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MELC: Regularly undergoes health appraisal procedures

1. Introduction

A child’s health can contribute or inhibit ability to function satisfactorily in school. It is important

for school authorities to have current and complete information on each child’s health and any specific

conditions which may obstruct or interfere with the learning process and about methods by which health

can be maintained or improved.

Health appraisal procedures should be done regularly to assess and determine the health status

of the pupils. These tests include several screening procedures like height and weight measurement,

breast self-examination, vision screening, hearing test, scoliosis test and dental or oral examination.

A health appraisal provides important information on the pupil’s current health status. It

provides teacher’s ideas if the pupil is fit to participate in school programs it gives teachers ideas

if they need to modify school activities so pupils could benefit from it.

With health appraisal, school authorities could provide the pupils with the following:

1. Opportunity to counsel the pupil with health problems

2. Appropriate medical supervision

3. Positive health experience

2. Discussion

Health Appraisal Procedures should be done regularly for early detection of health problems of a

person. These include the following screening procedures: Height and Weight Measurement, Breast

Self-Examination, Hearing Test, Vision Screening, Scoliosis Test and Dental or Oral Examination.

Height and Weight Measurement helps track and monitor the health and growth of a child. This

is usually done in school at the beginning and towards the end of the school year. The baseline results

serve as the basis to select children to be included in the school feeding program. The end line result will

show if there are improvement in the health status of the children.

Steps in Measuring Height:

Step 1. Remove the child’s shoes prior to taking measurement.

Step 2. Ask the child to stand with his/her back to the wall and look directly forward. They should be

positioned directly underneath the drop down measuring device.

Step 3. Lower the measuring device until it rests gently on top of the child’s head and record the


Steps in Measuring Weight:

Step 1. Set to zero the weighing scale before the client steps on it.

Step 2. Ask the child to remove heavy items from their pockets and remove any heavy items put on the


Step 3. When measuring weight ask the child to look straight ahead and stay still on the weighing scale.

Wait for the needle or digital screen to settle before recording the measurement.

Breast Self-examination should be done once a month to familiarize yourself with how

your breast normally feel and to detect the breast problems or abnormalities that may occur.

How to do a breast self-examination:

Step 1. Look at your breast at the mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on hips and look for

some changes such as size, shape and color of the breast.

Step 2. Raise your arms and look for the same changes.

Step 3. Look for any signs of fluid coming out of one or both nipples.

Step 4. Feel your breasts while lying down, using your right hand to feel your left breast and then your left

hand to feel you right breast.

Step 5. Feel your breast while you are standing too.

Scoliosis Test is done to detect any spine problems. It should be done regularly in order to monitor

the condition and severity of the curve in the spine to avoid serious problems that may occur.

Vision Screening is used to detect if children has visual impairment. Vision screening should be

done once a year or as needed to avoid serious eye problems that may lead to loss of sight if not treated


Hearing Test is done to test and determine how well a person can hear and it should be done

regularly to find out if there are hearing problems that need treatment.

Dental Health Examination is done to check the condition of your teeth and gums. This

should be done at least once a year to avoid serious dental health problems.

We should undergo these appraisal procedures regularly to be aware of our health condition.

Early treatment or medication based on early diagnosis of diseases would avoid serious illnesses in the


3. Readings

The health appraisal serves multiple purposes, whether provided by the child’s health care

provider or through the school health service program. Among the purposes served are to:

1. Make an appropriate appraisal of the child’s current health status.

2. Provide information of value to the child, the parents and the school personnel which will:

a. Determine the child’s fitness to participate in the school program

b. Indicate the need for and the extent to which the school program or selected aspects of the program
should be modified to benefit the child

3. Discover any health problems which require further investigation and treatment, if such is indicated.

4. Provide an opportunity to counsel the child and the parents concerning:

a. Any health problems or conditions detected.

b. Securing appropriate medical supervision

5. Provide a valuable and positive health experiences for the child.

Look at the pictures. These are some of the examples of health appraisal procedures. How

often do we need these health appraisal procedures? Why is it important to undergo health appraisal

procedures regularly?

Dental Health Height and Weight

Examination Measurement

Vision Screening Scoliosis Test

Self- Breast Examination Hearing Test

Provide a valuable and positive health experiences for the child

The following health components are part of your school health appraisal.

1. Health history- Your school will keep a record of your history like immunizations, childhood illnesses,

allergies, previous hospitalization, medications used, significant accident or injuries, surgery

and chronic illness.

2. A record of your family history- This includes the age and general health of parents and siblings. In
addition, the following will be recorded too
A. Education level of parents B. Physical environment C. History of family disease

3. Current status
A.Dental C. Child’s health problems/allergies
B. Family medical problems D.. Behavior

4. Screening procedures- are supplemental evaluations of:

A. Vision

B. Hearing

C. Blood pressure

D. Height and weight

E. Urine specimen for glucose and protein as determined by school/policy guidelines

Health Appraisal Procedure

Is the procedure to determine the health status of the students? Here is the different test one student

should undergo:

1. Height and Weight Measurement- is important when monitoring an infant or child’s health. It is

used to calculate your body mass index; or BMU, a measure of healthy versus unhealthy weight.

They are also important when tracking a child’s growth.

2. Breast Self-Examination- helps doctor check that everything is normal. Doctors don’t usually start

doing breast exams until a girl is in her 20s. During breast exam a doctor or nurse practitioner will
feel woman’s breast to check any lumps and bumps and see if there are changes.

