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Rodel James S.

Olea Practical Research 1: Quarter 4

Grade 11 – Kindness B April 24, 2023


1. "Kwenta" means "to compute", while "kwento" means "A story". These words perfectly
describes the 2 different types of research methods, the Quantitative and Qualitative
reseach. "Kwenta" without "Kwento" is an excellent description for Qualitative research
as it mainly deals with numbers and doesn't pay too much focus on the aspect of asking
for people's thoughts and opinions. Quantitative research, on the other hand, fits
perfectly with the description "Kwento" without "Kwenta" as it focuses on the study of
people's opinion, thoughts, and stories and doesn't deal with numbers as often.

2. It mainly depends on the objective of my research, but I personally prefer qualitative

research because it enables me to get individuals to express themselves more deeply.
Although the amount of participants that can be included in the study is limited, I like
that this type of study will provide you with a more in-depth and comprehensive
answers from your participants, making you have a full view about the situation

3. Even if the researcher's main goal is professional or personal gain, research can be
deemed ethical if it benefits civilization as a whole. However, research may be
considered unethical if it is conducted solely for one's own gain and has no positive
impact on society.

4. Both research methods has their own area of specialties and there's no denying that one
can be better than the other depending on the topic. This is because while qualitative
research goes in-depth about the situation and opinion of the participants, it cannot
cater as much subject as quantitative research. On the other hand, while quantitative
research can have many participants, it cannot go as in-depth as qualitative research
does, making both research methods have different applications from one another

5. The goal of quantitative research is to increase our comprehension and knowledge of a

specific topic, mostly about stories and people's opinions. That's why, Participants in
qualitative research are questioned about their experiences with actual events. It aids
students in learning about other people's experiences and comprehending the world
from their point of view. This is important as It answers the questions "how" and "why"
and promotes a greater comprehension of situations, events, and phenomena.

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