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GEELECT 3 Philippine Pop Culture friars. For example, Marcelo H. del Pilar‘s work
“Aba Ginoong Barya” was a parody of the prayer
“Aba, Ginoong Maria”, detailing the abuses of the
 In his book entitled Revaluation: Essays on Aba Guinoong Barya
Philippine Literature, Theatre and Popular
(Parody ng “Hail Mary”)
Culture (1984), Bienvenido Lumbera traced the
origins of popular culture in the Philippines back Aba guinoong Baria
to the Spanish Colonial era. The colonizers were
on a mission to win the hearts of the Filipino Nakapupuno ka nang alcancia ang
natives or Indios, thus they began introducing Fraile’ I sumasainyo bukod ka
plays and literature to the public.
Niyang pinagpala’t pina higuit sa
 The children of the rich natives were also taught lahat, pinagpala naman ang kaban
of the Christian and European traditions. They
became essential instruments "in bringing into mong mapasok. Santa Baria Ina
the vernacular, literary forms that were to be nand Deretsos, ipanlangin mo
vehicles for the "pacification" of the natives".
Popular culture was introduced by the colonizers kaming huag anitan ngayon at cami
to endorse the interests of the Church and State, ipapatay. Siya naua.
replacing the native culture with its various
forms of popular theatre and literature such as  Upon the arrival of the Americans, they brought
the pasyon, sinakulo, korido, komedya and awit about a popular culture that had a more liberal
took flight. approach than their European counterparts.
Writers, producers and publishers were given
 Soon, the educated natives seized the potential press freedom in various mediums such as printing
of popular culture to spread propaganda against press, radio, television and film. The Americans
the colonizers. The mediums introduced by the also introduced an educational system that
Spaniards were used to actively promote the allowed access to natives from all walks of life,
propaganda movement to expose the unjust a stark comparison to the Spanish system where
treatment of the government officials and the only the elites were given privilege to learn the
colonial language. Filipinos were eager to learn
1|P age
English—the new language of the benevolent like Levi‘s or Nike over locally-produced ones?
colonizers, something they were unable to do It is because when some products were introduced
during the Spanish regime. by the Americans to the Philippines during the
American colonization, most of the products they
 However, local intellectuals soon realized that used were more advanced and some were thought to
popular culture was beginning to take the route be essential and were marketed to be more
of capitalism. Popular culture became tailored to appealing and of higher quality. Filipinos had a
what appealed to the mass market, rather than for huge margin of comparison and felt as though the
artistic purposes. Writers now wrote what the native products were inferior.
publishers thought the general public would like
and consume. Artists forsake their arts‘true form  In conclusion, Philippine Popular Culture can
to fit into the mold of what would make the most trace its roots back to the colonial period and
profit. has evolved in many ways since. The multiple
sources of influence has shaped the way Filipinos
 With all that in mind, you may not be so surprised behave, even at the present time. There is so much
with the answers to the questions we have posed more potential to Philippine popular culture when
in the beginning of this lesson. Why do Filipinos we break it down to its social, political and
serve the delicious hamon on Christmas but not so economic aspect. Simply put, according to
much on regular days of the year? The tradition Lumbera, "Popular culture is power, and whoever
of eating ham during Christmas was influenced by wields it to manipulate minds is likely to find
the Spaniards, who also introduced the its literary and technological machinery turned
celebration of Christianity and Christmas. The against him when the minds it has manipulated
Spaniards began the tradition of eating pork on discover its potency as a political weapon."
Christmas day to affirm their identities as
Christians and differentiate themselves from
Muslims during the Islamic Caliphate in Spain. MODULE 3: PHILIPPINE POPULAR CULTURELESSON
The foreigners who lived in the Philippines
brought to the colony the delicious food they used
to feast on back in their country, and the native  Before we break down the role of social media in
Filipinos—especially the elites, copied what they Philippine popular culture, let us first discuss
saw from the tables of the affluent colonizers. a perspective that will aid in our later
Why do Filipinos love buying branded merchandise exploration of the said topic.
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 Take the rise of Infotainment as an example. A
 Agenda-Setting Theory is a perspective introduced Yahoo-Nielsen survey from 2013 concluded that
by Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw. Simply put, infotainment content are what was most sought out
the theory proposes that “the media influences in the Philippines. In an essay, Garchitorena
people to focus its attention on something under explained that “this meant a lot of irrelevant
a certain agenda” (Garchitorena, 2015). news we see on the television or internet that
can be dismissed as a fad but were given the
 This means that the media can influence people to limelight to amuse people, and people seem to buy
think that something big or important is going on it” (Garchitorena, 2015). Looking at it in another
even when there is not. It can emphasize something way, this could also mean that people consume news
