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Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 109 (2021) 110231

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Epigenetics: A missing link between early life stress and depression

Mario F. Juruena a, b, *, Romayne Gadelrab b, Anthony J. Cleare a, b, Allan H. Young a, b
Centre for Affective Disorders, Department of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London, Denmark Hill, London
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM), UK


Research has suggested a relationship between early life stress, and depression in particular longer episodes of depression with treatment resistant outcomes.
However, the underlying mechanisms for this association remain poorly understood. Molecular studies indicate that, in general, the hereditary character of psy­
chiatric disorders are polygenic, multifactorial and highly complex, with innumerable low-effect genetic variants interacting with each other. In addition, the
importance of the environment and its interaction with genes has pointed to a fundamental role of epigenetic mechanisms in psychiatric disorders, such as
methylation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), alterations, histone actions and regulation of gene expression by non-coding ribonucleic acids (RNAs). This article
provides an overview of the interplay of epigenetics, the HPA axis, early life stress and the development of depression. Advances in our knowledge of epigenetics in
the context of early life stress and depression provide a new understanding of the genetic influence on psychopathology and could lead to the identification of new
targets for clinical intervention.

1. Introduction 2017). However, understanding how early life stress may contribute to
depression through the model of epigenetics, brings a new under­
The hereditary character of psychiatric disorders has been known for standing to the disorder and a potential target for further research and
years, but the specific genetic bases responsible for the risk and possible treatment. It’s important to establish a correlation between the
vulnerability to them are still being studied. The field of neuroscience various studies of the human brain, which analyze neuroplasticity,
has grown a lot thanks to the emergence of new techniques in genetics epigenetics, genetics, circuits and neurotransmitters, thus enabling a
and neuroimaging that have allowed the study of brain activation pat­ new interpretation of mental illnesses.
terns “in vivo”, in the most diverse life situations, and during the per­ Our aim is to review the epigenetic relationship between early life
formance of different tasks (Hillman, 2007).Today, it is possible with the stress and depressive disorders. The literature demonstrated it is a strong
resources of molecular biology, to analyze genetic material, manipu­ example of a field of study that can be more fully understood from an
lating the expression of selected genes, visualise synapses, neural integrative perspective. We hypothesised that Early stressful life events
sprouting, studying the electrical activity of nerve cells, ion channels, play an important role in the pathogenesis of depression, being well
neurotransmitters, neuroreceptors and much more. These technological established as acute triggers of psychiatric illness. The methods are
advances plus transdisciplinary cooperation, the possibility for online limited, as do not follow a systematic methodology or metanalysis, but
communication, and research through networked databases, has made it reflect the limitations in the field. However, all titles and abstracts were
possible for neurosciences to achieve a complex and integrated approach reviewed initially, and the selection criteria related to our aim and hy­
to understanding the human mind. Due to this mutual cooperation be­ pothesis outlined above was applied. Only articles published in English
tween scholars, the term epigenetics came to gain prominence in the language peer-reviewed journals were considered for inclusion, while all
scientific world as “non-genetic inheritance”, and its meaning - epi (from of the full-text articles were examined. Thus, in this review article we
the Greek: επί-over = above) - genetics = epigenetics = “above of ge­ summarize the main reported findings about the consequences of ELS in
netics “- that is to say “the study of changes produced in gene expression HPA axis functioning and in the responsivity of MR/GR receptors in
caused by mechanisms other than changes in the sequence of DNA depression.
bases”(Waddington, 1956). It has been well researched that Early life
stress can contribute to development of depression later in life. (Liu,

* Corresponding author at: Centre for Affective Disorders, Department of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s
College London, Room M3.24, PO72, 16 De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8AF, UK.
E-mail address: mario.juruena@kcl.ac.uk (M.F. Juruena).

