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Freshwater Biology (2006) 51, 206–223 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2005.01484.

Flooding, soil seed bank dynamics and vegetation

resilience of a hydrologically variable desert floodplain
S A M A N T H A J . C A P O N * , † A N D M A R G A R E T A . B R O C K †, ‡
*Centre for Riverine Landscapes, Griffith University, Nathan, Qld, Australia

Co-operative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra, ACT, Australia

NSW Department of Natural Resources, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia

1. This paper explores soil seed bank composition and its contribution to the vegetation
dynamics of a hydrologically variable desert floodplain in central Australia: the Cooper
Creek floodplain. We investigated patterns in soil seed bank composition both temporally,
in response to flooding (and drying), and spatially, with relation to flood frequency.
Correlations between extant vegetation and soil seed bank composition are explored with
respect to flooding.
2. A large and diverse germinable soil seed bank was detected comprising predominantly
annual monocot and annual forb species. Soil seed bank composition did not change
significantly in response to a major flood event but some spatial patterns were detected
along a broad flood frequency gradient. Soil seed bank samples from frequently flooded
sites had higher total germinable seed abundance and a greater abundance of annual
monocots than less frequently flooded sites. In contrast, germinable seeds of perennial
species belonging to the Poaceae family were most abundant in soil seed bank samples
from rarely flooded sites.
3. Similarity between the composition of the soil seed bank and extant vegetation increased
following flooding and was greatest in more frequently flooded areas of the floodplain,
reflecting the establishment of annual species. The results indicate that persistent soil seed
banks enable vegetation in this arid floodplain to respond to unpredictable patterns of
flooding and drying.

