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ED 101- Child and Adolescent Learners

And Learning Principles

Application No. 6

A. Read the situations below then answer the questions.

1. Its Christmas and Uncle Bob is giving “aguinaldo” to the children. Three year-old Karen did not want to
receive the one hundred peso bill and instead preferred to receive four 20 peso bills. Her ten year-old
cousins were telling her it’s better to get the one hundred bill, but they failed convince her.
Why do you think did Karen prefer the 20-peso bills?

 I think that is because of the appearance and the color of the money 20 peso bills simply because the
child is on the stage of consciousness and in the process of wondering some things that feature their
willingness through the attractions in the colors, textures, shapes, etc. And base on my own
experience when I was a child like this I also appreciate and more attractive to the colorful things
and wonderful creations of animations with the funny and joyful scene, and that’s why some children
are choosing the things that are more attractive to his or her visions of eyes. Moreover, a different
child is not in the same of characteristics and process of understanding of all the things around us,
and some child is different also in the stages of development in their own environment especially at

2. Siblings, Tria, 10; Enzo, 8; and Riel, 4 were sorting out their stuff animals. They had 7 bears, 3 dogs, 2
cows and 1 dolphin. Mommy, a psychology teacher, enters and says, “Good thing you’re sorting those. Do
you have more stuffed animals or more bears?” Tria and Enzo say, “Stuffed animals.” Riel says “Bears.”
Why do you think Riel answered “Bears?” What does this say about how she thought to answer the

 I think why Riel response “Bear” to the question of her mother is because in his age, he might not
still specify things thought he understand them. He might generalize the stuffed animals as a bear
because of the appearance and that's his perspective in his age and the baby was response according
to his own understanding and perspectives about the questions of her mommy.

3. While eating on her high chair, seventh-month old Liza accidentally dropped her spoon on the floor. She
saw mommy pick it up. Liza again her new spoon and she does this several times more on purpose. Mommy
didn’t like it at all but Liza appeared to enjoy dropping the spoons the whole time.
Why do you think baby Liza appeared to enjoy dropping the spoons?

 I think the baby was enjoying playing dropping spoon because the baby thinking that her mother is
also playing with and I think the reason why baby was dropping the spoon because this is a common
game of babies dropping an object on the floor, and wait for adult to pick it up and give it back then
drop it again and again for the fun and otherwise doing something entertaining. And it may have
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been a way of getting your attention. So the baby was dropping the spoon for the attentions and
entertainment that the baby was really fun and enjoys.

B. Design one Piagetian task along with your area of specialization that is localized and contextualized for
target learner.

One of Piagetian design task which provided teachers and researchers with a way to evaluate the logic
and reasoning abilities of students, children’s, and ultimately proposed a concept for cognitive development
along my area of specialization that is localized and contextualized for target learner is a conservation were
tests the perceptual perspective taking of the childhood, adolescence and into adulthood, roughly ages to
adulthood Intelligence is demonstrated through the logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts. This
form of thought includes assumptions that have no necessary relation to reality. At this point, the person is
capable of hypothetical and deductive reasoning. During this, people develop the ability to think about
different concepts. And thru this task design the study of those process and stages of development we gained
a lot o things that is really helpful to be oriented about how to response and actions appropriately with
proper considerations to the situations of growing up and levels of learning not only to the students but also
in general ages of development. This is serving as the guide to handle situation as a future career in the
society to have a betterment of the nations. Moreover, this is important specialization that is localized and
contextualized for target learning of an individual to meet the expectations and contributions as individual
persons in the society.

C. Answer the following questions.

1. As a future teacher in the elementary or secondary school, how will you apply your knowledge of the
process of equilibration and Piaget's stages of development in your classroom? How does this knowledge
influence your selection of what to teach and how to teach it?

As the future educator of Secondary school I will apply my knowledge and understanding of the process
of equilibrations by appreciating the development stages of my students and by giving proper treatment that
is appropriate to the weakness and strength of my students. I will consider of all efforts and adaptations that
they set as the response to my activities and tasks. I also respect the perspectives and understanding of my
future students to my discussions and lessons. This knowledge is absolutely influence my selections of what
to teach and how to teach by giving the information regarding the differences of all cognitive development
of an individual that I need to consider and observe to manipulated and manage the situations when I am
teaching and knowing the proper process of actions in terms of teaching it.

2. Why does a teacher prefer the use of more concrete instructional methods in teaching to encourage
students to think more formally?

I think a teacher prefer the use of more concrete instructional methods in teaching to encourage students
to think more formally because it is helpful to really understand the meaning and purpose of the discussions
to develop the knowledge and the understanding through the topics and lessons. It is also serve as the main
strategy to foretell and to deliver well the intentions of the main topics that they discussing during their class
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discussions. Moreover concrete instructional methods provide as instrument or a medium to deliver the
content of a whole topics that they want to express and to deliver

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