Parciales Primer Trimestre g1

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1. Given the following statements, determine whether they are TRUE FALSE and JUSTIFY your
answer. (4 X 4=16%)
1) The highlighted verbs in the following extract taken from a football match report on the
radio: "Chiesa THROWS the ball to Sensi, who TRIES to go past Kane, but he STOPS him. It's
a foul!" illustrates an instance of non-progressive grammatical aspect and perfective
aspectual meaning.

2) Both of the following sentences contain ergative verbs

a) Exchange rates stabilized yesterday.
b) Last night, a powerful storm roared into the area.

3) Both of the following sentences illustrate instances of GET PASSIVE LOOK ALIKES:
a) Her lecture got moved till later in the afternoon.
b) They have just got divorced.

4) In both of the following sentences the-ing form is a present participle:

a) He learnt to drive in the local DRIVING school.
b) How can you call that SPEAKING fluently?

2. Use the words in brackets to complete the following sentences using the subjunctive mood. You
can make any necessary changes and add any necessary words. Your sentences must be
grammatically unambiguous. (4%)
1) How important ________________________________________________ by the school
2) We have already recommended that children ______________________________________
alone in parked cars (NOT LEAVE)

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (9%)
DNA is the chemical in the cells of plants and animals that ________________________ (1.CARRY)
inherited characteristics or genetic information. DNA testing ________________________ (2.
CURRENTLY USE) to identify each person as a unique Individual on the basis of that genetic
information. In the last few years, the results of DNA testing ________________________ (3.
ACCEPT) as evidence in cases in which it is believed that the wrong person
________________________ (4. ACCUSE) of a crime. Last year, more than one hundred people
who ________________________ (5. SENTENCE) to life imprisonment were shown to be innocent.
In one case, a man was released after nineteen years in prison. DNA testing has also been used in
some murder cases that ________________________ (6. NEVER SOLVE) without it.

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (21%)
1) In her last book, Annie O'Neill wrote about ________________________ (PUNISH) as a child
for speaking Irish.
2) I must try ________________________ (GET) to work on time tomorrow, so I'll try
________________________ (SET) my alarm a bit earlier.
3) I saw the thief ________________________ (RUN OFF) after he grabbed the old lady's
4) I objected ________________________ (INVITE) herself to my birthday party.
5) Jake insisted ________________________ (DISRUP) classes.
6) After introducing her proposal, she went ________________________ (EXPLAIN) the
benefits for the company.
7) The bad weather didn't prevent ________________________ (ENJOY) my holiday.
8) I'd rather be too early than ________________________ (RISK)
________________________ (BE) late.
9) People here don't do anything except ________________________ (RELAX) all day.
10) My grandfather always prided ________________________ (RESPECT) the law.
11) After she retired, she devoted ________________________ (STUDY) interior design.
12) Marge's children are accustomed ________________________ (PICK UP) after school every
day. They don't have to walk home!
5. Explain the meaning/ use of the verb tenses/farms in the cases identified with number.
Whenever appropriate, you should make reference to grammatical aspect and aspectual
meaning. (8%)
Young English teacher (1) SAVES the lives of 30 students
Young English teacher saved the lives of 30 students when he took control of a bus after its driver
suffered a fatal heart attack. Guy Harold, 24, had collected the students and three course leaders
from Gatwick airport. They were travelling to Bournemouth to meet their host families when the
accident happened. They (2) WERE GOING TO START a course at the International Language
Academy in Bournemouth, where Harvold usually works as a teacher during the summer.

6. Turn the following sentences into the Passive Voice. Use the passive agent only where it is
essential to the full understanding of the sentence. (18%)
1) Didn't they tell you that a snake bit the little girl yesterday?
2) Who has to control the dogs in the park?
3) Nobody could explain why nowadays a bee sting is more likely to cause death than a snake
4) Prepare yourself for some painful revelations.

7. Read the following test, transcribe the FINITE ADVERBIAL CLAUSES and analyse them fully as
done in class. (12%)
A couple of weeks ago, a group of teachers claimed that, however hard they tried, they could not
carry out oral tasks successfully with beginner level students. I had hardly listened to them
complain about this when I started doing some research so that I could investigate that claim. I
chose a group of beginners from my school. I gave them a task in which I showed them a set of
pictures and I asked them to tell a story. Each student was provided with a different set of pictures.
I recorded them as they spoke and then I examined their stories. I could conclude that, when given
visual clues, beginner level students can come up with creative and well-constructed stories.

