ESAO2014 Derma

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Int J Artif Organs 2014 ; 37 ( 8 ): 608

XLI Annual ESAO Congress, 17-20 September 2014, Rome, Italy

Poster Sessions

Poster Session 1 – Part 1, 609

Renal Assist 1, P1-P9
Renal Assist 2, P10-P18
Cardiac Assist 1, P19-P26
Cardiac Assist 2, P27-P34
Implants and Robots, P35-P40

Poster Session 1 – Part 2, 617

Renal Assist 3, P41-P50
Renal Assist 4, P51-P61
Cardiac Assist 3, P62-P73
Cardiac Assist 4, P74-P82

Poster Session 2 – Part 1, 626

Computer Modeling, P83-P92
Biomaterials 1, P93-P100
Biomaterials 2, P101-P108
Tissue Engineering 1, P109-P116
Tissue Engineering 2, P117-P123

Poster Session 2 – Part 2, 634

ECMO and Instrumentation, P124-P133
Transplantation, Ethics & Psychology, P134-P141
Artificial Organs, P142-P149
Nanobiotechnology & Drug Delivery, P150-P158
Regenerative Medicine, P159-P164

This abstract book has been produced electronically by Wichtig Publishing and is also available on the Journal’s web site at
Every effort has been made to faithfully reproduce the abstracts as submitted. However, no responsibility is assumed by the
organisers as well as by the Publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability,
negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the mate-
rial herein. Because of the rapid advances in the medical sciences, we recommend that independent verification of diagnoses
and drug dosages should be made.