Keywords: arid zone, Australia, drought, germination, wetland plants

shifts in composition in response to fluctuating

hydrological conditions (Capon, 2003) and often
The salient feature of freshwater ecosystems in desert displays clear spatial patterns related to flood history
regions is hydrological variability (Davies et al., 1994; (Carr, 1998; Stromberg, 2001; Capon, 2005). Persistent
Williams, 1995; Puckridge et al., 1998). As a result of soil seed banks can facilitate such plant community
variable flooding and drying regimes, desert rivers dynamics by allowing species to persist in a dormant
and their associated floodplains and wetlands are state until suitable conditions for their germination
characterised by high levels of temporal and spatial and establishment occur (Parker, Simpson & Leck,
heterogeneity (Stromberg, 2001). Vegetation in these 1989; Bonis, Lepart & Grillas, 1995; Baskin & Baskin,
environments is usually dynamic, exhibiting dramatic 1998) thus affording vegetation in these variable
environments some degree of resilience (Brock et al.,
Correspondence: Samantha J. Capon, School of Biological 2003).
Sciences, Monash University, Clayton Campus, Clayton, Numerous recent studies have demonstrated the
Vic. 3800, Australia. critical role of flooding and drying in the development
Email: of plant communities germinating from soil seed
206  2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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Soil seed banks of an arid floodplain 207
banks of variable wetland habitats (Seabloom, van Der inundated (Keddy & Reznicek, 1982; Leck, 1989) and
Valk & Moloney, 1998; Casanova & Brock, 2000; several cases of declining seed density with increasing
Crosslé & Brock, 2002; Nicol, Ganf & Pelton, 2003; water depth have also been recorded (Poiani &
Warwick & Brock, 2003). As germination in wetland Johnson, 1989; Wilson, Moore & Keddy, 1993).
plants often occurs in response to specific hydro- However, Bonis et al. (1995) reported higher seed
logical conditions, such as flood timing or depth densities in the centre of Mediterranean marshes and
(Leck, 1989; Leck & Brock, 2000), flooding can be decreasing densities towards their edges. Seed density
perceived as an ‘environmental sieve’ through which was not found to vary significantly along elevational
vegetation composition is determined as a function of gradients in playa wetlands (Haukos & Smith, 1994).
differences in germination cues between species resi- Similarly, Brock & Rogers (1998) did not detect any
ding in the soil seed bank (van der Valk, 1981). differences in seed densities or species richness
Flooding also affects other life history stages of between the seed banks of wetlands with varying
wetland plants by influencing growth rates or repro- flow regimes on a South African ephemeral flood-
ductive vigour (Gerritsen & Greening, 1989; Coops & plain.
van der Velde, 1995; Coops, van den Brink & van der The contribution of soil seed banks to extant
Velde, 1996; Warwick & Brock, 2003) or through vegetation dynamics also varies considerably between
hydrochoric (i.e. via floodwaters) propagule dispersal wetland systems. In freshwater tidal wetlands of
(Blom & Voesenek, 1996; Cronk & Fennessy, 2000). North America, for example, there is a high concor-
Each of these life history stages can in turn influence dance between the composition of extant plant com-
patterns of soil seed bank depletion and replenish- munities and their soil seed banks (Leck & Simpson,
ment. Consequently, flooding has the potential to 1987, 1995) and the soil seed banks of prairie marshes
structure wetland soil seed banks both temporally and contain suites of species which appear in the extant
spatially as well as determine their contribution, vegetation during different hydrological phases (van
through germination, to the extant vegetation. der Valk & Davis, 1978). In contrast, the composition
Despite the attention given to successional fluctua- of soil seed banks in some North American lake
tions in extant wetland vegetation (Keddy, 2000), shores and inland marshes resembles that of draw-
remarkably few studies have investigated temporal down vegetation rather than that which is prevalent
dynamics of wetland soil seed banks, particularly under submerged conditions (Leck, 1989). In many
with respect to the effects of flooding. Bonis et al. other cases, little similarity exists between soil seed
(1995) observed marked interannual fluctuations in banks and extant plant communities, particularly
seed densities in two Mediterranean temporary mar- where seed banks are overwhelmingly dominated
shes over a period of 4 years and, in studies of North by one or two species which are absent from the
American prairie marshes, sharp increases in seed vegetation or vice versa (Thompson & Grime, 1979;
densities of some opportunistic species have been McGraw, 1987; Hughes & Cass, 1997).
observed between years in association with periods of Australia’s large desert rivers are amongst the most
hydrological drawdown (van der Valk & Davis, 1979; hydrologically variable river systems in the world
Smith & Kadlec, 1983; Poiani & Johnson, 1989). (Puckridge et al., 1998) and many are associated with
However, Poiani & Johnson (1989) found that the extensive floodplains which experience both long
composition of the bulk of a prairie marsh soil seed periods of drought and huge flood pulses that
bank remained fairly constant between years despite transform vast areas into wetlands, often for months
the occurrence of a drawdown event. Some evidence at a time. Vegetation in these heterogeneous habitats
of reduced seed densities following flood-induced exhibits significant temporal shifts in composition and
recruitment has been reported though for salt marsh structure in response to flooding and drying (Capon,
species (Egan & Ungar, 1999). In contrast, studies of 2003) and varies spatially with relation to flood
spatial patterns in soil seed bank composition have history (Capon, 2005). It might be expected, therefore,
been conducted in wetlands from a wide range of that many plant species inhabiting these desert
climatic regions and hydrological regimes (Leck, floodplains maintain large and long-lived soil seed
1989). Within wetland systems, lower seed densities banks that enable persistence through such variable
tend to occur in areas which are most permanently hydrological conditions. Although deserts have been
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208 S.J. Capon and M.A. Brock
the subject of many soil seed bank investigations (e.g. 26 000 km2 were inundated south of Windorah as a
Freas & Kemp, 1983; Henderson, Petersen & Redak, result of a relatively rare, large flood pulse with a peak
1988; Pake & Venable, 1996), studies of large wetland discharge of 1 460 000 ML day)1 and a peak height of
systems within Australia’s desert regions are rare and, 7.95 m (Queensland Department of Natural Re-
amongst the wetland soil seed bank literature, studies sources, 1998). By way of comparison with the
of riverine and floodplain systems are also lacking historical flood record (Fig. 2), the 1974 flood peak,
(Goodson et al., 2001). To address this knowledge gap, for which the greatest ever instantaneous flow in the
this study examines the soil seed bank composition of catchment was recorded, had a peak height of 8.48 m
the Cooper Creek floodplain in the arid Lake Eyre at Windorah (Queensland Department of Natural
Basin of central Australia. In particular, this paper Resources, 1998). In contrast, the comparatively small
investigates temporal and spatial patterns in soil seed flood pulse which occurred in December 1984 had a
bank composition with relation to flooding and peak height of 3.9 m, a peak discharge of
explores the contribution of the soil seed bank to 26 000 ML day)1 at Currareva and inundated an area
flow-related vegetation dynamics. Results are presen- of approximately 3400 km2 (Queensland Department
ted from germination studies of soil seed bank of Natural Resources, 1998). According to anecdotal
collections made along a broad flood frequency evidence, such events generally inundate areas close
gradient before and after a major flood event and to channels near Windorah about once every 2 years.
again following a period of drought. The specific Conversely, areas on the periphery of the floodplain
questions addressed in this paper are: may be inundated less than once every 10 years and
1 What is the composition of the germinable soil only then by events of extreme magnitude such as
seed bank in this desert floodplain and does this vary those which occurred in 1974 or 1990.
temporally in response to flooding (or drying)? Vegetation on the floodplain is mainly short grass
2 Does the composition of the germinable soil seed and forb associations which fluctuate in composition
bank vary spatially in relation to flood frequency? and in response to hydrological conditions (Capon, 2003).
3 How does soil seed bank composition compare Open succulent shrubland dominated by Chenopodium
with that of the extant vegetation and does this vary auricomum Lindl. (Queensland bluebush) and
temporally or spatially as a result of flooding? Muehlenbeckia florulenta Meisn. (tangled lignum) also
occurs in more frequently flooded areas. Trees, e.g.
Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. (river red gum),
Methods Eucalyptus coolabah Blakely & Jacobs (coolibah) and
Acacia cambagei R.T. Baker (gidgee), are mostly
Study area
restricted to the margins of channels.
The Cooper Creek catchment is located in the Lake
Eyre Basin of central Australia and is approximately
Data collection
296 000 km2 in area (Fig. 1). The majority of the
catchment is hot, with summer temperatures ranging The study was conducted on the Cooper Creek
between 25 and 40 C and winter temperatures floodplain in the vicinity of Windorah (Fig. 1). Due
between 5 and 25 C, and arid, with mean annual to the lack of detailed hydrological data for the
rainfall c. <400 mm. Surface water discharge in the catchment, local landholders were consulted to iden-
Cooper Creek is extremely variable and historically tify floodplain areas possessing broadly different
includes many periods of low or no flow (Fig. 2), flood frequencies. These included a near-channel
during which time the river exists as a string of zone, flooded approximately once every 2 years, a
disconnected waterholes. Flood pulses in the system mid-floodplain zone, comprising areas flooded
are driven predominantly by northern cyclone activity approximately once every 5 years and a far-floodplain
and are variable in their timing, magnitude and zone which consisted of areas only flooded once every
duration. A complex channel network combined with 10 years or less frequently. Twelve sites, each com-
the catchment’s low topographic gradient facilitate prising a 50 m2 quadrat, were then selected with four
the inundation of vast areas of floodplain following sites haphazardly located in each of the three broad
high flow events. In April 1990, for example, almost flood frequency zones. Sampling was conducted on
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Soil seed banks of an arid floodplain 209

riv Longreach
Currareva gauging er
station o riv
r co


South Australia

Cooper Creek


0 100 200 km

Fig. 1 The Cooper Creek catchment. Inset shows location in central Australia. Latitude and longitude for Windorah are )25.4228S and
142.6564E respectively.

