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College of Arts and Sciences

Psychology Department
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023
Midterm Major Requirement in Understanding the Self
This is a practical exam designed for students to apply and share what they have learned in
Understanding the Self.

In this activity, you will apply what you learned about the topics we covered.

1. Select a partner for this activity. Think of a creative title for this project.

2. Review the lessons we discussed. You can also refer to the video presentation of each group for
the topic on the Eastern Perspective of the Self.
a. The Self as a Social Construct
Click here for the PowerPoint.
b. The Self in the Western and Eastern Perspective
Click here for the PowerPoint.

3. With your partner, design one activity for implementation and application of each lesson.
a. Both of you will do to apply what you have learned per topic. Please design activities
which are easy to implement and aligned to the lesson.
i. You can also try to find activities in these sites:
b. You need to explain why you chose that lesson and why you think the plan is appropriate.
c. Prepare a screenshot to prove that you had a meeting for planning. Put stickers or use
filters to cover private content, as appropriate. Your names and the date and time should
be seen in the photo.

4. Implement the activity for and provide photos or documentation.

a. Check in with your partner to remind them of the activity.
b. Take at least one picture as proof of each activity.

5. Meet and discuss the results with your partner. Compare your experiences such as the difficulties
you encountered, the emotions you felt, lessons learned, etc. Take a screenshot as proof of your
meeting. Put stickers or use filters to cover private content as appropriate. Your names and the
date and time should be seen in the photo.

6. Reflect on your experience (individual reflection). The essay should be at least 10 sentences

7. You can use English or Filipino.

8. Follow the 2nd page for the expected content/ template. Overwrite/ delete examples which are
written in purple font.
25 19 11
Exemplary Intermediate Beginning
Content All required components are Majority of the required Some of the required
complete. content is included. components are included.
Clarity and The message is easily The message can be The message is not clearly
Impact comprehensible, and it inspires understood with some effort stated and/or there is some
positive emotion or attention. and it inspires interest. inconsistency.
Creativity The approach to the project is Most features of the output Most features of the output are
unique, original, and targeted. are original and appropriate not original and/or not
for the requirement. appropriate with the
Critical Thinking The student was able to The student has a thorough The student has a basic
and Application sufficiently apply lessons from understanding of the topic. understanding of the topic.
the topic.
Prepared by: Desiree Mae N. Lobigas, MP-IP




No. Topic Lesson Activity

1 The Self as a Lesson 1: The Self According to A. Attend Online Classes

Social Construct Mead - I can implement this
activity by attending
any synchronous or
Lesson 2: The Self as a product of asynchronous
Modern World sessions of the class
that I can develop
my abilities based
on the Self
according to Mead.
B. Observing their posts,
comments, and reactions
- I can implement this
activity by looking
and scrolling
through social media
and find how they
can interact with
each other.

2 The Self in the Lesson 1: Confucianism A. Treat others like you treat
Western and yourself
Eastern - I can implement this
Perspective Lesson 2: Kapwa Theory activity by
discussing to the
child on knowing
what is right and
what is the best
ethical practices on
social media.
B. Reading History
- I can implement this
activity by creating a
group study with the
classmates and
reading a history
book that reflects
Photo Proof of Planning:



Activity 1

Activity 2
Explain why you selected the lessons under each topic. Discuss how you were able to identify a relevant
activity. Justify the importance of the activities that you and your partner designed. What helped you to
successfully complete the project?

(10-sentence is the minimum but you can still extend it).

Together with my partner, we can collaborate and start our plans and activities that make our
topic a more realistic and smarter approach to build relationships with the activities based on the lessons.
For our reasons of why our Confucianism, Kapwa Theory, The Self according to Mead and The Self as a
Modern World are simplicity, adaptability, and relevancy to the modern mode by technology which is a
part of everyday life. Our goal to achieve the creative application of the activity is to use a modern
approach to the use of technology with the traditional culture that retains the value of culture and
traditions as well as the process and our methodologies. For us, as partners, we tried our best to
communicate with each other by providing our best recommendations that are easy to understand and
formulate the techniques to make our project successful. To identify the relevant activity, we use the
connection with social media and the internet as our main source of digital information as well as the
traditional use of medium to convey our message on the relevance of our topic. In addition to our digital
and old forms of communication, we interact with the different situations in different styles and actions that
lead to our challenges such as the Golden Rule on being the responsible internet citizens as well as
observations in real-time use on social media consumption on how our experiences in these technologies
contribute to a friendlier communities and as intelligent users. As a partner-student, social media, internet,
and traditional media has its power for our couple to develop our knowledge and provides our ethical
communications based on the Golden Rule of Confucianism and the importance of togetherness as a
student based on the Kapwa Theory’s “Pakikisama” culture. My strategies that I can help successfully
complete the project is to share my experiences and his experience in a real story of our life on success,
achievements, and journeys with different moments in our campus and social media utilizations and daily
life as a college student. We also share our advice, tips, and suggestions that are related to the lesson on
how we can improve our goals, as well as to support our potential and make the realization of
experiences. My additional methods on my tips to make our project successful is to share my insights and
motivations, as well as my previous experiences in the college life that I will use in the planning and
implementation. As a partner, we made our efforts in planning, implementing, and evaluating more
flexible, more enjoyable, and more exciting ways to learn and discover our dimensions so that we can
make this valuable process a better experience.


Write a 10-sentence reflection about the project, including what you learned from your partner during the
evaluation meeting. Use I-statements. Focus on your insights, emotions, and the overall impact of doing
both activities. You can use the ABC model to write your reflection. Reflect on how the activity is relevant
to our lesson and to your personal development.
(10-sentence is the minimum but you can still extend it).

I realized that I need to become a better role model for myself and the community while I can
develop my potential as a part of my missions to achieve my desires and goals. Sometimes, I changed
the way I interact with my friends and family because of using social media which contributes to my
everyday communications. I also realized how social interactions in the self according to Mead from the
methods of my learning adapt to my studies which helps me to guide for a better college experience and
to develop my knowledge and increase my learning development. I experienced many challenges in my
online learning, social media consumption, interacting with my fellow classmates, and the importance of
ethical professionalism, which represents my opportunities to explore each of the skills and abilities as a
part of my professional growth. I love to connect with my fellow students in different modes of
communication and I feel happy that I can talk and share insights with them whether online or
face-to-face. I made my trust in my students about friendships, in which my importance on ethical
professionalism is relevant to the golden rule in Confucianism by trying my effort to acknowledge their
plans, to accept their challenges, and to learn from their mistakes. As a student, I usually scroll through
social media and I experienced that everytime I spread reliable information reflects my understanding on
making the interactions more friendly and more togetherness with the internet citizens. I shared my skills,
abilities, and talents with my classmates with my inspiration whether face-to-face and internet and to
enjoy my moments and experiences to be uploaded to social media. My reflection on our evaluation
meeting with my partner represents sharing my experiences on how the two topics interconnected with
modern society using digital interactions and college life moments. My insights with our partner from the
evaluation meeting is to share my experiences and his experiences on the connection between the two
topics in the technology usage and educational experiences, for example is the daily consumption of
social media and attending online classes as well as the responsibilities of a healthy online community
and providing a study buddy to regenerate the exchange of information. My emotions while sharing
insights with our partner is a heartbreaking journey which symbolizes the relevance of the lesson by
applications of the two lessons to the different approach to multitasking that retains the culture and

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