Received 30 September 2020; Received in revised form 6 December 2020; Accepted 21 December 2020
Available online 28 December 2020
0278-5846/© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
M.F. Juruena et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 109 (2021) 110231

2. Epigenetics consequence is the silencing of a specific region of DNA, preventing the

synthesis of proteins that would characterize its activation. Thus, this
The concept of epigenetics arose in the 1940s, with biologist Conrad epigenetic mechanism would produce stable changes in the production
Waddington, to describe the interaction between genes and the envi­ of proteins in that region of DNA, permanently altering the expression of
ronment that allows the emergence of phenotypes (Deans and Maggert, genetic inheritance (Rutten and Mill, 2009; Sweatt, 2009), see Fig. 1.
2015) Today, epigenetic events are defined as: “the structural adapta­ Epigenetic phenomena play a critical role in regulating neural
tion of chromosomal regions so as to register, signal or perpetuate functions, not only in the brains of children, but also in the brains of
altered activity states” (Bird, 2007) Epigenetics refers to the regulation adults, so that the influences of the environment on the action and
of DNA transcription without alteration of the original sequence and is expression of the genetic load remain in progress throughout life. The
controlled by DNA methylation, histone modification and non-coding epigenetic model offers a general explanation for the gradual con­
RNAs (Jaenisch and Bird, 2003; Ptak and Petronis, 2010). struction of vulnerability, which begins with exposure to harmful
Epigenetic mechanisms consider the interaction between the in­ environmental factors in early periods of development, passes through
dividual’s genetic heritage and environmental factors, analyzing this the modification of gene expression as a result of this exposure, and
process as intracellular changes in the expression of genetic material, reaches cell physiology and the functioning of the organism that confer
which culminate in determining the characteristics exhibited by the an increased risk for the development of the disease (Jirtle and Skinner,
individual. Epigenetic mechanisms concern, fundamentally, the means 2007; Borelli et al., 2008).
and processes by which the biological determination of the organism is
updated and expressed throughout its development (Rutter et al., 2006; 3. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis
Dudley et al., 2011).
Evidence that epigenetic mechanisms are at play in humans with With the introduction of the analysis of variations in the expression
depression and childhood adversity are the increases in epigenetic of genetic heritage, researchers have been forced to reformulate their
marks found in brain and in white cells in these individual (McGowan hypotheses and to increasingly consider the influence of the environ­
et al., 2009) Thus, sensitization and cross sensitization to stressors, ep­ ment. If the environment is valued as an important element in the causal
isodes, and abuse substances would appear to involve the accumulation chain that, as we have seen, does not lead directly to the disease, but
of pathological epigenetic marks on DNA, histones, or microRNA confers different degrees of vulnerability and resilience, one can argue in
(Meaney and Syzf, 2005; Labonte et al., 2013). favor of the social dimension in contemporary biological knowledge.
The epigenetic alteration of DNA, that is, its gene expression, can Several biological mechanisms have been involved in the patho­
occur due to different processes, such as phosphorylation, acetylation physiology of depression; in this work the focus is on the Hypothalamic-
and methylation. DNA methylation is one of the most researched Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis.
epigenetic mechanisms in the field and consists, in general, in the Activation of the HPA axis is essentially the main adaptive mecha­
addition of a chemical element (a methyl group) to a specific region of nism that allows the human body to maintain physiological stability in
DNA. According to current hypotheses, methylation is a common pro­ response to signs of general tension (stress) (Cozma et al., 2017). The
cess in the embryonic phase and throughout development, and its main importance of this system is underlined by its conservation through

Fig. 1. Diagram of the epigenetic properties of cortisol and the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) stimulation, this receptor exists in almost every tissue of the human
body, at the cytoplasm with chaperonin proteins with numerous proteins (HSP56, HSP90). After cortisol the glucocorticoid (GC) bind as GR ligands. Then the GR
experiences an alteration disconnected from the HSP and migrated to the cell nucleus from the cytoplasm, modulating negatively or positively to alter the gene
transcription. GC also appear to exert its effects directly in the cell mitochondria. (Adapted from Juruena, 2014.)