three occasions, February, May and October, during the likelihood of detecting species with patchy seed
the year 2000. A major flood event, comparable in size distributions (Bigwood & Inouye, 1988; Blanch &
to the April 1990 event, inundated all sites between Brock, 1994; Brock, Theodore & O’Donnell, 1994). A
the first and second sampling dates and a period of list of species occurring in the extant vegetation
drought preceded the third sampling date (Fig. 3). It within each 50 m2 quadrat was also compiled on each
is also worth noting that conditions prior to the sampling occasion. Soil samples were then transpor-
commencement of the survey were relatively moist, ted to Griffith University and dried and stored at
particularly in the near-channel zone, as both rainfall room temperature until germination trials com-
and a small flood event had occurred in late 1999. menced.
At each survey time, five soil cores of 0.055 m Soil seed bank composition was examined using the
diameter and 10 cm depth were collected from each seedling emergence method. Unlike manual sifting
site and aggregated in a single plastic bag to form a and counting of seeds, this method does not allow for
sample. Individual soil cores were collected from a complete assessment of seed abundance (Hutchings
random locations within the 50 m2 quadrat to increase & Russell, 1989). However, total seed count methods
 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 51, 206–223
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210 S.J. Capon and M.A. Brock
25 1998). In this case, the seedling emergence method
was considered appropriate for determining the
Discharge (mL × 106)

composition of the germinable soil seed bank and

15 detecting temporal and spatial trends within this. For
the germination trials, each aggregated sample was
10 divided evenly between four plastic trays,
17 cm · 12 cm, with drainage holes, providing a soil
depth of approximately 2 cm and thereby increasing
0 the surface area available for germination. All 144










trays were then randomly arranged on tables in a
glasshouse at Griffith University. A pilot study indi-
Fig. 2 Annual discharge of Cooper Creek between 1958 and cated that fewer species germinated under flooded
1988 recorded at Currareva gauging stating near Windorah (see
conditions than moist, so a single watering treatment
Fig. 1). As this gauging station was closed following this period,
no more recent discharge data is available. (Data obtained from was selected where trays were kept moist by means of
the Queensland Department of Natural Resources). an automatic watering system operating four times
daily. Species which require complete submergence
for germination could be missed under a moist
(a) 160
watering treatment; however, these were not observed
in the pilot study which examined germination from
Rainfall (mm)

the soil seed bank under a range of watering
treatments including submergence for up to 3 months
40 duration. ter Heerdt, Schutter & Bakker (1999) and
Boedeltje, ter Heerdt & Bakker (2002) support this use
of a single watering treatment determined through
(b) pilot studies when experiments are constrained by
6 time and space. Trays were rotated at regular intervals
Discharge (mL × 106)

to ensure an even distribution of watering and were
kept in the glasshouse for 1 year to allow exposure to
a wide range of temperatures. Germination trials for
samples from the first and second sample times
commenced in August 2000, following completion of
the pilot study, and those from the third survey in late
October 2000. Temperatures in the glasshouse over
1999 2000
this period ranged between 20 and 45 C during
summer and 10 and 35 C in the winter months. As
Fig. 3 (a) Total monthly rainfall (mm) at Windorah (source:
seedlings germinated from the trays, they were
Bureau of Meteorology) and (b) total monthly discharge (mil-
lions of ML) at Longreach from October 1999 to December 2000 recorded and removed once their identification was
(source: Queensland Department of Natural Resources). Arrows possible.
indicate sampling times. The Currareva gauging station (see
Fig. 1) was closed in 1988, hence the flow data from upstream on
the Thomson River are the best available for the study period. Data analysis
Discharge in the Cooper Creek is determined principally by
precipitation associated with northern monsoons and local Seedling count data for the four trays from each
rainfall rarely results in floodplain inundation. Rainfall is pre- sample were pooled to give an abundance value for
sented here to illustrate the period of local drought between the
each species at each site for each survey time. Species
second and third sampling dates rather than to demonstrate any
relationship with discharge. richness was considered to be the total number of
species occurring within these pooled samples and
are time consuming, have the potential to overlook total abundance was calculated by summing all
species with very small seeds and provide no species abundances from each pooled sample. Species
information on seed viability (Baskin & Baskin, were also assigned to groups on the basis of life form
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Soil seed banks of an arid floodplain 211
(i.e. shrubs, sub-shrubs, forbs and monocots) and life (Belbin, 1995). Principal axis rotation and correlation
span (i.e. annual or perennial) using descriptions and Monte-Carlo randomisation procedures were also
contained in Cunningham et al. (1992), resulting in a conducted to determine species vectors correlating
total of seven plant groups; shrubs, annual sub- significantly with the ordination space.
shrubs, perennial sub-shrubs, annual forbs, perennial Comparison of soil seed bank and extant vegetation
forbs, annual monocots and perennial monocots. The composition were initially made by means of a further
use of plant functional groups defined on the basis of SSH ordination based on a matrix of species presence
how plants germinate, establish and reproduce in and absence data. Additionally, Sorenson’s SI were
relation to surface water (i.e. submerged, amphibious calculated for each site and survey time using the
and terrestrial) has provided a fruitful approach for formula SI ¼ 2c/a + b, where c was the number of
considering the spatial and temporal dynamics of species common between the soil seed bank and
temporary wetland plant communities (Brock & extant vegetation and a and b were the total numbers
Casanova, 1997). However, the autecological informa- of species in the soil seed bank and extant vegetation
tion necessary to assign many species to such respectively (Sorenson, 1948). Similarity indices were
previously defined functional groups is lacking for converted into percentages by multiplying by 100 and
many plants of the Cooper Creek floodplain. There- effects of flood frequency zone and sample time on
fore, following Higgins, Rogers & Kemper (1997), similarity indices were examined using two-way
groups based on life form and life span were used ANOVA.
under the assumption that plants within such groups
are likely to utilise resources and respond to stressors
in a comparable manner. This approach has also been Results
successfully employed in a previous study of spatial
Soil seed bank composition
patterns in Cooper Creek floodplain vegetation
(Capon, 2005). The abundance of seeds belonging to Over the duration of the germination trials, a total of
each of these groups was then calculated for each 5483 seedlings germinated from the soil seed bank
sample. This was also done at the family level within samples with 2011, 2064 and 1408 germinating from
each of these major groups. samples from the first, second and third sample times
Abundance values were transformed, [log10(x + 1)], respectively. Of these, 56 species from at least 22
to meet the requirements of analysis of variance families were present (four forb species and one
(A N O V A ) (Zar, 1999). Untransformed species richness annual grass species could not be identified) (Appen-
and transformed abundance variables were then dix). Annual monocots were the most abundant group
analysed by two-way A N O V A to determine the effects and represented over half of the total seedlings
of sample time (February, May or October) and flood recorded. Annual forbs were the next most abundant
frequency zone (near-channel, mid-floodplain and far- group (35%), followed by perennial monocots (11%)
floodplain). Significantly different means were deter- and perennial forbs (4%). No shrub or sub-shrub
mined using Tukey’s b-test. Univariate analyses were seedlings germinated during the trials. At the family
all conducted in SPSS (SPSS, 2001). level, seedlings belonging to the Poaceae family in the
Further exploration of temporal and spatial patterns annual monocot group were the most abundant and
in soil seed bank composition was achieved by the annual grass, Eragrostis tenellula, was the most
performing a semi-strong hybrid (SSH) ordination common species, germinating in samples from all
on the untransformed species abundance data using flood frequency zones and sample times (Table 1).
Bray–Curtis dissimilarity measures. These multivari- Asteraceae seedlings in the annual forb group, e.g.
ate analyses were performed in PATN (Belbin, 1995). Calotis hispidula, Centipeda minima and Pseudognapha-
Three dimensions were used for the ordination and lium luteoalbum, were the second most abundant
default options were selected throughout. The ‘good- family germinating during the trials. The annual
ness of fit’ of SSH ordinations can be assessed via a monocot Cyperus difformis and the perennial monocot
stress value computed by PATN in conjunction with a Cyperus bifax, both belonging to the Cyperaceae
solution. Stress for the ordinations presented here family, were also frequently recorded from most
were below the recommended upper value of 0.2 samples as were the annual forbs Ammania multiflora
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212 S.J. Capon and M.A. Brock
Table 1 Common species germinating from soil seed bank samples in each flood frequency zone at each sample time

