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PEMS 2022

Synchronous Machines

Hint: in all the questions draw the phasor diagram

1. A star-connected synchronous generator is driven by a 1000 rpm coal fired steam turbine, and

has an open-circuit voltage of 16 kV at 50 Hz under nominal field current. If the synchronous

reactance is 0.5 Ω/phase, calculate:

a) The number of pole pairs;

b) The maximum power that the generator can feed into 11 kV bus-bars;

c) The generator power factor when supplying 200 MW into 11 kV bus-bars;

d) The power factor when generating 200 MW if the field current is decreased by 20% (assume

the generator operating at the linear region of the iron core’s BH characteristic).

2. A 1500 rpm, 50 Hz, 12 kV synchronous generator (Δ-connected) has a synchronous reactance

of 15 Ω. The generator is operating at rated voltage and speed with the excitation voltage

𝐸𝑓 =15kV and the power angle at 30°. Calculate:

a) The number of pole pairs

b) The stator current

c) The power factor

d) The output power

e) The generator’s efficiency if the friction losses consist 1% of the input power.

3. A three-phase synchronous motor is rated 5000 kW and operates on a 6.6 kV, 50 Hz power

supply with an efficiency of 86%. The stator has 20 poles and is star-connected, taking a line

current of 565 A/phase. Calculate the:

a) shaft speed

b) torque developed at the machine coupling

c) input active power

d) input apparent power

e) input reactive power

f) operating power factor

g) electrical losses/phase if the mechanical losses are 64 kW.

4. A four-pole compressor-drive motor takes a line current of 270 A from a 3.3 kV, 50Hz, threephase
supply. The current leads the supply phase voltage by 26º and armature reactance of the

machine is 8.0 Ω/phase. The input torque to the compressor is 7960 Nm. Determine the:

a) output power

b) power factor

c) input power

d) motor efficiency

e) per-unit induced stator voltag

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