M.F. Juruena et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 109 (2021) 110231

species and the maintenance of the dynamic response capacity episode have elevated baseline cortisol levels associated with the re­
throughout life. The dynamics of the HPA axis require a strictly sponses of the hormones ACTH and cortisol (Burke et al., 2005; Juruena
controlled balance of excitation and inhibition for an adequate response et al., 2009). This is justified when one observes the effect of axis hy­
to stress and adaptation to environmental demand (Herman et al., peractivity in these depressed people. Hyperactivity is perceived by
2016). increased concentrations of cortisol in plasma, saliva, urine and cere­
The HPA axis has gained more prominence in studies, where this axis brospinal fluid (CSF). It can also be perceived by the exaggerated
plays a fundamental role in responding to external and internal stimuli, response of cortisol after stimulation with adrenocorticotropic hormone
including psychological stressors (Juruena, 2014). HPA axis activity has and enlargement of the pituitary and adrenal glands followed by nega­
been identified as a key biological marker of risk for depression tive feedback to the axis that results in the blocking of circulating
(LeMoult et al., 2015). Substantial literature has documented the link cortisol flags. Fig. 2 illustrates this process of negative feedback from the
between major depressive disorder and abnormalities in HPA activity Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis (Juruena et al., 2017).
(Krishnan and Nestler, 2008; Juruena, 2014; Gerritsen et al., 2017; In stressful situations, the human body starts a cascade of events in
Wichmann et al., 2017). Most of what is known about the functioning of the HPA axis - CRH is released by the hypothalamus, triggering adre­
the HPA axis in depressed individuals is based on studies of HPA axis nocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release by the pituitary, which, finally,
activity and pharmacological challenge studies designed to test negative stimulates the release of cortisol into the bloodstream by the adrenal
feedback mechanisms on the HPA axis, such as the dexamethasone cortex. Cortisol, to start its action, needs to bind to its intracellular re­
suppression test (Ferguson et al., 2017; van Neijenhof et al., 2018) and ceptors – 2 different types: type I or mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and
the prednisolone suppression test (Juruena et al., 2006, 2009, 2010). type II or glucocorticoid receptor (GR; Juruena, 2014; De Kloet et al.,
Conclusions from this study suggest that a subset of individuals with 2005; Joëls et al., 2009). Under stressful situations, hippocampal, hy­
major depressive disorder in melancholic and/or treatment resistant pothalamic and pituitary GRs start binding to cortisol (Carroll et al.,

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal (HPA) Axis negative feedback. It describes HPA axis regulation and negative feedback (− ) of cortisol
via glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) and mineralocorticoid receptors (MRs). Including Hippocampus, Amygdala, Raphe Nucleus, Locus Coeruleus and relation via
serotonin (5HT) and Noradrenaline (NA) with GR/MRs and Adrenal Hormones. (Adapted from Juruena et al., 2017).

M.F. Juruena et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 109 (2021) 110231

