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"Good morning/afternoon. I'm _______________ from B1 and I'm going to talk about... (la idea
general del monólogo)".
Good morning. I'm Lucía from B1 and I'm going to talk about keeping fit.

"Good morning/afternoon. My name is _______________ and my presentation topic is about...

(la idea general del monólogo)".
Good morning. My name is Lucía and my presentation topic is about keeping fit.

Introducing ideas:
I'd like to talk about... Secondly, ...
I'd like to start speaking about... Next, ...
I'd like to give my opinion about... Finally, ...
First of all, ... Lastly, ...
Firstly, ... To sum up, ...
Then, ... In conclusion, ...

Firstly, I'd like to mention that keeping fit and having a healthier life is becoming
more popular every day. People are getting more concious about their health and
improving the quality of their lives. For instance, this can be seen at the supermarket,
where you can find a wide variety of healthy products...

Secondly, I believe that social media have caused this increase of the healthy
lifestyle... What's more, people are becoming more interested...

Then, I'd like to suggest some activities to keep yourself fit...

To sum up, I'd say that doing exercise is so important...

Adding more ideas from the same point of view:

In addition, ... Moreover, ...
What’s more, ... Furthermore, ...
Also, ... For example, ...
Added to this, ... For instance, ...

Secondly, I believe that social media have caused this increase of the healthy
lifestyle... What's more, people are becoming more interested...
Adding more ideas from a different point of view:
However, ...
On the other hand, ...
Then again, ...
Although, ...

Secondly, I believe that social media have caused this increase of the healthy
lifestyle... What's more, people are becoming more interested...

Giving your opinion:

I strongly believe that...
I think...
In my opinion...
From my point of view...

Secondly, I believe that social media have caused this increase of the healthy
lifestyle... What's more, people are becoming more interested...

My name is Juan Álvarez. I'm an IT professional and I live in Valencia. I'm going to talk about how I like to stay in touch with friends.

I'll talk to you about a), b) c)

First of all, I would like to say that I stay in touch with friends in person and on the internet too. I prefer to see my friends in bars,
pubs or at home because communication with them is a lot easier. You can find out how they feel, you can see their gestures, listen
to them and check whether they are in a good or bad mood.
On the other hand, I don't mind staying in touch with them through Facebook or Twitter. Personally, I use Facebook to stay in touch
with friends that I can't see because they live in another city or country.
This is one of the advantages of using Facebook to stay in touch with friends.

Another advantage is that communication can be instant even if your friends are in different cities. You can also use Facebook to
share interesting information and pictures with your friends, which is always nice.

Talking about disadvantages; the main one for me is that it's a very impersonal way to communicate, you need to see your friends
to know how they really feel and to ask them for advice, for example. This is easier when you see your friends in person. Another
advantage of seeing yours friends in person is that you can talk longer without getting tired. If you are on a social network such as
Facebook, you have to be typing all the time unless you communicate by videoconference.

One disadvantage of meeting your friends personally is that it takes much longer, and sometimes it's more expensive. You have to
go to a certain place to meet them and pay for the food and drinks you order. But, in my case, I don't really mind spending my
money this way because for me it's always nice to see my friends.

To answer the question "How has the way of staying in touch with friends changed?", I'd say that now it's much easier than in the
past, because it's not necessary to travel anywhere to know how they are doing, with a single click you can access Facebook and
see the updates they have written on Facebook, the pictures they have posted or send them an instant message.

In conclusion, I'd like to say that even though nowadays it's much easier to stay in touch with your friends, it's also much easier to
break up with them. All you need is to unfriend them on Facebook. That's the reason why I prefer to meet up with my friends in a
pub or bar, or even at home.

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