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Support Paper - 03

Foundation of the easiest way to English

Grade - 6 Conducted by :- Nishantha Perera

Name :- …………………………………………………………………………….. Signature :- …………………………….

01. Write the correct “Wh” question word.

1) is going to Kandy ?
2) are you late ? I misses the bus.
3) is your name ?
4) is she from ?
5) are they playing ?

02. Write the correct form of the verb with correct spelling.
1) The boys are (ride) bicycles.
2) My friend is (write) an eassay.
3) Father is (chop) fire wood.
4) The boys are (make) a kite.
5) Monkey (swing) from its tail.

03. Re-arrange the following words to make meaningful sentences.

1) pink / I / most / like

2) looks / book / this / interesting

3) is / painting / boy / picture / the / a

4) island / an / Lanka / is / Sri

5) we / class / same / in / are / the

04. Write five meaningful sentences.


05. Use is, am, are in the spaces.

1) Sethmi always helpful.
2) you a Sri Lankan ?
3) The apple juice sweet.
4) I an honest person.
5) Banuka at home ?
6) I correct ?
7) There lot of buses in this road.
8) This car for sale.
9) There an accident on the road.
10) These shoes dirty.

06. Write 10 sentences about your country.

1) My country is Sri Lanka.

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