1976). When cortisol binds to MR and GR, it acts to suppress the of development, which cannot be reversed or repeated in a later period
increased excitability, to recover from the stress-induced activation, and (Lupien et al., 2009). While each sub-region follows a careful sequential
to start the reactive feedback and the facilitation of mnemonic formation development schedule, it must be synchronized, with time, with other
(Juruena et al., 2013). Recent systematic review (Berardelli et al., 2020) interconnected regions, so that the final product results intact and fit in
found that HPA axis activity is involved in suicide risk, with or without the mature structure. The greatest task of the developing brain is to
psychiatric conditions. The HPA axis dysfunction, as HPA axis hyper­ establish correct patterns of connections in a given period of time,
activity, may influence on suicide risk. Assessing HPA axis dysregulation without which there will be distortions in the coordinated maturation of
might represent a fruitful strategy for identifying new treatment targets different brain components that will lead to the disruption of ordered
and improving suicide risk prediction (Berardelli et al., 2020). growth, thus compromising the elaboration of the neural circuit (Lupien
Substantial evidence then indicates that chronic elevation of cortisol et al., 2009).
levels and dysfunction of the HPA axis feedback system play a prominent The literature suggests ELS as a predictive factor for the development
role in responses to stress. However, chronic activation of the HPA axis and onset of psychiatric disorders in adults (Martins-Monteverde et al.,
induces damage and pathological responses (Palma et al., 2007). 2019). Early life stress refers to traumatic incidents that occur during
Because of this, cortisol has been routinely used as a biomarker of psy­ childhood and adolescence and is defined differently depending on the
chological stress and related mental or physical illnesses. Cortisol is author or questionnaire used to measure it. These incidents range from
produced by the adrenal cortex in response to a stimulus on the HPA experiencing childhood adversities and maltreatment such as abuse,
axis, and acts on glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors. In the parental divorce or death, being in a traumatic accident and deprivation
central nervous system, MR receptors appear to be more expressed in of food (Bernstein et al., 2003).
limbic regions, especially the hippocampus, while GRs are expressed In agreement with Bernstein et al. (2003) childhood maltreatment
diffusely in the brain (Herman et al., 1989). Most studies consider, for may be subdivided into the following domains:
example, salivary cortisol levels as a reliable measure of adaptation of
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to stress (Castro et al., 2000). A. Physical abuse: physical aggression by someone older, with the risk
The term stress is used to encompass the psychophysical challenges of or result of injury.
encountered in daily life, that is, the integrated response to coping with B. Emotional abuse: verbal aggression that affects the welfare or morale
adverse situations. These challenges reflected in sentiment can be highly of the child or any conduct that humiliates, embarrasses, or threatens
adaptive from an evolutionary point of view because they are taught to the child.
deal with similar circumstances in the future (McEwen, 2018). C. Sexual abuse: any type of sexual contact or conduct between a child
The pathophysiology of the stress response (see Fig. 3) is part of the and someone older.
concept of allostasis, which is the short-term process of achieving ho­ D. Emotional neglect: failure of caretakers to provide for basic
meostasis through physiological or behavioral changes that involve emotional and psychological needs such as love, motivation, and
maintaining stability In the long run, it is called the allostatic load, support.
which is the individual’s physiological degradation as a result of E. Physical neglect: failure of caretakers to provide for basic physical
repeated cycles of allostasis (McEwen, 2018). needs such as feeding, a home, security, supervision, and health.

4. Early life stress (ELS) Developmental research suggests that early life stress affects
emotional, behavioral, social and cognitive development (Juruena,
The relative concept of early brain damage is based on evidence that 2014; Bremner et al., 2007). This perspective considers childhood an
there are critical periods of development that represent a single window important time for development and propose that experiencing trauma
during this period may increase the susceptibility of developing psy­
chopathology in adulthood (McCrory et al., 2012).

5. Depression

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is one of the most frequent causes

of disability worldwide (GBD 2017 Disease and Injury Incidence and
Prevalence Collaborators, 2018). Despite this, a significant amount of
cases remain under-recognised, are not adequately treated or do not
respond to medications, although effective and well-established treat­
ments are now available for depression (Cipriani et al., 2018). A primary
concern within MDD is Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD). There
has been uncertainty around a clear definition and the real prevalence of
TRD, but it is calculated that around 50–60% of depressed patients do
not reach satisfactory remission after the administration of an approved
treatment for an adequate time and at an adequate dose (Fava, 2003;
Dold and Kasper, 2017). Only 30% of depressed patients who receive
Fig. 3. The physiological process of stress goes through three phases. The alarm adequate treatment achieve the ultimate end-point of treatment, that is
or alert phase (there is a rupture of the organism’s internal balance and complete recovery or remission (Trivedi et al., 2006). Furthermore,
mobilization to face the stressor). The resistance phase, where the physiological approximately one-third of cases of depression are defined as treatment-
and behavioral responses are observed, with the intention of maintaining ho­ resistant (Sackeim, 2001), with cases of TRD reaching 40% of total
meostasis. At this moment the action of the hormone cortisol is strongly found,
depressed individuals in some studies (Souery et al., 2007). Other
from this activation, the organism is able to respond with its best physical and
studies found a high rate of recurrence in the short term, with approx­
cognitive performance to neutralize the stressor. The last phase, the exhaustion
phase, is considered a critical phase for the organism in the adaptive response, imately 80% of TRD patients relapsed within one year and with the
because the longer the process of coping with the stressor, the organism re­ probability of recovery in 10 years of only 40% (Fekadu et al., 2009).
mains chronically offering a response, with behavioral and physiological These findings highlight the importance of possible cumulative ef­
changes that were previously adaptive. and now they start to generate an en­ fects of repeated episodes of major depression on the HPA axis and may
ergy overload leading to system exhaustion (Adapted from McEwen, 2018). have relevance to the later development of TRD. Prevention and early