that may otherwise be overlooked without the hype. not entirely for the information, but for mostly
A common example of this theory is the text for the entertainment as well.
formatting on newspapers. The supposed vital news
are commonly found on the front page with bold  Look at the photo on the left. It was taken from
and huge headlines. Other news that aren‘t deemed a Facebook page called “Explained” that is tagged
as important can be found on later pages with text as a News & Media Website. The photo was attached
fonts smaller than the ones found on the front. to a news article detailing Health Secretary
Duque‘s clarification of his remark on the status
How is this theory relevant to the role of media in
of the Philippines amidst the pandemic. Although
Philippine Popular Culture?
the full article contained a clear coverage of
 According to Lumbera (who you may recall from the the news, the headline itself garnered the
previous chapter), “popular culture in the rise attention of thousands of people for its parody
of technologies like the television and the radio, of the song “Just Give Me a Reason” by Pink,
soon deteriorated the notion of art and made it earning more than 14,000 shares as of writing.
appear that it is consumable and a commodity” While it sparked an intellectual discussion in
(Garchitorena, 2015). What he meant by this the comment section, it also ignited a plethora
statement was that the quality of art forms have of jokes and amused remarks, shying away from the
become of lesser quality in order to cater to the important information and highlighting the comedy
consumers‘taste. Contents are now produced for behind the headline.
the sake of “what sells”.
 Let us go back to Lumbera‘s sentiments regarding
the deterioration of art into a commodity and
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examine the economic aspect of popular culture and clichés, Filipino teleseryes took notes. The
and media. Cross-promotion which can be defined same formula could be seen in mainstream
as “the promotion of an advertisement in a very teleseryes nowadays, albeit portrayed in the lens
subtle way inside another program, or the like”. of Filipino reality. The teleserye Rubi had its
Cross-promotion happens a lot in Filipino films. own Filipino remake, along with Marimar and
Rosalinda. There was even a time when local kids
 Take the movie “The Hows of Us” as an example. Look put flowers in their ear to copy Rosalinda‘s
at the screen grabs and try to identify the iconic look.
product that actor Daniel Padilla is endorsing.
In the movie, Padilla‘s character Primo, tries to  Then came Taiwanese and Korean dramas,
sell Kathryn Bernardo‘s character George some collectively dubbed as Asianovelas. It paved the
soap and lipstick. While the scene made sense as way for Filipinos to welcome their culture with
Primo was in between jobs and has resorted to a much enthusiasm. It also allowed a whole new level
networking scheme of buying and selling to earn of appreciation for South Korean music, food,
money, the scene was written with the intent to beauty products—even the language! You can bet a
highlight a specific brand. Said brand even lot of people knows what “saranghae” means.
appears in the acknowledgment section of the
ending credits. Although the introduction of the  The internet and social media has allowed for a
product coincided seamlessly with the story, it convenient proliferation of these elements. Asian
was a form of cross-promotion nonetheless. The and Western series are easily enjoyable in
film could have done away without the endorsement streaming sites like Netflix. Social media
and spent the precious seconds more into the plot promotion has become the norm, and the audience
instead. The subtle endorsement in Lumbera‘s are allowed to give a quick feedback in the same
words, is a form of ―vulgarization of art”, manner. This method of promotion is also applied
tainting what could have been purely an art form to music, food and various other products.
into something commercial.
 How many of you have heard or even tasted Korean
 If we look at it, the media can influence dishes like “samgyupsal” and the internetfamous
Philippine popular culture in many discreet ways Korean fire noodles? The latter even sparked an
that we may sometimes fail to notice. When eating challenge aptly named ―fire noodle
television networks began airing Mexican challenge‖. It is all thanks to the power of
telenovelas in all their melodramatic storylines sharing and hyping online that these became widely
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popular. Recall the question we posed in the creating a commercialized world. Whoever holds
overview section of this chapter, and we might the economic power may hold political power as
just understand the power that social media holds. well. Borrowing a part from Lumbera‘s quote:
Was the interpreter to blame that Medina did not “Popular culture is power’. Historically, our
bag the crown? If so, then could we also blame ancestors were able to wield popular culture as
the netizens for bashing Medina, forcing her to weapon to push for a better society. Imagine our
hire the said interpreter? country if the current generation could do that
as well, armed with a powerful tool that is the
 The Agenda-Setting theory proposes that the media social media-- along with an easy access to
can influence people into focusing onto something popular culture, to create and educate.
as if it were of utmost importance. Medina‘s
grammatical errors during the pressconference was
criticized, but the issue blew up not because MODULE 4: PHILIPPINE POPULAR CULTURE AND
everyone was credibly policing her grammar. Many EXPERIENCE ECONOMY