February May October


Alternanthera nodiflora d d d d
Ammania multiflora d d d d d d d
Arabidella eremingena d
Aristida contorta d d d d d d
Calotis hispidula d d d d d
Centaurium spicatum d d d
Centipeda minima d d d
Chloris pectinata d d
Cullen cinereum d d d
Cyperus bifax d d d d d d d d d
Cyperus difformis d d d d d d
Daucus glochidiatus d d d d d d
Echinochloa turneriana d
Eragrostis tenellula d d d d d d d d d
Eriochloa crebra d
Haloragis aspera
Iseilema sp. d
Mimulus gracilis d d d d d d d d
Panicum decompositum d d
Phyllanthus virgatus d
Plantago cunninghamii d
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum d d d d
Spergularia rubra d
Trigonella suavissima d
Wahlenbergia gracilis d d d

Symbols indicate that species was amongst the 10 most abundant germinating from these samples (families for each species are listed
in the Appendix).
NC, near-channel zone; MF, mid-floodplain zone; FF, far-floodplain zone.

(Lythraceae), Alternanthera nodiflora (Amaranthaceae) near-channel zone. Furthermore, the abundance of

and Daucus glochidiatus (Apiaceae). both monocot groups differed significantly between
flood frequency zones with annuals occurring most
frequently and perennials least frequently in samples
Temporal and spatial patterns in soil seed bank
from the near-channel zone (Fig. 5, Table 2).
At the family level, sample time had a significant
Sample time did not have a significant effect on either effect on seed abundance of three annual forb families
species richness or total seed abundance of the (Table 3). The abundance of Fabaceae seedlings was
germinable soil seed bank, although seed abundance significantly lower in samples from the second survey
did tend to decline in samples from the near-channel time and Asteraceae seedlings germinated least fre-
zone at the third sample time (Fig. 4, Table 2). quently and Portulacaceae seedlings most frequently
Samples from the near-channel zone also had signi- in samples from the third sample time (Fig. 6,
ficantly higher total seed abundance than those from Table 3). In the perennial monocot group, seedlings
the mid-floodplain or far-floodplain zones (Fig. 4, belonging to the Poaceae family were also signifi-
Table 2). However, species richness did not differ cantly more abundant in samples from the third
significantly with flood frequency zone (Fig. 4, Ta- sample time and were present only in samples from
ble 2). None of the major plant groups exhibited the far-floodplain zone during the first and second
significant changes in seed abundance between sam- sample times (Fig. 6, Table 3). Seed abundances of
ple times, but a reduction in annual monocots and nine other families differed significantly between
forbs was apparent in the third sample time for the flood frequency zones including the annual forb
 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 51, 206–223
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Soil seed banks of an arid floodplain 213
(a) 20 seed bank composition correlated strongly with the
abundance of common annual monocot species with
Species richness ± SE

15 high abundances of the grasses E. tenellula and Iseilema

sp. correlating with the position in the ordination
10 space of samples from the near-channel zone, the
sedge C. difformis with those from the mid-floodplain
5 zone and the grasses Aristida contorta, Chloris pectinata
and Eragrostis parviflora with far-floodplain samples
(Fig. 7, Table 4). Amongst the common annual forb
(b) species, Calotis hispidula (Asteraceae) correlated with
Near channel
300 Mid floodplain samples from the near-channel zones, Trigonella suav-
Seed abundance ± SE

Far floodplain issima (Fabaceae) and D. glochidiatus (Apiaceae) with

the mid-floodplain zone and Alternanthera nodiflora
150 and Centipeda minima (Asteraceae) with the far-flood-
plain zone (Fig. 7, Table 4).

