cause and effect explains reasons why something happened.

One cause can make many effect, one cause and one effect will rotate and influence each
other, and one cause can make many layered of effect. Fisrt cause chain with first effect too.

Example :

a. The park is very dirty, so no one wants to go there

Cause signal effect

D. Examples of cause and effect sentences are as follows:

o I woke up late this morning because I didn’t set my alaram
o My sister is crying because she is hungry
o I got a great score my English because I understand the material very well
E. Rumus Cause And Affect


I got a fever because I got caught in the rain yesterday.
The teacher was angry since the students were being noisy.


My dad had extra work to do in the office, so he got home late.
I spent all of my money on this dress, so I have no money left


I couldn’t wake up early this morning because of going to bed late.
I need to go back to John’s house due to the heavy rain.


The food delivery was not coming yesterday. Hence, I ordered another one.
I didn’t bring any money to the grocery store. Therefore, I couldn’t buy anything

She never cleans her room. As a result, her room is always dirty.

F. Example
1. There was a graduation ceremony on the city square, so traffic was at a standstill.
(Ada upacara kelulusan di alun-alun kota, jadi lalu lintas macet.)
2. I’ve started eating a much healthier diet. Consequently, I’ve lost weight and have more
(Saya sudah mulai makan makanan yang jauh lebih sehat. Akibatnya, saya kehilangan berat
badan dan memiliki lebih banyak energi.)



A. Defintion
A song is defined as a short musical composition of words and music lyrics are words that
make up a song.we can use songs to practice lots of different language skills.
1. Structure
a) Intro or introduction
Intro is an opening section of a piece of song
b) Verse.
Verse is the main part of a song.it is the part of the song that tells
story.it functions to give listeners more insight leading to the main
message of the song and it moves the story
c) Chorus
It is the part of a song that often sticks to the mind a listener
because it contrasts with the verse
d) Bridge
Bridge is a secondary verse which is different from the primary one
2. Social functions of songs
a) To in spire the listeners
b) To express feeling of the songwriters
c) To share feeling with others
d) To teach a lesson to the listeners
e) To criticize environment or a condition
f) To amuse or entertain the listeners
3. How to understend a song
a) Listen to the song while reading the lyrics
b) Read the lyrics on their own on to interpret their ,meaning you will
find the speaker ,the word I,you,or we refer to
c) Focus on concrete imagery and sense
d) Unpack or expost unusual or poetic phrases one at time for example
the use of figurative language.

B. language featurs of songs

Below are language features usually used in songs
1. Rhyme
Rhyme is isentity in sound of some part,especially the end of words,or lines
of words,or liner of verse
2. Informal language
Informal language is language use characterized by spontaneous by situation
that may be describe as natural or real life
3. Mood
A mood is a literary element that evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers
throught words and description
Some songs have language featurs as poems.most poem do feature a few key
1) Sound
Songs an poems sometimes use alliteration (similar intial sounds ) or
assonance (similar vocal sounds)
2) Meter The meter of a poem is the rhythm or pattern of speech with
wich you read it,and it doesn’t happen by accident
3) Figures of speech Figures of speech or figurative language are ways
of describing or explaining things in a non-literal or non-traditional.

4) Imagery
Imagery is something concrete, like a sight, smell, or taste.
It describes what the writer sees, hears, or otherwise senses. Imagery
creates a picture that the reader or listener can see in his mind.

5) Punctuation and format.

The punctuation and format of the poem deal with how it is arranged
on the page and how the author intends for you to read it. Most of
song's format or structure have verse, chorus, and bridge. As a
general rule, lyrics will be written with little punctuation.

Example :
Chapter Iv ( it can be explained )

A. Definisi Explanation Text

Explanation text merupakan salah satu jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris yang
menjelaskan mengenai suatu proses.

B. Stuktur Explanation Text

 Titles (Judul)
 Statement Pembuka
 Sequencing
 Konklusi
 Vusuals
C. Ciri-ciri Explanation Text
 Dikarenakan jenis tulisan ini membahas fakta maka tense yang digunakan
adalah simple present tense.
 Penggunaan action verbs yang merupakan kata kerja yang digunakan untuk
menjelakan aksi yang berlangsung. Contohnya: do, make, create, dan lain sebagainya.
 Tulisan dalam jenis teks ini menggunakan passive voice yang bertujuan untuk
menekankan fokus pada kejadian yang berlangsung daripada subjeknya.
 Menggunakan noun phrases.
 Menggunakan technical terms. Techinal Terms merupakan istilah-istilah teknis yang
sesuai dengan isi tulisan yang dibahas.
 Menggunakan kata hubung kronologi seperti “next”, “first”, “then”, “to begin with”,
dan lainnya.

A genre used to explain how something works or the processes involved in actions, events,
or behaviors is called explanation genre. In other words, an explanation text is a kind of text which
tells or explains processes relating to forming of natural or social phenomena or how something

1. Social Function
a. To tell why and how of the forming of the phenomena.
b. To explain why things are as they are and how they are formed or made.
c. To explain the processes involved in the evolution of natural and social phenomenon or how
something works.
d. To explain how something works or the process involved in actions, events, or behavior.

2. Types of Explanation Text

a. Sequential Explanation (How something works/occurs.)
b. Cause and Effect Explanation (Why something occurs.)

3. General Structure of Explanation Text

a. General statement (introduction)
It is to introduce the topic. The process being explained may be highlighted in a little or in
the first sentence or stage.

b. A sequenced explanation of the stage

It consists of sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs, or a series of chronological
steps which explain how or why something happen

4. Language Features of Explanation Text

a. Focus on generic, non-human participants, or things, for example, earthquakes.
b. Use of abstract nouns, for example, movement.
c. Use of simple present tense. For example: This sudden release of energy cause the seismic
waves that make the ground shake.
d. Use of temporal and causal conjunctions, for example, after a while.
e. Use of passive voice. For example: Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground
suddenly breaks along a fault.
f. Use of action verbs to explain cause, for example, slide, push, rub.
g. Use of noun phrases, for example; the ground, the sudden breaking, the earth's rocky
outermost crust.
h. Use of complex sentences. For example: When two blocks of rock or two plates are rubbing
against each other, they stick a little.
i. Use of technical terms or words chains about a subject, for example, tectonic plates.

Passive Voice
We use passive voice in the following situations when:

1. we don't know the doer or the actor

2. we think that the doer or the actor is not important
3. we want to hide the doer or the actor. Its purpose is to make the sentence more polite.
4. we talk about the general truth or fact
5. we are writing in a scientific genre or academic writing.

Active Voice Passive Voice

The sudden release of energy causes the The seimic waves are caused by the sudden
seismic waves release of energy

Passive voice is usually used when focud is on action.

Be + Verb 3

How Snow is Made?
We all agree that the snowfall is always fascinating. In the snowfall, all people stay out of the house
and play with the snow. People can make giant snowmen, trample along the snow, or play with
snowballs with their families. However, are you curious about how snow is made?
Snow is water droplets falling from the clouds. These droplet waters then become solid and
create snow. It happens because rain consists of water vapor particles being cooled in the air.
Snow happens when water vapor piled up in the earth’s atmosphere freezes. It happens before
they turn into water droplets. This process occurs when the temperature in the cloud becomes
very frigid.
Snowflakes are created by crystals of ice that have established around a little filth in the air.
They then grow from small forms into big one. The form of snowflakes is varied. They can
consist of 200 crystals maximum.

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