jumped on the social media hate-train due to mere
bandwagon. Although the question and answer
portion was an important part of the pageant, What is Experience Economy?
winning the crown did not solely depend on it.
However, her minute mishap was given too much  Let us summarize the economic change in the four-
attention, garnering thousands of unnecessary stage evolution of the birthday cake, as explained
shares and unkind comments online. She had to deal by Pine and Gilmore in the July-August 1998 Issue
with stress of dealing with critics mid-pageant of the Harvard Business Review. Mothers making
and had to adjust to the unfamiliar presence of birthday cakes from basic farm commodities such
the interpreter by her side, an addition she was as flour, sugar, butter and eggs is a vestige of
not trained and was only hastily prepared for. what we call an agrarian economy. Later, groceries
Those, among many other factors, could have began selling premixed ingredients like Betty
contributed to her not being able to give a Crocker or more familiar brands like Magnolia
“satisfactory” answer. emerged as the goodsbased industrial economy
advanced. Later, the service economy rose, and
busy parents ordered cakes from the bakery or
 Social media can be used to empower its users.
grocery stores, which cost more than just buying
Several media theories show that the media‘s main
the ingredients. Now, for parents who no longer
goal is the proliferation of popular culture while
have the leisure of baking a cake nor arranging a
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party, they can spend a couple of thousand pesos Popular Culture? Recall from the previous chapter
more and avail a birthday package—including the that the end goal of media is the spread of
cake—at fast food chains like Jollibee or popular culture while gaining profit. Businesses
McDonald‘s and many other restaurants that now utilize the power of popular culture through
facilitate memorable events for kids. The last social media in order to sell goods, services and
example is what we call as experience economy. experiences. The experience industry is booming,
especially now that Millenials are the largest
 An experience is as tangible as any service, good, living generation. Millenials prefer experiences
or commodity. Businesses nowadays try to lump a more than material possessions.
unique experience to traditional services but
offer them at a higher fee. Transitioning from a  Incorporating popular culture when designing
regular goods-based industrial economy or service memorable experiences can entice consumers into
economy may pose its difficulties, but businesses indulgence. Incoporating trending topics make the
have a better chance of earning more profit by experience easily related and therefore shareable
catering to the demands of the economic shift and in the social media. Millenials are big on posting
upgrade their offerings to the higher level of “Instagrammable” photos online; and creating a
economic value that is the experience economy. concept that will gain the most interaction or
According to Pine and Gilmore, “an experience “likes” will herd the most consumers. Television,
occurs when a company intentionally uses services movies, music—even food! – can be more than goods
as the stage, and goods as props, to engage and more of an experiece worth sharing.
individual customers in a way that creates a
memorable event”. While “prior economic offerings—  Take a look at how Warner Brothers Philippines
commodities, goods, and services—are external to made the advance screening of the horror film “The
the buyer, experiences are inherently personal, Nun” more memorable for its audience at the
existing only in the mind of an individual who Powerplant Mall in Manila. They hired someone to
has been engaged on an emotional, physical,
cosplay as the titular role “Valak” and had him
intellectual, or even spiritual level”. sit with the audience during the film. The
cosplayer even went as far as roaming around the
Experience Economy and Philippine Popular mall and giving mall-goers a jumpscare! This
Culture clever marketing transcends the simple act of
 Now you might think, how does the whole discussion going to the theatre so much more extraordinary
about experience economy relate to Philippine and share-worthy.
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that it has become a thriving economy in tourist-
 South Korean culture also broke into the flocked cities.
Philippine popular culture due to the mainstream
success of South Korean dramas and music that  In conclusion, both experience economy and
Filipinos began consuming other elements of their Philippine Popular culture allows for an
culture such as food and beauty. A Korean-Chinese immersion into entertainment and active
restaurant in Davao City offers a unique participation—elements that are rather
experience as it offers more than just a menu of magnetizing to the current generation. It is one
Korean and Chinese cuisine. Diners may try on a of the primary reasons why these two go hand in
hanbok, a traditional Korean outfit and pose for hand, and why businesses are now evolving to
a picture for a fee. Giving the diners a chance provide innovations that are tailored to its
to change into costumes and take photos separates consumers. In the same manner that Philippine
the restaurant from many others that serve the popular culture is spread because it is made into
same selection of food, thus effectively marketable products, the growth of experience
elevating its status from being a goods and economy can be attributed to the utilization of
service provider to that of a crafter of Philippine popular culture.