M.F. Juruena et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 109 (2021) 110231

recognition of recurrent and resistant depressive episodes may prevent abnormalities of this axis found in people with psychiatric disorders
these cumulative adverse effects. Additional research into the neuro­ (Heim et al., 2000; Holsboer, 1999; Shea et al., 2005; Tyrka et al., 2008).
endocrine and behavioral effects of stressors and a cognitive Studies suggest that stress in the early stages of development can induce
vulnerability-stress model with regard to the quality, intensity, and persistent changes in the ability of the HPA axis to respond to adult stress
timing of life adversity is needed for a more complete understanding of and that this mechanism could lead to greater susceptibility to depres­
the complex relationship between stress, HPA axis function, and psy­ sion (Holsboer, 1999; Shea et al., 2005; Juruena, 2014). Evidence in­
chopathology in TRD. dicates that early adverse experiences combined with genetic
background culminate in the sensitization of certain brain circuits to an
6. Early life stress and depression acute stressor. Consequently, changes in the reactivity of the HPA axis
occur which, when persistent, result in an imbalance in the axis mod­
Previous studies looking at the association between ELS and ulation (Juruena, 2014; Lupien et al., 2009).
depression have assessed the relationship between ELS history and the It has been suggested that early life traumatic experiences produce
risk of developing unipolar depression, depressive symptoms or treat­ alterations in inflammation and HPA axis abnormalities both of which
ment response but, few explore how the independent effects of ELS increase vulnerability to stress (Heim et al., 2010). Clinical and exper­
subtypes differently affect the illness course of depression. Evaluating imental evidence document that inflammation and increased peripheral
the independent effect of these subtypes may reveal how early life cytokine levels are associated with depression-like symptoms and neu­
maltreatment plays an essential role in unipolar depression. Studies ropsychological disturbances in humans. (Grigoleit et al., 2011).
investigating subjects with clinical depression have reported more Furthermore, the administration of pro-inflammatory agents such as
adversity in childhood than individuals who do not have a depression endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) can induce depressive symptoms in
diagnosis (Edwards et al., 2003). Together, the evidence establishes humans. (Grigoleit et al., 2011).
early life stress as a significant predictor for depression in adulthood
(Liu, 2017). ELS has been associated with more severe courses of 7. Epigenetics of HPA axis in depression with history of ELS
depression (Kessler and Magee, 1994) with results from epidemiological
studies proposing that adults with ELS history have a two-fold increase Although, some conditions impact the response of the HPA axis, such
risk of longer and more lifetime depressive episodes as compared to as early and recent stressors and psychological state, not every indi­
adults with no history of ELS (Nanni et al., 2012). Other studies have vidual exposed to early life stress will necessarily develop a psychiatric
found a correlation between ELS and an earlier age of depression onset disorder, and not every adult with a psychiatric disorder will have suf­
(Teicher et al., 2009; Gladstone et al., 1999), more severe depressive fered some experience of abuse or neglect in childhood. This demon­
symptoms (Dube et al., 2001) and poorer treatment outcomes (John­ strates the importance of genetic character and individual vulnerability
stone et al., 2009; Tunnard et al., 2014). Another review identified ELS in the development of depressive disorders (Raabe and Spengler, 2013).
as a significant predictor that can increase the risk of depression onset, The developing brain is very sensitive to the effects of early exposure
maintain symptoms of depression and increase recurrence of the disor­ to stressors especially due to the reprogramming of a series of stress-
der, psychotic symptoms and suicide attempts (Carr et al., 2013; Tun­ sensitive gene pathways (Bondar and Merkulova, 2016). Thus, early