0 Comparison of the soil seed bank and extant vegetation

Feb May Oct
Sample time A total of 99 species were recorded in both the soil
seed bank germination trials and the extant vegetation
Fig. 4 (a) Mean species richness and (b) mean total seed abun-
dance of soil seed bank samples from each flood frequency zone
surveys across all three sample times. Of these, 39
at each sample time. Error bars indicate standard error. species were common to both (Appendix). Seventeen
species were observed only from the soil seed bank,
including the five unidentified species which germi-
families Fabaceae, Campanulaceae and Caryophylla- nated in very low numbers. The remainder included
ceae which all exhibited significantly higher abun- five annual monocot species [Cyperus pygmaeus and
dances in samples from the near-channel zone (Fig. 6, an unknown Cyperus spp. (Cyperaceae) and Aristida
Table 3). Conversely, Amaranthaceae seedlings were contorta, Elytrophorus spicatus and Eragrostis basedowii
most abundant in samples from the far-floodplain (Poaceae)], five annual forb species [C. minima and
zone and Lythraceae seedlings increased in abun- Pterocaulon sphacelatum (Asteraceae), Eryngium plant-
dance with decreasing flood frequency (Fig. 6, Ta- agineum (Apiaceae), Arabidella eremigena (Brassicaceae)
ble 3). Seedlings belonging to the Haloragaceae family and Mollugo cerviana (Molluginaceae)], one perennial
in the perennial monocot group were significantly monocot [Paspalidium jubiflorum (Poaceae)] and one
more abundant in the mid-floodplain samples (Fig. 6, perennial forb species [Minuria denticulata (Astera-
Table 3). Amongst the monocots, both annual and ceae)]. A much higher number of species (43) was
perennial species belonging to the Cyperaceae family observed only in the extant vegetation. Almost two
germinated least frequently in samples from the near- thirds of these were perennial species belonging to the
channel zone while those belonging to the Poaceae perennial monocot, perennial forb, perennial sub-
family in the annual monocot group were significantly shrub and shrub groups. In particular, sub-shrubs
more abundant in these samples (Fig. 6, Table 3). (e.g. Sclerolaena spp. and Atriplex spp.) and shrubs,
Clear temporal changes in overall soil seed bank including the dominant species Chenopodium aurico-
composition were not evident from the ordination but mum and M. florulenta, were recorded only from the
samples did separate in the ordination space with extant vegetation (Appendix).
relation to flood frequency zone (Fig. 7). The compo- Soil seed bank samples tended to resemble each
sition of the germinable soil seed bank from the far- other in composition more than they did the extant
floodplain zone appears to be particularly distinctive plant communities at corresponding locations or
whilst considerable overlap is evident in the compo- sample times. The ordination of species presence
sition of samples from the near-channel and mid- and absence data indicates that the overall composi-
floodplain zones. This spatial differentiation of soil tion of soil seed bank samples was quite distinct from
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214 S.J. Capon and M.A. Brock
Table 2 Summary of two-way A N O V A s
Homogeneous investigating effects of sample time and
subsets for flood flood frequency zone on species richness,
frequency zone† total seed abundance and the abundance
of seeds in each major plant group
Source d.f.* F P NC MF FF

Species richness
Time 2 0.034 0.966
Flood frequency zone 2 0.114 0.893 a a a
Time · flood frequency zone 4 0.233 0.917
Total seed abundance
Time 2 0.930 0.407
Flood frequency zone 2 4.108 0.028 a b ab
Time · flood frequency zone 4 1.519 0.225
Annual forbs
Time 2 1.189 0.320
Flood frequency zone 2 2.450 0.105 a a a
Time · flood frequency zone 4 2.269 0.088
Annual monocots
Time 2 1.044 0.366
Flood frequency zone 2 5.518 0.010 a b b
Time · flood frequency zone 4 0.599 0.667
Perennial forbs
Time 2 1.519 0.237
Flood frequency zone 2 0.815 0.453 a a a
Time · flood frequency zone 4 0.485 0.746
Perennial monocots
Time 2 2.565 0.095
Flood frequency zone 2 6.296 0.006 a b b
Time · flood frequency zone 4 0.0.75 0.989

*Numerator only is reported here as in all tests the denominator ¼ 27.

Determined by Tukey’s b test: NC, near-channel; MF, mid-floodplain; FF, far-flood-

that of extant vegetation samples (Fig. 8). The com- third sample time after drying. At all times, simi-
position of extant plant communities shifted substan- larity between the soil seed bank and extant veget-
tially following flooding and subsequent drying, as ation tended to be higher in samples from the
illustrated by the trajectories of samples within the near-channel zone and lowest in those from the far-
ordination space. Extant vegetation composition floodplain zone.
appeared to become more similar to that of the soil
seed bank over this time which is particularly appar-
ent in the position within the ordination space of Discussion
extant vegetation samples from the mid-floodplain
Soil seed bank composition
and far-floodplain zones at the third sample time
(Fig. 8). The similarity of soil seed bank samples and The results indicate that the Cooper Creek floodplain
their corresponding extant plant communities, as has a large and diverse soil seed bank composed
indicated by Sorenson’s similarity index, was signifi- predominantly of seeds belonging to annual monocot
cantly influenced by both sample time (F2,27 ¼ 10.046, and forb species. The dominance of graminoid species
P ¼ 0.001) and flood history zone (F2,27 ¼ 4.182, P ¼ observed here is typical of soil seed banks in tempor-
0.026) (Fig. 9). Although significant interaction be- ary wetlands as is the absence of woody species (Leck,
tween these factors was found (F2,27 ¼ 2.960, P ¼ 1989; LaDeau & Ellison, 1999; Rossell & Wells, 1999).
0.038), similarity clearly increased following flooding It is possible that viable seeds of some species not
in samples from all flood frequency zones and, in observed as seedlings during this study were present
the far-floodplain samples, increased again at the in the soil seed bank but their germination require-