 Eating street food may also be considered an MODULE 4: PHILIPPINE POPULAR CULTURE AND
experience economy in itself. Eating isaw and EXPERIENCE ECONOMY
kwek-kwek in all its roadside stick-and-dip glory
is a lot more satisfying than eating eat with a
pair spoon and fork inside a restaurant. Pungko-
pungko (which literally means ―to squat”), a must- ABSTRACTION
try foodie experience among local and foreign
tourist who visit the city of Cebu, is where  Singing has been a huge part of pop culture in
customers sit on low benches around a small table the Philippines since. Several game shows and
and grub on delectable fried food usually coupled reality competitions, such as ―The Singing Bee”,
with a bundled rice called puso. Foreigners who ―Your Face Sounds Familiar”, “I Can Hear Your
want to try the local and authentic food scene Voice”, has singing as the primary focus. To say
have Filipino street food atop their must-try list that Filipinos love singing is an understatement,
and it no longer comes as a surprise to know that

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a lot of Filipino households have their own popularity of karaoke to promote the tourism
karaoke systems (like the Magic-Sing mic). industry in the country.
 The first karaoke machine called the Juke-8 was
invented by a Japanese named Daisuke Inoue in  Karaoke companies also update their music library
1971. However, Roberto del Rosario, a Filipino frequently to entice customers who like to sing
inventor holds its patent for inventing the the latest popular music. Music videos are also
Karaoke Sing-Along system in 1975. available to watch in these machines, and people
 Since then, karaoke sing-alongs have become an can watch their favorite artists while taking a
integral part in celebrations. Fiestas, birthday break from singing.
parties and many other special occasions are
usually when Filipinos bust out their singing  To briefly describe the kind of popular music
skills along with the trusty karaoke setup. Filipinos enjoy and usually sing at the karaoke,
we will look into how Original Pilipino Music came
(Karaoke booth in malls)
to be. Popular music in the Philippines primarily
 Karaoke bars in the Philippines offer a range of began due to the influence of the Americans during
services. Wholesome Family KTVs welcome customers the colonization era through the introduction of
from all ages, where food is served in big private music such as samba, foxtrot and jazz. The
rooms that can fit a group of family and friends. American influence was shortly banned during the
There are karaoke bars where drinks are served, Japanese occupation, but soon found its footing
sometimes with karaoke machines available up after the World War II with the rise of new genres
front and other times with a live band to back such as rock and roll and country music which was
your performance up. And then there are enjoyed by the younger generation. Radios and
“Nightclubs” which are basically strip clubs with television were soon flocked with Filipino
karaoke. If one wants to sing in the solace of artists who mimicked foreign influences like
one‘s home, businesses also rent out karaoke Elvis Presley and the Beatles. Soon, Filipino
machines. artists exerted efforts to find the sound that
could distinctively be called “Filipino” and thus,
 In the Philippines, the terms “videoke” and a variety of movements emerged. The Organisasyon
ng mga Pilipinong Mang-aawit (OPM), was created
“karaoke” means the same thing. The term probably
to address the needs of Filipino popular artists,
came from the images of famous locations used in
along with many songwriting competitions that
the background of the screen along with the
encouraged songwriters to produce music in their
lyrics. Companies made a wise move of using the
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native language. OPM also stood for Original  The 1970s up to the 1990s brought about widespread
Pilipino Music, as an umbrella term for all types cultural liberalization and improvements in
of music produced by Filipino songwriters. OPM living standards. This meant that people now have
songs are wellloved and frequently sang in greater income and could afford to spend on
karaoke. leisure and entertainment. In the 1990s, media
channels, urbanization, economic growth and close
 Overall, though, karaoke is an enjoyable family- interaction with other parts of the world allowed
friendly activity throughout the Philippines. It for the flourishing of Philippine popular
is an industry that thrives at the heart of culture. American popular culture seeped into the
Philippine popular music. Asian scene: Korea was the biggest importer of
Hollywood films; Thailand was a big consumer of
American musicals, The Beatles and Frank Sinatra
MODULE 4: CRITIQUES AND FISSURES IN THE CULTURES blared on radios in Vietnam and the Philippines.
OF POPULAR CULTURE Some Western popular culture artists hit bigger
in Asia than in their own home like Michael Learns
to Rock who popularized the songs “Paint My Heart”
ABSTRACTION and “Take me to your Heart”.