nard et al., 2014). In addition to the frequency of the occurrence of stress is a powerful risk factor for mental illnesses, such as depression,
depression being widely known, studies show that about one quarter to which can lead to a prolonged course of the disease and a weaker
one third of abused children will meet the criteria for major depression response to treatment (Raabe and Spengler, 2013). Inconsistent evi­
when they reach the end of their 20s.; (Mello et al., 2007; Vaever et al., dence suggests that both physical and sexual abuse are associated with
2016). doubling the risk of attempted suicide in young people (Mello et al.,
Adversity in early life also influences neurodevelopment, and the 2007). This provides an additional molecular rationale for early pre­
prefrontal cortex, as it has a long period of maturation, which extends vention of episodes and substance abuse and minimization of stressors in
into adolescence, and is especially vulnerable to childhood experiences. order to not only inhibit these mechanisms of illness progression, but
For example, institutionalized children, victims of psychosocial depri­ also to inhibit the accumulation of the associated adverse epigenetic
vation (insufficient or absent stimulation), have been found to have marks.
impaired executive function (Rutter et al., 2012). Research has found elevated CRH levels in brain regions such as the
It is interesting to note that early stress events appear to have an frontopolar and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, in people who had
important effect on the HPA axis, which could predispose individuals to committed suicide (Merali et al., 2004). As well as differences in CRF
developing depression during adulthood (Heim et al., 2008; Holsboer, binding sites in the frontal cortex. In an evaluation comparing 26 suicide
1999; Shea et al., 2005; Tyrka et al., 2008; Juruena, 2014). patients with 29 controls, there was a significant 23% reduction in the
History of Early Life Stress, as child abuse, neglect or stressful number of CRF binding sites in the frontal cortex of suicide patients.
experience as parental loss have been associated with significantly (Nemeroff et al., 1988).
increased risk for developing Treatment resistant depression (Heim In a study examining adolescent females at risk of suicidal behaviors
et al., 2000; Tofoli et al., 2011; Martins et al., 2011). This data revealing (n = 138), investigated HPA axis stress responses by measuring cortisol
that the severity of Early Life Stress and its subtypes correlate with the levels before and after stressors (Giletta et al., 2015). Compared to
severity of depression (Martins et al., 2011). One of the mechanisms healthy controls, adolescents in the hyperresponsive group were at a
thought to be involved in these abnormalities is the impaired feedback higher risk of suicidal ideation three months later. The salivary cortisol
inhibition of the HPA axis by circulating glucocorticoids (Juruena, baseline was also studied in patients with major affective disorders (n =
2014). 69) showing that those with a suicide attempt history had lower baseline
Early stress is probably related to more than just the occurrence of cortisol levels compared to those without a suicide attempt history
the stressor and can be associated with the intensity, duration, stage of (Keilp et al., 2016).
development of the victim and response to physiological stress at the An increased vulnerability to non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal
time of stress. Presumably, only stressors that result in significant or behaviors seems to be related to experiences of childhood trauma mainly
sustained stress responses characterized by the HPA axis or other im­ in females, who seem to be more vulnerable (Serafini et al., 2017).
mune system activity would influence vulnerability to psychiatric ill­ Several studies found that patients with multiple episodes of unipolar
nesses (Saleh et al., 2017). depression exhibited greater cortisol levels (Rybakowski and Twar­
As the HPA axis is activated in response to stressors, stressful events dowska, 1999). This data could underline the findings of Sher et al.
in early life can also have a significant etiological role in the (2004) that demonstrated that the number of previous major depressive

