TLE G6 Q1 Module 3

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• Tools and Equipment in Planting
• Scientific Ways of Propagating Trees and
Fruit-Bearing Trees
• Healthy and Safety Measures in Propagating
Fruit-Bearing Trees

Most Essential Learning Competency: Propagates trees and fruit-bearing trees using
scientific processes; Identifies the appropriate tools and equipment in plant propagation and
their uses; Demonstrates scientific ways of propagating fruit-bearing trees; Observe healthy
and safety measures in propagating fruit-bearing trees
K to 12 BEC CG: TLE6AG0d-5


“He who plants a tree plants a hope” says Lucy Larcom. In time of pandemic where
everyone is struggling against of Covid-19 trees provide us food like fruits, vegetables and
medicine too. Trees give us shade and fresh air to breathe as an answer of sudden effect of
climate change.
Today, propagating plants like ornamental, trees, and fruit trees is fast becoming a
booming business. The place where fruits trees are propagated is called nursery. There is
plant nursery along highways, beside roads and streets, and inside town and cities. With
perseverance, hard work, and creativity, the plan nursery becomes a profitable business.
There are also different methods to improve trees fruit well. And we can propagate trees easily
and efficiently using the proper tools and equipment.


Tools and Equipment in Planting

1. Hoe
A tool used in digging and loosening hard and dry soil.
It has a thin blade across the end of a long handle.

2. Rake
A long-handled tool having a bar at one end with teeth in it.
It is used for smoothing the soil and gathering together loose
leaves, hay or straw.

3. Trowel
A tool with a curved blade used for loosening ground and
taking up small plants.

4. Axe
A tool with a flat sharp blade fastened to a handle used for
cutting trunk of trees and their branches.

5. Crowbar
A straight, heavy iron bar pointed at one end about 4 feet in
length: used for digging holes for planting seedlings.

6. Shovel
A tool with a broad or scoop attached to a handle. It is used
To dig, lift, and throw loose matter.

7. Bolo
A tool with a wooden or metal handle from which a long
blade is attached. It is used for cutting tall grasses and
branches of tress.

8. Fork
A tool resembling a table fork but much bigger in size.
It is used in digging and preparing the soil for the plants.

9. Water Sprinkler
A can with spout to sprinkler water on the plants. Plants
should be watered every day to make them grow healthier.

Other tools and Equipment:

a. Hose- for watering seedlings arranged in mass.

b. Sprayer- for spraying chemicals to eliminate plants insect.

c. Weighing scale- for weighing plants, seeds, and fertilizer.

d. Pieces of wood or bamboo- for use as fences and plots to protect plants from
being destroyed by animals.

Scientific Ways of Propagating Trees and fruit-Bearing Trees


Budding is a method of grafting in which the scion is a single bud rather than a piece
of stem or twig. Many of the same conditions and materials used for other forms of grafting
also apply to budding. It is most frequently used to multiply a variety that cannot be produced
from seed.

Steps in the process of budding:

Step1: Obtaining a budstick for T-budding Step2: Preparing the stock for T-budding.

Step 3: Inserting the bud for a T-bud graft. Step 4: Wrapping the bud for a T-bud


Grafting is the act of joining two plants (or their parts) together. The lower part of the
graft is known as the understock, or stock, which becomes the root system or part of the trunk.
The upper part of the graft is known as the scion and becomes the top of the plant.
Grafting techniques can be divided into four basic types, usually referred to as whip,
cleft, bark and side grafting. The cleft and the whip grafting are the ones commonly practiced
by nursery men/ orchard growers.

A.) Whip or bench graft

The whip graft is fairly easy and is used when the scion and stock are of similar
diameter, preferably between 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch. The stock can be either a plant
growing in the field or a dormant bare root plant. The stock should be smooth and

B.) Cleft graft

The cleft graft is most commonly used to top work a tree to change the tree from one
variety to another. It can be used on either young or mature trees. Young trees may
be cleft grafted on the trunk, while older trees are grafted on branches not more than
2-1/2 inches in diameter.

Steps in the process of cleft grafting

Step1: Cleft graft

Step2: Preparing the stock for a cleft graft.

Step 3: Preparing the scion for a cleft graft

Step 4: Cuts on both sides of the scion for

a cleft graft form a wedge.

Step 5: Inserting the scion for a cleft graft.

Step 6: Waxing / wrapping a cleft graft.

good cambial contact.


