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# Search and Destroy

> This software aims to help in the search and replace in files(xml) of matrix Clear-Com.

Developed in JS, this application was created to help minimize the chance of errors and
automate the search and replace of the config files ".ccr" and ".keysets" of ClearCom matrix.
This activity previously done manually and lasted for for houers, as each exchange was made
online and individually, always with errors (about 200 changes could reach 600)

This software provides:

1. Automate search and replace keywords or phases;

2. Log of changes;

3. Graphic interface;

4. Analysis of multiple files;

5. Can use for other file extensions;


## Installation

To use this application you need:

- Node, Npm or Wire

- Download [Node] ( includes NPM.

- How to install [Yarn] (

- Run the commands below

- In the files folder:

- For NPM "npm install" or in Yarn "yarn"

(Wait for the dependencies to be installed)

- For NPM "npm start" or Yarn "yarn start"

- Done! You can access this application at "http: // localhost: 5000".

## Usage example

Below is a diagram of how to perform the interconnections to command remotely the 2

hybrids (Both in the same rack unit).


## Software configuration

To use this software in your environment, change the following files:

- folder /audio: In this folder, there are the sounds that are reproduced in the status change.
To generate the audio files [Click Here](

- folder /images: In this folder, there are the images of the hybrids. To edit with your phone
numbers, use Paint or your favorite editing software.

In my case, I use seven rack units, totaling 14 phone extensions. Adapt the code to your needs.

## Release History

* 0.0.1

* Software Done

## Meta

Rodney Martins –


This is my first code and I had no previous programming knowledge. The software in question
has been in use for 1 year on my job and no bugs were found.

Sorry for grammatical errors, I don't speak English very well.


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