M.F. Juruena et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 109 (2021) 110231

episodes was a predictor of cortisol response to fenfluramine adminis­ McGowan et al. (2009), demonstrated the association between abuse
tration in depressed subjects (Sher et al., 2004). Sheline and colleagues during childhood and the epigenetic decrease of the glucocorticoid re­
also found that the number of previous major depressive episodes is a ceptor in the hippocampus. In that study, it was discovered that a group
predictor of a cortisol response to fenfluramine administration in of suicides with a history of child abuse expressed a lower number of
depressed patients (Sheline et al., 1999)”. These findings are in accord glucocorticoid receptors in the hippocampus, associated with methyl­
with earlier studies that found a significant main effect of age on base­ ation of the promoter of the gene encoding such receptors. With the
line cortisol, older age being associated with higher baseline cortisol reduction in the rate of transcription of the gene and, consequently, the
(Seeman et al., 2001). decrease in the levels of receptors, this methylation may have made
This neurobiological rationale for clinical treatment and prevention individuals less tolerant to stress, favoring suicide. Another study
of the three types of environmentally mediated sensitization converges described, carried out in New Zealand, found that a different set of those
with the clinical imperative of early sustained prophylaxis. genes associated with depression seems to contribute to violent and
antisocial behavior in genetically vulnerable adults who suffered abuse
8. Early life stress and stress-related genes during childhood (Caspi et al., 2002).
There have been some animal studies which illustrate the effects of
It is important to highlight the existence of genetic factors in sus­ early life adversity on the stress response. Rats with reduced maternal
ceptibility to affective diseases. Adverse parental experiences can have a care displayed an anxious phenotype and higher corticosterone levels in
transgenerational impact based on offspring exposure to the associated response to stress. It was noted that the rats had reduced hippocampal
adversity (Post et al., 2015). In addition, there is a second kind of expression of glucocorticoid receptors as a consequence of increased
transmission that is not based on exposure to the parental behaviors, see methylation at the gene promotor (Meaney and Syzf, 2005).
Fig. 4. It appears that some of the epigenetic marks of the parents are not Barlow et al. (2020) put two models of interference between genes
erased at fertilization and are transferred to the next generation (Post, and the environment. One is the diathesis-stress model, in which in­
2016). (See Fig. 5.) dividuals inherit tendencies to express certain traits or behaviors that
The developing brain is very sensitive to the effects of early exposure can be activated when exposed to stressful experiences and the other
to stressors especially due to the reprogramming of a series of stress- would be the model of the gene-environment correlation, suggested by
sensitive gene pathways (Bondar and Merkulova, 2016). The relation­ psychologists, who through several studies have found that the network
ship between depressive disorder, polymorphic genes and stress and the of interrelationships between genes and the environment is even more
environment has been proven (Uher, 2014). In recent years, research has complex than even the new discoveries imagined.
increasingly focused on elucidating the genetic mechanisms involved in According to this model, the genetic load can increase the likelihood
depression. Complete genome association studies (GWAS) have that an individual will experience stressful events during life that,
advanced the understanding of the genetic mechanisms of certain psy­ consequently, will cause the activation of the gene. For example, people
chiatric disorders but have not yet been sufficient to fully elucidate the with genetic vulnerability to develop a certain disorder, may also have a
genetic basis of depression (Michaelson, 2017). personality trait, an impulsivity, which exposes them to environmental

Fig. 4. Epigenetic perpetuation of the impact of early life stress, adversity and trauma on behavioral phenotype. Epigenetic processes provide a framework for
understanding the biological mechanisms by which pre-natal and post-natal environmental events influence offspring behavior. Epigenetic modifications, such as
DNA methylation, can confer long-term phenotypic changes. Epigenetic processes are sensitive to the environment. As a result, environmental stress, adversity, or
trauma can trigger epigenetic modification across the developmental spectrum, from parental exposures that affect germ cells (pre-conception) to offspring exposures
stemming from the intrauterine and/or early postnatal environment. During development, there are critical biological windows in which environmental influences
are more likely to alter epigenetic processes and influence behavioral phenotype.