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Soil seed banks of an arid floodplain 215
(a) 250 Annual forbs
Annual monocots
Temporal and spatial patterns in soil seed bank
Seed abundance ± SE

Perennial forbs
150 Perennial monocots
The major flood event during this study had little
100 effect on the composition of the germinable soil seed
50 bank despite evidence in the extant vegetation of
extensive germination following inundation (Capon,
2003). Annual species belonging to the Fabaceae
(b) 250 family were the sole group for which a significant
decline in seed abundance was observed directly after
Seed abundance ± SE

flooding and, following the subsequent drying period,
150 seed numbers amongst these species had returned to
100 their previous levels. Wetland plants often have fast
growth rates and rapid life cycles, especially in
response to flooding (Blom & Voesenek, 1996).
Consequently, local replenishment of the soil seed
(c) 250 bank may have occurred in other species prior to the
second sample time. Further additions to the soil seed
Seed abundance ± SE

bank before this sample time are likely to have
150 resulted from widespread seed dispersal by flood-
100 waters. The lack of temporal change in response to
flooding may also reflect the low proportion of seeds
expected to germinate in a single germination event
0 (Brock & Rogers, 1998; Brock, 1998; Leck & Brock,
Feb May Oct
2000; Haukos & Smith, 2001).
Sample time
However, some differences in soil seed bank com-
Fig. 5 Mean seed abundance in major plant groups for each position were apparent between the second and third
sample time in (a) near-channel zone sites, (b) mid-floodplain sample times, following the period of drying. These
zone sites and (c) far-floodplain zone sites. Error bars indicate
included a decline in the abundance of annual forbs
standard error.
and monocots germinating from near-channel zone
samples, although propagules of these groups were
ments were not met under glasshouse conditions. probably present in higher numbers in samples from
However, due to the long incubation period of the earlier survey times as a result of germination and
sediments through a range of temperatures and the seed production following the small flood which
total absence of shrub or sub-shrub seedlings in the occurred prior to the survey period. It is likely that the
germination trials, it seems unlikely that species in subsequent reduction occurred as a result of scouring
these groups could rely on persistent soil seed banks which could be expected to be greater in this zone.
for recruitment in the Cooper Creek floodplain. Perennial grasses and annual forbs belonging to the
Conversely, the persistence of many short-lived Portulacaceae family also increased in abundance in
annual monocot and forb species in this unpredictable samples from the third sample time from all flood
environment is probably facilitated largely by abun- frequency zones. Such increases may have resulted
dant soil seed banks. The actual size of the viable soil from wind dispersal during the intervening period
seed bank is likely to have been underestimated by and could reflect the timing of seed fall amongst adult
the seedling emergence method employed here as, in plants in these species. However, the absence of
many wetland plants, only a fraction of viable seeds germinable perennial grass seeds in samples from the
germinate in response to any one germination event near-channel and mid-floodplain zones during the
leaving substantial stores of seed from year to year first and second sample times suggests that soil seed
despite depletion by germination (Brock, 1998; Brock banks in these species may be transient rather than
& Rogers, 1998; Leck & Brock, 2000). long lived and persistent (Thompson & Grime, 1979).
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216 S.J. Capon and M.A. Brock
Table 3 Summary of two-way A N O V A s
Homogeneous investigating effects of sample time and
subsets for flood
flood frequency zone on seed abundance
frequency zone†
of forb and monocot families. Only those
Source d.f.* F P NC MF FF forb families where a significant effect
(P < 0.05) was found are shown.
Annual forbs
Time 2 0.156 0.857
Flood frequency zone 2 14.218 <0.001 b a c
Time · flood frequency zone 4 0.501 0.735
Time 2 6.632 0.005
Flood frequency zone 2 1.397 0.265 a a a
Time · flood frequency zone 4 1.467 0.240
Time 2 2.493 0.102
Flood frequency zone 2 31.069 <0.001 a b b
Time · flood frequency zone 4 1.280 0.302
Time 2 0.771 0.473
Flood frequency zone 2 5.565 0.009 a b b
Time · flood frequency zone 4 0.320 0.862
Time 2 7.005 0.004
Flood frequency zone 2 14.596 <0.001 a b b
Time · flood frequency zone 4 0.829 0.518
Time 2 1.463 0.249
Flood frequency zone 2 5.439 0.010 a ab b
Time · flood frequency zone 4 1.546 0.217
Time 2 4.821 0.016
Flood frequency zone 2 0.916 0.412 a a a
Time · flood frequency zone 4 1.141 0.358
Perennial forbs
Time 2 1.632 2.14
Flood frequency zone 2 4.710 0.018 ab b b
Time · flood frequency zone 4 2.078 0.111
Annual monocots
Time 2 0.951 0.399
Flood frequency zone 2 11.527 <0.001 a b b
Time · flood frequency zone 4 0.492 0.742
Time 2 0.355 0.704
Flood frequency zone 2 12.721 <0.001 a b b
Time · flood frequency zone 4 0.744 0.571
Perennial monocots
Time 2 1.627 0.215
Flood frequency zone 2 8.666 <0.001 a b b
Time · flood frequency zone 4 0.261 0.834
Time 2 14.231 <0.001
Flood frequency zone 2 1.385 0.268 a a a
Time · flood frequency zone 4 0.174 0.950

*Numerator only is reported here as in all tests the denominator ¼ 27.

Determined by Tukey’s b test: NC, near-channel; MF, mid-floodplain; FF, far-floodplain.