3. Hearing Test- a hearing (audiometric) test is part of an ear exam that test how well a person able to

hear. It is done by measuring how well sound can reach the brain.

4. Vision Screening- is an efficient and cost-effective method to identify children with impairment or

eye conditions that are likely to lead to vision loss so that referral can be made to an appropriate

eye care professional for further evaluations and treatment.

5. Scoliosis Test- this is a simple screening test that can detect potential problems. If you notice any

unevenness, you should contact your doctor for an exam. Using a scoliometer can help determine

the severity of the curve. Scoliosis is usually confirmed by taking X-ray of the entire spine

looking from front to back.

PART II. Activity Proper
A. Direction: Write True if the statement about health appraisal procedure is correct

and False if it is not.

1. Height and weight measurement is done at the beginning and end of the of of school year.

2. Breast self-examination should be done once a year.

3. Hearing Test should be done regularly to diagnose ear problems.

4. Dental examination should be done only if dental problems occur.

5. Scoliosis Test should be done at least once a year to detect any spine problem.

B. Direction: Write Yes if the statement shows undergoing regular health appraisal procedures

and No if it does not .

1. The Grade 6 pupils undergo breast self-examination every month.

2. Angelo undergoes hearing only now in Grade 6.

3. The pupils of Linmansangan Elementary School undergo height and weight measurement
every beginning and before the school year ends.

4.The pupils of Linmansangan Elementary School have a dental check-up by the school dentist

every school year.

5.Angel’s eye problem gets worst because it was not detected and treated earlier.

C. Direction: Match the health appraisal procedure in column A with the correct statement in column B.

Column A Column B

1. Vision Screening A. It should be done regularly to detect any

spine problem

2. Breast self-Examination B. This measurement should be done regularly

to monitor the health and growth of the

3. Height and Weight C. This should be done regularly to detect

Measurement eye problems and diseases

4. Scoliosis Test D. It should be done regularly to detect breast

Problems and abnormalities

5. Hearing Test E. It should be done regularly to find out if there

are problems that need treatment.


A.Direction: Write True if the statement about health appraisal procedure is correct

and False if it is not.






B. Direction: Write Yes if the statement shows undergoing regular health appraisal procedures

and No if it does not .

1. YES

2. NO

3. YES

4. YES

5. NO

C. Direction: Match the health appraisal procedure in column A with the correct statement in column B.

1. C

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. E


Directions: Read the following test items below. Select the correct answer from the given
choices and write the letter only of your answer in your activity notebook.

1. What will happen if you will not practice proper hygiene?

A. sleep B. sad C. sick D. allergy

2. ___________a well-kept record of history like immunizations, childhood illnesses, allergies,

previous hospitalization; medication used significant accident or injuries, surgery, and chronic illness.

A. Vision B. Urine Specimen C. Health History D. Hearing

3. The following are examples of observing proper hygiene except:

A. Cover the nose and mouth with a tissue or the hand when coughing or sneezing.

B. Take a bath everyday

C. Don’t skip meals.

D. Brush your teeth regularly

4. Family history records include the age and general health of parents and siblings. In

addition, the following will be recorded too except:

A. Educational level of parents C. Physical environment

B. Dental D. History of family disease

5.Provides important information on pupil’s current health status.

A. Family History C. Self-Management Health

B. Health appraisal D. Health History

6. Proper nutrition involves_______________.

A. Wash your hands regularly C. Observe good posture

B. Drink water D. Take regular physical activity

7. Other things you need to include in your routines are getting enough rest and sleep and

taking vitamins and mineral, which could come from eating fruits and?

A. ice cream B. vegetables C. junk foods D. chocolates

8. _________________is the supplemental evaluation of screening procedure.

A. Family Medical Problem C. Behavior

B. Child’s health problem/allergies D. Blood pressure

9. Good health programs in school help reduce absenteeism and poor performance, which

can be caused by pupil’s poor ___________.

A. health condition B. mental disorder C. blood pressure D. dental problem

10. Whenever you visit the clinic, doctors and nurses measure your ______________?

A. height and weight C. nails and teeth

B. Nose and hair D. progress in school

B.Complete the paragraph . Fill in the missing word.

I have learned that…

________________is an examination that the doctor or nurse practitioner check the women’s breast to check any

lumps and bumps and see if there are changes since the last exam. ________________________ is a part of an

ear exam that test how well a person is able to hear. _________________ is an efficient and cost-effective method

to identify children with visual impairment or eye condition. _____________is a simple screening test that can

detect potential problem or unevenness of the spinal colon. ______________________________ is an instrument

used to determine the severity of the spinal colon.

C.Directions: Identify the following. Write your answer on the space provided before the

_________1. Is an effective and cost-effective method to identify children with visual

impairment or eye conditions?

_________ 2. Scoliosis is usually confirmed by taking?

_________ 3. Is important when monitoring an infant or child’s health.

_________ 4. Is the procedure to determine the health status of the student.

_________ 5. This is a simple screening test that can detect potential problems




1. C

2. C

3. C

4. B

5. B

6. B

7. B

8. D

9. A

10. A


1. Breast Self examination

2. Hearing Test
3. Vision screening
4. Scoliosis
5. Scoliometer


1. Vision screening
2. X-ray
3. Heigth and weight measurement
4. Health appraisal procedure
5. Scoliosis test



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