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The Mystical Priesthood of Jesus

according to Servant of God

Archbishop Luis Martinez
Spiritual Director of Saint Conchita
Cabrera de Armida
Souls transformed into Jesus
mystically participate in His
priesthood and thus ought to
look at the Father with the
priestly look of Jesus since
sacrifice does not have a fixed
time as the Eucharistic
sacrifice does. The sacerdotal
look should be constant-
making amends for the
imperfections of chosen souls.
The Love of a sacerdotal soul
should be: glorifying,
immolating, redeeming and
saving love. It finds its
culmination at the cross of
Christ and in the sacrifice of
herself in union with Jesus.
She ought to suffer constantly
because she ought to love
constantly. She must suffer for
all because she must love all.
The ardent acceptance of the
Father’s will, places the soul
in the state of Victim and in
the state of mystical
priesthood, to sacrifice to that
will: Jesus who lives in her
and to sacrifice herself and all
her loved ones.
All priestly souls must have
the same ardor as Jesus. This
passion must nail them to the
cross where they find pain and
joy in love.
Sacerdotal love is a Divine
origin, the Holy Spirit; a
Divine Character, purity; a
Divine term, the Cross; a
Divine fruit, the sanctification
of souls; a Divine end, the
glory of the Father.
For Jesus, each soul is His
only one. He love that soul as
if it were the only one to love.
The sacerdotal soul must love
souls in a priestly way, as if
were the only one.
Jesus perpetuates His sacrifice
in two ways: in the Eucharist
and in souls. Thus, there are
two mystical sacrifices: the
immolation of the real body of
Jesus in the mass and of his
mystical body in souls. To
these two sacrifices
correspond two priesthoods:
the official by ordination and
the mystical is souls called to
be priestly without being
ordained ministers.
The Holy Spirit infuses
Himself into those souls who
without the sacramental
character share the priesthood
of Jesus mystically.
In the mystical priesthood the
Holy Spirit unites priestly
souls to Jesus and transforms
them into Himself through
love, light, and suffering.
Sacerdotal souls must offer the
word to the Father, it is the
oblation that continues the
offertory of an interminable
Priestly souls should offer and
immolate themselves with
immense love through the
Holy Spirit. They should
immolate themselves in the
likeness of Jesus and suffer
with Him for the glory of the
Father. The perfection of the
sacrifice depends on the
degree of love, of purity and
of the perfection of their
Priestly souls are fruitful.
They possess the secret of
diffusing Jesus around them.
Transformed into Jesus, they
are immolated with Him.
Qualities of a Victim: pure,
united to the Great Victim,
participation in Jesus’ priestly
sufferings, his sentiments.
The Victim does not choose
the way of immolation but
abandons and surrenders to
the one who performs the
Priestly suffering is very pure
because it springs from a
generous and disinterested
The soul that is a Priest and
Victim can elevate all
suffering into sacerdotal
The interior suffering of souls
who feel abandoned by
Heaven and earth are so pure
and effective. The mystical
priesthood is thus destined to
help the official priest
The soul that shares in the
mystical priesthood of Jesus
must necessarily be priest,
victim, and altar, that is, that
soul must be Jesus.
Sacerdotal love is opportune
because each instant it
motivates the work of the
moment- the one marked out
by the most holy will of God.
Sacerdotal souls and those
whom Jesus has willed to
share in Mary’s spiritual
fecundity ought to imitate this
most Holy Mother so that
Jesus may find in them the
repose of fruitfulness. To this
end, they need to be humble
even to the point of
forgetfulness; docile and
yielding even to having no
initiative, will or taste of their
own; loving and tender as a
mother; and selfless even to
heroism; faithful and careful
even to the stage of denying
nothing to Jesus and not
hesitating before anything in
order to do His work and
share in His fruitfulness.
These souls should serve.
Love is the characteristic
virtue of Priests and it should
belong to souls who must
exercise the mystical
priesthood. All these souls
ought to carry in their heart
the pure, exquisite, priestly
sentiments that Jesus bears in
his heart. Like Him, they
should completely forget
This is what priestly souls
should be- laborers for the
In order to be a priest, to be a
sacerdotal soul, on e must be
forgetful of self and fill one’s
heart with that immense love,
so pure, disinterested and
selfless, which fills the Heart
of Jesus.
Priestly love does not argue,
zeal does not examine into
duty because love has no
measure, nor does it
recognize limits. Its
resemblance to Jesus’ love is

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