Read and Sign For Customs Status in Spain in English - RP

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Read And Sign For Customs Status In Spain

This document contains essential information to identify the customs

status of parked aircraft and understanding the legal limitations of each
There are three relevant Customs status is important to identify and
understand in Spain.

1. Customs Warehouse or DA (Depósito Aduanero) is a “warehouse”

where goods are stored under the control and security of customs.

If this label is attached in L1 to an aircraft, it means that assembly

and disassembly of parts is not allowed. Only usual operations (oil
change, etc) are allowed to maintain the integrity of the aircraft.

Tasks: MPA on engines, BSI, Preservation.

2. RPA (Régimen de Perfeccionamento Activo) (IPR en inglés) allows
removal and installation of parts that have been previously notifed to
customs before placing the A/C in RPA. Therefore ecube needs to
know the work scope and notify the authorities well in advance and
no work may be carried out that has not been previously
communicated to customs prior to placing the aircraft under this

This is the label attached in L1 when the aircraft is in RPA.

3. The third and final customs status is ADT, this means Almacén de
Depósito Temporal or temporary storage, where goods are stored
under the control and security of customs. No work can be done.

This is the label attached in L1 when the aircraft is in ADT.

By signing this document you confirm you have read and understood
this important legal requirements.

Name Surname Date Signature

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