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Ditch (v): /dɪtʃ/

- to get rid  of something or someone that is no  longer wanted
Ex: When a girl realizes that her partner is an adventurer, she immediately ditches
2. Behind someone’s back: (idiom)
- If you do something behind someone's back, you do it without
them knowing, in a way that is unfair:
Ex: Yesterday, I learned my girlfriend was cheating on me behind my back with my
best friend
3. "I'm so in." would you usually have the emphasis on the word "so",
indicating that the person can definitely be counted in or will eagerly
4. Dumb (a): /dʌm/
- unable  to speak
ex: Children like this used to be described as "deaf and dumb".
- stupid
Ex: What a dumb idea!
5. Worth (a) /wɜːθ/
- having a particular value, especially in  money
ex: Our house is worth £200,000
- to be important or  interesting enough to receive a  particular  action
ex: I think this matter is worth our attention.
6. Build somebody/something up: (phrasal verb)
- to  praise  something or someone in a way that
will influence people's  opinions; to make a  person feel more confident
Ex: A good teacher builds you up.
7. Knock someone down
- to  hit someone with a  vehicle  and injure or  kill them
Ex: She was knocked down by a bus.
8. Knock something down
- to  reduce the  price  of something you are selling, or persuade  someone
to  reduce the  price  of something they are selling
Ex: They managed to knock the price down from €290,000 to €220,000 .

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