 The first few decades of the 20th century was a

 Western popular culture did not always get
time when most East and Southeast Asian countries
positive reception in other parts of Asia. A
were colonized by either the West or the Japanese.
snippet from Inwood‘s article entitled Popular
Others were in domestic and international
Culture reads:
conflict. This limited the access to commercial
popular culture. While big cities have access to
newspapers, popular music, and movie theaters, “People in the Philippines, for example, bemoan the
rural areas continued with folk traditions such “hamburgerization” of Filipino culture and daily
as local operas, shadow puppet plays, song and life. American fast-food joints are popular across
dance. It was not until the 1950s and 1960s many east and southeast Asia, enticing patrons with their
east and southeast Asian nations had begun to Western-style decor, free Internet access,
develop their own popular culture industries. collectable gifts, and sociable atmosphere.”

 As a result of the Western influence, Asian

cultural forms and practices became “hybrids”:
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Burmese lyrics and Western pop melodies make up success in multiple fields. For example, Filipino
Burmese rock; Taiwanese pop star Jay Chou boxing champion Manny Pacquiao has ventured into
incorporate hip-hop beats and style into music, acting, and even politics, having been
traditional Chinese and Taiwanese culture; elected to Congress in 2010.
Western TV formats like “American Idol” or “Big
Brother” have been adapted by the Philippines and  In wood summarizes the role of media in the spread
many other countries. of popular culture: ―New media have become
essential to the production, circulation, and
 On the other hand, east and southeast Asian consumption of popular culture. East and
popular culture has a considerable impact on southeast Asian countries are creators and
global popular culture. Prominent examples voracious consumers of the latest technologies.
include Japanese cartoons (Pokemon, Hello Kitty), Cell phones, laptops, and portable media players
computer games (Super Mario Bros., Dance Dance are used to access the Internet, play games,
Revolution), horror movies (Ringu, remade in the listen to music, share jokes, read literature,
United States as The Ring), and Chinese martial and watch movies and television. Popular culture
arts films (Hero, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) is increasingly participatory in nature, as fans
and stars (Jet Li, Jackie Chan). select idols via short message system (SMS)
voting, engage in spoofing and meme formation,
 Popular culture has also impacted politics. and join communities on Web forums and social
Popular music has often been politically networking sites. American-produced Massively
inflected: artists and audiences alike use it to Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (World of
express rebellion, including in 1970s Indonesia Warcraft) and locally produced titles (Japan‘s
(Rhoma Irama) and Thailand (Caravan), 1980s China Dynasty Warriors) are extremely popular, and
(Cui Jian) and the Philippines (Freddie Aguilar), people spend hours immersed in front of screens
and 1990s Tibet (Dadon Dawadolma). in Internet cafés, offices, and at home.”

 Nowadays, entertainment and fashion hard-carries

popular culture more than politics. Celebrity MODULE 4: CRITIQUES AND FISSURES IN THE CULTURES
gossip occupies the pages of magazines, OF POPULAR CULTURE
newspapers and entertainment website. Singers, LESSON 7 B. FEMINISM
actors, film directors, writers, and sports
personalities are put in pedestals and can achieve ABSTRACTION
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 Feminism has earned a negative connotation in  There are many more definitions and perspectives
popular culture. People often picture angry in feminism. But simply put, feminism is committed
women- clad in combat boots, flannel shirts and to ending oppression and domination of all kinds.
without make-up- yelling harsh and anti-male In essence, feminism is not anti-men. Rather, it
slogans or assert their superiority over men. seeks equity across all genders.
While some feminists engage in these such radical
The Importance of Feminism
activities, not all feminists do. There are many
types of feminists and feminism is a much broader  According to Kloss and Griffin in their book
concept than the image of a yelling woman Feminist Rhetorical Theories, feminism is an
suggests. important lens because it ―validates values and
experiences often associated with women”. Feminism
 To define feminism, Dials looks into the ―concept celebrates and honors meaningful experiences that
of equity, with a goal of reorganizing society on involve women.
the basis of equality for the sexes in all areas
of social relations. Definitions rooted in equity  It is also important because it gives marginalized
focus on the achievement of equality for women individuals a voice in a society where the
with men and the development of opportunities for dominant cultures devalue the minority. “Feminism
women‘s expression and self–fulfillment in all takes seriously not only the experiences
realms of life, without the constraints of gender associated with women but also those of all
expectations. Feminists who embrace this marginalized groups, whether people of color,
definition of feminism seek an equal share of the people with disabilities, lesbians and gay men,
opportunities to which men have access” (Dials, or any other group that is not featured in the
2017). dominant culture” (Dials, 2017).