608 © 2014 Wichtig Publishing - ISSN 0391-3988

Int J Artif Organs 2014 ; 37 ( 8): 609-643

Posters: XLI ESAO Annual Congress, 17-20 September 2014, Rome, Italy

Methods: Electrospun nanofibrous membranes were applied to construct a

hepatoma tissue sheet due to the fact that microstructure of nanofibrous mem- Nanobiotechnology & Drug Delivery
branes are very similar to the natural extracellular matrix (ECM). Mouse fibro-
blasts, which are an integral component of tissue architecture, were co-cultured P150
with Hepa 1c1c7 to make a better microenvironment than mono-culture ones. MODIFIED COATING OF LIPOSOME ENCAPSULATED HAEMOGLOBIN
We measured the hepatic albumin expression level to determine cellular func- WITH POLYETHYLENE OXIDE
tion and examined the effect of fibroblasts on the hepatocellular morphology H. Tabesha,c, Gh. Amoabedinyb, A. Ramedania, F. Ahmadia, K. Mottaghyc
and spheroids. The difference between the construction of co-culture and mo-
Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies; bDepartment of Chemical Engi-
no-culture cell sheets were checked by histological studies and immunofluo- neering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran; cInstitute of Physiology, ECC Lab.,
rescent analysis. RWTH University, Aachen, Germany
Results: Our research indicates that co-culturing mouse hepatocellular carci-
noma and fibroblasts on electrospun nanofibrous membranes was able to make Aim: Liposome Encapsulated Haemoglobin (LEH) has been already introduced
a hepatoma tissue for investigation of liver cancer treatments. as an artificial oxygen carrier nanoparticle with the potential substitution ca-
Conclusions: For future work, we have a plan to apply this investigated method pability for red blood cells. However, the synthesis process of current LEH
for other cancer types. The developed tissue also will be assembled with a mi- yields low haemoglobin (Hb) loading due to the instability of LEH encapsulation.
crochannel to create a tumor-on-a-chip. Therefore, the surface coating of LEH with a stable polymer would be beneficial.
Methods: Bovine Hb is encapsulated by hydrating a dry-film lipid (comprising
P148 0.4 mM Cholesterol and 0.6 mM Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine) through a phos-
OPTIMIZED OPTICAL GLUCOSE READER FOR TRANSCUTANEOUS GLU- phate buffer solution blended with glutamine antioxidant. In the next step, the
COSE MEASUREMENTS size of synthetized particles is decreased to nano-range using a high-pressure
M. Bazhenova, J. Fischerb, R. Tharb, M. Rumplerd, M. Hajnsekd, K. Mottaghya, homogenizer. The synthesis process is modified by the insertion of polyethylene
I. Klimantc oxide (PEO) through the solution during the cascade of homogenization.
RWTH Aachen, Germany; bPyroScience GmbH, Aachen, Germany; cTU Graz, Results: Coated LEH with 2.5, 5, 10 and 40% w/w of PEO present an increase
Austria; dJoanneum Research, Graz, Austria of the total Hb loading yield of 27 ± 3, 33 ± 2, 39 ± 2 and 45 ± 2% respectively,
compared to non-coated LEH with a loading yield of 20 ± 1%. On the contrary,
Aim: The development of a single-port closed-loop system aims for continuous the size of coated LEH increase gradually from 107 ± 3 nm to 228 ± 3 nm by
glucose monitoring, insulin dose calculation and continuous insulin infusion as raising the concentration of PEO from 2.5 to 40% w/w while non-coated LEH
a “all-in-one” artificial pancreas system. The glucose sensor is based on two shows the size of 98 ± 3 nm.
luminescent dyes with different excitation wavelengths grafted on standard in- Conclusions: Coating of LEH with PEO during its synthesis process increases
sulin infusion sets, showing a glucose-sensitive and O2-sensitive luminescence, its stability, and subsequently, enhances its efficiency by elevating the total Hb
respectively. Here we present an optimized optical reader for reliable transcuta- loading yield. However, the effect of the increase of particle size should be fur-
neous read-out of the sensors. ther investigated.
Methods: The system is divided into an integrated optoelectronic reader that
is located on the skin over the infusion set with the optical sensor layers and a P151
separate signal processing unit. This design allows miniaturizing the reader for ARTIFICIAL OXYGEN CARRIER LIPOSOME-ENCAPSULATED HEMOGLO-
maximum convenience of the patient. Bright SMD LEDs with custom collimating BIN AS THE PLASMA OXYGENIZER
optics and large area photodiodes are combined with optical interference filters A. Kawaguchia, H. Ohbab, Kakiuchib, D. Fukumotob, M. Haidac, H. Tsukadab
for spectral discrimination between the glucose and the reference O2 channel.
Tokai University School of Medicine, Kanagawa, Japan; bHamamatsu Photon-
Results: The sensor measures only Ø25 mm at 7 mm height, allowing conve- ics, Hamamatsu, Japan; cTokai University, Junior School of Nursing and Medical
nient continuous wearing. The reader can be integrated in standard 90° infusion Technology, Tokyo, Japan
sets with 0.4 mm steel cannula. The sensor is characterized in terms of signal
intensity, channel cross-talk, optical background and signal to noise ratio. Inter- Aim: Since liposome-encapsulated hemoglobin (LEH) has a low specific gravity
stitial glucose and O2 in animal models are compared to blood values. similar to plasma and different O2-affinity from that of red blood cell (RBC), it is
Conclusions: The optimized optical glucose reader shows promising perfor- currently impossible to measure, but calculate/assume O2 contents in the blood
mance valuable for the further development of the innovative single-port artifi- of animals infused with LEH.
cial pancreas system. Methods: We examined effects of LEH administration in the blood content of
oxygen containing molecules, including CO2, O2 and CO in non-human primates
P149 undergoing steady-state gas inhalation study. Plasma and whole blood radio-
INFLUENCE OF CELL REMOVAL TREATMENT ON DERMIS MECHANICAL activity were sequentially monitored in the arterial blood while animals were
BEHAVIOUR successively breathing [15O]-labeled gases ([15O]CO2, [15O]O2 and [15O]CO). The
M. Terzinia, C. Bignardia, C. Castagnolib, E.M. Zanettic, G. Catapanod, monkeys received base-line measurement, underwent occlusion of the middle
A.L. Audeninoa cerebral artery, and received LEH with different O2-affinity and in various doses
Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy; bSkin Bank – Trauma Center, Torino, Italy; (n = 18), empty liposome (n = 4) or saline (n = 7) (T2). The [15O] steady-state res-
University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy; dUniversità della Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy piration tests were repeated immediately following reperfusion (T3) and 3-hours
thereafter (T4).
Aim: Knowledge of the mechanical behaviour of skin is required by various Results: While radioactivity of [15O]CO2 did not change regardless of infusates,
medical disciplines, such as dermatology, surgery and traumatology. More spe- [15O]CO increased in the plasma fraction in a LEH-dose-dependent manner,
cifically, this work was focused on one specific skin layer: the dermis. The aim [15O]O2 increased in the plasma fraction in an O2-affinity-dependent manner in
was to verify the influence of the decellularization treatment on its properties. the plasma fraction. These levels remained elevated for the following 6 hours,
Methods: Skin specimens were subjected to uniaxial static tests performed which was parallel to the calculation based on O2 binding characteristics.
with the Bose Electroforce® 3200. Experimental data were represented with Conclusions: These results suggest that LEH serves as a plasma oxygenizer to
engineering and real time stress-strain curves. Descriptive parameters were increase O2 content in a unit of blood and may account for benefits of LEH on
identified from stress vs. strain curves, and they were subsequently compared ischemia/reperfusion of organs and/or tissues.
through multivariate analysis of variance to determine the influence of the speci-
men cut orientation and of duration of the decellularization treatment. P152
Results: Dermis samples which had been decellularized for 5 to 6 weeks, exhib- LIPOSOME-ENCAPSULATED HEMOGLOBIN ENHANCES CHEMOTHERAPY
ited mechanical properties comparable with native dermis. The ultimate tensile TO SUPPRESS METASTASIS IN MICE
strength and the maximum Young’s modulus was shown to be considerably C. Murayama, A. Kawaguchi, A. Kamijo, K. Naito, K. Iwao, H. Tsukamoto,
higher in real time curves than in engineering ones: 3-4 times and up to 7 times K. Yasuda, Y. Nagato
respectively for ultimate tensile strength and Young’s modulus. Tokai University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
Conclusions: Real-time curves should be used when modeling dermis be-
haviour, while engineering curves should be confined to comparative analysis, Aim: Liposome-encapsulated haemoglobin (LEH) with high O2-affinity (P50O2 =
where they are able to provide indications with a higher repeatability and a sim- 10 mmHg, h-LEH) was reported to enhance tumor radiosensitivity. We hypoth-
pler experimental set up. esize that targeted O2 delivery to tumor hypoxia by h-LEH may also enhance

640 © 2014 Wichtig Publishing - ISSN 0391-3988

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