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"Humanity in Harmony" was the message deIivered by Nirankari Baba Hardev

Singh Ji at a huge congregation heId in Tracy, CaIifornia on Sunday, 11


September 2011 to promote divinity, peace and harmony.

More than 1000 people from diverse backgrounds, religions and regions with heart full
of devotion attended this spiritual event. Prior to His Holiness Baba Ji's speech, many
saints and people from different community and other organizations including Mr.
Michael Marcel, mayor of Tracy city, members of interfaith organization and native
delegates welcome His Holiness and shared their spiritual thoughts on humanity and
divine love via hymns, songs, poetry and speeches . His Holiness was awarded
"Distinction of World Peace by mayor of Tracy city and "Ambassador of Peace by
nterfaith organization members.

Sant Nirankari Samagam - San Francisco {]
Publication booth was also set up by sewadal members at the main samagam hall
entrance door. Hundreds of saints visited the booth and purchased the literature. Many
inquisitive guests came and discussed about the Mission and its principles in detail.

Despite of all the different thoughts the spirit was one and the same 'Humanity in
Harmony'. n no time the whole atmosphere turned into a beautiful harmonious place as
if an expert maestro is guiding the entire different suite of musical instruments to
resonate together and produce a beautiful intoxicating note. The spirit of divinity
captured everybody's mind. The speakers came from ndia, London, Canada and
different states of America. The essence of all their contribution was to spread peace
and love.

Rev. Sunny Khinda Ji and Rev. Sukh Dayal Ji also accompanied Baba ji in His holy
caravan and added more flavors to the whole theme. They shared the ideals of a true
Gursikh that he or she should rise above the materialistic desires. n line of the same
thought current, children were no less than elders, they expressed their deep devotion
for spiritual love though sweet prayers.

Rev. Dr. .S. Rai ji (President, USA) explained that how the mission is uniquely different
from many other organizations in the world for achieving the peace within. He also
shared the few glimpse of Baba ji speech from the Peace Conference in ndia, where all
the different religions and missions were invited and how the mission was
acknowledged and welcomed in front of religious leaders and media.

The main program was concluded with His Holiness's speech, in which he explained in
many ways about the 'Harmony in Humanity' which can come through GOD knowledge.
Further, His Holiness elucidated on how our shallow ignorant mind clouds our own
clarity and gets divided but GOD is not American or Hindu or Punjabi. The one who
surrenders himself in truthfulness and for the word GOD realization gets liberated from
these perceptual differences.

n another way , His Holiness defined Harmony as 'Haar- Manni', which in Punjabi
means accepting the defeat, n simple words if we accept the defeat of our ego
Harmony shines automatically between human beings. Similarly when a small river
surrenders itself to ocean, it simply becomes ocean and dies to its own shallow form.

With this powerful message about Humanity in Harmony enveloped in many examples
His Holiness concluded the spiritual discourse. Subsequently all devotees took
blessings from Babaji in person one by one.

At this time Spiritual food (Langar) was served by Volunteers to all invited people.

Finally the forum was converted into a very warm Meet and Greet arena; all were very
thankful, happy and felt spiritually enriched.

The conference was organized by the Northern California branch of Sant Nirankari
Mission. The mission has more than 2000 centers worldwide with it's world head
quarters is in Delhi, ndia. Local weekly congregations are held in Tracy, CA.

- Sanjeev Sagar

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