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Question 1) If the angular momentum of a planet of mass m, moving around the Sun in a circular orbit is

L, about the centre of the Sun, its areal velocity is

(a) L/m

(b) 4L/m

(c) L/2m

(d) 2L/m

Answer: (c) L/2m


Area velocity, dA/dt

dA = (½)r 2dθ

⇒ (dA/dt) = (½)r2(dθ/dt)

= (½)r2ω

Also, L = mvr =mr 2ω

Therefore, (dA/dt) = (½)(L/m)

Question 2) A bullet is fired vertically upwards with velocity v from the surface of a spherical planet. When
it reaches its maximum height, its acceleration due to the planet’s gravity is (¼)th of its value of the surface
of the planet. If the escape velocity from the planet is vesc = v√N, then the value of N is (ignore energy loss
due to the atmosphere).

Answer: 2


Let h be the height to which the bullet rises

With the height the acceleration due to gravity varies as,


We know the escape speed,

Now applying the conservation of energy principle

Loss of kinetic energy = gain in gravitational potential energy

(½) mv2 = -GMm/2R – (- GMm/R) ————-(2)

Comparing equation (1) and (2) we get N = 2

Question 3) A box weighs 196 N on a spring balance at the north pole. Its weight recorded on the same
balance if it is shifted to the equator is close is (Take g = 10ms-2 at the north pole and the radius of the earth
= 6400 km)

(a) 195.66 N

(b) 194.32 N

(c) 194.66 N

(d) 195.32 N

Answer: (d) 195.32 N


Weight at the pole, w = mg = 196 N

⇒ m = 19.6 Kg

Weight at the equator, w’ = mg’ = m(g – ω2R)

(since ω = 2π/T)
= 19.6 (10 – 0.034) = 195.32 N

Question 4) If the radius of earth is R, then the height h at which the value of g becomes one-fourth,

1) R/8

2) 3R/8

3) 3R/4

4) R
Answer: (4) R


We know , g = GM/R2

gh = GM/(R+h)2

gh = (1/4) g

h + R = 2R


Question 5) A body weighs 500 N on the surface of the earth. How much would it weigh halfway below the
surface of the earth?

1) 125 N

2) 250 N

3) 500 N

4) 1000 N

Answer: 2) 250 N


Weight (W) of a body given by the product of mass (m) and acceleration due to gravity (g)

W = mg

The value of g below the surface of the earth at a distance h is given by


Therefore weight halfway below the surface of the earth, w′=w(1−h/R)

Given, h=R/2,w=500N
Therefore, w′=500(1−1/2)


Question 6) If g is the acceleration due to gravity on the earth’s surface, the gain in the potential energy of
an object of mass m raised from the surface of the earth to a height equal to the radius R of the earth is

1) (1/2) mg R

2) 2 mg R

3) mg R

4) (1/4) mg R

Answer: 1) (1/2) mg R


Initial potential energy ,

Final potential energy,

But g = GM/R2

Therefore, GM = gR2—-(2)

From (1) and (2) we get

Question 7)The escape velocity from the earth is 11 kms -1. The escape velocity from a planet having twice
the radius and same mean density as that of the earth is

1) 5.5 kms -1

2) 11 kms -1

3) 22 kms -1

4) None of these

Answer: 3) 22 kms -1

The escape velocity of earth is given by

Radius of planet is twice the radius of earth ie Rp=2Re

ρp = ρe

Escape velocity


Question 8) A solid sphere of mass M and radius R has a spherical cavity of radius R/2 such that the centre
of the cavity is at a distance of R / 2 from the centre of the sphere. A point mass m is placed inside the cavity
at a distance of R / 4 from the centre of the sphere. The gravitational pull between the sphere and the point
mass m is

Field strength is uniform inside the cavity. Let us find it at its centre.

ET = ER + EC (T = total, R = Remaining, C- Cavity)

ER = ET – EC

Question 9) A particle of mass 10 g is kept on the surface of a uniform sphere of mass 100 kg and radius 10
cm. Find the work to be done against the gravitational force between them. to take the particle far away
from the sphere. (take, G = 6.67 × 10-11 Nm2kg -2)

1) 13.34 × 10-10 J

2) 3.33 × 10-10 J

3) 6.67 × 10-9 J

4) 6.67 × 10-10 J

Answer: 4) 6.67 × 10-10 J


The initial potential energy of the particle, Ui = – GMm/r

= -6.67 x 10-10 J

We know that Work done = Difference in potential energy

W = ΔU = Uf – Ui

W =- Ui (since Uf = 0)

= 6.67 x 10-10 J

Question 10) The value of g on the earth surface is 980 cm/sec2. Its value at a height of 64 km from the earth
surface is …………… cms–2.

1) 960.40

2) 984.90
3) 982.45

4) 977.55

Answer: 1) 960.40


(g’/g) = [R/(R+h)]2

Given h = 64 km

g = 980 cm/s2

g’ = g [R/(R + h)] 2

= 980 x [(6400)/(6400 + 64)]2

= 960. 4 cm/s2

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