100 Most Commonly Used Sentences in English

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100 Most Commonly Used Sentences in English

(prompted by Çağrı Hoca on chat.openai.com)

1. "Hello! How are you?"

2. "I'm fine, thank you."

3. "Can you help me?"

4. "What's your name?"

5. "Where are you from?"

6. "I'm sorry."

7. "Can I have a glass of water, please?"

8. "Do you speak English?"

9. "Thank you for your help."

10. "Please call me [name]."

11. "Can you show me where [place] is?"

12. "How much does this cost?"

13. "I don't understand."

14. "I don't know."

15. "Can you repeat that, please?"

16. "I'm looking for [item]."

17. "Can you give me directions to [place]?"

18. "Do you have any available rooms?"

19. "What time is it?"

20. "Can I see the menu, please?"

21. "Can I use your restroom?"

22. "Can you recommend a good restaurant?"

23. "Where can I buy [item]?"

24. "Can I pay with a credit card?"

25. "Can I try [item]?"

26. "Do you have this in a different size?"

27. "Do you have any deals or discounts?"

28. "Can I have the bill, please?"

29. "Can I have the check, please?"

30. "Can you take a picture of us?"

31. "Can I borrow [item]?"

32. "Can you speak slower, please?"

33. "Can you write that down for me, please?"

34. "Can you explain that in more detail, please?"

35. "Can you give me an example?"

36. "What do you mean by [phrase]?"

37. "How do you say [word] in English?"

38. "Is this correct: [phrase]?"

39. "Can you help me with this?"

40. "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

41. "Can you translate this for me?"

42. "Do you know what this means?"

43. "I'm sorry, I don't know."

44. "I'm not sure how to say that in English."

45. "I'm still learning English, so please bear with me."

46. "Is there a way to say [phrase] in a simpler way?"

47. "What's the opposite of [word]?"

48. "Can you give me a synonym for [word]?"

49. "What's the past tense of [verb]?"

50. "Can you give me the plural form of [noun]?"

51. "How do you spell [word]?"

52. "Can you use [word] in a sentence?"

53. "What's the definition of [word]?"

54. "Can you tell me more about [topic]?"

55. "What do you think about [topic]?"

56. "What's your opinion on [topic]?"

57. "Can you give me your thoughts on [topic]?"

58. "What are your feelings about [topic]?"

59. "What's your stance on [topic]?"

60. “​​What are you doing later?”

61. "Can I get your phone number?"

62. "Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?"

63. "Do you have any pets?"

64. "Do you have any hobbies?"

65. "Do you like [activity/thing]?"

66. "Do you have any plans for the weekend?"

67. "What's your favorite [food/drink/movie/etc.]?"

68. "Do you have any siblings?"

69. "What do you do for a living?"

70. "What's your job/profession?"

71. "Are you married?"

72. "Do you have any children?"

73. "What's your favorite color?"

74. "Do you have any pets?"

75. "What's your favorite thing about [city/country]?"

76. "What's your favorite season?"

77. "What's your favorite holiday?"

78. "What's your favorite way to relax?"

79. "What's your favorite type of music?"

80. "Do you have any upcoming vacations or trips planned?"

81. "What's the weather like today?"

82. "Do you like living here?"

83. "What's your favorite thing about your house/apartment?"

84. "Do you have any upcoming events or plans?"

85. "Do you have any allergies or dietary restrictions?"

86. "Do you have any hobbies or interests?"

87. "Do you have any special skills or talents?"

88. "Do you have any recommendations for things to do/see/eat in this area?"

89. "What's your favorite thing to do in your free time?"

90. "What's your favorite restaurant?"

91. "Do you have any upcoming projects or tasks that you're working on?"

92. "What's your favorite type of food?"

93. "What's your favorite book/author?"

94. "What's your favorite TV show/movie/actor?"

95. "Do you have any goals or aspirations?"

96. "What's your favorite way to stay active and healthy?"

97. "Do you have any upcoming birthdays or celebrations?"

98. "What's your favorite thing about your job/career?"

99. "What's your favorite thing about yourself?"

100. "What do you hope to achieve in the future?"

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