 According to Hook, feminism is ―the struggle to

end sexist oppression. She explains that to be Women in popular culture
feminist in any authentic sense of the term is to
want for all people, female and male, liberation  Through the growing discussion of the feminist
from sexist role patterns, domination and perspective, women have gained traction and
oppression. It is a struggle therefore to end recognition in popular culture. In the last 20
domination” (Dials, 2017.) years, there have been more and more female
protagonists in top-grossing films like Katniss
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Everdeen from The Hunger Games and Carol Denvers were offensive, they reiterated that the lyrics
from Captain Marvel. Filipino movies also "reinforces the idea that women exist to be
empowered women through characters such as Laida fetishized for male pleasure."
Magtalas in It Takes a Man and a Woman and Bobbie
Salazar in Four Sisters and a wedding.  Alongside the criticism, CAP shared that they
believe that art "should be liberative, and not
 However it is important to note that despite this oppressive," and encouraged aspiring musicians to
improvement, in a study of women‘s roles in avoid "this well-worn path of toxic and fragile
western films, Murphy observed a rise in sexual masculinity."
objectification among women. The most common
sexual objectification is “revealing clothing or  Furthermore, in an article entitled ―How the
lack of clothing”. More and more top-grossing plight of women in Philippine cinema is the
films in the last 20 years have sexually reverse of women‘s stature in Hollywood‖, Paredes
objectified women. Furthermore, women in the discusses the difference of women‘s roles in the
background were most frequently objectified in film industry in Hollywood and in the Philippines.
scenes involving a large group of people – namely: He also criticizes the portrayal of Filipino women
strip clubs, pools, and large dance scenes. The in films.
objectification was made explicit through the
gaze of one or more significant male characters  In the Hollywood industry, women get lesser roles
in the scene. behind the scenes compared to men. This means that
jobs as directors, writers, producers, executive
 The same observation could be seen in the music producers, editors, and cinematographers in the
industry. Women are sexually objectified in music top grossing films employ primarily men. While
videos and even in the lyrics of rising chart- there are no studies conducted in the Philippines
topping songs. Songs like ―Neneng B‖ have earned to evaluate the same aspect, Paredes cites his
a number of plays despite the demeaning lyrics. personal experience: Philippine film industry is
The Concerned Artists of the Philippines (CAP) teeming with women directors, producers,
found by Lino Brocka who is a National Artist for executive producers, and editors. He notes that
Films have criticized songs like “Awit”, a song “The industry just seems to take it for granted
accused of being transphobic because its lyrics that women have the creativity, organizational
mocked trans women. In a lengthy post on Facebook know-how, and attention to detail required to fill
which featured and explanation as to why the songs these roles.”
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in popular culture, both on the limelight and
 However, he also observes that “We may not be behind the scenes, there are still many aspects
lagging in affording women the opportunity to work that could use further scrutiny and discussion in
behind the scenes, but our recent portrayals of order for the goal of feminism: equity across all
women onscreen leave much to be desired.” He takes genders and aspects, to be achieved.
a jab at the depictions of women on mainstream
films that reinforces clichés. He says that ―the
female protagonists of our mainstream movies— MODULE 4: CRITIQUES AND FISSURES IN THE CULTURES
whether they are slickly produced studio fare or OF POPULAR CULTURE
studio fare with a veneer of independent grit—are LESSON 7 C. GAY, LESBIAN, QUEER AND POPULAR
all too often addled by love. Or, if they aren‘t CULTURE
busy making romance the be-all and end-all of
their lives, women are the headlining victims ABSTRACTION
menaced by the supernatural in horror movies.” He
 The gay best friend character is a narrative often
cites the characters of the 2018 Metro Manila Film
used in today‘s media.
Festival‘s award-winning films as examples and
criticizes that “one had an elderly woman playing
support to her beloved gay husband (Rainbow  Some character examples in movies include Damian
Sunset), another had a woman confronting Leigh in “Mean Girls” and Christian Stovitz in
apparitions on a marooned ship, and another had a “Clueless.”
woman facing a quandary in her love life”. These
portrayals reinforced the stereotype where a  According to Deichmann, the way media portrays
woman‘s success must necessarily equal a man‘s these characters is through humor. They are often
downfall. the friend a straight girl would go to for
relationship or fashion advice. However, these
 (Gloria Romero in “Rainbow‘s Sunset”) Although the characters are portrayed as having messy
stereotype is also seen in Hollywood films, female relationships, with little to no love life.
characters have more and more been taking control
of the narratives of the Hollywood movies they  “They are not usually seen as an actual character,
appear in compared to those of that of the but more of a prop for the female lead to have
Philippine cinema. All in all, although there has along with them,” Deichmann said.
been quite an improvement in the roles of women
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 (Gay best friend who is fashionable and gives out shows a family who has a queer member among them,
love advice to female leads are a common narrative the aunt, but they do not acknowledge that part
even in Philippine cinema) of her life.” “Elena‘s family members wouldn‘t
talk about her tía being a lesbian and neither
 In 1984, the first notable gay best friend in would her tía,” Hernández said. “Elena wanted to
modern cinema was introduced in Buddy from “The out her tía because she wanted her to feel free,
Woman in Red.” Buddy‘s main purpose was to help but her tía thought, “it is what it is.‘ It‘s a
the lady in red retrieve the dress, having no different generational thought.” Another modern-
substantial role besides being a supporting day television show that tackles taboo topics is
character. Today, films that include the gay best “Andi Mack,” the first Disney Channel show to
friend role have not evolved as progressively as include an openly gay character. “The show
the rest of society. Leigh‘s storyline in ―Mean displays the importance in protesting, being
Girls‖ does not go outside of comedic relief. The comfortable with identities and being a
audience never sees Damien‘s home or love life. spokesperson for this generation,” Deichmann said.
Members of the LGBT community often feel the media
 “He is one of the most popular gay best friends does not portray LGBT characters in positive ways.
in modern day, but his character obtains many of According to WSU student Kay Walker, some villains
these same stereotypes, such as giving his have been closely tied to queer narratives.
girlfriend’s advice and being on the more feminine
side,” Deichmann said.  “Characters such as Scar from ‗The Lion King‘ and
HIM from “Powerpuff Girls‘ are (perceived by some
 There are recent positive representations of the viewers) as being gay,” Walker said. “But it isn‘t
LGBT community in the media. explicitly shown that any of them are gay.”