8. Complete the following sentences with the type of FINITE adverbial clause asked for in each case.
Follow the instructions given in each case. (12%)
1) How long is _________________________________________________________________
[Adverbial clause of time, use the subordinating conjunction "SINCE"]
2) My father worked hard all his life ________________________________________________
[Adverbial clause of purpose]
3) They talked about it __________________________________________________________
[Adverbial clause of manner, use the subordinating conjunction "AS THOUGH"]
4) Difficult ____________________________________________________________________
[Adverbial clause of contrast or concession]


1. Use the words in brackets to complete the following sentences using the sabjunctive mood. You
can make any necessary changes and add any necessary wards. Your sentences must be
grammatically unambiguous. (6%) 
1. The board insists that ………………………….. the manuscript submitted. (EXAMINEE/REVISE)
2. To sign up, it is essential that ……………………….. to include any information other than username and
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form (active or passive) of the verbs in brackets. (6x 2= 12%)
Paul and Patricia have decided to spend a few days at a famous mountain resort. They have just arrived
there and they are looking for a room.
Paul: (coming back to the car) No, this hotel hasn't got any rooms either.
Patricia: Oh, dear! I ………………………….. (BEGIN) to despair! This is the eleventh time you ………………………
(TRY) and it's nearly midnight. We will have to sleep in the car, I'm afraid. We shouldn't have come without
a reservation. You told me you …………………………….. (BOOK /ALREADY) a room for us but the truth is you
actually hadn't. You …………………………… (ALWAYS LIE) to me! It is impossible to rely on you. You are a true
Paul: We should try a little longer. Don't get angry!
Patricia: And look at the sky! It (1) HAS TURNED dark and thunderbolts are striking the area. On top of it, it
(2) 'S GETTING colder and colder. We should go somewhere safer and warmer. We can try with a nearby
cafe and get out of it when the storm ………………………….. (BLOW OVER).
Paul: That's a very good idea. There's a rather nice place over there, round the square. Let's go and have
some hot coffee or something. I'm sure they will have some information about the hotels in the area. I bet
there ………………………….. (BE) hundreds of rooms in a big resort like this. 

3. Go back to the previous text and refer to the use and meaning of the tenses in the numbered
cases. Whenever appropriate, refer to the grammatical aspect and aspectual meaning. (10%)



4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (30%)

1. Little children detest ………………………….. (give) homework.

2. The aid agency Save the Children is also trying …………………………..  (provide) assistance but it hasn’t
pooled enough resources.
3.  The teacher congratulated  ………………………….... (win) this year's debate competition.
4.  The suspect denied Knowing (knows the international terorist group 
5. Our neighbours are used  …………………………..  (throw) garbage in our backyard.
6.  Although I had meant ………………….. (tell) her the truth about the trip, I forgot …………………(raise)
this subject when I saw her. 
7.  The manager suspects ……………………….. (reveal) confidential information before. 
8. I'd prefer ……………………….. (work) from home …………………………… (commute) to work everyday.
9.  My cat does nothing but …………………… (sleep) all day. 
10.  The best doctors are those who dedicate …………………………………… (study) all their lives.
11.  My boyfriend has managed to discourage …………………………….. (smoke)
12. He always objects ......…………. (do) anything that involves being under pressure. 
13. After the illness, I took ……………………….. (drink) three litres of water every day.

5. Turn the following sentences into the Passive Voice. Use the passive agent only where it is
essential to the full understanding of the sentence. (18%)

1. Have they told her that a devastating storm hit her hometown last night?

2. Who is going to supervise the competitions?


3. Nobody could understand why nobody had revealed the truth about the accident. 

4. Prepare yourself for the upcoming test

6. Read the following text, transcribe the FINITE ADVERBIAL CLAUSES and analyse them fully as
done in class. (12%) 

The moment a small female tortoise was spotted in 2019 on the inaccessible volcanic island of Fernandina
in the Galapagos, researchers were shocked. They had thought that a male spotted in 1906 was the last of
the "fantastic giant tortoise." Then they found Fernanda. When comparing Fernanda with the 1906 male
specimen, the two looked so different that scientists had to question their kinship. The 1906 tortoise had a
big shell with distinctive flaring around the edges, but Fernanda had a smaller, smoother shell without any
of this flaring. The research team decided to carry out a complete genetic study of Fernanda so that they
could determine her species Surprising as it may be Fernanda and the 1906 specimen were related.
8. Complete the following sentences with the type of FINITE adverbial clause asked for in each case.
Follow the instructions given in each case. (12%)

1. ………………………..………………………..……………………….. give us a call to let us know everything's OK.

[Adverbial clause of time]
2. My father worked hard all his life ………………………..………………………..………………………...
[Adverbial clause of purpose]
3. She usually acts in a bossy way ………………………..………………………..………………………...
[Adverbial clause of manner, use the subordinating conjunction "AS THOUGH"]
4. ………………………..………………………..………………………..……………… she resigned after a few days.
[Adverbial clause of contrast or concession]

Gramática Inglesa I. CURSO DE VERANO. - PRIMER EXAMEN PARCIAL. 02 de marzo de 2023.