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Soil seed banks of an arid floodplain 217

(a) (b)
60 60 Near channel

Seed abundance
Mid floodplain
40 40 Far floodplain

± SE 20 20

0 0

(c) (d)
60 60
Seed abundance

40 40
± SE

20 20

0 0

(e) (f)
Seed abundance

200 200
± SE

100 100

0 0

(g) (h)
Seed abundance

± SE

100 100

0 0
Feb May Oct Feb May Oct

Sample time

Fig. 6 Mean seed abundance in samples from each flood frequency zone and sample time for annual forb families: (a) Amaranthaceae,
(b) Asteraceae, (c) Fabaceae and (d) Lythraceae; annual monocot families; (e) Cyperaceae and (f) Poaceae; and perennial monocot
families; (g) Cyperaceae and (h) Poaceae. Error bars indicate standard error. Data for the annual forb families Campanulaceae,
Caryophyllaceae and Portulacaceae and the perennial forb family Haloragaceae have been omitted from this figure due to small
sample sizes.

Finally, the significant reduction of seeds belonging to dominate the extant vegetation (Capon, 2003, 2005).
the Asteraceae family in samples from the third Annual grasses which are able to complete their life
sample time was probably due to germination as cycles rapidly in periods intervening flood events are
many of these species are known to germinate in generally most common in more frequently flooded
response to winter temperatures (Cunningham et al., areas of floodplains (Menges, 1986; Capon, 2003, 2005)
1992). and this was reflected by their high seed abundance in
Although flooding did not alter soil seed bank the soil seed bank of the near-channel zone. Soil seed
composition substantially during the sample period, bank samples from the near-channel zone also had
some spatial differentiation was evident with relation significantly higher total seed abundance and greater
to flood frequency. This can be attributed partially to abundance of several annual forb families than those
variations in the extant vegetation which have devel- from the less frequently flooded areas. It is likely that
oped as a result of differences in flood frequency and more frequent and prolonged inundation in this zone
duration. Perennial grasses, for example, were most leads to more reproductively successful germination
abundant in the soil seed bank of the far-floodplain events, providing greater local additions to the soil
zone where flooding is rare and these species tend to seed bank. More frequent additions of seeds dis-
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218 S.J. Capon and M.A. Brock
(a) (b)

Axis 2

Axis 1 Axis 1

Fig. 7 Ordination of sites by seed abundance of species and species vectors significantly correlating with the ordination space. (a) SSH
ordination (stress ¼ 0.157). Symbol shape indicates flood frequency zone; ¼ near-channel, d ¼ mid-floodplain and ¼ far-
floodplain. Shading signifies sample time; black ¼ February, grey ¼ May and open symbols ¼ October. (b) Species vectors. Species
indicated by each number are provided in Table 4.

Table 4 Species correlating significantly to the ordination

(Fig. 7) as indicated by the Monte-Carlo randomisation proce-

ID Species Plant
(Fig. 7b) name group Family

1 Calotis hispidula** af Asteraceae

2 Wahlenbergia gracilis*** af Campanulaceae
3 Eragrostis tenellula** am Poaceae
Axis 2

4 Spergularia rubra** af Caryophyllaceae

5 Cullen cinereum*** af Fabaceae
6 Iseilema sp.** am Poaceae
7 Cyperus bifax*** pm Cyperaceae
8 Centipeda minima* af Asteraceae
9 Calotis porphyroglossa* af Asteraceae
10 Alternanthera nodiflora*** af Amaranthaceae
11 Chloris pectinata* am Poaceae
12 Eragrostis parviflora* am Poaceae
13 Ammania multiflora*** af Lythraceae
14 Aristida contorta*** am Poaceae
15 Dicanthium sericeum* pm Poaceae Axis 1
16 Sida rohlenae* pf Malvaceae
Fig. 8 Ordination of species presence and absence (stress ¼
17 Leiocarpa brevicompta* af Asteraceae
0.18) in the extant vegetation (open symbols) and soil seed bank
18 Senecio lautus*** af Asteraceae
(closed symbols). Samples from each flood frequency zone are
19 Trigonella suavissima** af Fabaceae
indicated by symbols: ¼ near-channel, d ¼ mid-floodplain
20 Daucus glochidiatus* af Apiaceae
and ¼ far-floodplain. Numbers indicate sample times (i.e.
21 Elytrophorus spicatus* am Poaceae
1 ¼ February, 2 ¼ May and 3 ¼ October).
22 Cyperus difformis*** am Cyperaceae
23 Centaurium spicatum* af Gentianaceae
24 Calotis multicaulus* af Asteraceae persed by floodwaters could also contribute to the
higher seed abundance of the soil seed bank in the
Plant group (af, annual forb; pf, perennial forb; am, annual
monocot; pm, perennial monocot) and family are also given. near-channel zone, although this could be offset by
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. losses due to scouring. Many of the most common
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Soil seed banks of an arid floodplain 219
50 ing flood frequency of sites. However, the widespread
distribution of common species throughout the soil
Similarity index (%)