 The modern-day television show “One Day at a  Promoting movies that portray the LGBT community
Time”highlights topics about gender identity, peer in a positive light is important to Deichmann.
pressure and sexual harassment. One of the main She hoped students would become more aware of the
characters, Elena Alvarez, comes out as lesbian. types of content they consume. “‘Rocky Horror
Picture Show‘ is still one of my favorite movies,”
 Andrea Hernández, diversity and inclusive Deichmann said. “I‘m still going to watch it, but
programs specialist, said “One Day at a Time‘ I‘m also going to acknowledge and understand that

14 | P a g e
there is a connotation that it doesn‘t portray  But is the music industry a place for nuance, or
the community in the best way.” Walker said they statements that go beyond surface-level gestures?
do not always feel like their pronouns matter when After all, Little Mix were praised for defiantly
going to other events, so when there are events flying the LGBT+ flag at a concert in Dubai, where
like this, they feel included. They said without homosexuality is illegal. But the fact the group
these events, they wouldn‘t be happy at school. were performing there in the first place, when
“It‘s important to be represented and to feel openly LGBTQ+ artists wouldn‘t be able to,
included,” Walker said. Deichmann‘s hoped students indicates that the market trumps morals.
acknowledge and appreciate movies like “Love,
TV puts LGBTQ+ people in control
Simon” that have a more positive representation
of the community.  TV is a medium where queer writers and actors can
now more often find themselves in the driver‘s
seat – creators such as writer/actor Ryan
DID POP CULTURE REALLY EMBRACE QUEER PEOPLE THIS O'Connell, whose Netflix comedy-drama Special
DECADE? explores the intersection between queerness and
disability. Queer as Folk creator Russell T Davies
Pop gets queerer
has continued to lead the way with depictions of
 The last decade in music has arguably been the gay life. His 2015 drama Cucumber prompted a
queerest since the 1980s. New gay pop stars who significant conversation about anti-queer
have emerged include Australia‘s Troye Sivan, violence, with the shockingly out-of-the-blue
Jake Shears, Will Young and Adam Lambert. These episode in which lead character Lance was murdered
artists are exploring their sexuality more freely by a colleague. Last year‘s A Very English
than ever within their work. “From the time that Scandal, starring Hugh Grant as the closeted MP
I started, I thought and hoped that whatever I Jeremy Thorpe and Ben Whishaw as his lover, was
was doing was gonna make it easier for somebody, an awards-season player, and this year‘s
somewhere,” Shears tells BBC Culture. “The gay dystopian BBC/HBO drama Years & Years was praised
thing will always keep some from taking me for its handling of queer migrant narratives.
seriously… But I have always treated my
songwriting, performance and production as  Gay TV powerhouse Ryan Murphy kicked off the
something with very high stakes.” decade by centering queer storylines in high
school musical series Glee and ended it with the
revolutionary drag ballroom drama Pose. Murphy
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also blended LGBTQ+ narratives into American would be cast in the Danish Girl if it were made
Horror Story and The Politician, while bringing today.”
the haunting story of The Assassination of Gianni
Versace to our screens.  As capitalism tightens its grip on queer stories,
Film is lagging behind we should pay close attention to the type of
LGBTQ+ stories that are becoming marketable – and
 But it‘s still rare for these films to star LGBTQ+ also who is benefitting from the way that these
actors, which has made queer audiences uneasy. An stories are being told. While culture might appear
openly gay man has never won the best actor Oscar, to be embracing LGBTQ+ stories, if it fails to
but at the 2019 awards, three out of four acting embrace LGBTQ+ creators too, then this decade‘s
awards went to heterosexual actors (Rami Malek, queer awakening might end up being “just a phase‘.
Olivia Colman and Mahershala Ali) for playing