1. Given the following statements, determine whether they are TRUE or FALSE and JUSTIFY your
answer. (2 X 6 = 12%)
1) Both of the following sentences contain ergative verbs:
a) The bus is coming.
b) The ground is shaking.

2) In the following examples, the non-finite constructions perform different syntactic

functions: (a) "His attempt TO BREAK THE RECORD failed" (b) "Bob is the person TO ASK

2. Use the words in brackets to complete the following sentences using the subjunctive mood You
can make any necessary changes and add any scenery words. Your sentences must be
grammatically unambiguous. (6%)
1) The board insists that __________________________________ the manuscript submitted.
2) To sign up, it is essential that __________________________________ to include any
information other than username and password. (CUSTOMERS/NOT/REQUIRE)

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form (active or passive) of the v of the verbs in brackets.
A circus is an unforgettable show, which IS USUALLY SEEN by everyone, young or old. The Fantasia
Circus train arrived in town yesterday. Town residents could enjoy a preview of the show yesterday
morning when the circus elephants ________________________ (LEAD) down Main Street to the
circus grounds by the trainers who were playing with the elephants' trunks. Only two tickets
________________________ (SELL) before this parade, but the sight of the elephants caused great
excitement among people and now there are practically no tickets left for the first performance.
A circus performance generally requires a lot of preparation; however, it is surprising how fast
everything ________________________ (DO). This morning, while the large tent where the circus
performance takes place ________________________ (PUT UP), the animals
________________________ (FEED). Now it's 2.30 in the afternoon and all the preparations HAVE
ALREADY BEEN COMPLETED. By 4.30 a rehearsal ________________________ (HOLD) and it is
hoped that at 6.30 everything will be ready for the first performance to take place.
People ________________________ (JUST INFORM) that as the car acrobat Romy, who, by the end
of this year, ________________________ (LIVE) this way of life for over thirty years, got injured
during a show last week, his act will be replaced by a special clown show in which a clown
________________________ (SHOOT) out of a cannon.

4. Go back to the previous text and refer to the meaning of the tenses in the numbered cases.
Whenever appropriate, refer to the grammatical aspect and aspectual meaning. (8%)
1) IS usually SEEN


5. Turn the following sentences into the Passive Voice. Use the passive agent only where it is
essential to the full understanding of the sentence. (18%)
1) Had he told his secretary that she didn't have to tear up those papers because they were
2) Who is going to hold the next world cup?
3) Nobody can understand why she misses her friends visiting her in the evenings.
4) Someone reported that the thieves had been in a car watching people use an ATM. (Use the
passive infinitive construction)

6. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (15%)
1) They saw the President ________________________ (LEAVE) by the back door and get into
a limousine.
2) I had been studying hard, so I stopped ________________________ (WATCH) a quiz on TV
because I find them relaxing. I really fancy________________________ (WATCH) quizzes on
3) The athlete tried ________________________ (BREAK) the world record but failed.
4) The house needs ________________________ (CLEAN) once a week.
5) She remembers ________________________ (BUY) him a present but can’t think where she
left it.
6) I would rather ________________________ (GO) to the theatre than __________________
(SEE) a concert.
7) Nobody objected ________________________ (PETER/SMOKE) at school.
8) Children are accustomed________________________ (PLAY) video games.
9) Teenagers don't like ________________________ (SAY) what they have to do.
10) I congratulated the Robsons ________________________ (HER DAUGHTER/WIN) the
11) She dedicated________________________ (TAKE CARE) of her children all her life.
12) I object ________________________ (NEIGHBOUR/THROW) garbage in our backyard.
13) After the illness, I took ________________________ (EAT) healthy food.

7. Read the following text, transcribe the FINITE ADVERBIAL CLAUSES and analyse them fully as
done in class. (20%)
Several years ago, while I was driving towards San Francisco from Marin County, a tyre on my old
Volkswagen blew out, so I brought my car to a stop on the side of the highway. As I was checking
the damaged fire, a man stopped his car. Even though he could not help me. I was glad he was
there. Then he left and I got nervous again, since it was dark, foggy and windy. Suddenly, I heard
the sirens of a tow truck and my heart sang songs of joy. The driver towed my car to San Francisco:
so that I could have it repaired. It was such a frightening experience that now, wherever I decide to
go, I double check my car in case there is something wrong. I don't want to undergo the same
experience again.

8. Complete the following sentences with the type of FINITE adverbial clause asked for in each case.
Follow the instructions given in each case. (7, 5%)
1) My brother studied hard when he attended university ______________________________.
[Adverbial clause of purpose]
2) Even though we are her parents, out daughter treats us _____________________________.
[Adverbial clause of manner; use the subordinating conjunction "AS THOUGH")
3) 3. ________________________________________ Cheryl always finds hope.
[Adverbial clause of contrast or concession]

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