seed bank of all flood frequency zones implies that

plant communities across the flood frequency gradi-
ent have the potential to respond to flooding with
20 similar shifts in composition. The soil seed bank of the
Cooper Creek floodplain also contains seeds of species
Far-floodplain more akin to desert ephemerals which are likely to
contribute to the extant vegetation following rainfall
February May October during drier periods (Freas & Kemp, 1983; Henderson
Sample time et al., 1988). Members of the Asteraceae family, in
particular, germinate in winter months when floods
Fig. 9 Mean similarity index (%) of soil seed bank samples and are rare and these probably account for the higher
extant vegetation in each flood frequency zone at each sample
time. Error bars indicate standard error.
similarity observed between the soil seed bank and
extant vegetation of the far-floodplain zone at the
October sample time.
species germinating from the soil seed bank in this In contrast with annual species, perennial plants of
study were distributed throughout samples from all the Cooper Creek floodplain do not appear to depend
flood frequency zones (Table 1) and the absence of on soil seed banks for persistence. Perennial species
further spatial patterns in soil seed bank composition were poorly represented in soil seed bank samples
may be attributed to widespread dispersal of seeds by and shrub and sub-shrub species were completely
wind or floodwaters during large events (Haukos & absent despite their prevalence in the extant veget-
Smith, 1994; Brock, 1998). ation. Long-lived species may allocate more resources
to tolerance rather than avoidance of disturbances
such as droughts and floods via physiological or
Contribution of the soil seed bank to vegetation
morphological traits, e.g. adventitious roots (Blom &
Voesenek, 1996). Reproduction in many perennial
Desert floodplains are characterised by highly vari- plants of the Cooper Creek floodplain may be
able flooding regimes (Walker, Sheldon & Puckridge, predominantly vegetative and propagules resulting
1995; Puckridge et al., 1998) and plants inhabiting from sexual reproduction might be short-lived or
these environments must persist through periods of stored in aerial seed banks. In some desert plants,
both drought and inundation. Soil seed banks enable seeds are held in the canopies of dead plants and are
plants to escape from the stresses associated with such released in response to rainfall (Baskin & Baskin, 1998;
disturbances and contribute to the extant vegetation Narita & Wada, 1998). The timing of sexual reproduc-
when conditions are suitable for their germination tion in some species may coincide with conditions
and growth (Bonis et al., 1995; Blom & Voesenek, favourable for germination and establishment, e.g.
1996). Germination in many wetland plants occurs drawdown (Blom et al., 1990). The dominant shrub,
when sediments are waterlogged rather than sub- M. florulenta, for example, persists through drought in
merged (van der Valk, 1981; Welling, Pederson & van a vegetatively dormant state and produces leaves and
der Valk, 1988; Baskin & Baskin, 1998) and it is likely, flowers in response to rainfall or flooding (Roberts &
therefore, that many of the annual species residing in Marston, 2000). Dispersal of seeds from neighbouring
the soil seed bank of the Cooper Creek floodplain land systems such as sand dunes may also contribute
contribute to the extant vegetation predominantly to the recruitment of perennial plant species.
during the moist conditions following floodwater In summary, soil seed banks appear likely to
recession before drought or further inundation occur. contribute substantially to flow-related vegetation
Greater concordance between the soil seed bank and dynamics of the Cooper Creek floodplain, partic-
the extant vegetation which developed after flooding ularly with regards to short-term shifts in composi-
was apparent in this study both temporally and tion of the annual grass and forb communities which
spatially as similarity tended to decline with decreas- dominate this landscape. The lack of temporal
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220 S.J. Capon and M.A. Brock
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received from the people of Windorah, particularly the J.D. (2003) Drought and aquatic community resilience:
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Appendix List of species recorded from the soil seed bank of the Cooper Creek floodplain

Plant group Family Species name Species author*

Annual forbs Amaranthaceae Alternanthera nodiflora R. Br.

Apiaceae Daucus glochidiatus (Labill.) Fisch., C.A. Mey & Ave-Lall.
Eryngium plantagineum† F. Muell.
Asteraceae Calotis hispidula (F. Muell.) F. Meull.
Calotis multicaulis
Calotis porphyroglossa F. Muell. Ex Benth.
Centipeda minima† (L.) A. Braun & Asch. var. minima

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Soil seed banks of an arid floodplain 223
Appendix (Continued)

Plant group Family Species name Species author*

Leiocarpa brevicompta (F. Muell.) Paul G. Wilson

Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (L.) Hilliard & B.L. Burtt
Pterocaulon sphacelatum† (Labill.) F. Muell.
Senecio lautus G. Forst. Ex Willd.
Brassicaceae Arabidella eremigena† (F. Muell) E.A. Shaw
Lepidium sagittulatum Thell.
Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia gracilis (G. Forst.) A.DC.
Caryophyllaceae Spergularia rubra (L.) J. Presl & C. Presl
Convolvulaceae Ipomea diamantinensis J.M. Black ex Eardley
Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus virgatus G. Forst.
Fabaceae Aeschynomene indica L.
Cullen cinereum (Lindl.) J.W. Grimes
Trigonella suavissima Lindl.
Gentianaceae Centaurium spicatum (L.) Fritsch ex Janch.
Lythraceae Ammania multiflora Roxb.
Molluginaceae Mollugo cerviana† (L.) Ser.
Plantaginaceae Plantago cunninghamii Decne.
Portulacaceae Portulaca oleracea L.
Annual monocots Cyperaceae Cyperus difformis L.
Cyperus pygmaeus† Rottb.
Poaceae Aristida contorta† F. Muell.
Chloris pectinata Benth.
Dactyloctenium radulans (R. Br.) P. Beauv.
Echinocholoa turneriana (Domin) J.M. Black
Elytrophorus spicatus† (Willd.) A. Camus
Eragrostis basedowii† Jedwabn.
Eragrostis parviflora (R. Br.) Trin.
Eragrostis tenellula (Kunth) Steud.
Iseilema sp.
Perennial forbs Asteraceae Minuria denticulata† (DC.) Benth.
Goodeniaceae Goodenia fascicularis F. Muell & Tate
Haloragaceae Haloragis aspera Lindl.
Malvaceae Sida rohlenae Domin subsp. Rohlenae
Marsileaceae Marsilea drummondii A. Braun
Scrophulariaceae Mimulus gracilis R. Br.
Verbenaceae Verbena officinalis L.
Perennial monocots Cyperaceae Cyperus bifax C.B. Clarke
Eleocharis sp.
Poaceae Dicanthium sericeum (R. Br.) A. Camus subsp. Sericeum
Eragrostis eriopoda Benth.
Eriochloa crebra S.T. Blake
Panicum decompositum R. Br. var. decompositum
Paspalidium jubiflorum† (Trin.) Hughes

*Nomenclature follows Henderson (2002).

Indicates species present in soil seed bank only.

 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 51, 206–223

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