This is the process of including a branch or stem to the root while still attached to the
mother plant. This is done by removing a ring of bark below the node then wrapping with moist
soil or moss cover with plastic sheet or coco-husk and secured tightly on both ends with twine.
This marcot is kept moist by watering regularly. When roots are developed (after a month or
so) the marcot is cut and transplanted in a pot or plastic bag.

Healthy and Safety Measures in Propagating Fruit-bearing Trees

1. Plan on what you have to do and make sure your needed tools are on hand and
in good working condition to prevent untoward incidents.
2. Tools have their own purposes, so use them for the purpose they were made.
3. Be careful in using sharp tools and equipment. Do not allow children to crowd
around when using sharp and heavy tools.
4. Keep tools and equipment after uses in the same place where you got them.
5. Clean the area and tools after use.
6. Be sure to wear protective clothing like gloves, mask or apron.


A. DIRECTIONS: Identify the tools or equipment being describe in each number. Choose
your answer inside the box. Write the letter of your answer in a sheet of paper.

a. Hoe b. Rake c. Shovel d. Trowel e. Crowbar

1. It is used for digging holes.

2. It is used for smoothening the soil and gathering leaves.
3. Used for digging and loosening hard and dry soil.
4. Used to dig, lift, and throw loose matter.
5. It is used for loosening ground.

B. DIRECTIONS: Modified True or False: Write T if the statement is true and if it is false
change the underline word with the correct answer.

____1. Bolo is used for cutting grass and splitting wood or bamboo.
____2. Budding is a method of plant propagation in which a scion is joined with the
____3. The whip grafting is the ones commonly practiced by nursery men/ orchard
____4. Rake is a tool with a curved blade used for loosening ground and taking up small
____5. Hose is for spraying chemicals to eliminate plants insect.


Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: _______________

Grade & Section: ____________________________ Score: _______________

A. DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully then circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a tool with flat sharp blade used for cutting trunk and branches of trees?
a. Axe b. Shovel c. Trowel d. Hoe

2. All of these are tools and equipment in planting except?

a. Bolo b. Crowbar c. Hammer d. Rake

3. There are dried leaves in your backyard, which of the following tools are you going to
a. Hoe b. Hose c. fork d. Rake

4. What do you call the propagation process where in the scion is united with the stock?
a. Budding b. Grafting c. Marcotting d. Layering

5. The following are steps in budding except?

a. inserting the bud for a T-bud graft
b. wrapping with moist soil or plastic sheet tightly on both ends
c. preparing the stock for T-budding
d. wrapping the bud for a T-bud

6. What process a ring of bark on a large branch is remove, the inner scraped lightly
and then wrapped with moist soil?
a. Layering b. Marcotting c. grafting d. marcotting

7. What do you call a detached living portion of a plant (such as a bud or shoot) joined
to a stock?
a. Grafting b. Marcotting c. Budding d. Layering

8. Which is the basic grafting technique ones commonly practiced by nursery

men/orchards owners?
a. Whip or bench graft b. whip and cleft graft c. bark and side graft d. cleft graft

9. The following are steps in cleft grafting except?

a. Inserting the scion for a cleft graft.
b. Preparing the stock for a cleft graft.
c. Twisting down a shoot until bud appears.
d. Waxing a cleft graft good cambial contact.

10.Which is NOT healthy and safety measure in propagating fruit-bearing trees?

a. Be careful in using sharp tools and equipment
b. Wear protective clothing like gloves, mask or apron
c. Used tools by their own purposes
d. Do not plan what to do before propagation

Performance Task

A. Direction: Choose one of the scientific ways of propagating trees and fruit-bearing trees
following the steps. Record the video of your performance and send it to your teacher through
messenger. Use the rubrics as your guide.


Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

The pupil The pupil The pupil The pupil The pupil
executed followed the executed but executed the executed
properly and steps of the miss one step scientific ways only 1 step
follow the steps scientific ways of the scientific of propagating of the
of the scientific of propagating ways of trees and fruit- scientific
ways of trees and fruit- propagating bearing trees ways of
propagating bearing trees trees and fruit- but did not propagating
trees and fruit- but did not bearing trees follow the step trees and
bearing trees executed properly fruit-
properly bearing


Exercises A
1. E
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. D
Exercises B
1. True
2. False/ grafting
3. False/whip and cleft graft
4. False/ trowel
5. False/sprayer

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