Mosaic TRD3 Test U1 2star

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Unit 1 test

Listening 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

the words. There are two words that you do not
need. (10 marks)
1  Listen to the conversation and answer the
career degree hunt miss protection settle
questions. (2 marks)
1 Apart from football, what is Daniel good at?
1 Rebecca wants a ____________ in the fashion
2 What does Melissa want to be? ____________
2 There are many lost ____________ living in the
2  Listen again. Complete the sentences with one Amazon rainforest.
or two words. (8 marks) 3 It took me several months to ____________ into
1 Melissa advises Daniel to ____________ a my new home.
football academy. 4 I’m doing an English ____________ at Sheffield
2 Melissa says Daniel should have another University.
____________ . 5 The Asian elephant is very rare now because
3 To be a games tester you probably have to have people ____________ it.
a ____________ in computing or IT.
4 Melissa did a ____________ course in the Practical English
6 Complete the dialogue with the words. There are
two words that you do not need. (10 marks)
achievement excited feel like shame that’s
3 Match adjectives 1–4 to definitions A–D.
(4 marks) Kelly: Jason, I’ve got some great news.
1 compulsory ____ A well-known or easily Jason: What is it?
2 fair ____ recognized Kelly: I won the writing competition!
3 familiar ____ B required by a rule or law Jason: (1) ____________ fantastic!
4 easy-going ____ C relaxed and tolerant Kelly: I know! I can’t believe it! The awards
D treating people equally ceremony was last night.
Jason: What was it (2) ____________ ?
4 Complete the sentences. (6 marks) Kelly: It was great fun, but I was a bit sad because
1 Mary has got a small t____________ of a heart my mum wasn’t there. She had to visit my
on her arm. grandmother in Italy.
2 I felt really h____________ when I first went to Jason: Oh, (3) ____________ a pity! She missed
university. your special moment. How did you
3 It’s d____________ to tell lies. (4) ____________ when you won?
4 Explorers are often a____________ people; it’s Kelly: I was so (5) ____________ .
this quality that makes them want to go into Jason: Good for you!
unknown territories and make new discoveries.
5 Luisa is so o____________ ; before she goes on
holiday she always makes a list of everything
she needs to pack.
6 Ancient African w____________ fought in tribal

Unit 1 test
Grammar Cumulative Review
7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 10 Complete the text. (10 marks)
have to / must, don’t have to and mustn’t.
(10 marks)
Careers advice from an expert
1 We __________ speak in English during our
English lessons.
Joseph is fifteen and he’s from London. He loves
2 I __________ wear a uniform when I was at
watching Formula One races and he would love to
school. The rules were very strict.
work for Formula One, but he doesn’t have much
3 You __________ eat in the library. It isn’t
work experience. In order to increase his chances of
success, this is what the expert suggests:
4 Don’t worry! We __________ run – we can take
the bus.
5 When you enter a home in Japan, you ________ Joseph (1) ____________ first look at his strengths
take off your shoes. It’s rude if you don’t. and weaknesses. He is very logical and
mathematical, so engineering would be a good
8 Write sentences in the negative () or choice for him. He also has good grades in maths
question (?) form. (10 marks) and science. He should investigate which
1 We have to eat lunch in the dining hall. (?) universities do engineering (2) ____________
related to motor racing. He also (3) ____________
2 We must wear shoes in the sports hall. () to do some research into Formula One and read
plenty of books about motor racing. He should do
3 You ought to go to school when you are sick. () some (4) ____________ work at another racing
organization. By doing this unpaid work he
4 James should be more confident in class. (?) (5) ____________ be able to get some valuable
work experience, which will look very good when he
5 Sharon will be able to go to Spain next year. () applies for a job.

9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

the modals. (10 marks)
be able to be allowed to could have to
need to
1 Alex ____________ sing well when he was
young. ()
2 I ____________ study German at school – it was
an optional subject. ()
3 Look at the sign! You ____________ feed the
animals at the zoo. ()
4 Jane is excited because she ____________ buy
a new mobile phone when she gets paid next
week. ()
5 You ____________ wear a coat – it’s warm
today. ()

Unit 1 test
12 Read the text again and complete the sentences.
Reading (7 marks)
1 Gemma is very ____________ and
11 Read the text. What is the hardest thing about
university for each student? (3 marks) ____________ .
2 In her first year she wasn’t ____________
because she didn’t get on with her housemates.
3 Amelia says she is ____________ and
____________ .
4 She likes ____________ people from different
Gemma North, 22, is at the University of Manchester. countries.
5 Mark ____________ lots of clubs so he could
I’m in my third year at university. Medicine is a very meet new people.
hard degree, so I often have to stay up late to study. I 6 On Mark’s course you have to be very
like working hard, though, as I enjoy the subject. I’m ____________ to get your work done on time.
also a very sociable person and have made lots of 7 ____________ of the students in the text
great friends in the drama club. I think the hardest belong(s) to at least one club.
thing about university is living with new people. I
didn’t enjoy the first year because I didn’t get on with Writing
my housemates, but now I share a house with three
friends and it’s great. 13 Write a profile of an English language summer
school for a website. Use the questions to help
Auriane Bourque, 19, is at University College London. you. Write about 125 words. (10 marks)

Paragraph 1
I’m from a small town in France so living in London is
very expensive for me. Money can be a problem, but I Introduce the school.
love it here. There are lots of international students Where is it?
studying English here, like me, which is great. I’m very What is it like?
easy-going, so meeting people from different What are some of the rules?
countries and learning about their cultures is fun for
Paragraph 2
me. There are so many opportunities to make new
What levels of English can you study?
friends and do interesting things; for example, I’m
What exam preparation classes are there?
quite artistic, so I joined the drawing club.
What other activities can you do?

Mark Roberts, 21, is at the University of Birmingham. Paragraph 3

What is the timetable like?
The hardest thing for me was feeling homesick, but What usually happens at the weekend?
after a while I made new friends and started to settle How long are the courses?
in. Anyone starting university should join a club like I
did; it’s a great way to meet new people. There are
clubs for all interests, so everyone will be able to find
something for them. My engineering degree is quite
demanding, and I have to study most evenings. As a
student you can’t be disorganized, as you have to
finish all your coursework on time, and you mustn’t
miss any lectures.

Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20 Practical English _____ / 10

Grammar _____ / 30 Cumulative Review _____ /10 Reading _____ / 10
Writing _____ / 10 TOTAL __________ / 100

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