M.F. Juruena et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 109 (2021) 110231

Fig. 5. Conceptual Epigenetic Pathway: The Impact of Environmental Stress Leading to Depression.

risk factors that trigger the genetic vulnerability related to the disorder. 9. Limitations
Genetic influences in general, are much less powerful than is believed.
The environment, even acting subtly, can shape and maintain itself in The role of epigenetics in the pathogenesis of depression remains
the biological interactions that shape who we are. Epigenetics may poorly understood so far, in terms of genetic regions/genes showing
partly explain the mechanism by which environmental factors modulate abnormal methylation, differences between tissues, and causal mecha­
the risk of depression. DNA methylation patterns are heritable, possibly nisms responsible for the different methylation patterns seen in
explaining part of the heritability of depression. However, they are also depression compared to controls. Moreover, in the investigation of Early
modulated by environmental exposure through the activity of a specific Life Stress and depression, most studies used tests for assessing the HPA
group of enzymes called DNA methyltransferases and a number of axis preferentially assessing GR. In particular, probes that assess func­
translocation family of proteins, responsible for DNA methylation and tioning of both GR and MR should be used. A better understanding of the
demethylation, respectively (Klengel et al., 2014). mechanisms by which exposure to Early Life Stress leads to HPA axis
In a study HPA axis-coupled CpG sites were investigated in 88 in­ impairment and vulnerability to depression will allow new approaches
dividuals who had attempted suicide, researchers found methylation to early intervention, including, among others, targeted pharmacologic
shifts linked to the severity of suicide attempts. Two CRH associated CpG and psychoeducational strategies. These is review is also limited, as do
sites were significantly hypomethylated in the high risk group (n = 31) not follow a systematic methodology or metanalysis, but reflect the
these epigenetic changes were noted in the CRH gene and related to limitations in the field.
severity of suicide attempts (Jokinen et al., 2018). Future studies should approach risk factors for depression from
Studies examining global genome methylation in depression different levels of theoretical integration taking into full account the
compared to healthy controls did not find consistent findings. Moreover, environment versus gene interaction.
the interpretation of alternations in global methylation levels would not
be easy under the pathogenetic point of view. Methylation candidate 10. Conclusions
gene association studies had sparse and often not replicated findings,
mainly because they do not capture the polygenicity of the disease. A Early life stress impact in the brain, mind and body interface for
Mental disorders no longer have only one cause and come to be seen increased reactivity to adult stress life events resulting in multiple
with a multiplicity of causes, which combined, generate the greatest adverse psychiatric and organic consequences. Stressful childhood
vulnerability to depression. This vulnerability would be linked to envi­ events and HPA axis overactivity in adulthood have been linked in
ronmental and genetic factors, which are the basis for the emergence of several studies. Epigenetic phenomena play a critical role in regulating
depressive episodes. The vulnerability to psychiatric disorders arises neural functions, so that the influences of the environment on the action
from exposure to environmental factors during critical periods of brain and expression of the genetic load remain in progress throughout life.
development. These processes of epigenetic regulation, which occur in The epigenetic model however offers a general explanation for the
the interaction between environment and genes, are long lasting and can gradual construction of vulnerability, which begins with exposure to
be passed on to subsequent generations together with the genes to which harmful environmental factors in early periods of development, passes
they are linked (Smoller et al., 2019). through the modification of gene expression as a result of this exposure,
and reaches cell physiology and the functioning of the organism that
confer an increased risk for the development of the disease. Research has

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