LGBTQ+ roles. The 2017 arthouse hit Call Me by
Your Name – based on a 2007 novel by André Aciman MODULE 4: CRITIQUES AND FISSURES IN THE CULTURES
and starring heterosexual actors Timothée OF POPULAR CULTURE
Chalamet and Armie Hammer as lovers – divided
audiences for what some called its “sanitised”
queerness. The 2018 Freddie Mercury biopic ABSTRACTION
Bohemian Rhapsody was accused of erasing the
singer’s sexuality for the sake of being palatable Marxism, political economy, and ideology
to a wider audience.  According to the lens of Marxism, the dominant
ideas in the society are those which are drawn
 There has also been a backlash against cisgender up, distributed and imposed by the ruling class
actors playing trans characters. Eddie Redmayne‘s to secure and perpetuate its rule.
portrayal of artist Lili Elbe in 2015 Oscar  Take for example the imposition of motorcycle
contender The Danish Girl provoked complaints, as barriers during the coronavirus pandemic. Married
did Scarlett Johansson‘s casting as a trans man or live-in couples need to secure a barrier
in Rupert Sanders‘s proposed crime biopic Rub & between them when riding the motorcycle. However,
Tug last year. Johansson subsequently stepped such safety protocols are not imposed for family
down from the role. In this area of casting, at members riding within the same four-wheeled
least, Abraham says that cinema is improving, vehicles. The essence of the protocol is lost when
albeit slowly. ―I very much doubt Eddie Redmayne it is only imposed in one and not the other. Such
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protocols were implemented by affluent To deconstruct the model, we ask the following
politicians who enjoy the safety and convenience questions:
of their cars. Rigid protocols were only applied
to those who did not enjoy the same privilege.  How dynamic (flexible) or deterministic (rigid)
is this relationship?
Base-superstructure model  How much does the economy influence and
The relationship of society (base) functioning dominate culture?
within: o How much does the economy influence and
dominate culture?
o Material production
o Economic systems which reproduces itself Ideology is not just ideas or means of viewing the
o Exploitative class relations world, but exists as it is played out in the material
Ideology entails actions by people living the
imaginary relation to something defined by ideology.

 Example: School serves different

ideologies and that dictates what it will
teach, how it will teach, who it will
teach. But it‟s not ideology until both
the idea and action has been executed.
 When we look at education, we see various
purposes or ideologies it embodies: for
example the ―No child left behind‖ policy
taps into the ideologies of how student-
teacher dynamics should be. There are
privatesectarian schools and public
schools are they also vary in ideologies
and therefore methodologies in educating
their students.
Capitalist ideology is proliferated and reinforced
systematically through different institutions:

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 Education extravagant weddings in which they spend
 Mass Media thousands of money.
 Employment
All of these are driving for Individualism which in
turn also drives for Capitalism.
Mass media and popular culture play central role in
this relationship as an ideological state apparatus.
This means that mass media and popular culture
serves as a method of communication for whatever the
ideology of the ruling class. Both exist to
reinforce the values and expectations of the ruling

Mass media proliferates:

 Information (what you should know)

 Knowledge (How you should use it)
 Social representation (How you are supposed to
What they proliferate (and who they are within the
socioeconomic structure) are important to study for
popular culture. So, who owns “the media”?
Mass media normalizes and legitimizes the current
capitalist system. So we get shows such as:
o The Bachelor - Instead of Independent Satisfied
Woman. This show reinforces what people “should”
be doing. Why do we want people to watch The
Bachelor? Because we want people to marry, have

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